After you install and open NetCal for the first time, Calendar appears in the main menu bar. Select New... from this menu to create your first calendar. If you are upgrading from a previous version, select Open... to see your calendars and, if necessary, place "checks" in the "In Menu" column to re-install calendars under the Calendar menu.
Be sure to look at the Help screens in the Calendar for complete documentation. The NetCal Desk Accessory is free. If you are interested in the networking capabilities an order form is provided as the last help screen. Future enhancements to NetCal depend strongly on users’ response to the networking capability.
Feel free to contribute comments and/or suggestions to the NetCal author at the following addresses: Tad Woods, T&T Software, 109 Tee Circle, Salem, VA 24153; T.Woods on GEnie; 70312,3552 on Compuserve; Tad Woods on America Online.
NetCal file format:
• For interested programmers, the source code for accessing calendar files directly is available from CompuServe in a MACDEV forum library as MEMMGT.CPT.
Version history:
NetCal 1.4
• Redesigned Open dialog.
• The Access privilege terms "private, ready only, public" are replaced with "no access, ready only, update," respectively.
• An icon above the "grow box" in calednar windows will double the size of the edit box.
• The NetCal-INIT did not change; its version number was updated for consistency with the Calendar DA.
NetCal 1.3.5
• "Shortcut" icons provide quick access to the menu commands: next/previous month, next/previous year, find, print, defaults, and help.
• If the NetCal-INIT does not install an error message will appear at the end of the Restart process.
• 1.3.5 is compatible with 1.3.4, etc.
NetCal 1.3.4
• An Individual… Access option allows access privileges to each calendar to apply individually to remote users.
• NetCal will search for shared calendars on one or two zones. Hold the option and command keys as the Calendar DA opens to specify one or two zone names.
• 1.3.4 is compatible with remote 1.3.x versions, although 1.3.4 is required to take advantage of the improved access priviledges.
NetCal 1.3.3
• Notes can be displayed in a different font and size from the calendar template. See Defaults in the Calendar menu.
• The italicized months in the month menu, January and December, go to the previous year and next year respectively.
NetCal 1.3.2
• Find & Go To works faster.
• Saving remote notes is more efficient.
• The pop-up year menu will update to reflect the displayed year.
• NetCal periodically re-scans the network for additional users.
• For convenience, version 1.3.2 is compatible with remote users running version 1.3.1 _or_ 1.3 (1.3.1 was not compatible with 1.3).
NetCal 1.3.1
• The number of "Public" and "Read Only" calendars "published" from any ONE Mac that show as "available" on other Macs is more severely limited in version 1.3 than previous versions. Version 1.3.1 increases the number of "publishable" calendars on each Mac to about 228 calendars with average name lengths of 20 characters (or any combination using up to 4600 bytes). The number of calendars that can show as "available" from all Macs on the network zone remains unlimited.
NetCal 1.3
• The Go To Other menu choice is now Find & Go To. Multiple calendars can be searched at the same time.
• The maximum number of saveable characters in one day’s note for remote calendars is increased to 4,600. Previous versions could view 4,600 characters but could only save up to 570. This limit applies to calendars accessed remotely; calendars on the local Mac can view and save up to 32,000 characters in one day’s note.
• Improved reliability on busy networks.
• Fixed a network problem that could cause a system crash if the Calendar DA was closed "shortly" (but not immediately) after it was opened. "Shortly" depends on the number of NetCal users and the speed of the network.
• The Note Window will automatically re-open the next time NetCal is opened if the window remains open when the user Quits.
• Improved printing with list format: Notes will wrap-around when the text reaches the edge of the page. A forced page-break when printing consecutive months is now optional.
NetCal 1.2.2
• Works on 68040 Macs with Cache on.
NetCal 1.2.1
• A Delete option in the Note Window now provides a way to remove an event from a group of calendars (see Note Window help screens in the DA).
• An Other... choice is available for font size in the Defaults dialog.
• Calendars accessed remotely now always display the correct note for the last day of the month when the month has fewer than 31 days.
NetCal 1.2
• Cosmetic and minor bug fixes
• In case NetCal remains open after midnight, "Today" will go to the new day.
• It is possible to specify an alternate directory for NetCal's files (see General help screens in the DA)
• In the Open dialog, "Show" now always shows calendars in their alphabetically correct position in the "In Menu" list.
NetCal 1.1
• It is possible to specify an alternate network zone to look for calendars.
• In the Open dialog, "Owner" works for any owner.
• NetCal prevents pasting or typing more than 32,000 characters into one day's note.
NetCal 1.0
• First "official" release at Boston MacWorld Expo, August 1991