This file contains the recommendations about upgrading and using the newest version of BattleField.
1. Setup
Setup of BF is now much easier. A dialog will come up to get the pertinant information for use by BattleField. Some hints about those that aren’t so clear:
Multiline isn't for any enforcement of multiline copy protection. I don't really care if you run BF on multiline -- this option is to establish whether a file named "BattleField Busy" is created on entry. On a multiline system, the existance of this file will mean that another user is in the game (on the other line) and that he must wait. This allows the game to run on a multiline BBS without file conflict problems.
Hide, if checked, means that the game will NOT bring up a window while in the game. This enables the game to run faster.
Use Scores File is pretty self explainitory --- one WARNING: if you DO check this, make sure there is a path in the text item right below the checkbox. I do not check for a nil string, and a crash will be YOUR fault.
2. Updating (for those using v3.20 or higher)
Updating is as painless as possible. There are two things you must do:
1. delete your existing options file. The new one isn't compatible.
2. Move the new castle menu and alliance menu into the BattleField folder (I am assuming you have the data files and menus in a different folder)
3. re-setup the game. It will prompt you for everything on the next launch.
You DO NOT have to reset the game.
If you have an older version than 3.20, then please reset the game, and start from scratch. There have been many changes since before that time, too many to mention, so a reset is inevitable.
3. Philsophy changes:
BattleField is no longer geared toward low end users. It is now geared to make life just as hard for the higher level users.
Do NOT, I repeat: DO NOT park in one sector and hold down the return for long periods of time to get gold. It will NOT work, and you will lose MANY warriors.
There have been a few other small changes in the play of the game, but these are the ones that users (and sysops) need to be warned of.
4. End
Again, if you have any problems, feel free to call me at (303) 221-9450 (data) or (303) 221-4856 (voice). I try as hard as possible to help with any problems found in the game.