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Assembly Source File
213 lines
* DiskSpeed v4.0
* by
* Michael Sinz
* Copyright (c) 1989 by MKSoft Development
* MKSoft Development
* 163 Appledore Drive
* Downingtown, PA 19335
* Yes, this is yet another disk speed testing program, but with a few
* differences. It was designed to give the most accurate results of the
* true disk performance in the system. For this reason many of
* DiskSpeed's results may look either lower or higher than current disk
* performance tests.
* *
* Reading legal mush can turn your brain into guacamole! *
* *
* So here is some of that legal mush: *
* *
* Permission is hereby granted to distribute this program's source *
* executable, and documentation for non-commercial purposes, so long as the *
* copyright notices are not removed from the sources, executable or *
* documentation. This program may not be distributed for a profit without *
* the express written consent of the author Michael Sinz. *
* *
* This program is not in the public domain. *
* *
* Fred Fish is expressly granted permission to distribute this program's *
* source and executable as part of the "Fred Fish freely redistributable *
* Amiga software library." *
* *
* Permission is expressly granted for this program and it's source to be *
* distributed as part of the Amicus Amiga software disks, and the *
* First Amiga User Group's Hot Mix disks. *
* *
INCLUDE "exec/types.i"
INCLUDE "exec/tasks.i"
INCLUDE "exec/lists.i"
INCLUDE "exec/libraries.i"
* This section of code is used to test CPU availability. It was important
* that it be in assembly as it would otherwise be unpredictable.
xdef _CPU_Use_Base
xdef _CPU_State_Flag
xdef _CPU_Count_Low
xdef _CPU_Count_High
xdef @Init_CPU_Available
xdef @Free_CPU_Available
xdef @CPU_Calibrate
xref _LVOAddTask
xref _LVORemTask
xref _AbsExecBase
* This init routine does all sorts of work to install the task...
lea _CPU_State_Flag(pc),a0 ; Point at state flag...
moveq.l #0,d0 ; Get a NULL...
move.l d0,(a0)+ ; Clear state flag...
move.l d0,(a0)+ ; Clear low count...
move.l d0,(a0)+ ; Clear high count...
move.l (a0),d0 ; Check if we are already running...
bne.s Task_Set ; If so, we don't start again...
lea _CPU_Use_Base(pc),a1 ; Point at use flag...
tst.l (a1) ; Check if we are to run...
beq.s Task_Set ; If not, we just return...
* The task is not running... First, clear the task structure...
lea Task_Struct(pc),a1 ; Point at task structure...
moveq.l #TC_SIZE-1,d1 ; We want to clear the task
Clear_TC: move.b d0,(a1)+ ; Clear a byte...
dbra d1,Clear_TC ; Clear all of the task...
* Ok, now set up the task structure and get going...
movem.l a2/a3/a6,-(sp) ; Save these...
lea CPU_Available(pc),a2 ; Initial PC...
move.l d0,a3 ; NULL final PC...
lea Task_Struct(pc),a1 ; Point at task structure...
lea TC_MEMENTRY(a1),a0 ; Point at the TC_MEMENTRY
NEWLIST a0 ; list header; initialize it.
lea Stack_Lower(pc),a0 ; Point at low stack...
move.l a0,TC_SPLOWER(a1) ; Set the task structure...
lea Stack_Upper(pc),a0 ; Task upper stack...
move.l a0,TC_SPUPPER(a1) ; Set the task structure...
move.l a0,TC_SPREG(a1) ; Starting point...
move.b #NT_TASK,LN_TYPE(a1) ; It is a task...
move.b #-127,LN_PRI(a1) ; Set to minimal priority...
move.l _AbsExecBase,a6 ; Get ExecBase...
jsr _LVOAddTask(a6) ; Add the task...
* Check to see if we are running in V37 ROM or better. If so,
* we want to use the result of the AddTask() call... Otherwise
* we just want the task structure address...
cmp.w #36,LIB_VERSION(a6) ; Check if exec is > V36
bcc.s TooNew ; If greater than V36, skip...
lea Task_Struct(pc),a1 ; Get task structure...
move.l a1,d0 ; Put it into d0...
movem.l (sp)+,a2/a3/a6 ; Restore...
Set_Task: lea CPU_Task(pc),a0 ; Point at storage...
move.l d0,(a0) ; Save the pointer...
* D0 is now either a task pointer or NULL since it did not get added...
Task_Set: rts
* This routine will kill the task...
move.l CPU_Task(pc),d0 ; Check if we have a task...
beq.s Task_Set ; If not, just return...
move.l d0,a1 ; Point at task...
move.l a6,-(sp) ; Save a6...
move.l _AbsExecBase,a6 ; Get ExecBase...
jsr _LVORemTask(a6) ; Remove the task...
move.l (sp)+,a6 ; Restore a6...
moveq.l #0,d0 ; Clear d0...
bra.s Set_Task ; Set the task pointer...
* This routine will set up and then count the number of times through the loop
* below. Since CPUs may become very fast, the counters are 64-bits. This
* should last for a long time! (Currently, it would most likely never need
* more than the first 32-bit word...)
CPU_Available: lea _CPU_State_Flag(pc),a0 ; Set up some pointers
lea _CPU_Count_Low(pc),a1
lea _CPU_Count_High(pc),a2
* Here, we check if the state flag is zero. Once it is, we drop
* down into the next routine...
CheckState: tst.l (a0) ; Check if we got the green-light.
bne.s CheckState ; If not, try again...
* Now, we count the low order counter. If it does not wrap, we loop back...
addq.l #1,(a1) ; Add 1 to low order counter...
bne.s CheckState ; If we did not wrap, we go back...
* Since the low order counter just wrapped, we now count the high order...
* Note that we assume that there would never be an overflow in the high order
* counter word.
addq.l #1,(a2) ; Add 1 to high order counter...
bra.s CheckState ; Loop back...
* This routine is used to calibrate the CPU available number...
@CPU_Calibrate: lea _CPU_Count_Low(pc),a0 ; Get up pointer...
* Now, we want to make the same instructions so that timing will
* be the same...
Calibrate: tst.l (a0) ; Check if we are done...
beq.s CalibrateDone ; If so, exit...
* Now, count backwards until we get to 0...
subq.l #1,(a0) ; Subtract 1 from low order counter...
bne.s Calibrate ; Loop back for some more...
* We get here when done with the calibration loop...
CalibrateDone: rts
_CPU_Use_Base: dc.l 0 ; Set to TRUE in order to use CPU...
_CPU_State_Flag: dc.l 0 ; Used to control this routine...
_CPU_Count_Low: dc.l 0 ; The low-order word for CPU count
_CPU_Count_High: dc.l 0 ; The high-order word for CPU count
CPU_Task: dc.l 0 ; The task pointer...
Stack_Lower: ds.l 80 ; 80 long-words of stack for task
Stack_Upper: dc.l 0
Task_Struct: ds.b TC_SIZE ; The task structure...
Task_Name: dc.b 'MKSoft DiskSpeed CPU Test',0