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*** BITNET Servers
*** July, 1991
This is a list of network servers and services. If you know of anything
that should appear in this list and does not, (or of something listed here
that is no longer active) please send mail to BITLIB@YALEVM.
This list is updated monthly, along with the network magazine NetMonth.
If you are not familiar with the categories of services listed here, check
for the file named BITNET USERHELP in your local public file area. If you
cannot find it there, you can request it from any of the NETSERV file servers
listed here. For example:
You can also send the command GET BITNET USERHELP as the first line of a mail
message to one of the NETSERV servers listed in this document.
Editor: Christopher Condon, BITLIB @ YALEVM
A publication of the BITNET Services Library "Because We're Here."
A "|" in column 1 indicates something that is new or changed.
*** File Servers
*** See also "NETSERV file servers" and "Listserv filelists"
ARCHIVE-SERVER @ BCM.TMC.EDU - Baylor College of Medicine
This server stores NFS (Network File System) bulletins, contributed
software for NFS and UNISYS related files. It accepts the commands HELP,
Accepts commands via MAIL.
This file server stores many interesting programs and recipes. Each
command you send ARCHIVE-SERVER must be the first word on a line in a
mail file. The archive server reads your entire message before it does
anything, so you can have several different commands in a single message.
Accepts commands via MAIL.
This server offers contributed LaTex and Postscript files. It accepts
the commands HELP, INDEX, and SEND.
Accepts commands via MAIL.
This server stores sun-spots digests, contributed and software for SUN
workstations. It accepts the commands HELP, INDEX, and SEND.
Accepts commands via MAIL.
ASTRADB @ ICNUCEVM - Istituto del C.N.R, Pisa
ASTRA (Application Software and Technical Reports for Academia) is a
joint project of IBM and CNR (the Italian National Research Council). The
aim is to design and implement a free European service through EARN
(European Academic and Research Network) for the distribution of
information, software in public domain and documentation about academic
projects in education and research.
To access ASTRA the user must apply for a subscription. This is done by
sending the following command "SUBSCRIBE firstname lastname" to
The user receives the software ASTRA EXEC and a guide manual file through
EARN. The ASTRA EXEC has to be received by the user and must be resident
in the virtual machine in order to be able to access ASTRA. Note that
this EXEC only runs on IBM VM systems.
Accepts commands via MAIL or MESSAGE.
BIALIK @ BRANDEIS - Brandeis University
BIALIK is the first BITNET server dedicated to the subject of poetry.
The three commands that BIALIK accepts are POEM, INDEX, and HELP. All
commands and qualifiers may be abbreviated to three letters.
Accepts commands via MESSAGE.
BIOSERVE @ UMDC - University of Maryland
BIOSERVE is a network file server for BIOSCIence area. Currently,
previous BIOTECH bulletins, SEQNET bulletins and information on
plasmid sequences are stored on the disk. Public domain data and
software in biotechnology area will be available in future.
Accepts commands via MAIL and MESSAGE.
BITFTP @ PUCC - Princeton University
FTP (or File Transfer Protocol) is the Internet method of transferring
non-mail files (be they text, formatted data, or programs). People on the
Internet can "login" to an FTP server at a remote site and download
files. The process is in many ways similar to dialing up a bulletin board
with a PC, although it is thankfully much faster. BITNET users can now
access these FTP servers through BITFTP. To use BITFTP, send mail
containing your FTP commands to "BITFTP@PUCC". The first command to
BITFTP must be "FTP" or "HELP".
Accepts commands via MAIL.
CHESERVE @ UMDC - University of Maryland
CHESERVE is a network file server dedicated to information concerning the
Chesapeake Bay. Currently, the server has on disk back issues of CHESNET
bulletins, Marine Notes (a publication of Maryland Sea Grant), It is the
companion to CHESNET@UMDC, an electonic bulletin board. In the future,
the server will also have on disk descriptions of important environmental
data sets, copies of Maryland Sea Grant managed data and and software,
lists of experts in the many different aspects of the Chesapeake Bay, and
other information.
Accepts commands via MAIL and MESSAGE.
CCUC @ UMCVMB - University of Missouri
CCUC stores the program library of Info-IBMPC digest. It comes up once a
day at 6am local time to process requests. Any requested files will be
sent to you at that time. To request a program or set of programs, send
CCUC a file named PCLIB REQ containing the filespec of each file you
want, one per line. No wildcards are allowed. Both IBM-CMS and IBM-PC
type filespecs are allowed (i.e both COM_PKG1.ASM and COM_PKG1 ASM are
valid). Each line is assumed to contain a filespec, so please don't send
mail or note type files! An up to date, commented list of the Info-IBMPC
library files is contained in the file PROGRAM- LIS. A CMS style file
list which includes other vailable files and time/date stamps, is in CCUC
Accepts commands via FILE.
CHAMAS @ DOLUNI1 - CHAMAS, The Chaos Mailbox System
CHAMAS (the Chaos Mailbox System) is a bulletin board which has been
running at Universitaet Oldenburg since April, 1988. It supports the
GEONET-standard, developed previously for the GEO1-Mailbox. Commands
should be sent to CHAMAS@DOLUNI1. The first command you send should be
HELPME, which can be sent via mail or message. You will then be prompted
to specify the language (English, French, etc.) which you will be sending
commands to CHAMAS. You can then send the command CMD for a list of
commands. Note that most news items are written in German.
Accepts commands via MAIL and MESSAGE.
COMSERVE @ RPIECS - Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
COMSERVE is a free information service for network users who are
interested in the study of human communication. You can use COMSERVE to
obtain materials to assist in teaching and learning activities; to share
opinions or questions with students and professionals throughout the
world; to locate information about people in the profession; to share
your own work; to request information or resources from others; or to
advertise services or events of interest to the communication discipline.
COMSERVE is intended for use by both students and professionals.
At the present time Comserve offers four principal areas of service:
(1) An electronic "white pages" for individuals sharing an interest in
communication studies. Create your own entry or search for others.
(2) A suite of 20 "hotlines" providing discussion in the traditional
divisions of the communication curriculum. Experience a real "expert
system" -- one that puts you in touch with disciplinary experts
throughout the world.
(3) A database of more than 800 files. Comserve maintains a growing
collection of bibliographies, research instruments, announcements of
professional meetings and grant opportunities, syllabi, class
exercises, job announcements, and other resources of relevance to the
field of communication studies, broadly defined.
(4) A system for electronically searching indexes of the discipline's
research journals. Search the indexes of specific journals by author
or title. Formatted bibliographic results are returned immediately.
An interface program named EASYCOM is available for Dec Vax and IBM CMS
users and an extensive user's guide is available from Comserve's support
Accepts commands via MAIL, MESSAGE and FILE.
CYBSERV @ TRBOUN - Bosphorus University, Istanbul
This server stores files of particular interest to Cyber sites. Each line
of a mail message to CYBSERV may be a command. Send it the HELP command
for more information.
Accepts commands via MAIL.
INFO @ NSF - National Science Foundation
The NSF information server is run by the National Science Foundation. For
more information send the following two lines to INFO:
Request: Info
Topic: Help
Accepts commands via MAIL.
The CSNET server is run by the CSNET Network Information Center. For more
information send the following two lines to INFO-SERVER:
Request: Info
Topic: Help
Accepts commands via MAIL.
INFO-SERVER @ CS.NOTT.AC.UK - Nottingham Information Server
The Nottingham server stores various interesting files and some software
archives. For information send the command HELP to the server.
Accepts commands via MAIL.
INTERACT @ DTUPEV5A - Theoretische Astrophysik Universitaet Tuebingen
INTERACT is a file server storing software for VAX/VMS sites which use
the JNET interface to BITNET. Users should note that the packages stored
on INTERACT require system privileges.
Accepts commands via MAIL and MESSAGE.
ISERVE @ UWAEE - University of Washington
ISAAC is the Information System for Advanced Academic Computing. ISAAC is
funded by IBM to serve as a clearinghouse for information about the use
of IBM computers and compatible software as aids to instruction and
research in higher education. Access is open to all faculty, students and
staff at institutions of higher education and to members of participating
professional societies.
ISAAC may be accessed via PC and modem to a toll-free number or through
the BITNET or Internet networks. Using ISAAC via PC/modem or Internets is
more interactive and usually faster, but if you don't have the equipment
BITNET access is possible. Your specific user ID will be authorized for
ISAAC access after you complete the registration process.
While access to Isaac is free, you must register for membership. You
may use the form listed here or call the ISAAC office at (206)543-5604.
Complete this application and mail it to ISAAC@UWAEE. User materials will
be mailed to you. This may take two to three weeks.
1. Name
2. Address, City, State, Zip
3. Phone: (day) Please include area code.
4. University
5. Access method(s): You may connect to ISAAC in three ways. Please
indicate which method(s) you would like to use. If you choose modem
access, we will provide the communications software you'll need. If
you select BITNET, we will send the necessary files to the BITNET
address that you supply. If you select Internet, we will mail you the
____PC/Modem - Choose diskette size ______5.25" OR ______3.5"
____BITNET - MUST specify address ____________@_____________
Accepts commands via MESSAGE.
KERMSRV @ CUVMA - Kermit Users Server, Columbia University
KERMSRV is a file server for users of the popular KERMIT Micro/Mainframe
software package. Versions of the software for a variety of hardware
types are available. Note that this server does not respond in the same
way as the KERMIT server at UOFT02.
Accepts commands via MAIL and MESSAGE.
KERMSRV @ UOFT02 - Kermit Users Server, University of Toledo
KERMSRV is a file server for users of the popular KERMIT Micro/Mainframe
software package. Versions of the software for a variety of hardware
types are available. Note that this server does not repond in the same
way as the KERMIT server at CUVMA.
Accepts commands via MESSAGE.
LISTSERV @ QUCDN - Queen's University
Studies in Communication and Information Technology (SCIT) is an
interdisciplinary group at Queen's Univeristy in Kingston, Ontario, which
is involved in promoting research and teaching related to the social
impacts of the new information and communication technology. In
addition, a central activity of the group is the management of an on-line
bibliographic service which contains close to 6,000 references dealing
with the social context of the new technology. To access the SCIT
database through BITNET, the user must first subscribe to the particular
database called SCIT-BIB. To do this send the following command to
LISTSERV@QUCDN via mail or message:
SUBSCRIBE SCIT-BIB your_full_name
You will receive acknowledgement in about a day, confirming your addition
to the SCIT-BIB database. Once you are subscribed, you may access the
database at your convenience. You must send SCIT queries to
Accepts commands via MAIL.
LISTSERV @ NDSUVM1 - North Dakota State University
LISTSERV @ RPIECS - Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Selected portions of the SIMTEL20 Internet public domain archives are
available from LISTSERV@RPIECS and LISTSERV@NDSUVM1. These are:
PD:<CPM.*> -- Info-CPM software archives.
PD:<SIGM.*>*.* -- SIG/M software archives.
PD:<PC-BLUE.*>*.* -- PC-Blue software archives.
PD:<MSDOS.*>*.* -- IBM PC (and friends) software archives.
PD:<MISC.*>*.* -- Miscellaneous software archives.
New commands have been added to this list server so that you may
retrieve these files. The /PDDIR command is used to list the names of
files that match some pattern. The /PDGET command is used to request
specific files. Commands should be sent to either LISTSERV.
Accepts commands via MAIL and MESSAGE.
MACSERVE @ IRLEARN - University College, Dublin
MACSERVE @ PUCC - Princeton University
MACSERVE is a Macintosh software repository, containing many utilities,
games, notes, and graphic items of interest for Macintosh users.
Accepts commands via MESSAGE.
| MAILBASE is a prototype mailing list management/file server modeled after
| LISTSERV. It is being developed as part of the NISP (Networked
| Information Services Project) based at Newcastle University. It uses an
| INGRES database, and accepts commands via mail. Send it the command HELP
| to get started.
| Accepts commands via MAIL.
NBSLIB @ CMR.ICST.NBS.GOV - National Bureau of Standards
The NBSLIB is a collection of benchmarks, measurement data, and a
bibliography on benchmarking maintained at NBS as part of a project on
the performance measurement of parallel computers. The collection exists
to provide a pool of measurement data and benchmarks on more or less
"large" computers. For more information on how to send commands to
NBSLIB, send the following command as the first line of a mail message:
Accepts commands via MAIL.
NETLIB @ RESEARCH.ATT.COM - AT&T Laboratories in Murray Hill, NJ
This file server stores much mathematical software and is closely related
to Gene Golub's Numerical Analysus Newsgroup (GOLUB@SU-SCORE.ARPA). To
receive information mail the following command to NETLIB: SEND INDEX.
Accepts commands via MAIL.
NETSERVER@RML2.SRI.COM - Internet VAX software server
NETSERVER is an Internet file server with many programs and packages
of interest to VAX users. For more information, send the command ?HELP
as the first line of text in the body of a mail message. Note that much
of the software on NETSERVER is available in BITNET from the VMSSERV
file servers.
Accepts commands via MAIL.
NEWS-ARCHIVE @ SUN.COM - Sun Microsystems
The NeWS Archive Server at Sun Microsystems stores many programs of
interest to people in the UNIX world. The archives are organized into a
series of directories and subdirectories. Each directory has an index,
as does each subdirectory. The top-level index gives you an overview of
what is in each of the subdirectories, and the index for each
subdirectory tells you what it contains. For more information, send the
server the command HELP.
Accepts commands via MAIL.
NYSHARE @ WEIZMANN - Weizmann Institute of Science
NYSHARE stores many useful software packages. Valid commands are HELP,
Accepts commands via MESSAGE.
OASIS @ ECNCDC - OASIS Database Server, Educational Computing Network
OASIS (Online Academic Software Information System) is a database server
containing information on microcomputer software suited for use in
higher education. It is a project of the Illinois Educational
Searches may be conducted using up to 16 criteria, such as package name,
category, machine requirements, pricing, and publisher name and address.
Entries consist of a concise description, review citations, and data
that is important in determining the value of software products. All
information on software products is obtained from publishers or
developers. The database is updated and expanded with new entries on a
weekly schedule. For more information, send the server the command
Accepts commands via MAIL and MESSAGE.
PS-FILE-SERVER@ADOBE.COM - The Adobe File Server
The Adobe File Server is a automatic mail-response program. There
are many documents available from the server such as PostScript
files, program source code, Adobe Font Metrics files, and PostScript
Printer Description files. For more information send the server the
command HELP as the first line of text in the body of a mail message.
Accepts command via MAIL.
RPRLSCI @ TECHNION - the Technion, Israel
LifeSci is the The Life Science Research Server, a server developed at
the Rappaport Family Institute and running on the main computer at the
Technion, Israel. Its purpose is to enhance communication among people
in the life related fields (medicine, physiology, psychology, social work
etc..). For a list of LifeSci commands, send the HELP LIST command to
Accepts commands via MAIL and MESSAGE.
SERVICE @ NIC.DDN.MIL - United States Data Defense Network
This is an automated service provided by the DDN Network Information
Center. It allows access to NIC documents and information via ordinary
electronic mail. For more information send a mail message to SERVICE with
a subject of HELP. The message body will be ignored.
Accepts commands via MAIL.
TRICKLE @ AWIWUW11 - Wirtschaftsuniversitaet Wien
TRICKLE @ DB0FUB11 - FU Berlin Institut fuer angewandte Statistik
TRICKLE @ DKTC11 - Copenhagen Technical College
TRICKLE @ DS0RUS1I - Universitaet Stuttgart
TRICKLE @ EB0UB011 - Universidad de Barcelona
TRICKLE @ TAUNIVM - Tele Aviv University
TRICKLE @ TREARN - Ege University, Izmir, Turkey
TRICKLE @ BANUFS11 - Univ. Faculteiten Sint-Ignatius te Antwerpen, Belgium
TRICKLE @ IMIPOLI - Centro di Calcolo - Politecnico di Milano, Italy
TRICKLE provides directory listings and recently requested files from the
the SIMTEL20 personal computer software archives. If the file that you
request exists in the TRICKLE directory, then you may expect to receive
your file within a few minutes. If the file is not found, the server will
order it from LISTSERV@RPIECS. If this is the case, the response time
of TRICKLE is dependent upon the list server. TRICKLE will give up
waiting for a file after five days after its request. For more
information send any TRICKLE the /HELP command.
*NOTE* Users in the United States, Canada, Japan, and Mexico should not
use this server. LISTSERV@RPIECS is your SIMTEL20 server of choice.
Accepts commands via MAIL, MESSAGE, and FILE.
UH-INFO @ UHUPVM1 - University of Houston Computing Center
The UH-INFO server stores files on a variety of topics, organized under
subservers. For example, the Psychology subserver is named PSYCHNET.
A HELP command to the PSYCHNET subserver would be sent to UH-INFO, but
would be in the format PSYCHNET HELP.
Subservers - EDUCATE - Seminar Listings
ATARINET - Atari Computer Enthusiasts
INFOSERV - Documentation/Publications
PSYCHNET - Psychology
Accepts commands via MESSAGE.
VMBBOARD @ WEIZMANN - Weizmann Institute of Science
VMBBOARD is an electronic database/bulletin board storing items of
general interest. Topics range from Politics to Good Movies.
Accepts commands via MESSAGE.
VMSSERV @ UBVMSA - State University of New York, Buffalo
VMSSERV @ UBVMSB - State University of New York, Buffalo
VMSSERV @ UBVMSC - State University of New York, Buffalo
VMSSERV @ UBVMSD - State University of New York, Buffalo
VMSSERV @ SPCVXA - St. Peter's College, Jersey City, New Jersey
VMSSERV @ TOWSON2 - Towson State University, Towson, Maryland
VMSSERV @ UOFT02 - University of Toledo, Toledo, Ohio
VMSSERV @ FHCRCVAX - Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center
VMSSERV contains many files of interest for users of Digital Equipment
VAX computers. It accepts the commands SEND, DIR and HELP. Note that
all VMSSERVs do not have identical file directories.
Accepts commands via MAIL and MESSAGE.
This server stores abstracts of technical reports and complete reports in
postscript format. It also allows you to add your address to the
technical reports mailing list and order hardcopy reports. It accepts
the commands HELP, INDEX, SEND, ORDER, and STATUS.
Accepts commands via MAIL.
*** NETSERV file servers/user directory servers
All NETSERV file servers accept commands via MAIL or MESSAGE.
NETSERV @ AEARN - Austria EARN - Linz
NETSERV @ BEARN - National Scientific Research Fund, Brussels
NETSERV @ BITNIC - BITNET Network Information Center
NETSERV @ CANADA01 - NetNorth Admin Centre
NETSERV @ CEARN - Centre Europeen de Recherche Nucleaire
NETSERV @ DEARN - German central node of EARN - Bonn
NETSERV @ EB0UB011 - Universidad de Barcelona
NETSERV @ FINHUT - Helsinki University of Technology
NETSERV @ FRMOP11 - CNUSC, Montpellier
NETSERV @ GREARN - Research Center of Crete - Heraklion
NETSERV @ HEARN - Katholieke Universiteit Nijmegen
NETSERV @ ICNUCEVM - National University, Pisa
NETSERV @ IRLEARN - University College - Dublin
NETSERV @ NORUNIT - University of Trondheim
NETSERV @ NCSUVM - North Carolina State University
NETSERV @ MARIST - Marist College
NETSERV @ SEARN - Sweden EARN - Stockholm
NETSERV @ TAUNIVM - Tel Aviv University
NETSERV @ TCSVM - Tulane University
NETSERV @ TECMTYVM - Monterrey Institute of Technology
NETSERV @ TREARN - Ege University, Izmir, Turkey
NETSERV @ UALTAVM - University of Alberta
NETSERV @ UCBCMSA - University of California at Berkeley
NETSERV @ UICVM - University of Illinois - Chicago
NETSERV @ UKACRL - Rutherford Appleton Laboratory - UK EARN
NETSERV @ UTARLVM1 - University of Texas at Arlington
*** User Directory Servers
*** Accepts commands via
COMSERVE @ RPIECS - Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute MAIL or MESSAGE
DIRECTORY @ UCDASVM1 - University of Calgary MAIL
DIRECTORY @ UNCAMULT - University of Calgary MAIL
FINGER @ CUVMA - Columbia University MESSAGE
FINGER @ DRAKE - Drake University MESSAGE
FINGER @ NDSUVM1 - North Dakota State University MESSAGE
FINGER @ SPCVXA - Saint Peter's College MESSAGE
IDSERVER @ PSUVM - Pennsylvania State University MESSAGE
INFO @ IRUCCIBM - Cork University MAIL
INFO @ RITVAXD - Rochester Institute of Technology MESSAGE
LOOKUP @ RITVM - Rochester Institute of Technology MESSAGE
PHSERVE @ UIUCVMD - University of Illinois MAIL or MESSAGE
NAMESERV @ UNCAMULT - University of Calgary MAIL
QNAMES @ BANUFS11 - University of Antwerp MESSAGE
UTSERVER @ UTKVM1 - University of Tennessee MESSAGE
VMNAMES @ UREGINA1 - University of Regina MESSAGE
VMNAMES @ WEIZMANN - Weizmann Institute of Science MESSAGE
WHOIS @ ALBNYVM1 - State University of New York MAIL or MESSAGE
WHOIS @ UKCC - University of Kentucky MAIL or MESSAGE
LISTSERVs which will accept the /WHOIS command: MAIL or MESSAGE
LISTSERV @ AUVM - American University
LISTSERV @ BUACCA - Boston University
LISTSERV @ BRUFMG - Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais
LISTSERV @ CEARN - Centre Europeen de Recherche Nucleaire
LISTSERV @ CMUCCVMA - Carnegie-Mellon University Computation Center
LISTSERV @ DBNGMD12 - GMD Bonn, Germany
LISTSERV @ DEARN - GMD Bonn, Germany
LISTSERV @ ESOC - European Space Operations Center
LISTSERV @ FARMNTON - University of Maine, Farmington
LISTSERV @ HEARN - Katholieke Universiteit Nijmegen
LISTSERV @ IBACSATA - CSATA Ctr Studi Applic in Tec Avanzate
LISTSERV @ LEHIIBM1 - Lehigh University
LISTSERV @ MAINE - University of Maine
LISTSERV @ MARIST - Marist College
LISTSERV @ OREGON1 - University of Oregon
LISTSERV @ PORTLAND - Univeristy of Maine, Portland
LISTSERV @ RICE - Rice University
LISTSERV @ SBCCVM - State University of New York - Stonybrook
LISTSERV @ SCFVM - NASA Space and Earth Sciences Computer Center
LISTSERV @ SJUVM - Saint John's University
LISTSERV @ TECMTYVM - Monterrey Institute of Technology
LISTSERV @ UALTAVM - University of Alberta
LISTSERV @ UBVM - State University of New York at Buffalo
LISTSERV @ UCF1VM - University of Central Florida
|LISTSERV @ UCHCECVM - University of Chile
|LISTSERV @ UTFSM - Universidad Tecnica Federico Santa Maria
LISTSERV @ UGA - University of Georgia
LISTSERV @ UKANVM - University of Kansas
LISTSERV @ YALEVM - Yale University
*** List servers
|List servers are servers which provide email distribution services for mailing
|lists, discussion groups, digests, and electronic magazines. The predominant
|server of this type is LISTSERV. LISTSERV also offers services duplicating
|those of file servers and name servers (See "Listserv Filelists: and "Name
|Servers".) See the section "How to Find the Right Mailing List" and the
|document BITNET USERHELP for more information.
All LISTSERVs accept commands via MAIL and MESSAGE.
LISTSERV @ AKRONVM - The University of Akron
LISTSERV @ ALBNYVM1 - University of Albany
LISTSERV @ ASUACAD - Arizona State University
LISTSERV @ AUVM - American University
LISTSERV @ AWIIMC11 - Institut fuer Medizinische Computerwissenschaften
LISTSERV @ BARILVM - Bar-Ilan University
LISTSERV @ BEARN - National Scientific Research Fund
LISTSERV @ BINGVMB - State University of New York at Binghamton
LISTSERV @ BITNIC - BITNET Network Information Center
LISTSERV @ BLEKUL11 - Katholieke Universiteit Leuven
LISTSERV @ BNANDP11 - Facultes Universitaires Notre Dame de la Paix
LISTSERV @ BNLVMA - Brookhaven National Laboratory
LISTSERV @ BROWNVM - Brown University
LISTSERV @ BRUFMG - Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais
LISTSERV @ BUACCA - Boston University
LISTSERV @ BYUVM - Brigham Young University
LISTSERV @ BYULIB - Brigham Young University
LISTSERV @ CANADA01 - NetNorth Admin Centre
LISTSERV @ CEARN - European Organisation for Nuclear Research
LISTSERV @ CLVM - Clarkson University Schuler Resouces Center
LISTSERV @ CMUCCVMA - Carnegie-Mellon University Computation Center
LISTSERV @ CUNYVM - City University of New York
LISTSERV @ CUVMA - Columbia University
LISTSERV @ DB0TUI11 - Technical University Berlin
LISTSERV @ DEARN - GMD Bonn, Germany
LISTSERV @ DHDURZ1 - University of Heidelberg
LISTSERV @ DKAUNI11 - Universitaet Karlsruhe
LISTSERV @ EB0UB011 - Centre d'Informatica de la Universitat de Barcelona
LISTSERV @ EB0UB012 - Centre d'Informatica de la Universitat de Barcelona
LISTSERV @ ECUVM1 - East Carolina University
LISTSERV @ ESOC - European Space Operations Centre
LISTSERV @ FARMNTON - University of Maine
LISTSERV @ FINHUTC - Helsinki University of Technology
LISTSERV @ FRECP11 - Ecole Centrale de Paris
LISTSERV @ FRULM11 - Ecole Normale Superieure
LISTSERV @ GECRDVM1 - General Electric Corporate R&D
LISTSERV @ GITVM1 - Georgia Inst of Technology
LISTSERV @ HEARN - Katholieke Universiteit Nijmegen
LISTSERV @ IBACSATA - CSATA Centro Studi Applicazioni in Tecnologie Avanza
LISTSERV @ IRISHVM - University of Notre Dame
LISTSERV @ IRLEARN - University College Dublin
LISTSERV @ JHUVM - Johns Hopkins University
LISTSERV @ JPNSUT10 - Science University of Tokyo
LISTSERV @ JPNSUT30 - Science University of Tokyo
LISTSERV @ KSUVM - Kansas State University
LISTSERV @ LEHIIBM1 - Lehigh University
LISTSERV @ MAINE - University of Maine System
LISTSERV @ MARIST - Marist College
LISTSERV @ MCGILL1 - McGill University
LISTSERV @ MITVMA - Massachusetts Institute of Technology
LISTSERV @ NCSUVM - North Carolina State University
LISTSERV @ NDSUVM1 - North Dakota Higher Education Computer Network
LISTSERV @ OHSTVMA - Ohio State University
LISTSERV @ OREGON1 - University of Oregon
LISTSERV @ ORION - NJIT Computer Conferencing Center
LISTSERV @ PCCVM - Portland Community College
LISTSERV @ POLYGRAF - Polytechnic University
LISTSERV @ PORTLAND - University of Maine
LISTSERV @ PSUVM - Pennsylvania State University
LISTSERV @ PUCC - Princeton University
LISTSERV @ PURCCVM - Purdue University
LISTSERV @ QUCDN - Queen's University Computing Services
LISTSERV @ QUEENS - Queens College of CUNY
LISTSERV @ RICE - Rice University
LISTSERV @ RICECSVM - Rice University
LISTSERV @ RITVM - Rochester Institute of Technology
LISTSERV @ RPIECS - Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
LISTSERV @ RUTVM1 - Rutgers University
LISTSERV @ SBCCVM - State University of New York at Stony Brook
LISTSERV @ SCFVM - NASA Space and Earth Sciences Computing Center
LISTSERV @ SJUVM - Saint John's University
LISTSERV @ SLACVM - Stanford Linear Accelerator Center
LISTSERV @ SUVM - Syracuse University
LISTSERV @ TAMCBA - Texas A&M College of Business Administration
LISTSERV @ TAMVM1 - Texas A&M University Computing Services Center
LISTSERV @ TAUNIVM - Tel Aviv University
LISTSERV @ TCSVM - Tulane University
LISTSERV @ TECMTYVM - Monterrey Institute of Technology
LISTSERV @ TREARN - Ege University, Izmir, Turkey
LISTSERV @ TRINITY - Trinity University
LISTSERV @ UAFSYSB - University of Arkansas Main Campus
LISTSERV @ UALTAVM - University of Alberta
LISTSERV @ UA1VM - The University of Alabama
LISTSERV @ UBVM - State University of New York at Buffalo
LISTSERV @ UCF1VM - University of Central Florida
LISTSERV @ UGA - The University of Georgia
LISTSERV @ UGABUS - The University of Georgia
LISTSERV @ UHCCVM - University of Hawaii
LISTSERV @ UIUCVMD - University of Illinois
LISTSERV @ UKACRL - Rutherford Appleton Laboratory
LISTSERV @ UKANVM - University of Kansas
LISTSERV @ UMSLVMA - University of Missouri
LISTSERV @ UOGUELPH - University of Guelph
LISTSERV @ UOTTAWA - University of Ottawa
LISTSERV @ UREGINA1 - University of Regina
LISTSERV @ USCVM - University of Southern California
LISTSERV @ UTARLVM1 - University of Texas at Arlington
LISTSERV @ UTCVM - University of Tennessee at Chattanooga
LISTSERV @ UTDALVM1 - The University of Texas at Dallas
LISTSERV @ UTORONTO - University of Toronto Computing Services
LISTSERV @ UWAVM - University of Washington
LISTSERV @ VILLVM - Villanova University
LISTSERV @ VTVM1 - Virginia Polytechnic
LISTSERV @ VTVM2 - Virginia Polytechnic
LISTSERV @ WATDCS - University of Waterloo
LISTSERV @ WSUVM1 - Washington State University, Pullman, WA
LISTSERV @ WUVMD - Washington University
LISTSERV @ WVNVM - West Virginia Network for Educational Telecomputing
LISTSERV @ YALEVM - Yale University Computer Center
MAILSERV @ SMCVAX - St. Michael's College
|MAILSERV @ TOWSONVX - Towson State University
| MAILSERV is a mailing list server, simular to LISTSERV, which runs on VAX
| systems. For more information, send MAILSERV the HELP command.
Accepts commands via MAIL.
DIRECT @ QZCOM - remote mail directory service
This service allows you to send ordinary mail messages to QZCOM with
commands in the message text in order to search for the names of users
and distribution lists in QZCOM; find descriptions and other information
about users and conferences; add and remove yourself from conferences in
QZCOM. When you add yourself to a conference, messages entered into that
conference will be sent by electronic mail to your mailbox.
Send your command messages DIRECT@QZCOM (for the English language COM
system at QZ) or to DIRECT@QZKOM (for the Swedish language KOM system at
QZ). Send the command HELP for more information on the various commands
and their syntax. Please note that THERE IS A CHARGE for subscribing to
conferences in QZCOM and having them sent to you.
Accepts commands via MAIL.
| MAILBASE is a prototype mailing list management/file server modeled after
| LISTSERV. It is being developed as part of the NISP (Networked
| Information Services Project) based at Newcastle University. It uses an
| INGRES database, and accepts commands via mail. Send it the command HELP
| to get started.
| Accepts commands via MAIL.
*** How to Find the Right Mailing List
There are several ways you can find out it if a mailing list which covers your
topic of interest exists. In particular, there are several files which
document the various mailing lists in BITNET and other networks. Some of
these files are *very* large, so you should always check to be sure that
they aren't posted in a public place on your system before sending for them.
This files contains short descrptions of most, if not all mailing lists
in BITNET that are maintained in by LISTSERV. (This is the vast majority
of BITNET lists). Also noted are mailing lists which originate in other
networks, but are redistributed to BITNET subscribers using NETSERV. You
can get the latest copy by sending the command SENDME LISTSERV GROUPS to
NETSERV@BITNIC via mail or interactive message.
This is a rather large document describing mailing lists in BITNET, the
Internet, and several other networks. While List-of-Lists is the most
complete list to date, it can also be confusing because it contains
instructions for subscribing to each list from each network. Make sure
you are following the right instructions when using this document!!!
Due to the size of the file, it has been broken up into several parts and
made available in BITNET. To receive them, send the command SENDME
INTEREST PACKAGE to LISTSERV@NDSUVM1. No segment is larger than
If you want to find out about new mailing lists as they appear, you can
subscribe to NEW-LIST. To subscribe, send the following command to
LISTSERV@NDSUVM1 via mail or message:
SUB NEW-LIST Your_full_name
You should send your new list announcements to NEW-LIST@NDSUVM1.
| Dartmouth maintains a merged list of the LISTSERV lists on BITNET and the
| Interest Group lists on the Internet. It is a single file with one line
| for each mailing list. The list is updated monthly. Each line consists
| of seven fields, delimited by tabs. The fields are:
| Category (Computing, Science, Humanities, etc)
| List name
| "Mail to" address for submitting to the list
| "Command to" address for subscribing, unsubing
| One line description of the list subject
| Email address for the owner of the list
| Long description of the list, up to 450 characters.
| This list-of-lists differs from some similiar lists in that:
| Duplicate entries are deleted
| Lists obviously intended only for local use are omitted
| Information about the lists is field delimited
| Both Internet and BITNET lists are included
*** Listserv filelists
All LISTSERV list servers also act as file servers. Files are stored in
subdirectories known as FILELISTS. Listed here are public filelists of
interest to the BITNET community. Please note that in order to save space
many filelists are not noted here. These are:
1. Filelists which are common to ALL Listservs (CONTROL, INFO, TOOLS, etc.)
2. Filelists which store the archives of mailing lists (if you are interested
in this, you are on the mailing list, so you know where the archives are).
All LISTSERVs accept commands via MAIL or MESSAGE.
Listserv Filelist Description
------------------- -------- ---------------------------------------------
LISTSERV @ BITNIC CCNEWS CCNEWS magazine & contributed article archive
NETINFO BITNIC Information repository
LISTSERV @ CANADA01 REXX REXX pre-parser code
LISTSERV @ DB0TUI11 M2CMS List of M2/CMS files
INFOM2 List of files
VMSOFT List of VMSOFT files
TEXTOOLS TeX-Tools written from TeX-Users
LISTSERV @ DEARN VM-UTIL VM system Utilities
POLYMERP Polymer Physics database
LISTSERV @ IBACSATA CSATA List of documents available at CSATA
LISTSERV @ FINHUTC DOCUMENT Documents, info, reports, essays etc
PICTURE CAE pictures & listings in many formats
UTIL All kinds of utilities from everywhere
VMPDSOFT Public Domain VM/SP software
LISTSERV @ FRECP11 LOCSOFT Software products written at FRECP11
LISTSERV @ HDETUD1 BILLING Computer resource chargeback
VM-UTIL VM system Utilities
LISTSERV @ PSUVM REXXCOMP Rexx Compiler package
RXKNET Rexx Knet Interface
LISTSERV @ PUCC COCO Tandy Color Computer files
OS9 Tandy OS9 operating system
TEX TeX-related files
LISTSERV @ RICE MAC-ARCH Macintosh software repository
LISTSERV @ RUTVM1 POLYMERP Polymer Physics database
PUBLIC Public Files - miscellaneous
LISTSERV @ UBVM RFC Request For Comments
VMS VAX/VMS public comain utilities
VM-UTIL VM system Utilities
LISTSERV @ UGA PCSOFT IBM PC Public Domain Software
*** The Relay conference machine network
To find out which Relay you should use, send the /SERVERS command to one of
these Relays. You must send commands to RELAY via MESSAGE.
MASRELAY @ UBVM - University of Buffalo
RELAY @ AEARN - Austrian EARN node at Linz
RELAY @ BEARN - National Scientific Research Fund, Brussels, Belgium
RELAY @ BITNIC - BITNET Network Information Center
RELAY @ BLEKUL11 - Katholieke Universiteit, Belgium
RELAY @ BNANDP10 - Facultes Universaires N.D de la Paix
RELAY @ CANADA01 - NetNorth Admin Centre
RELAY @ CEARN - Centre Europeen de Recherche Nucleaire
RELAY @ CLVM - Clarkson University
RELAY @ CMUCCVMA - Carnegie-Mellon University
RELAY @ CZHRZU1A - Zurich University
RELAY @ DEARN - German central node of EARN at Bonn
RELAY @ DKTC11 - Copenhagen Technical College
RELAY @ EB0UB011 - Universidad Barcelona
RELAY @ FINHUTC - Helsinki University of Technology
RELAY @ FRECP11 - Ecole Centrale de Paris
RELAY @ FRHEC11 - Ecole des Hautes Etudes Commerciales
RELAY @ GITVM1 - Georgia Institute of Technology
RELAY @ HEARN - Katholieke Universiteit, Nijmegen
RELAY @ JPNSUT10 - Science University of Tokyo
RELAY @ NDSUVM1 - North Dakota Higher Education Computer Network
RELAY @ NYUCCVM - New York University
RELAY @ ORION - New Jersey Institute of Technology
RELAY @ PURCCVM - Purdue University
RELAY @ TAMVM1 - Texas A&M University
RELAY @ TAUNIVM - Tel Aviv University
RELAY @ TECMTYVM - Monterrey Institute of Technology
RELAY @ TREARN - Ege University
RELAY @ UALTAVM - University of Alberta
RELAY @ UIUCVMD - University of Illinois
RELAY @ UREGINA1 - University of Regina
RELAY @ USCVM - University of Southern California
RELAY @ UTCVM - University of Tennessee - Chattanooga
RELAY @ UWAVM - University of Washington
RELAY @ UWF - Univeristy of West Florida
RELAY @ VTVM2 - Virginia Polytechnic
RELAY @ VILLVM - Villanova University
RELAY @ VTVM2 - Virginia Polytechnic
RELAY @ WATDCS - University of Waterloo
RELAY @ YALEVM - Yale University Computer Center
RLY @ CORNELLC - Cornell University
*** Electronic magazines
AIR is a newsletter for people interested in institutional research and
planning analysis. For a subscription, send mail to John Muffo,
Amalgam is an electronic newsletter about dental "silver" tooth fillings
and some special aspects of chronic mercury poisoning. It is used for
distribution of bibliographical data. In order to subscribe, send the
following command to LISTSERV@DS0RUS1I via mail or message:
SUB AMALGAM Your_full_name.
Athene is a free network "magazine" devoted to amateur fiction written by
the members of the online community. Athene does not limit itself to any
specific genre, but will publish quality short stories dealing with just
about any interesting topic, including:
science fiction fantasy
religion mystery
computers humor
psychology sports
politics business
To subscribe, mail a request to Jim McCabe, MCCABE@MTUS5. Be sure to
mention if you want it in ASCII or Postscript.
BioSphere Newsletter
BioSphere newsletter may be of interest for those of you concerned about
the problems facing our environment. To get a subscription, send this
command to LISTSERV@UBVM: SUB BIOSPH-L your_full_name.
CCNEWS is a weekly electronic magazine for campus computing center
newsletter editors. In it they discuss common interests and concerns
about delivery of news and information. These include desktop publishing,
printing, operational aspects of developing newsletters, writing, and
computing-related issues relevant to campus computing center information
dissemination. The archive of CCNEWS also includes the full text of
contributed articles from campus computing newsletters and other sources.
You can subscribe to CCNEWS magazine by sending the command: SUB CCNEWS
Your_Full_Name - Institution to LISTSERV@BITNIC.
Class Four
Class Four is intended to be edited by, and in the large to be written
junior Relay operators. News and information of interest to the Relay
user community are presented in a concise format.
This magazine is distributed using the LISTSERV AFD (Automatic File
Distribution) utility. To subscribe, follow these steps: First, pick a
password and tell LISTSERV@CMUCCVMA what it is by sending the following
command via mail or message:
PW ADD mypassword
Once you have received and acknowledgement, tell LISTSERV@CMUCCVMA that
you want to add Class Four to your Automatic File Distribution list with
the command:
AFD ADD CLASS-4 * PW=mypassword
DargonZine is a magazine which continues the science fiction / fantasy
writing project begun in the (now defunct) FSFNET magazine. To subscribe
send a request to John White, WHITE@DUVM.
|Digital Games Review Digest
| This digest is devoted to computer and video game reviews. This is a
| *REVIEWS ONLY* digest, with all submissions edited to fit into a common
| and consistent format. Discussion of the relative merits of different
| gaming computers, technical discussion of resolution required to display
| 3D graphics, and general flaming and hostility will be left to the many
| different forums appropriate for that type of discussion. If you would
| like to subscribe to this digest, please send a subscription request note
| including your favored email return address to:
| digital-games-request@Digital-Games.Intuitive.Com
The On-Line Journal of Distance Education and Communication Special
Interest Group has two primaray concerns: First, it is concerned with
distance education as the organized method of reaching geographically
disadvantaged learners. Second, the Journal is interested in projects
concerned with overcoming cultural barriers through the use of electronic
communication. To subscribe, send the this command to LISTSERV@UWAVM
via mail or message: SUB DISTED your_full_name
| EJournal is an all-electronic, Bitnet/Internet distributed, peer-
| reviewed, academic periodical, concerning the theory and praxis
| surrounding the creation, transmission, storage, interpretation,
| alteration and replication of electronic text. It also covers the
| broader social, psychological, literary, economic and pedagogical
| implications of computer-mediated networks. Please send subscription
| requests to EJOURNAL@ALBNYVMS via mail.
International Intercultural Newsletter
XCULT-L is an international intercultural newsletter written by
undergraduate and graduate students at Penn State University who are
enrolled in Speech Communication 497B: Cross-cultural Communication. Each
week, students write on a topic being discussed in class. Topics range
from non-dominant cultures in the U.S. to corporate cultures to the use
nonverbal communication in international communication. Participants who
receive the newsletter are encouraged to join in the discussions or
contribute their own topics and issues. You can subscribe to XCULT-L by
sending the command "SUB XCULT-L firstname lastname" to LISTSERV@PSUVM.
Mednews is a weekly electronic newsletter. Regular columns consist
of medical news summary from USA Today, Center For Disease Control
MMWR, weekly AIDS Statistics from the CDC, plus other interesting medical
news items. To subscribe, send the following command to
LISTSERV@ASUACAD via mail or message: SUB MEDNEWS Your_Full_Name.
NetMonth is an online magazine featuring news, information, and opinion
about BITNET. Inside each issue you will find features, columns, and
regular departments covering a variety of network-related topics. The
purpose of NetMonth is to inform the BITNET community while providing
practical guidelines for getting the most out of the network. In order
to subcribe, send the following command to LISTSERV@MARIST: SUB NETMONTH
Network Audio Bits
Network Audio Bits and Audio Software Review is an electronic audio
magazine devoted primarily to Compact Disc and Vinyl LP Record reviews.
Subscriptions are available by sending mail to MURPH@MAINE.
NewsE-D is News of the Earth (ISSN 1052-2239) distribution, the free and
public dissemination of global news and information monitored by
shortwave radio by John B. Harlan. Reader/subscriber discussion is
encouraged on the companion NewsE-L (News of the Earth letters).
Additional news and information from other sources is made available on
NewsE-S (News of the Earth supplements). To subscribe, send the
following command to LISTSERV@INDYCMS via mail or message:
SUBSCRIBE NEWSE-D Your_full_name.
You may do the same for NewsE-L and NewsE-S.
Postmodern Culture
Postmodern Culture is a peer-reviewed electronic journal which provides
an international and interdisciplinary forum for discussing contemporary
literature, theory, and culture. It emphasizes open debate and
intellectual engagement: readers may respond to essays and their comments
will be made available to the authors and to other readers. Postmodern
Culture does not promote any one definition of the term "postmodernism,"
nor does it advance any one framework for debate; on the contrary, it
encourages critical and ideological diversity, solicits dissent, and
invites the participation of those outside the usual boundaries of the
discussion of postmodernism. For more information or a subscription,
send mail to PMC@NCSUVM.
The Public-Access Computer Systems Review
An electronic journal, the Public-Access Computer Systems Review, has
been established on the Public-Access Computer Systems Forum (PACS-
L@UHUPVM1). The PACS Review will cover all computer systems that
libraries make available to their patrons, including CAI and ICAI
programs, CD-ROM databases, expert systems, hypermedia systems,
information delivery systems, local databases, online catalogs, remote
end-user search systems, and other systems. To join the PACS Forum, send
the following command to LISTSERV@UHUPVM1 vis mail or message: SUBSCRIBE
PACS-L Your_full_name
Psychnet is a weekly newsletter keeping the psychology community
informed and in contact. To subscribe, send mail to Robert C. Morecock,
Quanta is an electronically distributed journal of Science Fiction and
Fantasy. As such, each issue contains fiction by amateur authors as
well as articles, reviews and so on. Quanta is published in two formats,
ASCII and PostScript (for PostScript compatible laser printers). Article
submissions should be sent to QUANTA@ANDREW.CMU.EDU. Requests to be added
to be added to the distribution list should be sent to one of following,
depending on which version of the magazine you'd like to receive:
South Florida Environmental Reader
The South Florida Environmental Reader is primarily intended for people
in South Florida to keep abreast of local environmental issues. The
newsletter is published on a fortnightly basis, and distributed both
electronically and physically. To receive the electronic edition, send
your request to SFER@UMIAMI.
SCUP Newsletter
SCUP is a newsleter for people intersted in college and university
planning. For a subscription send mail to SCUP@TUFTS.
TeXMag is a magazine for users of the TeX Computer Typesetting System.
For a subscription send the following command to LISTSERV@BYUVM via
mail or message: SUB TEXMAG-L your_full_name.
| USSR-D (USSR news and information digest) is a regular digest of traffic
| culled from USSR-L (USSR news & information list), a public discussion
| and distribution list dedicated to the dissemination and analysis of non-
| classified news and information regarding the Union of Soviet Socialist
| Republics and its past and present (if not future) constituent Soviet
| Socialist Republics. To subscribe send the command Sub USSR-D
| Your_full_name to LISTSERV@INDYCMS.