Instant Messages are used for immediate, private, person-person communication. To send an Instant Message, select Send Instant Message from the Members Menu.
If you receive an Instant Message, you can respond to it by clicking on the Respond button, typing in your message, then clicking on the Send button.
Two-way Chat
You can have a two-way conversation with another member simply by leaving the Instant Message window open after you send a response. When a new message is received from your friend, it will displayed in the same window. The conversation will be displayed in the upper text field. This is very much like our "chat" feature, except it is available at all times, and it is limited to two-way conversations.
You can have several Instant Message conversations going on at once.
Keyboard Shortcut
You can use the enter key to send your Instant Message. (The Return key cannot be used to Send your message because you need it to enter carriage returns into your text). You can also use -return as an alternative to the Enter key if your keyboard does not have an Enter key.
Receiving Instant Messages
We have tried to make Instant Message as unobtrusive as possible. For example, if you are typing at the moment an Instant Message is received, the Instant Message is sent underneath the top window as soon as you type a character. This prevents you from losing keystrokes.
Additionally, we have provided a Preference which will prevent Instant Message from appearing as the frontmost window. Under the Members menu, choose "Preferences." Then select "Members Preferences." The preference entitled "Incoming IMs to Front" determines whether or not an incoming Instant Message will appear as the frontmost window. Most people prefer that Instant Messages come to front. If you would prefer that Instant Messages not interrupt what you are doing, uncheck this selection. If you do this, you should be sure that at least one of the two other Instant Message indicators are enabled (Instant Message Notice, or Play Instant Message Sound). Otherwise, you may not know when an Instant Message has arrived. If you lose track of an Instant Message (or any other window), check the Windows menu.
Customizing Instant Message Window Size and Placement
Like many windows on America Online, you can increase the size and fix the placement of Instant Message windows. To do this, resize any Instant Message window and drag it to where you would like all Instant Messages to appear. Then select "Remember Size" from the Windows menu. All future Instant Messages will be sized and placed accordingly.
If you are using a large screen, you may find it convenient to create an Instant Message area on a part of the screen that is typically not used, then disable the "Incoming IMs to Front" preference. If you do this, you will still see Instant Messages arrive, even though they are not being brought to front.
Turning Off Instant Messages
If you would prefer not to receive Instant Messages, you can prevent America Online from sending them to you. To so, select "Send Instant Message" from the Members menu. Then send an Instant Message to the following "name."
(Remember to type the dollar sign and the underline character. You will have to put at least one character in the message field.) If a member attempts to send you an Instant Message, he will be informed that you "cannot receive Instant Messages." Instant Messages will be blocked until the end of the current session unless you turn Instant Message reception back on. To tell America Online you would like to receive Instant Messages again after you have disabled them, send and Instant Message to
You will then be able to receive Instant Messages.
Downloading from America Online
What is downloading?
Downloading is the process of transferring data from America Online's computer to your own personal computer. On America Online, "data" could be anything from a simple text file, to a major software application. The America Online software will allow you to download one file at a time; or, you can browse through America Online's software libraries and select a number of files to download all at once later.
America Online has over 25,000 Mac public domain and shareware software programs (as of 2/92) and the number is growing every day. In America Online's extensive software libraries, you will find:
• a variety of utilities and desk accessories, to increase your productivity -- both at home and in the office;
• customized screen backgrounds and special sounds to personalize your Mac;
• demos and updates from leading software publishers;
• games, graphics, and fonts;
• spreadsheet templates to help you calculate your taxes, analyze your investments, and balance your checkbook;
• and much more.
Downloading from America Online is a simple and straightforward process -- you probably won't need any documentation at all. If, however, you need some pointers, refer to the Downloading Guide in your new member kit. (If you are signing on for the first time today, the kit will be in the mail to you on the next business day.)
Where do I find files to download?
You will find the America Online software libraries in the Computing & Software department of America Online. Simply enter this department, and click on the Software Libraries icon. Then, follow the simple, on-screen instructions to browse through the software libraries, or search for files that interest you.
How do I download?
Like many easy tasks, downloading is harder to describe than it is to do! (Try describing how to tie your shoelaces!) The America Online software is designed to make downloading an easy, straightforward process. We encourage you to go the Software Libraries online and try it without any instructions.
But, if you would like some guidance, these simple instructions will get you started:
To Download One File . . .
• Go to the Software Libraries in the Computing & Software department, and locate a file that you would like to download.
• When a list of files is in front of you, double-click on the file you have selected to download. America Online will send you a description of the file, what you need to use it, and an estimated download time.
• To start the download, click on the button that says, "Download Now."
• You will see the standard Macintosh file save dialog box. Select a destination for your file, and click the Save button.
• A graphic gauge will appear on your screen to tell you the status of your download, and you will be notified when the download is complete. That's it!
To download more than one file . . .
America Online has a special feature -- called the "Download Manager" -- that allows you to select multiple files to download during an online session, and store them for the Download Manager to download all at once when you are through. You can even set up your software to automatically sign off when your "mega-download" is complete, or schedule your software to sign on and grab files listed in your Download Manager at times you specify. Here's a simple explanation of how to do it:
• As you browse through the software libraries on America Online and see files that you would like to download, highlight them as described above, and select the button labeled "Download Later." The names of the files you select will be stored in your Download Manager to review later.
• When you are ready to start your download, select the menu item "Download Manager," located in the File menu on your horizontal menu bar.
• The Download Manager will list all the files you have selected, along with their sizes and the amount of time it will take to complete the entire download. Use the icons on the Download Manager screen to review your file descriptions, and to delete files from the list that you've changed your mind about.
• When you are ready to start downloading, click on the icon labeled "Start Download." You will be presented with the option to sign off from America Online automatically when your download is complete.
To schedule a download session . . .
You can schedule your download session by using FlashSessions. To learn more about FlashSessions, select "Using FlashSessions" from the Help list to the left of this text.
How do I use a file once I have downloaded it?
Before you download a file, be sure to read the file description. These descriptions contain useful information about any equipment or software you might need to use the file.
Many files on America Online are compressed -- or "stuffed" -- with a utility called "StuffIt" that is included with the America Online software. To use these files, they will need to decompressed (or "unstuffed.") America Online will automatically decompress "stuffed" files you have downloaded. If the Auto Unstuff Files option under the Download Preferences is selected (and it is shipped that way), all files downloaded will be "unstuffed" when you sign off. Also, any "stuffed" file can be "unstuffed" immediately by selecting it using Open from the File menu. For more information about StuffIt, see "The Members Menu" from the list to the left of this text, and read about the Downloading Preferences.
Download Manager
America Online has a special feature -- called the "Download Manager" -- that allows you to select multiple files to download during an online session, and store them for the Download Manager to download all at once when you are through. You can even set up your software to automatically sign off when your "mega-download" is complete, or schedule your software to sign on and grab files listed in your Download Manager at times you specify. Here's a simple explanation of how to do it:
• As you browse through the software libraries on America Online and see files that you would like to download, highlight them as described in the help section entitled "Downloading from America Online," and select the button labeled "Download Later." The names of the files you select will be stored in your Download Manager to review later.
• When you are ready to start your download, select the menu item "Download Manager," located in the File menu on your horizontal menu bar.
• The Download Manager will list all the files you have selected, along with their sizes and the amount of time it will take to complete the entire download. Use the icons on the Download Manager screen to review your file descriptions, and to delete files from the list that you've changed your mind about. Note that since file descriptions are stored on the America Online host computer, you can only view file descriptions when you are online.
• When you are ready to start downloading, click on the icon labeled "Start Download." If you begin downloading online, you will be presented with the option to sign off from America Online automatically when your download is complete. If, instead, you begin your download manager session while offline, you will be given the option to stay online once your files have been downloaded.
To schedule a download session . . .
You can schedule your download session by using FlashSessions. To learn more about FlashSessions, select "Using FlashSessions" from the Help list to the left of this text.
Where will my files be downloaded?
Files downloaded from the Download Manager are usually placed in a folder called "Online Downloads" which is in your "America Online" folder. If you want your files to be placed into another folder, click on the icon labeled "Set Destination." You may then specify a different folder for the Download Manager to place downloaded files into.
How do I use a file once I have downloaded it?
Before you download a file, be sure to read the file description. These descriptions contain useful information about any equipment or software you might need to use the file.
Many files on America Online are compressed -- or "stuffed" -- with a utility called "StuffIt" that is included with the America Online software. To use these files, they will need to decompressed (or "unstuffed.") America Online will automatically decompress "stuffed" files you have downloaded. If the Auto Unstuff Files option under the Download Preferences is selected (and it is shipped that way), all files downloaded will be "unstuffed" when you sign off. Also, any "stuffed" file can be "unstuffed" immediately by selecting it using Open from the File menu. For more information about StuffIt, see "The Members Menu" from the list to the left of this text, and read about the Downloading Preferences.
How do I review the files I've already downloaded?
The America Online software remembers the last 50 files you have downloaded. If you would like to review the files you have downloaded, or review a file's description, click on the icon entitled "Show Completed Downloads." You will then see a list of the last 50 files you've downloaded. If you are online, you can select on of your files and click the icon labeled "View Description" to review that file's description.
Using FlashSessions
FlashSessions allow you to go online -- immediately or at times you designate -- to send mail that you have prepared offline, retrieve mail that is waiting for you, or download software files that you have collected in your Download Manager. (Information about the Download Manager can be found by selecting the topic "Downloading" from the list to your left.)
All of these functions are managed from the FlashSession feature. You can access this feature right now (whether you are on or offline) by selecting "Flashsessions" from the Go To menu on your menu bar.
Why use FlashSessions?
You do not need to use FlashSessions in order to send and retrieve mail, or to retrieve files from America Online. But, here are a couple ways in which FlashSessions can make your life easier:
. . . You can set your FlashSessions to sign on and retrieve mail at night, when you are asleep, and then automatically sign off. When you wake up in the morning, all of your mail will be waiting in your outbox for you to review and respond to offline. (This is a money-saver if you tend to get a lot of mail.)
. . . Suppose you spend an afternoon on America Online, selecting software files to store in your Download Manager to download later. If you accumulate a couple hours' worth of downloads, you might not feel like sitting around "babysitting" a long download. You can schedule your America Online software to sign on at a time you designate (even if you are not home, or are asleep), download all those files, then automatically sign off.
. . . If you have a lot of mail to write to your online colleagues, you can take care of writing all your mail offline. Then, you can activate your FlashSession immediately to sign on and send the mail all at once, or you can schedule a time for the FlashSession to occur.
Tip: Many of our members report that other people living in their households appreciate the FlashSession feature, because it allows you to schedule certain online tasks for convenient times during which the household phone line will not be monopolized. If, however, you find that you are using online services a lot, check with your phone company about getting a second phone line installed for your modem. It's not expensive, and you won't miss any "voice" calls!
Below, you'll find an explanation of each of the functions on the FlashSession menu box.
FlashSession Options
When you select FlashSessions from the Go To menu, you will be presented with a screen that allows you to manage your FlashSessions. The list on the right side of the window shows your FlashSession options. The options you have selected will be marked with a check. Use the "Turn On/Off" button to select the options you want to perform during your next FlashSession. The other two buttons, "Set Options," and "View Results" each act on the selected FlashSession action. What they do depends on which item you have selected in the FlashSession action list.
Files Incoming refers to the software files and applications that you have waiting in your Download Manager (located by selecting "Download Manager" from the File menu on your horizontal menu bar). If you have Files Incoming checked and have previously placed files in the Download Later queue, then the Set Options button will take you the Download Manager. If you have Files Incoming selected, "View Results" will show you the list of files you have downloaded recently. If your list of completed downloads is empty, this button will be dimmed.
Mail Outgoing refers to mail that you prepared online or offline. If you selected "Send Later" rather then "Send Now" when you completed your mail, the mail was stored in your Outgoing Mail box for later delivery. When Mail Outgoing is selected, "Set Options" will display your list of outgoing mail. If you do not have any mail waiting to be sent, this button will be dimmed. When Mail Outgoing is selected, "View Results" will display the "FlashSession Status" window.
Mail Incoming refers to unread mail that was collected for you during a FlashSession and stored on your disk.
When you activate a FlashSession, America Online will automatically perform whatever options you have selected from this list. Any selected option will have a check mark next to it. To select or "unselect" an option from this list, you can double-click on it, or you can highlight it and select the button labeled "Turn On/Off." When Mail Incoming is selected, "Set Options" will allow you to specify whether or not to automatically download files that are attached to mail. "View Results" will display the mail collected for your during previous FlashSessions (and mail you manually "Saved to FlashMail"). If your flash box is empty, this button will be dimmed.
Schedule FlashSessions
When you click on this icon, you will receive a form that will allow you to set up a schedule for your America Online software to automatically go online and to send and retrieve mail, or to download files that are waiting in your Download Manager. To use this feature:
• Choose a time of day to begin signing on. First type in the hour on the 24 hour clock when you want to begin automatic sign on. Then choose the half hour in which you want to sign on. To choose your half hour, click in the shaded box to the right of "Starting at," move the mouse to your desired time, and release it. (The starting times vary so that we can balance the load on our host computer).
• Next, pick the length of time between sign ons. To choose, click in the shaded box to the right of the words "Go online...", move the mouse to your choice, and release. Your choices are: Every half hour, every hour, every two hours, every four hours, and every eight hours, and once per day.
• Now, click on the boxes that represent the days of the week when you want to sign on. An "X" will appear next to the selected days.
• Choose the screen name or names for which you want to sign on. At each scheduled time, AOL will sign on once for each selected screen name and perform the specified tasks.
• Finally, click "OK". If you or your family members have selected screen names that do not have stored passwords, you will be asked to enter them at this time.
You are now ready to send and receive mail, and to download waiting files, even while you sleep. All you have to do is make sure that your computer is on and that the America Online is running (you don't need to be online). Your scheduled FlashSessions will do the rest.
Enter Stored Passwords
This will allow you and your family members to enter passwords for your screen names. This is necessary so that you do not have to be present for scheduled FlashSessions. If you store your passwords, be sure that no unauthorized persons have access to your machine.
Activate Session Now
This option, available online or off, provides an easy pathway for immediate mail or file retrieval. Simply select this option to automatically post and receive mail -- and then sign off America Online -- in one quick step. Then read your mail and any attached files offline at your leisure. The options available are slightly different online and offline:
When offline, you can specify the screen name or names you would like serviced during the FlashSession. If there are no items that can be performed for a given screen name, that name will be dimmed. For example, if the only FlashSession action you have selected is "Mail Outgoing," and only one of the screen names has mail waiting to be sent, then only one screen name will be enabled. If one and only one screen name is specified, you will be given the option to stay online after the FlashSession is done.
When online you can only invoke a FlashSession for the current screen name. In this case, you can specify that you would like to sign off when the FlashSession is complete.