•Allows you to access services remotely, in the same intuitive way as you work with services locally
•Provides built-in context-sensitive help
•Works with all Apple Remote Access-compatible servers, including both the Apple Remote Access Personal Server and the Apple Remote Access MultiPort Server
•Supports both Apple Remote Access 1.0- and 2.0-compatible servers
•Offers a range of dialing and connection options
•Supports a variety of leading modems
Remote productivity
•Supports System 7, so you can work with such familiar features as the Chooser, Finder, and Alias Manager
•Helps you manage everything from repeat connections to connection time
•Masks the complexities of the worldwide telephone system through its integrated DialAssist technology
Powerful security features
•Allows administrators to select the level of security that’s most appropriate for their organization’s needs (when used in conjunction with the Apple Remote Access MultiPort Server software)
•Provides you with a secure method of access, whether you’re connecting from home or from a hotel outside the country
Apple Remote Access Client for Macintosh software provides an easy, productive, and secure way to connect a desktop Apple Macintosh or PowerBook computer to information and resources at a remote location. And because it works with all Apple Remote Access—compatible servers—including the Apple Remote Access MultiPort Server and Personal Server software—it lets you choose the level of server support you need, whether you belong to a small workgroup or a multinational corporation.
Apple Remote Access Client for Macintosh is designed with efficiency and productivity in mind. It installs in minutes and is remarkably easy to use, minimizing the need for ongoing support. For example, the software’s built-in DialAssist technology makes dialing back to the office network simple, even for international travelers. It lets you build dialing sequences that help mask the complexities of the worldwide telephone system—so you can connect easily from anywhere in the world. And Apple Remote Access Client for Macintosh has features that help you manage everything from repeat connections to connection time.
In addition, because it supports System 7, Apple Remote Access Client for Macintosh software lets you work with such familiar features as the Chooser, the Finder, and the Alias Manager. In short, it provides everything Macintosh or PowerBook users need to help them get their work done easily and efficiently—wherever they are.
Technical Specifications
Modem support and scripts
•Supports any Hayes-compatible 2400-bps, 9600 bps, or higher-speed modem with the appropriate script. Modem scripts for many popular modems are included:
--V.32bis modems (14,400 bps): Apple Express Modem, Global Village PowerPort Gold, Global Village TelePort Gold, Hayes Optima 144, Microcom QX4232bis, Prometheus ProModem 144e, PSI Powermodem IV, Supra SupraFax v.32bis, Telebit T3000, Telebit WorldBlazer
--V.32 modems (9,600 bps): Global Village PowerPort Silver, Global Village TelePort Silver, Prometheus Promodem 96, PSI Powermodem III, Supra SupraFax Modem Plus, Telebit QBlazer, Telebit T1600, US Robotics Sportster, US Robotics Worldport
--V.22bis modems (2400 bps): Apple 2400, Global Village PowerPort Bronze, Global Village TelePort Bronze, Hayes Optima 2400, Microcom AX 2400C, Prometheus Promodem 24, PSI PowerModem II
•Cellular Support: Applied Engineering DataLink PB and Applied Engineering Axcell Interface, Microcom Cellular Data Link 300
•ISDN support: Hayes ISDN adapter
•9600-bps or higher-speed scripts included with the Apple Remote Access MultiPort Server can also be used with the Apple Remote Access Client for Macintosh.
•Additional scripts may be available. Contact an authorized Apple reseller or representative or your modem manufacturer for more details.
•If you understand connection control languages (CCLs) and are an experienced programmer, you may be able to write the necessary modem script yourself. The Apple Remote Access Modem Toolkit (see ordering information) includes everything you need to write these scripts.
Dialing and connection management
•Built-in DialAssist technology automatically generates dialing sequences for mobile users
•Manual or automatic dialing
•Redial or alternate number option
•Tone and pulse dialing
•Ignore dial tone option supports nonstandard telephone equipment
•Adjustable connection reminders
•Universal disconnect desk accessory
•Works with any Apple Remote Access- compatible server
•Supports both Apple Remote Access 1.0- and 2.0-compatible servers
Connection types supported
•Standard telephone
• X.252
Error detection/Data compression
•Includes several built-in components that allow for error-free and optimized delivery of data
--Smart buffering (developed by Apple Computer, Inc.) for data-transfer optimization
--MNP, an industry standard for error detection
--V.42bis, an industry standard for data compression
•User name maximum length: 31 characters
•Password maximum length: 8 characters
Operating requirements
•A Macintosh Plus computer or later model with at least 4MB of RAM
•Macintosh system software version 7.0 or later
•A hard disk drive
•An Apple or other Hayes-compatible modem (2400 baud minimum; 9600 baud or higher recommended) and modem cable, if needed
•Apple Remote Access Personal Server or MultiPort Server (or any Apple Remote Access compatible server) 2 X.25, ISDN, and cellular connections require additional Apple or third-party products.
Ordering Information
Apple Remote Access Client for Macintosh (single-pack)
Order No. M5227Z/A
•Apple Remote Access Client software and installer
•Apple Remote Access Client for Macintosh User’s Guide
Includes 10 copies of the Apple Remote Access Client for Macintosh User's Guide and one disk set containing the Apple Remote Access Client software and installer. Apple Remote Access Client for Macintosh (Volume Licensing) Client software can be volume licensed separately for quantities of 50 or more users; consult your authorized Apple reseller or representative for purchasing information.
Apple Remote Access MultiPort Server
Order No. M5214Z/A
Apple Remote Access Personal Server for Macintosh
Order No. M2726Z/A
Apple Remote Access Modem Toolkit version 2.0
Order No. R0129LL/C
This product is available from APDA.1
1. APDA offers convenient worldwide access to over 300 Apple and third-party development tools, resources, and information for anyone interested in developing applications on Apple platforms. To order APDA products and receive a free copy of the APDA Tools Catalog, call 1-800-282-2732 (U.S.). 1-800-637-0029 (Canada), or 716-871-6555 (International).