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; $VER: Install FastView 2.0 (24.10.95)
; Script to install FastView 2.0
; Written by Edmund Vermeulen
; make sure we are running at least V37
(if (< (/ (getversion) 65536) 37)
(abort "You must be using Kickstart 2.04 or higher to use FastView.")
; delete old FastView from C:
(set oldfastview "C:FastView")
(if (exists oldfastview)
(delete oldfastview
(prompt "Do you want to delete the old version of FastView "
"from the C: directory?\n\n"
"It is not needed any more because FastView is now a "
"Workbench application."
(help "You should delete the old FastView program from your "
"C: directory because the new version is now a "
"Workbench application.\n\n"
"If you still want to be able to simply use FastView "
"from the CLI, you should copy it to a directory that "
"is part of your search path, such as SYS:Utilities."
; ask which cpu version to install
(set cpuversion
(prompt "Which version do you want to install?")
(choices "68000 version" "68020 version")
(if (< (database "cpu") "68020")
(default 0)
(default 1)
(help "If you've got an Amiga with 68020 or higher processor "
"you can choose to install the version that is "
"specially optimized for those processors, otherwise "
"you should choose to install the 68000 version."
; ask where FastView should be installed
(set fastview_dest
(prompt "Where do you want to install the FastView program?")
(help "Select the directory where you want to install the "
"FastView program and its icon."
(default (set @default-dest "SYS:Utilities"))
(set @default-dest fastview_dest)
; copy FastView
(prompt "Install FastView?")
(help @copylib-help)
(if (= cpuversion 0)
(dest @default-dest)
; ask if the JPEG Codec Class should be installed
(if (not
(prompt "Do you wish to install the Tower JPEG Codec Class?\n\n"
"It is needed by FastView to view JPEG pictures."
(help "FastView relies on Christoph Feck's Tower JPEG Codec "
"Class to view JPEG images.\n\n"
"If you want to be able to view JPEG pictures you must "
"install it."
(default 1)
; run the JPEG Codec Class install script
; $VER: jpeg_cdc_install 1.0 (16.12.94)
; Copyright (c) 1994 Christoph Feck, TowerSystems.
; English texts
(set #bad-kick (cat "You must have AmigaOS Release 2.04 or newer to be able "
"to use the JPEG Codec.")
(set #temp-file (cat " To decode certain JPEG images, the Codec needs "
"a large amount of memory.\n If the required storage is not available "
"in main memory, the Codec will create a temporary file on your "
"harddisk. The volume on which this file is created should have enough "
"free space (about 4 meg).\n A temporary file is usually only "
"required, if you want to quantize JPEG images to 256 colors.\n\n"
(set #make-assign (cat " The logical assignment \"JPEGTMP:\" is used to "
"refer to the temporary directory.\n In order to make this assignment "
"available on every reboot, an \"Assign\" command has to be added to "
"your \"user-startup\" file.\n\n" @startup-help)
; Setup
;(set @default-dest "")
(set libs-dest "LIBS:")
(set class-dest "SYS:Classes")
(if (not (exists class-dest))
(set class-dest "LIBS:")
(complete 0)
(if (< (/ (getversion) 65536) 37)
(abort #bad-kick)
; Welcome
(message "\n\n\nTower JPEG Codec Class\n\nCopyright © 1994 Christoph "
"Feck, TowerSystems\nAll Rights Reserved.\n\n\n\nPlease refer to the "
"documentation for details."
; JPEGTMP: assignment
(set has-temp 0)
(if (exists "JPEGTMP:" (noreq))
(set has-temp 1)
(if (= "RAM" (getdevice "JPEGTMP:"))
(set has-temp 0)
(if (= has-temp 0)
(set jpeg-tmp (askdir (help #temp-file) (prompt "Select a directory for temporary files, not in RAM:") (default "SYS:")))
(startup "JPEG Codec"
(help #make-assign)
(prompt "An assignment has to be added to your user-startup.")
(command "Assign JPEGTMP: \"" jpeg-tmp "\"")
(makeassign "JPEGTMP" jpeg-tmp)
(complete 10)
; Install libraries and classes
(help @copylib-help)
(prompt "Copying tower.library...")
(source "Libs/tower.library")
(dest libs-dest)
(complete 30)
(help @copylib-help)
(prompt "Copying codec.class...")
(source "Classes/codec.class")
(dest class-dest)
(complete 50)
(help @copylib-help)
(prompt "Copying picture.codec...")
(source "Classes/Codecs/picture.codec")
(dest (tackon class-dest "Codecs"))
(complete 70)
(help @copylib-help)
(prompt "Copying jpeg.codec...")
(source "Classes/Codecs/jpeg.codec")
(dest (tackon class-dest "Codecs"))
; Exit
(run "Avail >NIL: FLUSH")
(complete 100)