3 The decryption key entered for this Photo-CD image is invalid. The image may be watermarked or corrupted.
4 Background
5 Layer %i
6 Alpha Channel %i
5000 All Files|*.*|
5010 Video For Windows|*.AVI|
5020 Windows or OS/2 Bitmap|*.BMP|
5021 OS/2 or Windows Bitmap
5022 OS/2
5023 Windows RGB Encoded
5024 Windows RLE Encoded
5030 Computer Graphics Metafile|*.CGM|
5031 Computer Graphics Metafile
5040 Windows Clipboard|*.CLP|
5041 Windows Clipboard
5050 Dr. Halo|*.CUT|
5051 Dr. Halo
5100 Zsoft Multipage Paintbrush|*.DCX|
5101 Zsoft Multipage Paintbrush
5110 Windows or OS/2 DIB|*.DIB|
5111 OS/2 or Windows DIB
5112 OS/2
5113 Windows RGB Encoded
5114 Windows RLE Encoded
5120 Windows Enhanced Meta File|*.EMF|
5121 Windows Enhanced Meta File
5130 Encapsulated PostScript|*.EPS|
5131 Encapsulated PostScript
5132 Monochrome - No Preview
5133 Monochrome - With Preview
5134 Color - No Preview
5135 Color - With Preview
5140 Autodesk FLC File|*.FLC|
5150 Autodesk FLI File|*.FLI|
5151 Autodesk Animation Format
5200 Kodak FlashPix|*.FPX|
5201 Kodak FlashPix
5202 None
5203 Single Color
5204 JPEG - Best
5205 JPEG - Variable
5210 CompuServe Graphics Interchange|*.GIF|
5211 Compuserve GIF
5212 Version 87a - Interlaced
5213 Version 87a - Noninterlaced
5214 Version 89a - Interlaced
5215 Version 89a - Noninterlaced
5220 Amiga|*.IFF|
5221 Amiga Interchange Format
5222 Compressed
5223 Uncompressed
5230 GEM Paint|*.IMG|
5231 GEM Paint
5240 JASC|*.JAS|
5250 JPEG - JFIF Compliant|*.JPG; *.JIF; *.JPEG|
5251 JPEG - JFIF Compliant
5252 Standard Encoding
5253 Progressive Encoding
5300 Deluxe Paint|*.LBM|
5301 Deluxe Paint
5302 Compressed
5303 Uncompressed
5310 MacPaint|*.MAC|
5311 MacPaint
5312 No Header
5313 With Header
5320 Midi Sequencer|*.MID|
5330 Microsoft Paint|*.MSP|
5331 Microsoft Paint
5340 Portable Bitmap|*.PBM|
5341 Portable Bitmap
5342 Ascii Encoded
5343 Binary Encoded
5350 Kodak Photo CD|*.PCD|
5351 Kodak Photo-CD Image Pac
5360 Animation Shop Animation|*.MNG|
5361 Animation Shop Animation
5400 Macintosh PICT|*.PCT|
5401 Macintosh PICT
5410 Zsoft Paintbrush|*.PCX|
5411 Zsoft Paintbrush
5412 Version 0
5413 Version 2
5414 Version 5
5420 Portable Greymap|*.PGM|
5421 Portable Greymap
5430 PC Paint|*.PIC|
5431 PC Paint
5440 Portable Network Graphics|*.PNG|
5441 Portable Network Graphics
5442 Non-Interlaced
5443 Interlaced
5450 Portable Pixelmap|*.PPM|
5451 Portable Pixelmap
5500 Photoshop|*.PSD|
5501 Photoshop 2.5
5510 Paint Shop Pro Image|*.PSP|
5511 Paint Shop Pro
5512 Uncompressed
5513 RLE Encoding
5514 LZ77 Encoding
5520 Sun Raster Image|*.RAS|
5521 SUN Raster Images
5530 Raw File Format|*.RAW; *.*|
5531 Raw File Format
5540 Windows or Compuserve RLE|*.RLE|
5541 Compressed Bitmap
5542 CompuServe
5543 Windows
5550 SciTex Continuous Tone|*.SCT; *.CT|
5551 SciTex Continuous Tone
5552 CMY Separations
5553 CMYK Separations
5600 Truevision Targa|*.TGA|
5601 Truevision Targa
5602 8 Bit - Compressed
5603 8 Bit - Uncompressed
5604 16 Bit - Compressed
5605 16 Bit - Uncompressed
5606 24 Bit - Compressed
5607 24 Bit - Uncompressed
5610 Tagged Image File Format|*.TIF; *.TIFF|
5611 Tagged Image File Format
5612 Fax - CITT 3
5613 Huffman Compressed
5614 LZW Compressed
5615 Packbits Compressed
5616 Uncompressed
5617 CMYK LZW Compressed
5618 CMYK Packbits Compressed
5619 CMYK Uncompressed
5620 Digital Audio|*.WAV|
5630 Windows Meta File|*.WMF|
5631 Windows Meta File
5640 WordPerfect Bitmap|*.WPG|
5641 Word Perfect
5642 Version 5.0
5643 Version 5.1
5644 Version 6.0
5650 Kodak Digital Camera File|*.KDC|
5651 Kodak Digital Camera File
5900 CorelDraw Drawing|*.CDR|,cdr.flt
5901 Computer Graphics Metafile|*.CGM|,cgm.flt
5902 Corel Clipart|*.CMX|,cmx.flt
5903 Micrografx Draw|*.DRW|,drw.flt
5904 Autodesk Drawing Interchange|*.DXF|,dxf.flt
5905 Ventura/GEM Drawing|*.GEM|,gem.flt
5906 HP Graphics Language|*.HGL|,hpgl.flt
5907 Lotus PIC|*.PIC|
5908 WordPerfect Vector|*.WPG|,wpg.flt
8084 Run Length
8085 GIF - 87a
8086 GIF - 89a
8087 Non - Interlaced
8088 Interlaced
8089 PBM
8090 ILBM
8091 1 - 8
8092 1 - 9
8093 Byte Header
8094 Standard IMG
8095 DCT / LZW
8096 JPEG
8109 Has a header
8110 No header
8111 Pack Bits
8112 type
8113 ASCII
8114 Binary
8115 PCD - Image Pac
8116 Photo - YCC
8117 Pictor / PC Paint
8118 Standard
8119 Compuserve
8121 Fax Group 3
8122 Fax Group 4
8124 Aldus Placeable
8125 Million
8126 WPG
8127 LZW
8128 Huffman
8129 - Standard
8130 - Progressive
8131 Arithmetic
8435 PNG - Non Interlaced
8436 PNG - Interlaced
8437 LZ77
8545 Decrease Color Depth-32K Colors
8547 Decreasing Color Depth
8555 Resizing
8800 None
8904 PLG
8905 EXT
8964 Adjusting for Color Boost
8965 Building Color Map
8966 Because of the limitations of the specified file format, size of the saved image may be different from the current image. Would you like to continue?
8967 Building Histogram
8968 Because of the requirements of the specified file format, the saved file will have a bit depth different than the current image. Would you like to continue?
8969 Because of the requirements of the specified file format, the saved file will have a bit depth of 4 (16 colors). Would you like to continue?
8970 Because of the requirements of the specified file format, the saved file will have a bit depth of 8 (256 colors). Would you like to continue?
8971 Because of the requirements of the specified file format, the saved file will have a bit depth of 24 (16.7 million colors). Would you like to continue?
8972 Because of the limitations of the specified file format, the saved file will be limited to a single layer greyscale with a maximum of 256 colors. Would you like to continue?
8973 Because of the limitations of the specified file format, the saved file will be limited to a single layer and a maximum of 2 colors. Would you like to continue?
8974 Because of the limitations of the specified file format, the saved file will be limited to a single layer and a maximum of 16 colors. Would you like to continue?
8975 Because of the limitations of the specified file format, the saved file will be limited to a single layer and a maximum of 256 colors. Would you like to continue?
8976 Because of the limitations of the specified file format, the saved file will be greyscale. Would you like to continue?
8977 Because of the limitations of the specified file format, the saved file will be limited to a single layer, a maximum of 2 colors and dimensions 256x192. Would you like to continue?
8978 Because of the limitations of the specified file format, the saved file will be limited to a single layer, a maximum of 2 colors and dimensions 576 x 720 . Would you like to continue?
8979 Increasing Color Depth
8980 None
8981 The extension %s is defined for this format
8982 The extension %s is used by another format: %s.