Def.0 = "Real programmers don't comment their code."||RET||"If it was hard to write, it should be hard to understand."
Def.1 = "Real programmers don't document. "||RET||"Documentation is for wimps who can't read the listings or object deck."
Def.2 = "Real programmers don't draw flowcharts. "||RET||"Cavemen drew flowcharts and look how much good it did them."
Def.3 = "Real programmers don't write in APL, "||RET||"unless the whole program can be written on one line."
Def.4 = "Real programmers don't write in BASIC. "||RET||"Actually, no programmers write in BASIC, after the age of 12."
Def.5 = "Real programmers don't write in LISP. "||RET||"Only faggot programs contain more parenthesis than actual code."
Def.6 = "Real programmers don't write in "C". There has to be something wrong "||RET||"with a language who's next generation gets a lower grade then its prior."
Def.7 = "Real programmers write in the machine's native binary code, "||RET||"ASM macros are those who can't divide HEX numbers in their head."
Def.8 = "Real programmers don't write specs - users should consider themselves lucky "||RET||"to get any programs at all and take what they get."
Def.9 = "Real programmers scorn floating-point arithmetic. The decimal point was "||RET||"invented for pansy bed wetters who are unable to think big."
Nro=RIGHT(aika, 1)
SENDSTR "%F1%C2%D3%Y250%X50%RS0Programmers definition number "||Nro||":%RN"||RET||RET||Def.Nro
SENDSTR "%D50 %D4%E1%F2%C2%X230%Y150"||RET||"Be sure to check%B3%C15%RE0%X195%Y320"||RET||""||RET||"For more example configs and the latest releases!"||RET||RET||"%F1%C0%X230"||RET||"%D0Push%D30 %D0left%D30 %D0mousebutton%D30 %D0to%D30 %D0exit!"