Requirements: 128K ROM (Mac 512Ke) and System 4.2 (Finder 6.0)
About: System Enhancer is a powerful new way to customize your system. In addition to installing larger color patterns (on Mac with Color QuickDraw) it can add colorful alert icons and much much more. This copy comes with two sample files of ready to install resources and a partial online help file. When you register your copy you’ll receive additional files, full online help, an application for creating your own installable resources, and an FKey screen saver that takes less than 1/2 K.
Disclaimer: System Enhancers allows you to exceed the normal limits of the Macintosh system software. In doing so there is a risk under certain circumstances of damaging your system file. I am not responsible for damage to your system file, regardless of circumstance.
Additionally I only know that System Enhancer is compatible with Virex and SAM; other anti-viral programs such as Gatekeeper probably will have problems with my program.
If your system file is damaged open it with ResEdit 2.1.1 or later. ResEdit’s verification should be able to repair the damage done.
Registration: Just send five dollars, a double (800K) or high (1.44M) density disk, a self addressed envelope (for the disk), and if you have time some comments, complaints or bug reports to me. My address is:
Michael Shopsin
280 West 11th St.
New York, NY, 10014
I’ll send you back your disk filled with goodies. You’ll get a copy of the latest version of System Enhancer, PACS Editor for creating your own installable resources, and ready to install packages of system alterations.
Version History:
10/21/93 1.0 Original, fixed a pre-release copying memory bug
(unreleased) 1.0.1 Fixed MultiFinder bug and now compatible with SAM
P.S. If you don’t include return postage and a disk I will not be able to give you the additional registered files and software. My income from this program is minimal and I cannot afford on five dollars registration to give out free envelopes and disks.
P.P.S. To any registered users, please be patient. I am under a lot of pressure in school right now which is slowing my progress on the promised package of stuff. At this date PACS editor is finished and so are most of the files. However I will probably delay sending you System Enhancer until about version 1.2.x because there are still some things that should be added and I want to give you the best value for your money.