1025 Change the match requirements for the fill area\nMatch Mode
1050 Unknown
1051 None
1052 Windows
1053 OS/2
1054 RLE4
1055 RLE8
1056 DIB
1057 OS/2 or Windows Bitmap
1059 Windows Clipboard
1060 Dr. Halo
1061 OS/2 or Windows DIB
1062 Autodesk Animation Format
1063 Compuserve GIF
1064 Amiga Interchange Format
1065 GEM Paint
1067 JPEG - JFIF Compliant
1068 Deluxe Paint
1069 MacPaint
1070 Microsoft Paint
1071 Portable Bitmap
1072 Kodak Photo-CD
1073 Zsoft Paintbrush
1074 Portable Greymap
1075 PC Paint
1076 Portable Pixelmap
1077 SUN Raster Images
1078 Raw File Format
1079 Compressed Bitmap
1080 Truevision Targa
1081 Tagged Image File Format
1082 Windows Meta File
1083 Word Perfect
1084 Run Length
1085 GIF - 87a
1086 GIF - 89a
1087 Non - Interlaced
1088 Interlaced
1089 PBM
1090 ILBM
1091 1 - 8
1092 1 - 9
1093 Byte Header
1094 Standard IMG
1095 DCT / LZW
1096 Macintosh PICT
1109 Has a header
1110 No header
1111 Pack Bits
1112 type
1113 ASCII
1114 Binary
1115 PCD - Base Image
1116 Photo - YCC
1117 Pictor / PC Paint
1118 Standard
1119 Compuserve
1121 Fax Group 3
1122 Fax Group 4
1123 Change the type of line\nType
1124 Aldus Placeable
1125 Million
1126 WPG
1127 LZW
1128 Huffman
1129 - Standard
1130 - Progressive
1131 Arithmetic
1132 Change object shape\nShape
1133 Change the match tolerance for the fill tool\nTolerance
1134 Change the opacity of the fill\nOpacity
1135 Change the options for the current fill style\nFill Options
1136 Base the magic wand on the merged layers\nSample Merged
1137 Change width of the line\nWidth
1138 Toggle anti-aliasing along the edges of lines\nAntialias
1140 Change the width of the outline for the current shape\nOutline Width
1141 Change the style of the current shape\nStyle
1142 The current zoom factor for this view\nZoom Factor
1147 Change the size of the eraser brush\nSize
1148 Change the size of the current brush\nSize
1433 Photoshop 2.5
1434 Portable Network Graphics
1435 PNG - Non Interlaced
1436 PNG - Interlaced
1437 LZ77
1454 The file "%s" does not exist or cannot be read. Please check the file name and access privileges.
1455 Lose all changes since your last save?
1478 Yes
1480 Fill with the canvas color\nFill Canvas
1497 No
1547 Decreasing Color Depth
1548 There was not enough memory or disk space to update the undo buffer. Would you like to discard your previous undo history and continue the current operation without undo ?
1970 This file format requires images to have a minimum of 256 colors. To continue this operation, this application must increase the color depth of this image. Is it ok to change the current image?
1971 This file format requires images to have a minimum of 16.7 million colors. To continue this operation, this application must increase the color depth of this image. Is it ok to change the current image?
1972 This file format requires images to have 256 colors and be greyscale. To continue this operation, this application must alter the color depth of this image. Is it ok to change the current image?
1975 This file format requires images to have a maximum of 256 colors. To continue this operation, this application must decrease the color depth of this image. Is it ok to change the current image?
2070 This GIF animation contains a frame or frames that are larger than the animation itself. The animation size will be increased to match the size of the largest frame in the animation.
2071 Rendering Frames
2072 Optimizing Frames
2073 Optimizing Palette
2074 Building Histogram
2076 Properties - Frames %ld thru %ld
2077 Version %s.%s%s %s
2078 About %s
2079 %s Frame %ld
2080 %s Frame %ld Mask
2081 %d colors currently
15010 Width: %i Height: %i
15011 Unavailable
15012 %i Bits Per Pixel (%s Colors)
15013 1 Bit Per Pixel (2 Colors)
15014 Please enter a valid file name
15015 Frame %i of %i
15024 PAL - Palette File|*.pal||
15025 AVI - Animation File|*.avi|
15027 (%i, %i) -> (%i, %i) = (%i x %i)
15028 Animation: %i x %i
15029 Image: %u x %u
15030 No files open
15031 Finish
15032 Animation Shop Build Information
15033 Build Date: %s @ %s
15034 Build Mode: %s
15035 Debug
15036 Release
15037 Target Processor
15038 Memory / Drive Status:
15039 Memory Load Index %lu pcnt.
15040 MB
15041 KB
15042 Total Physical Memory %lu%s
15043 Available Physical Memory %lu%s
15044 Total Paging Memory %lu%s
15045 Available Paging Memory %lu%s
15046 Temp Drive Free Space %lu%s
15047 Video Driver Information:
15048 Bits Per Pixel %i
15049 Number of Colors %lu
15050 Palette Size Non-Paletted
15051 Palette Size %i
15052 Resolution %i x %i
15053 Operating System Information:
15054 Operating System
15055 Windows 3.x & Win32s
15056 Windows 95/98
15057 Windows NT
15058 Version %i.%i
15059 Additional Info %s
15060 DIB Output %iBPP
15061 %sAnims
15062 You must insert at least 1 frame.\nPlease enter a valid number of frames to insert.
15063 You must insert frames before frames in the range 1 to %d.\nPlease enter a valid frame number before which to insert new frames.
15064 OEM ID: %u
15065 Processors %u
15066 Processor Type %u
15075 MMX Support %s
15076 Hardware Configuration:
15077 Total Managed Memory %lu%s
15078 Total Handles: %lu
15079 File Map Threshold: %lu%s
15100 %sImages
15101 &Undo Load Global Palette
15102 &Undo Drag
15103 &Undo Edit Paste
15104 &Undo Edit Cut
15105 &Undo Insert Frames
15106 &Undo Edit General Properties
15107 Ctrl+Z
15108 &Undo
15109 &Undo Edit Paste DIB
15110 &Undo Edit Animation Properties
15111 &Undo Edit Frame Properties
15112 &Undo Edit Frame Properties
15113 &Undo Edit Resize Image
15114 &Undo Edit Reverse Frames
15115 &Undo Flip Frame
15116 &Undo Flip Frames
15117 &Undo Resize Animation
15118 &Undo Mirror Frame
15119 &Undo Mirror Frames
15120 Optimization Wizard
15121 Standard settings selected, level %d
15122 - Author information
15123 - Copyright information
15124 All non-visible elements removed except for:
15125 Optimized image will contain %d colors
15126 Local palettes allowed.
15127 Custom settings selected
15128 All non-visible elements retained.
15129 All non-visible elements removed.
15130 - Last modification date/time
15131 Generate palette by median cut
15132 Generate palette by Octree
15133 Use browser-safe palette
15134 Load palette from the file %s
15135 Use the standard Jasc dither palette
15136 Map colors to palette via error diffusion.
15137 Map colors to palette via ordered dither.
15138 Map colors to palette via nearest color.
15139 No local palettes will be used
15140 Write minimal frames
15141 Write full frames
15142 - Animation comments
15143 Optimizing for Animated GIF output
15144 Optimizing for Multipage Network Graphic (MNG) file
15145 Optimized output will create a new animation
15146 Optimized output will update the current animation
15147 Customize Optimization Settings
15148 Use transparency for better compression
15149 &Undo Paintbrush
15150 &Undo Flood Fill
15151 &Undo Eraser Brush
15152 Do not use transparency to boost compression
15153 &Undo Text Tool
15154 The transition library %1 is not supported by the evaluation version of Animation Shop. To obtain a registered version, contact Jasc Software at www.jasc.com
15155 You have placed a large amount of data in the clipboard. This data may take up quite a bit of memory and may degrade system performance if left on the clipboard. Would you like to leave this data on the clipboard so it will still be available to other applications?
15156 The layers in file %s are not marked as visible. No frames were added to the animation from this file.
15157 File Format Preferences
15158 Greater than 256 colors
15159 &Undo Duplicate Frame
15160 &Undo Edit Animation Loop Count
15161 &Undo Edit Animation Background Color
15162 &Undo Edit Animation Comment
15163 The render of the transition has failed. No further information is available.
15164 Are you sure that you want to remove all file associations from Animation Shop?
15165 Version
15166 Cannot read video data. No suitable video decompressor is available.
15167 You must enter a play count between 1 and 32767
15168 Frames
15169 Play
15170 You must select either an undo step limit or an undo memory limit.
15171 Please choose a user directory.
15172 Select Directory
15173 The height of the animation must be between 1 and 32767.\nPlease enter valid height value.
15174 The width of the animation must be between 1 and 32767.\nPlease enter valid width value.
15175 You are missing the Animation Shop help system and order forms. If reinstalling Animation Shop does not correct the problem, please contact Jasc Software or your local distributor for a complete copy.
15176 This is a 30 day evaluation version of Animation Shop. If after the 30\nday period you would like to continue to use it, you must purchase the\nlicensed version. You are on day %i of your 30 day evaluation period.\n
15177 You have exceeded the 30 day trial period of this software. After 60\ndays this program will not run. Please click the Order button to purchase\na licensed version. You are on day %i of your 30 day evaluation period.\n
15178 The file %s either contains no data or contains unsupported MNG chunks.
32774 Setup the page for printing\nPage Setup
32775 Delete the selected frames\nDelete
32776 View the animation as it will be played\nView Animation
32777 Lose current changes and reload file\nRevert
32778 Delete the file from the disk\nDelete File
32779 Change settings that affect Animation Shop's operation\nPreferences
32780 Edit the image using the specified editor\nEdit Image
32781 Show transparent areas\nShow Transparency
32782 View the frames of the animation as thumbnails\nView Frames
32783 Open an existing animated GIF\nOpen Animated GIF
32784 The delay time must be between 0 and 32767.\n Please enter a valid delay time.
32785 Play the animation\nPlay
32786 Stop the animation\nStop
32787 Open an existing image file\nOpen Image
32790 Generate a single optimized palette for the animation\nOptimize Palette
32791 Convert each frame to contain the entire frame contents\nFull Frames
32792 Convert each frame to contain only the difference from the last frame\nDifference Frames
32794 Convert all frames of the animation to full frames\nFull Frames
32795 Convert all frames of the animation to difference frames\nDifference Frames
32800 Load a palette from disk and apply it to the animation\nLoad Palette
32801 Jump to a specific frame number\nGo To Frame
32802 Display the image at 1/4 actual size\nZoom / 4
32803 Display the image at 1/2 actual size\nZoom / 2
32804 Display the image at it's actual size\nActual Size
32805 Display the image at twice actual size\nZoom x 2
32806 Display the image at four times actual size\nZoom x 4
32809 Insert one or more empty frames\nInsert Empty Frames
32810 Change the page layout settings for animation printing\nPage Setup
32811 Change the page layout settings for frame printing\nPage Setup
32812 Preview the printed output\nPrint Preview
32813 Preview the printed output\nPrint Preview
32814 Prints the active animation\nPrint
32815 Prints the frames in an animation\nPrint
32816 Paste the clipboard contents as one or more new animation frames\nPaste As New Frames
32817 Paste the clipboard contents into the selected animation frame\nPaste Into Selected Frame
32819 Create a new animation with the help of the Animation Wizard\nAnimation Wizard
32820 Edit the properties of the current frame(s)\nEdit Properties
32821 Edit the properties of the current animation\nEdit Properties
32822 Empty the data in the clipboard, freeing up memory\nEmpty Clipboard
32826 Select all frames of the animation\nSelect All
32827 Deselect all frames of the GIF animation\nSelect None
32828 Select none of the frames of the animation\nSelect None
32829 Create a new animation from AVI file frames
32831 Resize the entire animation\nResize
32837 Save the current frame as a GIF\nSave Frame As
32838 Save the currently selected frame\nSave Frame As
32839 Propagate pastes through the entire animation\nPropagate Paste
32841 Insert frames from an image transition\nImage Transition
32842 Fill frame with background color\nBackground Color
32843 Use a frame from the animation\nAnimation Frame
32845 Fill frame with a custom color\nCustom Color
32847 Optimize an animation for smaller size and faster downloads\nOptimization Wizard
32848 Insert one or more files to the animation as frames\nInsert From File
32852 Frame not used\nNot Used
32853 Insert frames from a text transition\nText Transition
32855 Reverse the order of frames in the animation\nReverse Frames
32856 Change file format preferences\nFile Format Preferences
32857 Connect to the Jasc Software World Wide Web Site (Requires an Internet Browser)\nJasc Web
32858 Check for updates to this program (requires an Internet Browser)\nCheck for updates
32862 Show or hide the color palette\nToggle ColorPalette
32864 Close all open windows\nClose All
32865 Duplicate the current animation\nDuplicate Animation
32884 Show or hide the tool palette\nToggle ToolPalette
32885 Shows or hides the Style Bar\nToggle Style Bar
32886 Launch Email system to contact Jasc Software Technical Support\nEmail Tech Support
32890 Resizes the current animation\nResize Animation
32892 Flip the selected frame(s) top to bottom\nFlip
32893 Mirror the selected frame(s) left to right\nMirror
32895 Starts Paint Shop Pro in a new window
32898 Show or hide the Tool Palette\nToggle Tool Palette
32899 Show or hide the Color Palette\nToggle Color Palette
32900 Show or hide the Style Bar\nToggle Style Bar
32902 Duplicates the animation into a new document
32903 Insert a duplicate the current frame(s)\nDuplicate
33006 Change the size of the image\nResize
33250 Customize the toolbar\nCustomize Toolbar
33568 Changes file associations and extensions\nAssociations and extensions
33643 Change settings that affect the RGB to CMYK conversion\nCMYK Conversion Preferences
33661 Launch your Internet browser and connect to the Paint Shop Pro help page\nJasc Support
33674 Check or adjust the monitor's gamma setting
33675 Configure the color management options
33676 Launch your Internet browser and connect to the Paint Shop Pro Designer Studio page\nJasc Designer Studio
34782 Display the frames at 1/8 actual size\nZoom / 8
34783 Display the frames at 1/4 actual size\nZoom / 4
34784 Display the frames at 1/2 actual size\nZoom / 2
34785 Display the frames at actual size\nActual Size
34786 Display the frames at twice actual size\nZoom x 2
34787 Display the frames at four times actual size\nZoom x 4
34788 Display the frames at eight times actual size\nZoom x 8
34789 Open this image
34790 Open this image
34791 Open this image
34792 Open this image
34793 Open this image
57344 Animation Shop
57345 For Help, press F1
57346 Select an object on which to get Help
57600 Create a new animation\nNew Animation
57601 Open an existing animation\nOpen Animation
57602 Close the active document\nClose
57603 Save the active document\nSave
57604 Save the active document with a new name\nSave As
57605 Change the page layout settings\nPage Setup
57606 Change the printer and printing options\nPrint Setup
57607 Print the active document\nPrint
57608 Print the active document\nPrint
57609 Display full pages\nPrint Preview
57616 Open this animation
57617 Open this animated GIF
57618 Open this animated GIF
57619 Open this animated GIF
57620 Open this animated GIF
57621 Open this animated GIF
57622 Open this animated GIF
57623 Open this animated GIF
57624 Open this animated GIF
57625 Open this animated GIF
57626 Open this animated GIF
57627 Open this animated GIF
57628 Open this animated GIF
57629 Open this animated GIF
57630 Open this animated GIF
57631 Open this animated GIF
57632 Erase the selection\nErase
57633 Erase everything\nErase All
57634 Copy the selection and put it on the Clipboard\nCopy
57635 Cut the selection and put it on the Clipboard\nCut
57636 Find the specified text\nFind
57637 Insert Clipboard contents\nPaste
57640 Repeat the last action\nRepeat
57641 Replace specific text with different text\nReplace
57642 Select the entire document\nSelect All
57643 Undo the last action\nUndo
57644 Redo the previously undone action\nRedo
57648 Open another window for the active document\nNew Window
57649 Arrange icons at the bottom of the window\nArrange Icons
57650 Arrange windows so they overlap\nCascade Windows
57651 Arrange windows as non-overlapping tiles\nTile Windows
57652 Arrange windows as non-overlapping tiles\nTile Windows
57653 Split the active window into panes\nSplit
57664 Display program information, version number and copyright\nAbout
57665 Quit the application; prompts to save documents\nExit
57666 Opens Help\nHelp Topics
57667 List Help topics\nHelp Topics
57668 Display instructions about how to use help\nHelp
57669 Display help for clicked on buttons, menus and windows\nHelp
57670 Display help for current task or command\nHelp
57680 Switch to the next window pane\nNext Pane
57681 Switch back to the previous window pane\nPrevious Pane
59136 EXT
59137 CAP
59138 NUM
59139 SCRL
59140 OVR
59141 REC
59143 Press ESC to Abort
59392 Show or hide the toolbar\nToggle ToolBar
59393 Show or hide the status bar\nToggle StatusBar
61184 Change the window size
61185 Change the window position
61186 Reduce the window to an icon
61187 Enlarge the window to full size
61188 Switch to the next document window
61189 Switch to the previous document window
61190 Close the active window and prompts to save the documents
61202 Restore the window to normal size
61203 Activate Task List
61215 Activate this window
61445 Close print preview mode\nCancel Preview
61446 F:%d
61447 GIF Animation
63024 Load Palette
63025 Import AVI
63026 &Undo Image Transition
63027 &Undo Text Transition
63526 Page %u
63527 %s
63528 Cannot copy to the clipboard
63529 Cannot paste from the clipboard
63530 F = Frame D = Delay
63531 F:%d D:%d
63532 Invalid animated GIF file
63533 Reading animated GIF information
63534 Nothing to undo
63535 Cannot import from the AVI file
63536 Importing AVI
63537 Starting frame number must not be less than zero
63538 Ending frame number must be greater than or equal to %s, and less than or equal to %s
63539 Sample rate must be greater than zero
63540 There is no default printer.\nPlease select a default printer and try again.
63541 Pasting frames
63542 Merging frames
63543 No transitions of this type are available.
63544 Transition contains a total of %d frames
63545 %d fps
63546 %1.1f secs
63547 Right click to change the type of frame
63548 Rendering frames:
63549 An error occured attempting to render the transition frames.
63550 %d colors
63551 The following error occurred while accessing the custom brushes:\n %s
63552 &Undo Edit Add Empty Frames
63553 &Undo Edit Add Images
63554 &Undo Edit Delete
63555 %i frames
63556 %s: Cannot open the palette file
63557 Untitled
63558 The palette file could not be read, or does not contain enough colors.
63559 Unexpected error during optimization.
63560 You must enter some text to use for the transition.
63561 Not enough memory to complete the operation.
63562 Warning: The text entered will not fit on the animation.
63563 Unable to launch your World Wide Web browser. Please check that it is installed properly.\n
63564 You must select at least one frame for this operation.
63565 You must enter some text to use the text tool.
63698 Copyright ⌐ 1998 Jasc Software, Inc. All Rights Reserved.