ScreenChooser V2.2 is a significant revision to previous versions. It fixes several bugs, sports a fully redesigned interface and adds a few new features. It also eliminates the red line protection many users commented negatively on and is fully functional upon installation. ScreenChooser is still Shareware, be sure to read the online "Help" for more information.
To install ScreenChooser, simply drag it to the Control Panels folder (under System 7.0 or later) or to the System Folder (System 6.0.x). Under System 7.0 or later, ScreenChooser can also be put in the Extensions folder, where it will load earlier and will have a chance to display the image earlier on at boot.
ScreenChooser can be configured by double clicking on it's icon under System 7.0 or by opening it in the Control Panel DA under System 6.0.x . Be sure read the online help (by clicking the "Help" button in the control panel) before attempting to use it.
Open the control panel and turn ScreenChooser OFF using the on/off switch before deinstalling. This will restore the System Folder and will allow the General Controls control panel to read color patterns. Failure to do so may limit your Mac to old style B&W patterns only.
Under some Macs, turning ScreenChooser off and deinstalling it may leave the previously used tiling up. To correct this, open the General Controls control panel and select a color pattern other than the one you were using before.
Compression extensions such as Disk Doubler must load BEFORE ScreenChooser since ScreenChooser can't read the compressed file these utilities generate.
1.0 - The original ScreenChooser; Worked by copying StartUp Screen files
from image folder to system folder and renaming them as "StartUp
Screen"; entirely dependant on Mac's internal StartUp Screen
1.1 - Added compatibility with Bill Bond's "Show/HidePICT" INIT.
2.0 - Major rewrite; ScreenChooser no longer reliant on internal StartUp
Screen mechanism.
- Added support for B&W and color StartUp Screens, MacPaint files and
color and B&W PICT files.
- Support for tilings.
- Custom palette support (eliminating need for Bill Bond's INIT)
- Backdropping; eliminating need for utilities such as BackDrop.
- Added sound support.
2.1 - Eliminated periodic "Please pay..." boxes.
2.2 - Redesigned control panel interface.
- Added "On/Off" toggle; restores System so the General Controls control
panel can access color patterns.
- Fix bug of disappearing tilings on some Macs.
- Added "Stretch to Fit" option.
-Eliminated red line protection; program now fully functional upon