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Short: New Rainboot Config, very neat (I think :-))
Uploader: pcomm@inorbit.com (Nicholas Piper)
Author: pcomm@inorbit.com (Nicholas Piper)
Type: util/boot
Piper Communications Presents the First PComm Boot Config and Script
for Rainboot 2.2beta
This config will give you a very nice looking (I think, please email
if you think differently, or even if you agree :-) bootup visual sequence
using Rainboot 2.2beta (included, documentation for Rainboot is in the main
archive on Aminet (util/boot/Rainboot2.lha).
Features (Mostly thanks to Rainboot :-) :
* Nice Gradient with Amiga Logo
* Shows your config (Ram, CPU, WB version etc.)
* Shows date/time
* Nice "animated" Welcome to Amiga Graphic
* Neat picture of an A1200
* Prints a funny cookie, from your own cookie.txt file
* 176 cookies supplied
* Nice Gradient'd progress bar to show how far the boot
has gotten, and how long you gotta wait still..
* Shows free space on up to four devices, and shows
the total size of those dev's too
At the minute, the screen is in DBLPal 672x550, but just load the main
graphic (data/mainbg.ilbm) into something like PPaint, and change the
screen mode to what you like. Resave, and it'll be in that mode from
then on :-)
This archive includes Rainboot2.2beta, and it doesn't have to be copied
out of this directory system to be used with this config. Therefore,
if you have Rainboot already you don't have to overwrite it with this
beta version.
You can replace the cookies.txt with anything. Each line is taken
to be a single cookie, and a single cookie can be 80*4 chrs long before
it is rejected. This will linewrap at 80 chrs when it displays
the cookie, and only has room for 4 lines you see.
1. Copy the Fonts into Fonts:, If you have MCP, remember to delete
and rebuild your font cache, I always forget :-)
2. Delete the fonts directory if you like (the one in the archive, NOT
Fonts: !)
3. Copy PCommBoot.1 somewhere (try Sys:)
4. Add this to your startup-sequence, AFTER IPrefs
Assign PCommBoot.1: Sys:PCommBoot.1/
Run <>NIL: Execute PCommBoot.1:PConfig/Scripts/StartRainboot.script
Of cause, change the assign to point to the correct place.
5. Add this to the END of your start-sequence, but BEFORE EndCli command
Execute PCommBoot.1:PConfig/Scripts/StopRainboot.script
Assign PCommBoot.1: Remove
6. Your devices are probably named differently to mine, so you'll have to
edit Pconfig/Data/PcommBoot.Config to suit your own machine. That file
contains instructions on what to do, so go edit that now :-)
7. Done ? Reboot :-)
8. Mail me and tell me what went wrong ;-)
Misc Info
This is by Nicholas Piper, a member of Piper Communications, or PComm
for short. Piper Communications or Nicholas Piper can be contacted
via pcomm@inorbit.com. The PComm web pages are at http://pcomm.home.ml.org/
with a US mirror at http://pcomm2.home.ml.org/, please check it out
and mail me your comments :-)
Remember, The Amiga lives as long as we help it live :-)