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Rainboot2.2 Beta 4
This is a beta release of Rainboot2. It is not tested and may have bugs or
crash without warning. You have been warned.
So, whats new?
Since 2.2ß3
· Timing of the boot or counting of the progs for the bar is now started after
the %U comes in %TEXT if you are using WAIT in the bar.
· %BAR changed again. Now its template is:
RENDER can be NORMAL, PLANE or CYCLE. If it is PLANE the PEN is actually
a planemask. If it's CYCLE the PEN is the startpen and you also must supply
endpen. Like this:
· The bar should work a bit better now. If it leaves gabs you are going too
fast (the SPEED has too low value).
· Couple of bugs fixed
Since 2.2ß2
· %G<n> displays the text inside a enviromental variable. The variables are
called as RBvar<n>. The text is only displayed so no commands can be used
in them. Returns should work though. If the desired variable is missing
Rainboot2 waits for one to appear.
· Fixed the problem (I hope) with some fonts not showing fully in the clock.
· %XC sets the X-coordinate so that the remaining line is centered. You can
also give a number after the %XC which will be added to the total lenght of
the text. NOTE: Commands after the %XC are not handled very well.
· Extented the %BAR. Now it is: %BAR=<X>/<Y>/<WIDTH>/<HEIGHT>/<PEN>/<MODE>(/<WAIT>)
<MODE> can be EXEC, TIME or a number, which is intepreded as DEFTIME
(backwards comp.) With TIME you can give SPEED and DEFTIME after the <MODE>.
EXEC don't take any args.
Eg. %BAR=10/10/100/10/15/EXEC or %BAR=10/10/100/10/15/TIME/20/40/WAIT
The WAIT at the end means that the bar won't start right away but waits until
there comes %U (I'm starting to run out of alphabet) command in the TEXT.
The difference between EXEC and TIME is that EXEC increases the bar everytime
a program is ran. TIME is the old style progressbar which increases the bar
more or less constantly.
NOTE: Don't use too small values with SPEED or the bar timing will be wrong.
· You can now also display the free/total/used size of any device. Just
use %INFOVOL<n>=<VOLUMENAME> as a keyword where <VOLUMENAME> is the
name of a volume (eg. Workbench: or DH0: or so). The command is
%I<n><T/U/F><B/K/M>. Eg. %I1TB would display the total size in bytes
of the volume given in %INFOVOL1.
· Colors can be cycled with %CYCLE=<FIRST>/<LAST>/<SPEED>, where <FIRST> is
the first pen, <LAST> is the last pen and <SPEED> the cyclespeed (lower
value means faster cycle)
Since 2.2ß1
· Arexx command BREAK changed to BREAKSCRIPT. BREAK collided with the native
arexx command (wonder why nobody noticed that).
· Rainboot2 doesn't allocate audio channels anymore if there is no samples
in your config file.
· Fixed the random-seed value to give more random values.
Since 2.1
· Rainboot2 now should work with Kickstart 2.04 too. Tell me if it doesn't.
The example configs with the original package are in AGA and they might
look a bit wierd with ECS.
· WbenchToFront() and ScreenToFront() are patched too. This fixes the
workbench screen coming to fron at least with VirusZ.
· You can also use random configs/samples/pics/... with Rainboot2 now.
Just use normal wildcards with the filenames and a random file will
be selected.
E.g. %BGPIC=Entertainment:Pictures/RBpics/#?.iff
NOTE: This won't work with fonts!
· Fixed couple of bugs and one memoryleak.
Thats it more or less. If you find bugs or something doesn't work please
tell me and I'll try to fix it. And thanks for everyone who has tested
the previous beta releases and sent me comments about them.
Kimmo 'Rainy' Pekkola