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CycleToMenu 2.1
The files in this archive were written by Federico Giannici and are freely
distributable as long as the archive remains intact, and only a nominal fee
is charged for its distribution.
This software is provided "AS IS" without warranty of any kind, either
expressed or implied. By using it, you agree to accept the entire risk as to
the quality and performance of the program.
This program is CardWare: if you like it, send a postcard of your country to
the author. Comments, suggestions, donations and bug reports are welcome.
The author's address is:
Federico Giannici
Viale Francia 4
90146 Palermo
E-Mail: MC4080@mclink.it
CycleToMenu is a commodity that turns the standard cycle gadgets into popup
menus or "expanding" gadgets. This way, selecting the desired option is
easier and faster.
If you click on the arrow image on the left of the cycle gadgets they will
behave in the usual way. This feature allows you to step straight to the
next item. It can also be useful in low-memory situations or when the popup
menu is too long to completely fit inside the screen.
Note that the configuration window and other rarely used functions are put
into an overlay, so that normally they don't waste memory. A drawback is
that you cannot delete the CycleToMenu file while the program is running.
· AmigaOS Release 2.0
· AmigaOS Release 2.1 is required for the localization
Installation is very simple: open the drawer of the language you want to use
and double-click the installation icon.
An AmigaDOS script will start and copy the CycleToMenu program into the
WBStartup drawer of your Workbench partition (or disk). If the selected
language is different from English, the corresponding "catalog" file will be
copied in the appropriate directory, so that CycleToMenu will be able to use
that language. In the end, you will be asked if you want to install the
MagicWb-style icon.
Note that CycleToMenu has effect only on those cycle gadgets created while
CycleToMenu was already running. So, it's very important to launch
CycleToMenu as soon as possible. To achieve this, the default CycleToMenu's
STARTPRI ToolType is set to a high value (100). Workbench uses this ToolType
to decide in which order the programs in WBStartup shall be executed.
Once CycleToMenu is running, you can open its configuration window in three
different ways:
· By means of the hot-key (default is "control alt y")
· Through the Exchange program
· Launching CycleToMenu again
You can configure the menus look and behavior by means of the window
gadgets. You can immediately see the new behavior experimenting with the
three test gadgets at the bottom of the window.
The "Save" menu item may be used to save the configuration.
Make zoom
If this is selected, the popup menus will smoothly unfold.
Min duration
Max duration
These two gadgets control the duration of the zoom (expressed as fraction of
a second). The actual duration is proportional to the number of items in the
popup menu. The minimum duration is obtained when the menu has only two
items. The maximum duration is reached with ten or more items.
Use screen font
By default, CycleToMenu uses the same font of the cycle gadget. If this
option is active, it will use the current screen font.
Min font size
Usually, CycleToMenu uses the same font of the cycle gadget. Unfortunately,
many programs use some quite little font (e.g. topaz/8). If the cycle
gadget's font is smaller than the value specified here, CycleToMenu will use
the screen font (only if it is taller than the gadget's one). If you want to
always use the cycle gadget's font, set this value to "0".
Min items
If the cycle gadget has a number of items lower than the specified value,
CycleToMenu doesn't open its popup menu. So, for example, a good value can
be "3". In this way, no popup menu is opened for cycle gadgets with only two
Menu look
MagicMenu look
Gadget look
This gadgets select one of the three different kind of popup menus.
Menu look - simulate the usual Intuition's menus.
MagicMenu look - uses the same look of "MagicMenu" (MagicMenu is copyright
by Martin Korndörfer).
Gadget look - make the popup menus look like gadgets. The idea is that a
cycle gadget is a little "window" in the list of all possible gadget's
values. When the user click on the gadget, the window expands revealing the
complete list of all possible values.
Force NewLook menu
This gadget forces CycleToMenu to always use the NewLook menus introduced
with AmigaOS 3.0. Under AmigaOS 2.x, CycleToMenu tries to emulate this new
look as close as possible.
Centre on current item
If this option is active, the menus are positioned so that the current item
is centred onto the cycle gadget.
Double border
This Gadget is used to simulate the "Double Borders" option of MagicMenu.
Inner border
This option adds an empty border between the external border of the menu and
the items inside (the difference is more evident with the current (reversed)
Recess current item
If this option is active, the current item is shown recessed.
Test gadgets
These three gadgets have no influence at all on the popup menus. You may use
them to test the effects of the changes you make to the configuration. In
order to test the configuration under the wider situations, the three
gadgets use a different font (indicated above them) and a different number
of items.
This item saves the current configuration into the ToolTypes. Note that you
have to launch CycleToMenu from Workbench (or WBStartup) to have the
ToolTypes to take effect.
Opens a requester with some information about the program and its author.
Closes the configuration window. The programs keeps running with the current
It closes the configuration window and quits the program. The cycle gadgets
will resume the usual behaviour.
CycleToMenu uses the same names for both the Shell parameters and the
Workbench ToolTypes.
Usually, you will not directly modify these parameters, as it's much more
comfortable to change them by means of the configuration window. The only
parameters that you have to change by hand are CX_POPKEY and PUBSCREEN.
CX_POPKEY Default: control alt y
This is the hot-key, the input sequence that opens the window if it is
closed, or brings it to the front if it is already open. Refer to the Amiga
User Manual for a complete specification of the recognized keywords.
This tells if the configuration window should be opened when the program is
run for the first time. Usually, you should set this parameter to NO.
CX_PRIORITY Default: 0
This is the priority of the commodity handler used for the hot-key. Usually,
you will not need to change this.
PUBSCREEN Default: the Workbench screen
This is the name of the public screen where to open the configuration
This parameter corresponds to the "Make zoom" gadget status.
This parameter corresponds to the "Min zoom duration" gadget value.
This parameter corresponds to the "Max zoom duration" gadget value.
This parameter corresponds to the "Use screen font" gadget status.
This parameter corresponds to the "Min font size" gadget value.
MINITEMS Default: 0
This parameter corresponds to the "Min items" gadget value.
This parameter corresponds to the three "look" gadgets status. There are
three possible keywords for this parameter:
MENU - corresponds to the "Menu look" option
MAGICMENU - corresponds to the "MagicMenu look" option
GADGET - corresponds to the "Gadget look" option
This parameter corresponds to the "Force NewLook menu" gadget status.
This parameter corresponds to the "Centre on current item" gadget status.
This parameter corresponds to the "Double border" gadget status.
This parameter corresponds to the "Inner border" gadget status.
This parameter corresponds to the "Recess current item" gadget status.
CycleToMenu works with every program that uses the standard GadTools' cycle
gadgets, but it doesn't work with those programs that simulate such gadgets
(i.e., almost only those programs that work also with AmigaOS 1.3).
Some badly written programs don't use the IntuiMessage->Code field but they
simply assume that every time the gadget is clicked it makes a step forward.
This is absolutely wrong! As mentioned above, you can avoid this problem
clicking on the arrow image of the gadget making it behave in the usual way.
As usual, I have to thank my beta testers, whose help has been invaluable
during the development of this program: Nicola Salmoria, Dante Profeta and
Stefano Iacus.
Special thanks go to Reinhard Spisser for the German translation, Ronald van
Eijck for the Dutch one and Goncalves A. Georges for the French one.
I also want to thank all the people which E-Mailed me useful suggestions and
bug reports.