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Clock/Memory/CPU Gauge
by Marat Fayzullin
version 1.7 3/25/1993
Copyright by FMS
1. Description
The Dashboard is the combination of well known PerfMeter-alike
utilities, clocks and RAM gauges. Its window can be opened on any
public screen and displays:
1. Current time
2. Amounts of chip, fast and total memory.
4. CPU activity.
5. Graphs of these parameters
Here is the picture of Dashboard window:
|[------------] [-----][-----]|
|| 1 | | 3 || 4 ||
|| ----- | [-----][-----]|
|| / \ | CPU RAM |
||---- -| |
|| | F ******==6===|
|| | C *******=5===|
|[------------] |
|| 2 CHIP RAM | TIME 7 |
|[------------][Feb 6 6:45:23]|
1. Graph of selected parameter
2. Switch selecting the parameter to graph:
CPU Idle/CPU Usage/Chip RAM/Fast RAM/Total RAM/CPU Switch
3. Gauge of CPU activity
4. Gauge of RAM usage
5. Bar showing the usage of chip RAM
6. Bar showing the usage of fast RAM
7. Current time
Dashboard can be run either from Workbench or from CLI (you don't need
to use RUN command in the last case) and only works under AmigaDOS 2 and
higher. If something is wrong, Dashboard doesn't start. There are several
tooltypes which can be used:
2. History:
* Version1.7 *
Changes: 1. Finally, I completely got rid of those standard
C time functions. They produced wrong results and
constantly accessed TZ variable in the environment
causing a lot of complaints. DashBoard 1.7 uses
time functions from Dos.Library which are faster,
give correct time and don't mess up with environment.
Nevertheless, I left TIME=ON/OFF tooltype for the
sake of compatibility. TIME SHOULD WORK FINE NOW!
2. Both DashBoard and DashBoardJr have the version
strings now. You can check it if you type:
version DashBoard
3. I found that GadToolsBox needs Utility.library to
be opened. Why? I don't know, the generated code
doesn't call any functions from this library, but
now I open it to be sure that everything is OK.
4. Code became little more effective.
* Version 1.6 *
Changes: 1. Previous versions of DashBoard didn't open GadTools
library with OpenLibrary() call. Yes, I know, it
is terrible bug, such things should never happen...
Anyway, it is fixed in v1.6! Thanks to Kari E Linden
who reported this problem.
2. There was a problem with default font. DashBoard is
supposed to display all information in topaz8, no
matter what default font is. In fact, previous versions
displayed some of things using the default font and when
it was something like times24...entire thing screwed
up or (in the best case) just looked ugly. This problem
was reported by Heikki Kantola.
* Version 1.5 *
Wasn't distributed. The only difference from v.1.4 is the GRAPH
tooltype allowing to choose the parameter to be plotted on startup.
This addition was suggested by Mickey Everts.
* Version 1.4 *
The weird thing appeared when DashBoard 1.2 was run with SnoopDos:
On every refresh cycle DashBoard CD'ed to ENV: directory and then back
to the current directory. This problem was found by Mickey Everts and
(as I found later) caused by standard time() and ctime() C functions
used to get current time from the system. Because I don't see any
other way to get current time not hacking AmigaDOS' guts (which usually
means eventual incompatibility with other DOS versions), I added special
tooltype TIME=ON/OFF which turns time display on and off (obviously).
For those who don't use SnoopDos, default ON value strongly recommended.
Another problem was that DashBoard didn't display LOCAL time (well,
I'm not sure if this was a problem, my clock was ok, but I concluded it
from what Eric Lavitsky reported). DashBoard 1.4 should work right,
although I can't check it. My A2000 runs DOS 2.04 which handles these
things differently from DOS 3.
Cut down version called DashBoardJr is now included in the archive.
This version draws graphs only. It doesn't display gauges and all other
* Version 1.3 *
Wasn't distributed.
* Version 1.2 *
The first distributed version.
3. Tooltypes:
X=<XCoordinate> - Coordinates of the window
Y=<YCoordinate> ( default - 0,0 )
SCREEN=<PubScrName> - Name of public screen to open window on
PRIORITY=<Priority> - Priority of Dashboard between -10 and +10
( default - 0 )
REFRESH=<Time> - Window refresh period expressed in 0.1
portions of second between 1 and 100
( default - 10 i.e. 1 second )
TIME=ON/OFF/YES/NO - Turns on/off the time display
( default is ON )
GRAPH=IDLE/USAGE/ - Selects the parameter to be plotted on
CHIPRAM/FASTRAM/ startup ( default is IDLE )
4. Thanks, Copyright, Self-advertisement, Address, etc...
Lots of thanks to Juha Tuominen from Digital Design, whose Perfmeter
served as a prototype for some subroutines of Dashboard. It was Perfmeter
that made me write Dashboard, mainly to find out how these things work.
Thanks to Mickey Everts who pointed out the problem with Snoopdos and
made several other important suggestions.
Dashboard is freely distributable as long as you keep executable file
and this documentation together. If you like it and/or want to support
the author, send $5 - $25 to the address given below. Bug reports, flames,
suggestions, etc. can be sent to the same address:
Marat Fayzullin
8770 Cloudleap Court Apt#24
Columbia, MD 21045
Internet E-Mail address: fms@wam.umd.edu
Look for other great programs written by FMS (it is me, but as much
as I know there are other things using this abbreviation):
WBGames - Set of tiny games which can be opened on
any public screen. Current version 1.7
includes Tetris, Columns, 15, MineSweeper,
Sokoban and BoulderDash.
Protector - Login program like AmiStation. Supports
multiple users and keeps log of logins.
Marat Fayzullin
MS-DOS: Just say NO! 3/25/1993