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Text File | 1991-05-20 | 4.7 KB | 127 lines | [TEXT/MPS ] |
- Last updated: 20 may 1991
- WhatsNew8 is (c) 1991 J.W. Sinteur. Costs $20
- Send to:
- J.W. Sinteur
- Strawinskypad 82
- 2324 DB Leiden
- The Netherlands
- WhatsNew8 is an application for Mansion 8.0 owners.
- It scans your file area's for new files, and if it finds
- any, it will post a message in the TabbyNet files for
- exporting to echo area's and importing to any board. (thus,
- it is only useful for Mansion owners who happen to own
- TabbyNet as well, or are prepared to create a folder
- called 'Tabby' and 'TabbyWork' in the same folder where
- Mansion sits and launch it by hand periodically).
- It also appends the information on new files to an
- NEWFILES file that most sysops keep available for
- file request.
- It was originally written to inform points automatically
- of new files on the boss BBS.
- Installation:
- 1) copy the application 'WhatsNew8' to the directory with
- all your other TabbyNet applications.
- 2) copy the file 'WhatsNew.record' to all file areas you wish to
- be scanned.
- (this means putting it at the same level of the 'Section.dir'
- files).
- Edit them with your favorite TEXT editor. The first line
- MUST contain three digits. The sample Whatsnew.record has
- 000 on the first line. This is the number of the highest
- available file in the area. If you don't want to have the
- entire area listed the first time you run WhatsNew in an
- event, put the file number of the file on top of the list
- there. For example, if your Section.Dir reads:
- Last Updated: 11-15-1990
- --- -------------------- ---- - ----------------------------------- ----------
- 102 RamDisk+2.12.cpt 1 B Garner Miller 11-11-1990
- DESC: Excellent RAM disk program; configurable for auto-startup
- KEY: RAMstart, RAM disk, autoload, shareware, very clean KBytes: 25728
- put '102' on the first line (for testing purposes, you may
- wish to put '101' on the first line instead. On its first
- run, WhatsNew should think file 102 is new)
- The second line contains the name WhatsNew gives to this area.
- You MAY terminate this line with a return, but do not put in
- any extra returns.
- 3) edit the following STR resources with ResEdit in
- the WhatsNew application:
- STR 128 the full pathname to the directory with your
- Lib Header file.
- STR 129 the pathname of the Generic Import file
- (make this str empty if you don't want a message to
- be imported to your BBS)
- STR 130 the pathname of the Generic Export file
- (make this str empty if you don't want a message to
- be imported to your BBS)
- STR 131 the number of the board where the message will
- be imported to.
- STR 132 the text that will end up in the 'From' field
- of messages.
- STR 133 the number of the board where the message will
- be exported to. Consult the areas.bbs file to check in
- which echo the message will end up.
- STR 134 the path to the tabby setup files.
- STR 136 the name of your system. This will be used in
- the message 'new files on ...'
- STR 137 The name of the application WhatsNew is to
- launch when it cannot find the launch.next file, or
- when it cannot launch the next application.
- STR 138 The pathname to the file that contains the
- header that gets put on top of a freshly created
- NEWFILES file. An example is included with this release.
- STR 139 The pathname of the NEWFILES file.
- 4) move the files Generic Import and Generic Export (if any)
- to any other folder (or rename them), and move your NEWFILES
- file, if the location and filename corresponds to whatever
- you've put in STR 139.
- 5) run the application WhatsNew. It will now
- search all your file area's and post messages for
- any new fil it finds in Generic Import and Generic Export.
- Since this is the first run, it will think ALL your files
- are new. After this first run, WhatsNew, setup has the
- information it needs (which happens to be the highest file
- number found in each area, which also happens to be
- the number of the file 'on top' of the list. Mansion puts
- new files on top, and gives them a number one higher than
- the file that happens to be on top).
- (note: if you've put the file number of the top file
- in each whatsNew.setup file, this step can be skipped)
- As soon as WhatsNew quits and launches Mansion press
- command-Q to quit Mansion before it can import anything.
- 6) Delete the files Generic Import and Generic Export,
- and move the original files back.
- 7) Delete the freshly created NEWFILES file, and move
- the original back.
- 8) install WhatsNew anywhere in your event chain.
- Tester's note:
- STR 135 contains a single 'Y' used for debugging.
- It means debuggin notes is 'on' Change it to anything
- else if you want debugging turned off. What is does?
- Putting lots and lots of cryptic information in your Tabby
- Log. Information I may need if you report a bug.