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- S K Y M A P
- ---------------
- Version 3.0
- ---------------
- V E N D O R I N F O R M A T I O N
- ----------------------------------------
- This file provides information for Shareware Distributors,
- Disk Vendors, BBS Sysops and Computer Clubs who wish to
- distribute the SKYMAP package.
- Note:
- The SkyMap 3.0 package contains two versions of SkyMap;
- version 2.2 for Windows 3.1 and version 3.0 for Windows 95 and
- Windows NT. SkyMap 3.0 is greatly enhanced over v2.2 and runs
- more than 3x faster. The installation program will detect which
- operating system is running on your computer and will install
- the correct version of the program automatically.
- -----------------------------------------------------------
- Part 1: Program Information:
- -----------------------------------------------------------
- Program Name, Category:
- -----------------------
- SkyMap, Windows, Astronomy Application (Disk)
- Preferred File Name For BBSs Etc:
- _________________________________
- SkyMap is a large package, and is normally distributed as
- a ZIP archive. This should be called "SKYMAP30.ZIP".
- Of course, other file name extensions are perfectly acceptable
- when compression programs other than PKZIP are used.
- The package must be distributed "as is". You may add your
- own short promotional files to the package, but no files
- must be removed from it.
- Short Description:
- ------------------
- SkyMap is a highly accurate "planetarium" for Windows 3.1,
- Windows 95 or Windows NT. It can draw a map of the sky, as seen
- from any place on Earth, for any date between 4000BC and 8000AD,
- displaying stars, planets, comets, deep-sky objects,
- constellation names and figures, and a whole lot more. Detailed
- information about any object on a map can be obtained simply
- by clicking on it with the mouse, and high quality charts can be
- printed on any printer supported by Windows. Pictures of
- objects, in several formats, can be associated with objects
- and displayed, either manually or automatically.
- Long Description:
- -----------------
- SkyMap is a shareware "Planetarium" program for Microsoft
- Windows 3.1 or later. It will display a map of the sky as seen
- from any point on Earth for any date between 4000BC and 8000AD.
- Two different types of map can be drawn: a "Horizon" map showing
- the observer's local horizon, and a "Sky Area" map showing a
- detailed view of a small area of the sky. You can "zoom in" on
- a map to a practically unlimited extent, and rapidly scroll
- around it.
- There are many planetarium programs available today. Unlike
- some of these, SkyMap makes no claims of blinding calculation
- speeds. Instead, what SkyMap concentrates on is accuracy.
- SkyMap uses the most accurate methods available to the author
- for all the calculations. This accuracy makes SkyMap equally
- suited for both the novice astronomer who just wants to know
- "what's that bright object up there?" and the serious amateur
- or professional astronomer who wants a detailed "finder chart"
- for a faint galaxy.
- Examples of this accuracy are:
- - Planetary positions have a mean error of less than half a
- second of arc.
- - Star positions are rigorously corrected for the effects of
- proper motion, precession, aberration, and refraction.
- Planetary positions are corrected for aberration and
- diurnal parallax.
- SkyMap carries out its calculations in as efficient as manner as
- possible, but it never compromises accuracy for the sake of speed.
- An increase in speed can always be achieved by using a faster
- computer.
- The following information can be displayed on a map:
- Stars: SkyMap uses the SAO star catalog as the source of star
- data. The shareware version of the program comes with a
- database of 15,925 stars down to magnitude 7; the registered
- registered version of the program is supplied with the
- complete SAO catalog of 259,000 stars, and also has the
- ability to display stars to below magnitude 15 from the
- Hubble Guide Star Catalog (GSC), available separately as
- a set of two CD-ROMs. Stars can be labelled with proper
- names, Bayer letters, or Flamsteed numbers.
- Constellations: Constellation names, figures, and official IAU
- boundaries can all be displayed.
- Planets: The Sun, Moon, and planets can be displayed, labelled
- with their standard astronomical symbols or names.
- The Moon is displayed with the correct phase and
- orientation.
- Comets: The program maintains a catalog of comets, in which the
- user may add, remove, and edit entries. Comets from the
- catalog can be selected for display on the map.
- Asteroids: The program maintains a catalog of asteroids, which
- operates in an identical way to the comet catalog.
- Deep Sky Objects: The complete Saguaro Astronomy Club (SAC) database
- of 11,000 deep sky objects is available. This contains
- the complete Messier, NGC, and IC catalogs, and the
- brightest objects from more than 70 other catalogs.
- Detailed selection criteria can be used to select
- objects for display. Objects are shown on the map with their
- correct size and (for galaxies) orientation.
- Telescopes and eyepieces: The program maintains a catalog of telescopes
- and eyepieces (both of which can be edited by the user).
- Any eyepiece may be selected with any telescope, and the
- resulting magnification and field of view displayed. A circle
- showing the field of view can be displayed on the map.
- Circles representing the view through a Telrad (TM) finder can be
- displayed on the map.
- The "track" of any moving object (planets, comets and asteroids) can be
- displayed, showing where the object will be over a specified
- period of time. Points on the track can be labelled with date
- and the object's magnitude.
- All types of object can be switched on or off with the click of
- the mouse, making it easy to see exactly the information you want,
- without being flooded with unwanted information.
- Detailed information about any object can be obtained simply by
- clicking the mouse on it. In the case of planets, the displayed
- information includes both positional (RA, Dec, Distance) and
- physical (Magnitude, phase, light time, elongation, phase angle
- etc) information.
- When you have a map as you want it, it can be printed on any type
- of printer supported by Windows. The printed map is not simply a
- copy of the screen; it is printed at the full resolution of the
- printer. Maps printed on a laser printer compare favourably with
- high-quality star atlases such as "Uranometria 2000". Maps can be
- printed in either black and white or colour. If you have a colour
- printer you can select the colour of each component of the map.
- SkyMap can also display photographic images, supplied in the
- form of GIF, BMP or PDS files. Thousands of such images are
- freely available on bulletin boards and commercial information
- systems such as CompuServe. This allows you to build up your own
- personal library of astronomical photographs which, coupled with
- the map displays, really helps to bring the sky to life. Images
- can either be displayed manually, or can be linked with specific
- objects and displayed by simply clicking on the object on the map.
- System Requirements
- -------------------
- SkyMap 2.2 runs on any 386 or better computer supporting Windows 3.1.
- SkyMap 3.0 requires Windows 95 or Windows NT 3.51, and will run well
- on any computer on which either of these operating systems will run.
- A maths co-processor is not essential, but is strongly recommended;
- SkyMap does a huge amount of trigonometry, and use of a co-processor
- can speed the program up by a factor of 10 or more!
- For the display of photographic images, a video card capable of
- displaying 256 or more colours (simultaneously) is recommended.
- Images CAN be displayed on a standard 16-colour VGA display,
- but will generally look pretty terrible!
- Maps can be printed on any printer supported by Windows. Good
- quality maps can be obtained even from a 9-pin dot matrix printer.
- SkyMap's files require a total of 2MB of disk space.
- Registration Information:
- -------------------------
- For full information about registering SkyMap, please refer to
- the separate registration files.
- Author/Publisher Information:
- -----------------------------
- SkyMap is written by:
- Chris Marriott
- 9, Severn Road
- Culcheth
- Cheshire WA3 5ED
- UK
- E-mail addresses:
- CompuServe: 100113,1140
- Internet: chris@chrism.demon.co.uk
- -----------------------------------------------------------------
- Part 2: Distribution Requirements
- -----------------------------------------------------------------
- ASP Associate (Disk Vendor) Member Information:
- -----------------------------------------------
- Vendors who are ASP Associate Members in good standing are
- hereby given permission to distribute SkyMap. ASP Associate
- Members (often called "ASP Approved Vendors") in good standing
- do not need to request permission to distribute this package.
- This permission is in effect until or unless we notify you
- otherwise, in writing.
- Other (Non-ASP) Disk Vendor Information:
- ----------------------------------------
- Shareware Distributors and Disk Vendors who are not ASP Associate
- Members, but who wish to distribute SkyMap must comply with
- the following restrictions:
- If the version of the program that you have is more than 12
- months old, please contact the author before distributing the
- package, since it is likely that a more recent version will
- be available.
- You may not list any of our products in advertisements, catalogs,
- or other literature which describes our products as "FREE
- SOFTWARE". Shareware is "Try-Before-You-Buy" software, it is
- not free.
- Applying for ASP Associate Membership:
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- If you would like to apply for ASP Associate Membership (to
- become an ASP Approved Vendor), simply write to the following
- address and request a Vendor Membership Application Package:
- ASP Executive Director
- 545 Grover Road
- Muskegon, MI 49442-9427
- U.S.A.
- or send a CompuServe message via CompuServe MAIL to ASP
- Executive Director 72050,1433.
- CD-ROM Distribution
- --------------------
- SkyMap may be incorporated in CD-ROM collections provided that
- the complete package is included, and it is made clear that it
- is NOT "Free Software". If the version of the program that you
- have is more than 12 months old, please contact the author before
- distributing the package, since it is likely that a more recent
- version of the program will be available.
- Please Help Us Serve You Better:
- --------------------------------
- We would appreciate copies of anything you print regarding
- SkyMap. Please send us a copy of any reviews, articles,
- catalog descriptions, or other information you print or
- distribute regarding the SkyMap package. Thank you for
- your time and assistance and for supporting the shareware
- marketing concept.