These are replacement trash can icons for anyone who would want their desktop to appear more like an office than the back alley. When the trash is empty, it appears as an empty wicker basked, just as expected. When it contains trash, there are multi-colored papers filling the basket (and a few on the floor).
ResEdit is required to install these icons into the Finder. ResEdit can be downloaded from America Online. If you are new to ResEdit, there are several good books describing how to most effectively use ResEdit. The one that I use is "ResEditComplete" by Alley Strange, publised by Addison Wesley. The reason I picked that one was that it included a copy of ResEdit with the book.
A copy of the original trash can is included in this file for the occasion that you want to remove the wicker basket without reinstalling the Finder.
1- Open the TrashBin file with ResEdit.
2- Open A COPY of the Finder with ResEdit.
3- Determine which resources which you need to install in your Finder. The TrashBin file contains 6 resources: 1) icl4 - large four color icon, 2) icl8 - large eight color icon, 3) ICN# - Finder icon resource list, 4) ics# - small icon resource list , 5) ics4 - small four color icon, 6) ics8- small eight color icon.
4- Repeat for each resource you desire to use:
a) select a resource from the TrashBin file (ResEdit)
b) COPY that resource to the clipboard (Edit menu)
c) switch to the Finder opened in ResEdit
d) PASTE the clipboard contents into the Finder (Edit menu)
5- Close the finder
6- Close the TrashBin
7- Reboot
I hope that these Icons increase your pleasure in using your Macintosh!