Hi! My name is Adam Stein and I’m the author of the System 7 Companion Pack! Thanks for taking the time to try out this package. I hope you like it!
Many of you have probably never heard of shareware. It’s really quite simple. A shareware program can be copied freely, but anyone who uses a shareware program is morally and legally bound to send in the small fee that the author requests.
You may wonder why anyone would sell their software via shareware. There are two big advantages to shareware for the user. First, you get to “try before you buy.” With commercial software, you’re taking a big risk purchasing a product. What if it doesn’t do what it says it does? What if it doesn’t do what you want it to do? What if it doesn’t work well with your system? With shareware, you get to answer all of these questions yourself by trying the programs on your own computer. You’ll never purchase a program you don’t want.
The second major advantage of shareware is cost. Let’s use the example of a commercial software product that costs $99. First, mail order houses will probably sell it for about $65. The mail order company may buy the product for $30 from a distributor. The distributor may then buy the product for $20. The publisher’s costs for expensive packaging, disks, technical support, and advertising may cost $10. The publisher may then pay the author a royalty of a few dollars. Out of the $99 a user pays for a software package, the author may only see a few dollars.
Shareware cuts out all the middlemen. It’s usually priced very reasonably. The System 7 Companion Pack!, a package of six utilities, only costs $25. And that includes a free 14 MEG Demo Library so that you can try some of the latest commercial programs out before you buy. (Most places would charge more than $25 just to duplicate the disks for you!) This kind of value cannot be found in the commercial world.
The major disadvantage of shareware is the fact that some users do not pay for shareware. Shareware authors rely on the honesty of their users. Some users do not send in their fees thinking that others will send in their fees. But in reality, every user is kind of a barometer of everyone else. If you do not send in your fee, most likely, others will not send in their fees. If users do not send in their fees, shareware authors will stop producing quality software. We will all lose in the end if we do not support shareware.
Personally, I’m happy to report that the vast majority of users do send in their fees! I’ve found Macintosh users to be among the most honest people in the world. I can’t thank all of my registered users enough for their patronage. I owe all my success to them and the great Macintosh community that makes shareware work for all of us.
I’d also like to tell you a bit about myself. I founded Insanely Great Software in 1988. I’m currently a freshman at the Wharton School (undergraduate) where I plan to "concentrate" (the Wharton word for major) in entrepreneurial management.
I wouldn't be a true business student if I didn't make ordering the System 7 Companion Pack! as easy as possible! Now it is! You can register by check, money order, or credit card. You’ll find our new toll free 800# (availabe 24 hours a day, 7 days a week) and specific ordering information in the “Companion Pack! Read Me” file and "800# Ordering Read Me!" file.
If you’re interested in purchasing a site license for your place of work, please contact me for site license discounts. Our site licenses are very reasonable, and the amount of time your site will save with the System 7 Companion Pack! will pay for the site licence many times over.
I hope you enjoy my software and I’d like to thank all of you in advance for supporting my shareware efforts. Please distribute the System 7 Companion Pack! as widely as possible! Share it with your friends, co-workers, user groups, and every one else you know—I want every Mac user to get a chance to try the System 7 Companion Pack!
Adam Stein
Insanely Great Software
P.S. One of the most important benefits of shareware is that you can often talk directly to the programmer. If you have any questions about the System 7 Companion Pack! or just want to talk about the Mac (or anything else) in general, please feel free to give me a call at 908-548-5107.