This addendum is to provide additional information to the user not found in the manual. Please read the information carefully.
Macintosh System Files
1. All the Macintosh System Files have been updated to System 6.0.4. If you need to upgrade your System Files to 6.0.4, use the installer in the Macintosh Tools Folder to avoid reinstalling fonts and DAs. For more instruction on installation, please consult your Macintosh User's Manual.
Pad Lok Utility V2.6
1. The PadLok™ Utility can detect all SCSI devices. SCSI devices which are not supported are dimmed and no operation can be performed on them. This enhancement allows PadLok to report the actual status of devices on the SCSI bus instead of the status of Mass Microsystem drives only.
2. In previous versions of PadLok, PadLok always defaults to the lowest SCSI ID on returning from executing a command. In V2.6, PadLok will default to the lowest SCSI ID only during the initial scan. If a SCSI ID other than the lowest SCSI ID is selected, PadLok will remember the selected SCSI ID on return from executing a command.
3. During a Drive Test, if there are no bad sectors found during the first pass, the Drive Test will end. If a bad sector is found, a complete Drive Test will be performed.
4. Defect management has been improved in this version of PadLok. PadLok can detect and reallocate more defective sectors. This will extend the media life of the DataCart.
5. When a fatal error occurs, PadLok will stop to warn the user. The error message will be in the dialog box as well as in the "Message" box. Note the error message down. Tell the technical support staff what the error message is when you call for technical support.
6. There is a new version of the DataPak Driver. Click on the "Options" button and select "Update Driver" for DataPak owners. The new driver has better error reporting capabilities.
DataPak Init V2.6
1. This is a new version of the DataPak Init. Please make sure you have the latest version in your System Folder. Copy the DataPak Init by dragging a copy from your floppy diskette(it can be found in the System Folder of the floppy diskette) to your startup System Folder.
PadLok™ V2.6
1. There are a copy of minor bug fixes. Please make sure you have the latest version in your System Folder. Copy the PadLok™ by dragging a copy from your floppy diskette(it can be found in the System Folder of the floppy diskette) to your startup System Folder.