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Text File | 1993-07-09 | 17.2 KB | 413 lines | [TEXT/EDIT] |
- **** DRAFT DRAFT *** please send corrections
- Version 1.8 July 9 1993 update since 1.6
- KD6PAG found a bug in quoting recieved escape and end characters
- is
- sofktiss 1.6. The bug and the fix and patch are all correct, thanks for
- some great detective work.
- Update phone number
- Overview
- This document tells you how to get your Mac on packet radio for less
- than $50. Some friends are working on a modem for less than $30.
- Written by Aaron Wohl
- 6393 Penn Ave #303
- Pittsburgh PA, 15206
- Phone 412-731-3691 (note: new phone)
- AppleLink: A0361 (seldom checked)
- Internet: n3liw+@cmu.edu
- Compuserv: 76516,2677 (note: new address)
- Packet: n3liw@w2xo.wpa.usa.na
- Things you need to get started
- You need an "IP" address. This is a 32 bit number issued by your
- local ip coordinator. It is expressed as 4 numbers separated by
- periods. It should look like
- My call sign is N3LIW so I sent a request to my coordinator: "My host
- is called n3liw I need one IP address. It is located in Pittsburgh PA".
- I asked around to find the coordinator in my area. I have attached
- the current list of IP coordinators as Appendix 1.
- There is a file that lists all the folks around you that also have ip
- addresses. It must have your ip address and hostname (call sign) at
- least. You can get this from your coordinator. It looks like this:
- unix.n3cvl
- w3vc
- darth.wa3yoa
- unix.w2xo
- n3igw
- wa3hgw
- This is the software than emulates a "normal" TNC. It is available
- from the internet on host akutaktak.andrew.cmu.edu via anonymous
- ftp in the /aw0g directory. On compuserve in the hamnet forum
- library 9. MAC/Net expects a TNC in kiss mode, which is what
- Softkiss emulates.
- Softkiss
- This software emulates a really dumb TNC in kiss mode. It is
- available on the internet from host akutaktak.andrew.cmu.edu
- [] in the /aw0g directory. It is also available on
- compuserv hamnet forum in library 9.
- Software Compatibility Switch
- If you are using a Mac fx or quadra (or newer har har) get the
- "software compatibility switch" control panel from compuserv
- Macintosh Developers sig library 8 (Apple System Tools) and is called
- All of the above stuff is free. The modem you have build or buy.
- Stas at A&A engineering sells BayCom kits based on the 7910 modem
- chip, the phone is 714 952 2114. I have been using two of his kits in
- development. This kit supports 300 baud for HF work [untested by
- n3liw].
- A quote from Dexter Francis: "Sigma Design Associates [Dexter Francis
- KD6CNT] has a modem specifically for the macintosh that should cost
- about $30. It comes with a HyperCard stack with useful tips on
- building and hooking up a modem. 408-733-8985 AppleLink:
- Francis4 Compuserv: 70611,1340 XXX"
- I have been using a prototype of this modem. It is line powered
- which saves having an extra power cable. Softkiss supports the line
- powered option which is handy on a power book or portable.
- John Olson at Tigertronics sells a little line powered modem model
- BayPac-2 built into a DB25 connector. The cost is $49. He is sent me
- one to hook up and try out. It is working well. There is a wireing
- diagram in the wireing section. Tigertronics can be reached at
- (503)474-6700.
- The 1992 ARLL handbook has some planes for a modem on page 29-
- 13 if you want to build one.
- 73 Magazine had an interesting article published in August 1991
- 'Poor Man's Packet' by F. Kevin Feeney WB2EMS and Andy Payne.
- Installing The Hardware
- Wiring
- Radio
- Sorry no help here, the modem kit probably came with some hints?
- Power
- Unless the modem is specially designed to be low power there isn't
- enough juice to steal power from the Mac. If you have such a
- modem set "line_power true" in Softkiss to leave the transmit drivers
- on even in receive mode to power your modem. Currently the
- default is line_power true. Comments? are most of you using line
- powered or externaly powered modems?
- Macintosh
- See Inside Mac Volume IV page 249.
- See below the pinout for the A&A Baycom modem
- There is no standard for Mac cable color codes, so when you get
- yours working telling a friend the colors won't help
- The Softkiss software currently ignores the CTS (Mac pin2) signal.
- If your modem supplies it you can hook it up to be ready for a future
- version. Sigma's MacPacketModem provides this signal.
- The Mac has two transmit data lines, ignore the TXD+(Mac pin6)
- signal and use the TXD-(Mac pin3) because that is closer to being
- RS232.
- The Mac has two receive data lines, hook the RXD+(Mac pin8) to your
- circuit ground. Send data in RXD0 (Mac pin5)
- The DTR (Mac pin 1) signal is used to key the transmitter. It is
- active high
- Mac PIN 4 is ground.
- Don't hook anything to the GPI (Mac pin 7)
- Pinout for Sigma modem
- The Sigma modem uses a mini db-8 which is the same thing used on
- a Laserwriter so you can use a standard cable.
- Pinout for A&A Baycom modem
- Mac Pinout DB9 Pinout Function
- Mini DIN8 Baycom
- 1 7 DTR push to talk
- 2 5 MAC CTS in unused
- 3 4 TXD- transmit data out -
- 4 5 Ground
- 5 8 RXD-
- 6 NC TXD+ transmit data out+
- 7 NC Not connected
- 8 5 RXD+ / Ground
- NOTE: This is *NOT* a standard cable you can buy. I asked A&A and
- they may carry this cable made up in the future.
- Starting Softkiss
- Hook up the modem as described above to either Mac port but not
- yet to the radio(it might key up due to the last terminal emulation
- program leaving DTR on).
- Get whatever might be using the port on the Mac to stop using it. If
- you are connecting to the printer port be sure that AppleTalk is
- turned off.
- If you are using a Mac fx or quadra you need to set the serial ports
- to compatibility mode.
- Place the SoftKiss control panel in the System Folder (system 6) or
- Control panel folder (system 7) and reboot.
- Bring up the SoftKiss control panel and select "KISS mode TNC" for
- the port you want to use for a radio.
- Possible Problems
- If the control panel says the port is busy, maybe it is (is appletalk off
- if you are using port b?)
- If it says that there is "no scc chip" then you have an fx, quadra, or
- newer and need to follow the compatibility section above.
- Hook up the radio, something is wrong if it keys up right now...
- Using Net
- You did get the host table and ip address talked about above in the
- steal this stuff section right?
- Put the hosts.net file in the same directory as the NET/Mac
- application. It must have at least your own ip address and hostname
- (call sign) listed. Sample minimal file:
- n3xyz
- Now the fun part [sic]. There is this file called "autoexec.net" you
- need to put the same information in it in ten different ways and set
- some strange settings, so be patient.
- Copy the file Autoexec.TEMPLATE and name the copy Autoexec.net
- Replace all occurrences of my_callsign with your actual in lower
- case.
- Replace the one occurrence of IPADDRESS with your actual ip
- address. Afterwards that line should look like:ip addr []
- Search for the string QST-0 (that is a zero at the end). On this line it
- kind of looks like a call sign but the last two bytes are zero. So you
- need to change the second number which is 112 where I live to be
- the second number from your ip address.
- Search for the line hostfile "boot:macnet:Hosts.net", this needs to
- name Hosts.net file. I don't think it likes spaces much so you may
- need to rename a directory if it has them.
- Search for "attach asy 1 a" if you are using the modem port you are
- all set. If you are using the printer port change the a to be yielding:
- attach asy 1 b
- Now, finally run the net program, leaving Softkiss running.
- If net hangs at startup it is usually because the port (modem or
- printer) is not running Softkiss and doesn't have anything attached
- to it, check your configuration
- If net give some error messages at startup check your autoexec.net
- To monitor packets and see if everything is setup ok. Give net the
- command "trace ax0 111" this opens a window and shows all the
- packets going by. When you are done quit net and restart it as it
- seems to drop connections when the trace window is open.
- To connect to my favorite bbs (w2xo) I use:
- c ax0 w2xo
- There is built in help in net and a sub directory with more
- documentation.
- Overall the system needs work and is under construction.
- When it doesn't transmit
- To make adjustments to Softkiss you need to do:
- Run any terminal emulator program such as Red Ryder, White
- Knight, Mac Terminal, Kermit and select the same port you picked in
- the control panel.
- You will get the modem> prompt or printer> prompt depending on
- which port you are using. The help command will give a list of
- commands and their usage. Typical command sequence
- online false
- -- make changes
- online true
- Changes are not saved yet (sorry)
- Times are in microseconds
- To have finer control for high speed radios Softkiss thinks of time in
- microseconds. Most TNCs measure time in milliseconds but express it
- in milliseconds/10. You thought you would never need to use that
- stuff from the exams on micro->milli right?
- An example, my kam [Kantronics All Mode, a common TNC] manual
- says the default time for txdelay is "30". But it internally multiples
- by 10, it has a default txdelay of 300 milliseconds. To convert to
- microseconds for Softkiss add three zeros to yield 300000
- tx_delay
- This is the delay for your transmitter to key up, squelch to break on
- the receiver and the receiving end to synchronize. The default is
- 300000 microseconds (which is 3 tenths of a second). If it is too
- short it won't work. If it too long it wastes air time.
- Once you have things working you can make this number smaller till
- it breaks and back off a little.
- If you are using a tx_delay as small as possible, then it makes a
- difference how the other end is set up. If they using a "DCD detector"
- to run open squelch then when you switch to talk to someone else
- you would need to up the time.
- Ask around to see what folks in your area are using for your kind of
- radio.
- tail_delay
- After Softkiss transmits all of your data to the serial chip it waits
- while the SCC hardware transmits the final data byte to the radio
- then the checksum and a closing flag. This time is how long it waits.
- This time does not vary according to your radio, or the radio at the
- other end.
- Softkiss should figure it out itself but it doesn't yet.
- tail_delay defaults to 50000 microseconds.
- If it is too small the receiving end won't understand your packet.
- It it is too big you waste air time.
- If you are using 300 baud on HF 50000 wont be enough, it needs to
- be large enough for about 4 characters. I haven't tried it but 150000
- should be enough for 300 baud.
- Fairness, xmit_dwait, xmit_slottime, xmit_persist
- Softkiss tries to transmit when nobody else is transmitting so that it
- doesn't interfere. So does everyone else. These parameters
- (xmit_dwait xmit_slottime, xmit_persist) teach Softkiss the rules that
- the hams in your area use to play fair in transmitting.
- If Softkiss is too wimpy it will not transmit because it is being to
- deferential and everyone else will go.
- If Softkiss is too aggressive it will transmit on top of other people
- and not give them a chance.
- Ask around your area to find what hams are using for dwait, slottime
- and persist.
- dwait
- This is how long to wait to give digipeaters a chance to go first. It
- not used in my area anymore since slottime and persist where
- invented so I set it to zero. Again, remember times are in
- microseconds (see time section above)
- xmit_persist
- When Softkiss wants to transmit it plays dice. It takes out it's 1000
- sided die and rolls it. If the number it rolls is bigger than what you
- picked for xmit_persist it goes to sleep for xmit_slottime then tries
- again. Being a computer it's die is labeled from 0 to 999.
- My kam defaults to 63 for persist but it is 63 on a 256 sided die
- which gives it about a 25% chance of transmitting when it wants to.
- The same chance would be 'xmit_persist 250' to SoftKiss.
- If it xmit_persist number is too small everyone else will go and you
- wont take a shot at it.
- If it is too small you will jump in and not give everyone else a
- chance.
- xmit_slottime
- If die roll above for xmit_persist says to take a nap this is how long
- to sleep for. It defaults to 90000 microseconds which is 90
- milliseconds. Ask around what folks in your area are using. Again,
- see the section on time above a kam setting of 90 is 90000 to
- Softkiss.
- Future Softkiss Wish List
- • Interface to Virtuoso to have a better user interface than macnet
- • AppleTalk (printing, AppleShare) over radio
- • MacTCP (apple's TCP system)
- • AfterDark packet monitoring module
- • A built in connect command in SoftKiss
- Appendix 1
- AMPRNet IP address coordinators as of 15 January 1992
- 44.002 Bob Meyer K6RTV Calif: Sacramento
- 44.004 Douglas Thom N6OYU Calif: Silicon Valley -
- San Francisco
- 44.006 Don Jacob WB5EKU Calif: Santa Barbara/Ventura
- 44.008 Brian Kantor WB6CYT Calif: San Diego
- 44.010 Terry Neal AA6TN Calif: Orange County
- 44.012 Steven King KD7RO Eastern
- Washington,Idaho
- 44.014 John Shalamskas KJ9U Hawaii & Pacific
- Islands
- 44.016 Jeff Angus WA6FWI Calif: Los Angeles - S F
- Valley
- 44.017 Dana Myers KK6JQ Calif: Antelope
- Valley/Kern County
- 44.018 Geoffrey Joy KE6QH Calif: San Bernardino &
- Riverside
- 44.020 Fred Schneider K0YUM Colorado: Northeast
- 44.022 John Stannard KL7JL Alaska
- 44.024 Dennis Goodwin KB7DZ Washington state:
- Western (Puget Sound)
- 44.026 Ron Henderson WA7TAS Oregon
- 44.028 Don Adkins KD5QN Texas: Dallas
- 44.030 J Gary Bender WS5N New Mexico
- 44.032 Bdale Garbee N3EUA Colorado: Southeast
- 44.034 Jeff Pierce WD4NMQ Tennesee
- 44.036 Doug Drye KD4NC Georgia
- 44.038 Mike Abbott N4QXV South Carolina
- 44.040 Jeff Jacobsen WA7MBL Utah
- 44.042 Phil Akers WA4DDE Mississippi
- 44.044 Ed Thorne WB1FEM Massachusetts: western
- 44.046 William Simmons WB0ROT Missouri
- 44.048 Jacques Kubley KA9FJS Indiana
- 44.050 Ron Breitwisch KC0OX Iowa
- 44.052 Gary Grebus K8LT New Hampshire
- 44.054 Ralph Stetson KD1R Vermont
- 44.056 Don Hughes KA1MF Eastern Mass
- 44.058 Rich Clemens KB8AOB West Virginia
- 44.060 Howard Leadmon WB3FFV Maryland
- 44.062 Jim Dearras WA4ONG Virginia (not DC)
- 44.064 Dave Trulli NN2Z New Jersey: northern
- 44.065 Bob Applegate WA2ZZX New Jersey: southern
- 44.066 John DeGood NU3E Delaware
- 44.068 Bob Foxworth K2EUH New York: Long Island
- 44.069 Paul Gerwitz WA2WPI New York: upstate
- 44.070 Gary Sanders N8EMR Ohio
- 44.072 Ken Stritzel WA9AEK Chicago - North Ill.
- 44.074 James Curran KA4OJN North Carolina (east)
- 44.075 Charles Layno WB4WOR North Carolina (west)
- 44.076 Kurt Freiberger WB5BBW Texas: south
- 44.077 Rod Huckabay KA5EJX Texas: west
- 44.078 Joe Buswell K5JB Oklahoma
- 44.080 John Gayman WA3WBU Pennsylvania: eastern
- 44.082 Steven Elwood N7GXP Montana
- 44.084 Bob Ludtke K9MWM Colorado: Western
- 44.086 Reid Fletcher WB7CJO Wyoming
- 44.088 Jon Bloom KE3Z Connecticut
- 44.090 Mike Nickolaus NF0N Nebraska
- 44.092 Pat Davis KD9UU Wisconsin, upper peninsula
- Michigan
- 44.094 Gary Sharp WD0HEB Minnesota
- 44.096 Don Bennett K4NGC District of Columbia
- 44.098 Garry Paxinos (waiting) Florida
- 44.100 Ken Adkisson WB4FAY Alabama
- 44.102 Jeff King WB8WKA Michigan (lower peninsula)
- 44.104 Charles Greene W1CG Rhode Island
- 44.106 Tyler Barnett N4TY Kentucky
- 44.108 James Dugal N5KNX Louisiana
- 44.110 Richard Duncan WD5B Arkansas
- 44.112 Bob Hoffman N3CVL Pennsylvania: western
- 44.114 Steven Elwood N7GXP N&S Dakota
- 44.116 Tom Kloos WS7S Oregon:
- NW&Portland,Vancouver WA
- 44.118 Jon Andrews WA2YVL Maine
- 44.120 unassigned
- 44.122 Dale Puckett K0HYD Kansas
- 44.124 David Dodell WB7TPY Arizona
- 44.125 Earl Petersen KF7TI Nevada
- 44.126 Karl Wagner KP4QG Puerto Rico
- #
- # 44.128 is reserved for testing. Do not use for operational networks.
- # You may safely assume that any packets with 44.128 addresses are
- bogons
- # unless you are using them for some sort of testing
- #
- 44.128 TEST
- #
- # International subnet coordinators by country
- #
- 44.129 Japan JG1SLY Tak Kushida, JH3XCU Joly
- Kanbayashi
- 44.130 Germany DL4TA Ralf D Kloth
- 44.131 United Kingdom G6PWY Chris ?
- 44.132 Indonesia YB1BG Robby Soebiakto
- 44.133 Spain EA4DQX Jose Antonio Garcia. Madrid.
- 44.134 Italy I2KFX
- 44.135 Canada VE3GYQ David Toth
- 44.136 Australia VK2ZXQ John Tanner
- 44.137 Holland PA0GRI Gerard Van Der Grinten
- 44.138 Israel 4X6OJ Ofer Lapid
- 44.139 Finland OH1MQK Matti Aarnio
- 44.140 Sweden SM0RGV Anders Klemets
- 44.141 Norway LA4JL Per Eotang
- 44.142 Switzerland HB9CAT Marco Zollinger
- 44.143 Austria OE1KDA Krzysztof Dabrowski
- 44.144 Belgium ON7LE
- 44.145 Denmark OZ1EUI
- 44.146 Phillipines DU1UJ Eddie Manolo
- 44.147 New Zealand
- 44.148 Ecuador HC5K Ted
- 44.149 Hong Kong VS6EL
- 44.150 Yugoslavia YU3FK Iztok Saje
- 44.151 France FC1BQP Pierre-Francois Monet
- 44.152 Venezuela OA4KO/YV5 Luis Suarez
- 44.153 Argentina LU7ABF Pedro Converso
- 44.154 Greece SV1IW Manos
- 44.155 Ireland EI9GL Paul Healy
- 44.156 Hungary HA5DI Markus Bela
- 44.157 Chile CE6EZB Raul Burgos
- 44.158 Portugal CT1DIA Artur Gomes
- 44.159 Thailand HS1JC Kunchit Charmaraman
- 44.160 South Africa ZS6BHD John
- 44.161 Luxembourg LX1YZ Erny Tontlinger
- 44.162 Cyprus 5B4TX C. Costis
- 44.163 Central America TI3DJT Chuck Hast
- 44.164 Surinam PZ2AC Otto Morroy
- 44.165 Poland SP5WCA Andrzej K. Brandt
- 44.166 Korea HL9TG Gary ?
- 44.193 Outer Space-AMSAT W3IWI Tom Clark