ocr: AS Sequel Windows-Style to "101 Icons IOIOnLyThE OnLy Menu. THE So BeSt you may GaMeS Play H All BeSt games NEW off 102 DOS CD-ROM GaMes games directly, by using #6 a INSTALL/UNINSTALL games to Hard Disk and setup the SoundCard/Game Pad for your Particular Computer all within one Menu System. Just type "GO" and ALL NEW 102 BEST GAMES WILL RIGHT ON YOUR FINGER TIPS!I. Itiss SO simple and safe, even young children can use it without any assistance. DUKE QUAKE ARCADE NUKEM GAME 3D 1 CAR FEVER WORLD RACING RALLY GAME SHAKII CHARLY JUMP/LADDER THE THE WOLF CLOWN GAME PONG TWINBLOK PONG/TETRIS MINE ...