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242 lines
; $VER: ShowConfigEnh 2.0 (16.4.96)
; Install-Script, ShowConfigEnh, ShowReq
; Copyright ©1996 Thomas Kessler
; All rights reserved.
; Feel free to contact me via email at kessler@fim.uni-erlangen.de
; expname.library ©1996 Richard Koerber (rkoerber@tfh.dssd.sub.org)
; All rights reserved.
(set #already (cat
"\nThis version of ShowConfig is\n"
"already enhanced (patched).\n"
"\nThank you for using ShowConfigEnh.\n\n"
"Do not forget to send some nice email to\n"
"if you like and use this program."))
(set #error (cat
"\nAn error appeared during the patch-work!\n\n"
"Please make sure that you have enough free\n"
"memory and enough free HD-space and then\n"
"try to restart the installation."))
(set #badinstaller (cat
"\nWrong Installer-version!\n\n"
"Please try to get another version of the\n"
"Installer-tool from aminet or from CDs.\n"
"This version can not calculate important\n"
"checksums for the installation."))
(set #working "Please wait...")
(set old-level @user-level)
(user 2)
(complete 0)
(message "\nShowConfigEnh 2.0 Installation\n\n"
"This patch enhances the workbench-tool ShowConfig.\n"
"The new patched ShowConfigEnh will be able to use\n"
"'expname.library' to decode the manufacturer- and\n"
"product ID of expansion boards and does support\n"
"more hardware (68060, Draco, ...)\n\n"
"ShowConfig ©1990-1996 Escom AG\n"
"ShowConfigEnh ©1996 Thomas Kessler\n"
"expname.library ©1996 Richard Koerber\n"
"All rights reserved.")
(complete 1)
(set #file
(prompt "Please locate your workbench-tool ShowConfig.")
(help @askfile-help)
(default "SYS:Tools/ShowConfig")))
(complete 5)
(working #working)
(set #checksum (getsum #file))
(if (= #checksum 1011) (abort #badinstaller))
(set #notsup (cat
"Wrong checksum ("#checksum")!\n"
"This version is not (yet) supported. Please\n"
"send details to kessler@fim.uni-erlangen.de\n\n"
"Supported ShowConfig-versions are:\n"
"40.2 (OS3.1), 39.1 (OS3.0)\n"
"38.5 (OS2.1), 37.3 (OS2.0)\n"
"\nThank you for using ShowConfigEnh."))
(complete 10)
(set #version 0)
(if (= #checksum 1934686971) ; orig 40.2 (24.08.93)
((set #version 1)))
(if (= #checksum 1381896957) ; orig 40.2 (24.08.93) [2]
((set #version 1)))
(if (= #checksum -1407112414) ; patched 40.3 (16.04.96) CON
((abort #already)))
(if (= #checksum -2019655686) ; patched 40.3 (16.04.96) REQ
((abort #already)))
(if (= #checksum -854322400) ; patched 40.3 (16.04.96) CON [2]
((abort #already)))
(if (= #checksum -1466865672) ; patched 40.3 (16.04.96) REQ [2]
((abort #already)))
(if (= #checksum 1117391017) ; old patched 40.2b (09.04.96)
((abort #already)))
(if (= #checksum 2015712407) ; old patched 40.2e (09.04.96)
((abort #already)))
(if (= #checksum 116849060) ; orig 39.1 (24.08.93)
((set #version 2)))
(if (= #checksum -198012389) ; patched 39.2 (16.04.96) CON
((abort #already)))
(if (= #checksum -1050320458) ; patched 39.2 (16.04.96) REQ
((abort #already)))
(if (= #checksum -1242884495) ; old patched 39.1b (09.04.96)
((abort #already)))
(if (= #checksum -359176608) ; old patched 39.1e (09.04.96)
((abort #already)))
(if (= #checksum -535654157) ; orig 38.5 (05.05.92)
((set #version 3)))
(if (= #checksum -1540806768) ; patched 38.6 (16.04.96) CON
((abort #already)))
(if (= #checksum 1895823111) ; patched 38.6 (16.04.96) REQ
((abort #already)))
(if (= #checksum 1155499488) ; old patched 38.5 (14.04.96)
((abort #already)))
(if (= #checksum 1720856251) ; orig 37.3 (12.11.91)
((set #version 4)))
(if (= #checksum -1272277651) ; patched 37.4 (16.04.96) CON
((abort #already)))
(if (= #checksum -2138348424) ; patched 37.4 (16.04.96) REQ
((abort #already)))
(if (= #checksum -2136157588) ; old patched 37.3 (14.04.96)
((abort #already)))
(complete 30)
(if (= #version 0) (abort #notsup))
(set #window
(prompt "\nWhat window should ShowConfigEnh open\n"
"when it gets started from workbench?\n")
(help @askchoice-help)
(choices "original CON window" "intuition requester on workbench")
(default 0)))
(complete 35)
(set #libs
(prompt "Where should the supplied 'expname.library' v2.1\n"
"©1996 Richard Koerber be installed?")
(help @askdir-help)
(default "LIBS:")))
(complete 40)
(working #working)
(prompt "Copy...")
(help @copylib-help)
(source "ShowConfigEnh-Data/expname.library")
(dest #libs)
(complete 45)
(protect (cat (tackon (pathonly #file) "ShowReq")) "+w +d")
(complete 50)
(if (= #version 1)
(set #command (cat "ShowConfigEnh-Data/patch403 "#file" "#file"Enh"))
(if (= #window 1)
(set #command (cat #command " SHOWREQ=" (tackon (pathonly #file) "ShowReq"))))
(complete 51)
(if (= #version 2)
(set #command (cat "ShowConfigEnh-Data/patch392 "#file" "#file"Enh"))
(if (= #window 1)
(set #command (cat #command " SHOWREQ=" (tackon (pathonly #file) "ShowReq"))))
(complete 52)
(if (= #version 3)
(set #command (cat "ShowConfigEnh-Data/patch386 "#file" "#file"Enh"))
(if (= #window 1)
(set #command (cat #command " SHOWREQ=" (tackon (pathonly #file) "ShowReq"))))
(complete 53)
(if (= #version 4)
(set #command (cat "ShowConfigEnh-Data/patch374 "#file" "#file"Enh"))
(if (= #window 1)
(set #command (cat #command " SHOWREQ=" (tackon (pathonly #file) "ShowReq"))))
(complete 54)
(set #result
(prompt "Patch...")
(help "n/a")
(complete 80)
(if (NOT (= result 0)) (abort #error))
(if (exists (cat (tackon (pathonly #file) "ShowReq")))
(if (= #window 1)
(protect (cat (tackon (pathonly #file) "ShowReq")) "-w -d")
(delete (cat (tackon (pathonly #file) "ShowReq")) (optional force))
(complete 90)
(if (exists (cat #file".info"))
(prompt "Copy...")
(help "n/a")
(source (cat #file".info"))
(dest (pathonly #file))
(newname (cat #file"Enh.info")))
(prompt "Convert...")
(help "n/a")
(dest (cat #file"Enh"))
(set @default-dest (pathonly #file))
(complete 100)
(user old-level)
(exit (cat
"Thank you for using ShowConfigEnh.\n\n"
(if (= #window 1)
(cat "Note: ShowConfigEnh installed the support-tool "
'"ShowReq" in: "'(pathonly #file)'" '
"It is required for the requester and "
"MUST be in the ShowConfigEnh drawer.\n\n"))
"Do not forget to send some nice email to\n"
"if you like and use this program.")
(welcome "")