(European server in Finland)
(and many other sites)
What protocol does Archie use ?
Archie queries a database using Clifford Neuman's Prospero protocol. Requests are handled by a server in a queued fashion. Be prepared to wait from minutes to hours for a response.
Using Archie:
Archie requires MacTCP to be installed on your machine. It has been tested only on machines running system 7 and MacTCP version 1.1.
The File and Edit menus are fairly standard so I am not going to discuss them.
The Prefs Menu:
Archie Server:
The first time you run Archie you should set the server to query.
This is set by selecting Archie Server menu item under the Prefs menu. Set the Archie server to one of the previously mentioned Archie server sites (Select the one closest to your site)
Save Docs As:
Allows you to select the format to save the results of an Archie Query. Currently only TeachText, MacWrite and MS Word are available. Future versions of Archie will allow you to select a format of your choice.
Sound Notification:
If this Option is selected Archie will notify you when a query is complete by playing a sound. If not selected notification is by flashing icon only. ( Note: Notification only occurres when Archie is in the background)
The Archie Query Window
Selecting New from the file menu will open a new Archie query window.
To send a query:
-first set the Search Type by selecting one of the avaliable
options. Use balloon help to find out more about these options.
- Type in a search string and press the Search button ( or the
return key)
- Wait ( sometimes minutes sometimes hours). It is a good idea
to put Archie in the background and continue one with other
Note: You can send multiple Archie Queries. You don't have to wait for a query to finish before sending a new one.
How to I know if the server got my query ?
Archie uses UDP therefore there is never a connection between the
client and server but soon after a query is sent you sould receive
11 bytes back from the server. This tells you that the server has queued your request.
How come my requests take so long ?
Archie servers queue up requests and answer them in the order received ( also based on niceness level). If it is slow that just means there are many requests ahead of yours.
What is niceness ?
The niceness level is the priority of your request. If you are searching for trivial information such as Games and other unmentionables you should set your queries to a nicer value.
How much does it cost ?
Archie is Shareware $10.00 US funds.
Two site licence forms are include (up to 2500 copies and unlimited copies)
Send to :
Chris McNeil
PO Box 153
Middle Sackville NB Canada
I can be reached via email at:
Enjoy !
This program is supplied as is , without any warrenty whether expressed or implied.
The person using the software bears all risk incurred by its use.