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;** Locale constructor V40.16 ViNCEd prefs part **
;** **
;** This is a constructor/shell script for CreateCatalog. Please read **
;** the instructions below carefully. **
; This file has two purposes:
; First it acts as a shell script that must be "execute"d to
; build the catalog with one command
; Second, it tells CreateCatalog how to build the
; catalog. Thus, this file gets a) executed by the shell
; and b) is parsed by CreateCatalog. This is possible due to
; the special syntax of CreateCatalog.
; All lines starting with a semicolon or a blank space are comments
; for CreateCatalog. Thus these lines and the lines that act as
; a shell script are ignored by the catalog builder: The former
; because they have the semicolon, the later because I added a
; blank space at the beginning.
; Shell script part of the catalog builder:
; no assembler is needed for this part. This time the complete job can
; be done by CreateCatalog, and the strings of the locale are in
; THIS file.
; The next line starts the catalog builder:
; The arguments are: This file (instructions how to build)
; the output file (will be put to RAM:)
; the language: Please change "deutsch" to
; your language, i.e. "italiano" or "français".
; and the version/revision of the catalog.
; Here version 40.16 (40 is internal for release 3)
;*************** Edit this line below *************************************
CreateCatalog vl:prefs.construct ram:VNC.prefs.catalog deutsch 40 16
; ^^^^^
; This string must be
; adjusted !
; End of the shell script. quit is used to prevent the shell from parsing the
; lines below.
; Here we use another set of CreateCatalog commands.
; The '#' command sets the string counter to a specific value.
; There's no need to change these lines.
; The 'lines contain the actual strings that replace the english (default) strings
; The lines starting with a semicolon are again comments and ignored
; by the catalog builder. Thus you ONLY NEED TO EDIT the lines starting with
; the apostrophe '.
; Please note that unlike in the "sys" part of the localization, the
; reverse apostrophe ` IS NOT USED HERE!
; Please note that you MUST surround these strings with an additional pair
; of double quotes if you want to include leading/following blank spaces.
; The usual C style syntax is used for special charaters, like
; \r for carriage return \n for newline
; \t for TAB \b for backspace
; \\ for the backslash itself. It is the same syntax that is used in the
; ViNCEd macros, so propably read this section of the guide.
; Since this is taken from the german localization, I put the original
; english strings ON TOP of the german ones, plus some information
; when this string gets printed/displayed.
;Strings of the startup-segment
;unkown command. Printed if you pass an illegal argument to SetVNC
'unbekanntes Kommando.
;required subcommand missing Printed if a subcommand needs a sub argument that is missing.
'benötigtes Teilkommando fehlt.
;unknown subcommand Printed if the parser encountered a sub command (like the FROM to LOAD or the TO for SAVE) that it does not understand
'unbekanntes Teilkommando.
;required argument missing Printing if a command takes an argument that is not present
'benötigtes Argument fehlt.
;boolean value neither ON nor OFF. The parser expected an ON or OFF as argument.
'boolscher Wert weder ON noch OFF.
;invalid numeric value. The parser expected a number. The one supplied was invalid
'ungültiger Zahlenwert.
;out of memory SetVNC has not enough memory.
'Speicher fehlt.
;Failed parsing "%s" : %s \n\r Printed if the parsing of an arugment failed.
;The first %s is substituted with the argument name, the second with the failure type, from above.
;The \n\r code is a newline command.
;(Here both, newline plus line feed since someone may have turned ViNCEd's
; auto CR off)
'Fehler beim Bearbeiten von "%s" : %s\n\r
;SetVNC failure: Need AT LEAST vnc.library version 40.00. Printed if SetVNC failed to open the vnc.library
'SetVNC Fehler: Es wird MINDESTENS die Version 40.00 der vnc.library benötigt.\n\r
;SetVNC failure: Can't open needed libraries. Printed if some generic libs are missing (asl/dos/gfx/intuition)
'SetVNC Fehler: Benötigte Bibliotheken können nicht geöffnet werden.\n\r
;SetVNC failure: Need a ViNCEd stream as output handle. Printed if SetVNC found a non-VINCEd stream, i.e. hasn't been called from ViNCEd.
'SetVNC Fehler: Ein ViNCEd-Stream wird als Ausgabekanal benötigt.\n\r
;"DOS failed " A generic failure message if some DOS function returned an error
'"DOS Fehler "
;%s: error code %ld.\n\r A generic error code if no standard fail message of the DOS could be found.
; %s is substituted with the text above, and %ld is the DOS error number.
'%s: Fehler-Code %ld.\n\r
;"Usage: SetVNC " The title of the text that is printed if you specify "?" as argument
'"Aufruf: SetVNC "
;" O.K. " This text is put into the fail requester (it has only one button)
'" O.K. "
;Strings of the prefs-loader
;these strings are printed if the loading/saving of some prefs can't be done
;"SetVNC failure: Unable to save preferences as " Printed if SetVNC failed to save the prefs as a file.
;The actual file name is put behind this text.
'"SetVNC-Fehler: Kann Voreinstellungen nicht abspeichern unter \n\r"
;SetVNC failure: No memory for preferences. Due to a lack of memory ViNCed can't build them
'SetVNC-Fehler: Speicher für die Voreinstellungen fehlt.\n\r
;SetVNC failure: Can't get preferences from active window. SetVNC can't load the prefs of the window it was invoked in.
'SetVNC-Fehler: Voreinstellungen können nicht vom Fenster geholt werden.\n\r
;SetVNC failure: Can't get global preferences. SetVNC can't load the global ("Used") prefs.
'SetVNC-Fehler: Die globalen Voreinstellungen können nicht geholt werden.\n\r
;SetVNC failure: Can't get default preferences. The defaults were unavailable.
'SetVNC-Fehler: Die Standard-Voreinstellungen können nicht geholt werden.\n\r
;"SetVNC failure: Can't get preferences from file " SetVNC failed to load the prefs from a given file.
;The actual file name is printed behind this text
;SetVNC failure: Can't get preferences from file SetVNC failed to load a given prefs file.
;The file name is printed behind this text
'"SetVNC-Fehler: Kann die Voreinstellungen nicht Lesen von der Datei "
;SetVNC failure: Can't get last saved preferences. SetVNC failed to load the prefs beeing saved as global prefs.
'SetVNC-Fehler: Die zuletzt gespeicherten Voreinstellungen können nicht gelesen werden.\n\r
;SetVNC failure: Can't construct macro list. The list of the macros can't be setup
'SetVNC-Fehler: Kann die Makro-Liste nicht erstellen.\n\r
;SetVNC failure: Can't build macros from list. The list of the macros can't be installed into the prefs.
'SetVNC-Fehler: Kann die Makro-Liste nicht in die Voreinstellungen einbauen.\n\r
;SetVNC failure: Can't install preferences into active window. The window SetVNC was invoked in did not accept the new prefs.
'SetVNC-Fehler: Kann die Voreinstellungen des aktiven Fensters nicht ändern.\n\r
;SetVNC failure: Can't install preferences into library base. The prefs have been rejected as global ("Used") prefs.
'SetVNC-Fehler: Kann die Voreinstellungen der Bibliothek nicht ändern.\n\r
;Strings of the shell-commands
;Strings used for one of the many in-place actions.
;TabHook installed. The TAB expansion has been turned on.
;The notation "TABHook" is a bit antique and due to some earlier release
;of ViNCEd, where this feature was done by an external "Hook" program.
'TabHook ist installiert.\n\r
;TabHook removed. The TAB expansion has been turned off.
'TabHook wurde entfernt.\n\r
;"The TabHook is no longer driven by an external supervisor.\n\rThe "hook" is now removed and the command was ignored.\n\r
;This text explains that the TAB expansion has been removed, and that this
;feature is now internal - no external process is needed.
'Der TabHook wird nicht mehr von einem externen Prozeß gesteuert.\n\rDer "TabHook" wurde entfernt und das Kommando ignoriert.\n\r
;The specified number of lines is invalid. The size of a buffer given to SetVNC is too large or too small.
'Die angegebene Zeilenanzahl ist außerhalb des erlaubten Bereiches.\n\r
;The specified time interval is invalid. The time (blink speed/refresh interval etc..) is too short or too long.
'Das angegebene Zeitintervall ist außerhalb des erlaubten Bereiches.\n\r
;*** The next ones are new to 40.12....
;The specified monitor does not exist. The monitor name was not found in the monitor data base.
'Der angegebene Monitor existiert nicht.
;The 1.2/1.3 workbench does not support monitor names.\n\rUse MONITORID instead.\n\r
;SetVNC complains of a MONITOR argument which is useless with WB 1.2/1.3 since the monitor data
;base was introduced in 2.0
'Die 1.2/1.3 Workbench unterstützt keine Monitornamen.\n\rVerwenden Sie stattdessen MONITORID.\n\r
;The specified qualifier is invalid.\n\r
;The user gave a qualifier for the icon drop modifier which is useless (like caps or the "number pad" qualifier).
'Der angegebene Qualifier ist ungültig.\n\r
;Strings of the mounter
; This string is used by the "MOUNT" command on failure
;"Can't mount ViNCEd as " Printed if mount failed.
;The device name which should be replaced by VNC: (usually CON:) is
;printed BEHIND this text.
'"ViNCEd kann nicht gemountet werden als "
;Strings for the job control functions fg,bg
;SetVNC failure : Nothing found to put in foreground instead.\n\r SetVNC's bg failed since
;there's no process that can't be put in foreground to replace the current one.
'SetVNC-Fehler: Es fehlt ein Prozeß, der stattdessen in den\n\rVordergrund geschickt werden kann.\n\r
;SetVNC failure : Can't send this process to foreground.\n\r The process can't be set
;to foreground for some reason.
'SetVNC-Fehler: Dieser Prozeß kann nicht in den Vordergrund geschickt werden.\n\r
;SetVNC failure : CLI process not found.\n\r The CLI number of the process
;to set to foreground does not exist.
'SetVNC-Fehler: Der angegebene CLI-Prozeß existiert nicht.\n\r
;SetVNC failure : This process is not under my control.\n\r The process corresponding to
;the given CLI number exists, but was not under control of the ViNCEd process in the window
;SetVNC was invoked in - propably it is not under control of ViNCEd at all, or propably it runs
;in a different window.
'SetVNC-Fehler: Dieser Prozeß ist nicht unter meiner Kontrolle.\n\r
;Strings for the guide-loading module
;SetVNC failure: Can't load help browser.\n\r The help program (usually MultiView)
;can't been loaded. Propably it is missing or its location (found in the "default tool") is
'SetVNC-Fehler: Kann den Hilfstext-Browser nicht laden.\n\r
;SetVNC failure: Can't find help database.\n\r SetVNC was unable to locate the
;VNC.guide. It's location is kept in the tooltypes of the SetVNC program.
'SetVNC-Fehler: Kann den Hilfetext nicht finden.\n\r
;Strings used by the prefs editor
;SetVNC failure : Can't install the prefs requester.\n\r
;Printed if SetVNC failed to build its requester into the window.
'SetVNC-Fehler: Der Voreinstellungs-Requester\n\rkann nicht erstellt werden.\n\r
;SetVNC failure : Can't build requester page.\n\r
;Printed if SetVNC failed to draw a "page" of the prefs, i.e. construction
;of the gadgets failed.
'SetVNC-Fehler: Die Voreinstellungs-Seite\n\rkann nicht aufgebaut werden.\n\r
;SetVNC failure : Can't write string back into prefs.
;Printed if some of the strings (usually the macros) can't be re-installed
;to the prefs.
'SetVNC-Fehler: Die Änderung kann nicht in die\n\rVoreinstellungen zurückgeschrieben werden.\n\r
;Please locate guide :
;This is the title of the file requester that appears to choose the VNC.Guide
'Bitte die Hilfe-Datei auswählen :
;Please locate the guide path\n\rin the "System" menu.\n\r
;The contents of a failure requester in case the user requested for help,
;but SetVNC does not yet know the location of the VNC.guide.
'Bitte zuerst die Hilfe-Datei\n\rim "System"-Menü einstellen.\n\r
;SetVNC failure : Out of chip mem for images.\n\r
;Chip memory failed for the magnification of the title picture
;(ViNCEd-logo & the Elf & THOR-Software text)
'SetVNC-Fehler: Chip-Speicher für die Bilder fehlt.\n\r
;The next ones are new to 40.11
;The font name is invalid.\n\rPlease specify it as <name>.<size>\n\r
;SetVNC complains about an invalid font name in the font string gadget
;of the window page.
'Der Schriftname ist ungültig.\n\rBitte geben Sie ihn als <Name>.<Größe> an.\n\r
;The specified font can't be found.\n\r
;SetVNC can't find the font the user requested.
'Die angegebene Schrift wurde nicht gefunden.\n\r
;The specified monitor does not exist.\n\r
;The monitor id in the monitor string gadget
'Der angegebene Monitor wurde nicht gefunden.\n\r
;ASL.library V37 is missing.\n\r
;SetVNC needs ASL 37.xx for the font requester.
'ASL.library V37 fehlt.\n\r
;ASL.library V38 needed.\n\r
;The V38 version of ASL must be present for the screen mode requester.
'ASL.library V38 wird benötigt.\n\r
;Select default font:
;The title of the font requester.
'Standardschrift wählen:
;Default monitor ID:
;The title of the screen mode requester
'Standardmonitor wählen:
;Can't create font requester.\n\r
;ASL returned a failure building the font requester, for what reason ever.
'Der Schriftrequester kann\n\rnicht aufgebaut werden.\n\r
;Can't create screen mode requester.\n\r
;ASL failed to construct the screen mode requester.
'Der Monitorrequester kann\n\rnicht aufgebaut werden.\n\r
;The page names
; The next ones are the page names that are printed in the
; top row of each page. PLEASE KEEP THEM VERY SHORT, since the
; room is limited.
; WARNING: One of the names changed in 40.30: The buffers page is
; now called "Window"
;About Title of the page that contains the logo.
;Macros The macros (for the menu) setup pages
;Buttons The buttons (for the titlebar) setup pages
;Edit Lots of flags for the editor behaiviour
;Shell Lots of stuff for the shell:TAB Expansion plus some more
;Window The page to setup window related stuff, and custom screens (new to 40.30)
;Timing Blink speeds, rebuild delay setup
;System A lot of internal system settings (system macros & flags)
;Strings used by the on-line help
; These strings are used whenever the user requested help thru one
; of the "HELP" buttons on the pages and the help failed for some
; reason. They are put into requesters with an "O.K." button.
; The text for the button is in one of the strings on top
;SetVNC failure : Need amigaguide.library V34 or better.\n\r
;The amigaguide.library which is used to display the VNC.guide is
'SetVNC-Fehler: Es wird die amigaguide.library\n\rVersion 34 oder besser benötigt.\n\r
;SetVNC failure : Can't open the specified guide file.\n\r
;amigaguide.library failed to open the requested guide. Propably it is
;missing, or the location (setup by in the system page) is not correct,
;or maybe it's the wrong file
'SetVNC-Fehler: Die angegebene Hilfe-Datei kann nicht geöffnet werden.\n\r
;SetVNC failure : Can't find the requested help node.\n\r
;The help node requested is not in the guide. Propably the guide
;must be updated, since I added some nodes to it in the past...
'SetVNC-Fehler: Der benötigte Hilfe-Text fehlt.\n\r
;"SetVNC failure : "
;Some error condition has occured. The string amigaguide returned as
;failure code is appended to this one and forms the complete fail
'"SetVNC-Fehler: "
;Unknown amigaguide failure
;This one gets appended to the string on top if amigaguide did not
;return a readable failure code
'Unbekannter AmigaGuide-Fehler
;Strings used by the buffer load/save module. New to 40.35
; These strings are used by the buffer saving/loading routine
; i.e. subcommands SetVNC get / put
;Printed if the loading gets aborted
'*** Abbruch\n\r
;SetVNC failed writing the line buffer.\n\r
;A generic IO error generated if something went wrong while writing
;some part of the buffer lines, either the history or the screen.
'SetVNC kann den Zeilenbuffer nicht schreiben.\n\r
;SetVNC failed reading the line buffer.\n\r
;Another generic error if something went wrong while reading a line
;buffer, either the history or the screen.
'SetVNC kann den Zeilenbuffer nicht lesen.\n\r
;SetVNC failed to open %s\n\r
;This error is generated if SetVNC failed to open the buffer file, i.e.
;can't create a line buffer file for writing or failed to open the buffer
;file for reading. %s is replaced by the name of the file.
'SetVNC kann %s nicht öffnen.\n\r
;Strings used in the pages
; the next strings are put into the pages, mostly as
; gadget names. So please try if the strings are "short enough" to
; fit into the buttons. The spacing is *worst* for fixed-width fonts
; but the actual point size does not matter since everything gets
; rescaled automagically. Proportional fonts tend to give a
; more relaxed spacing, so you should try this with topaz.8
; although this font is usually "too tiny".
;Strings common to all pages: The bottom bar
;!!! Warning: The "Save" string has moved TO THE END of this collection!!!
;Use Use prefs globally
;To Window Try in window SetVNC was called from only.
'im Fenster
;Cancel Abort SetVNC without saving
;Buttons in the about page
;Last Saved Reload prefs from default location
'Zuvor gsp.
;Last Used Reload global prefs
;Window Reload prefs from the window SetVNC was invoked from.
;Default Load defaults.
;Restore settings from: This text is put in front of the button above. Propably this
;together with the gadget text should form a sentence.
'Voreinstellungen einlesen vom :
;About Loads the main node of the VNC.guide.
;The save button was moved to this place...
;Save Save prefs to default location (ENVARC: & ENV:)
;Buttons in the macros pages
;ViNCEd Macros Page 1 (of 2) : The page title, giving the name
;of the page, the number if there's more than one page for the topic
;plus the total number of pages for this topic.
'ViNCEd Makros Seite 1 (von 2) :
;Help... Common to all pages: The HELP button
;it loads the VNC.Guide and displays the node for the page this button is on.
;2nd Page » The link to the other page. This
;button is also very common.
'2. Seite »
;Macro 0 These gadgets just count thru the
;number of macros. 0-4 are on the first page
'Makro 0
;Macro 1
'Makro 1
;Macro 2
'Makro 2
;Macro 3
'Makro 3
;Macro 4
'Makro 4
;Second macro page
;ViNCEd Macros Page 2 (of 2) :
'ViNCEd Makros Seite 2 (von 2) :
;« 1st Page ;Link back. Note that the arrow points
;to the opposide direction.
'« 1. Seite
;Macro 5
'Makro 5
;Macro 6
'Makro 6
;Macro 7
'Makro 7
;Macro 8
'Makro 8
;Macro 9
'Makro 9
;Buttons in the buttons page
;There's only one page, so no link buttons...
;ViNCEd Button Page :
'ViNCEd Knöpfe :
;Button title :"
;Put in front of the gadget that contains the name of a button, i.e. what
;gets printed in the title bar.
'Titel :
;A button to remove a button from the list
;A button to insert a new button between others
;Command :
;The text of the macro. This one will be expanded and executed by,
;well usually the shell.
'Kommando :
;« Prev
;A button to go backwards (towards the first) button in the list
'« Zurück
;Next »
;A button to go forwards (towards the last) button
'Vorwärts »
;The next one is new to 40.30:
;"Key : F%ld "
;This one expands into the key related to the current button in the
;window. "%ld" is replaced by a number from 1 to 10. Please note the
;space at the end, which is needed!
'"Taste : F%ld "
;Buttons in the edit pages
;These strings are used in the four pages for editor features.
;A fourth page has been added in 40.33 which is now at the end of this
;A fifth page was added in 40.41!
;ViNCEd Edit Page 1 (of 5) : The title
'ViNCEd Editor Seite 1 (von 5) :
;2nd Page »
'2. Seite »
;Unrestricted cursor movement
;Same as the "DOS Cursor mode" in the menu. Used to move the cursor
;like the DOS, without restrictions. For example, backspace does not
;stop on the shell prompt if this is turned on.
'Uneingeschränkte Cursorbewegung
;CR inserts below at start of line
;What happends if return gets pressed at the beginning of a line
;If this is turned on, a RETURN key press is not special at the beginning of
;a line. If turned off, it will insert a line on top instead of below.
'CR fügt am Zeilenanfang unterhalb ein
;TAB moves, no insertion
;Determinates the operation of the TAB key
'TAB bewegt den Cursor und fügt nicht ein
;Overwrite Text
;Insertion mode (off) vs. overwrite mode (on):
'Text überschreiben
;History buffer wraps around
;The operation of the command history and of the TAB expansion. If turned
;on, and you reached one end of the history / list of possible expansions,
;the buffer will wrap around, i.e. starts again at the beginning
'Eingabebuffer ist zyklisch
;ViNCEd Edit Page 2 (of 5) :
'ViNCEd Editor Seite 2 (von 5) :
;3rd Page »
'3. Seite »
;Don't write printed text into clipboard
;Like "Cut inputs only" in the menu: Put only user input into the clipboard
'Gedruckten Text nicht in die Zwischenablage
;Implicit copy after text marking
;Copy the marked area immediately into the clipboard, don't wait for a copy
'Markierten Text sofort in die Zwischenablage
;Swap ALT-cursor and cursor keys
;History movement by cursor keys, cursor movement by ALT+Cursor if on
'ALT-Cursortasten mit Cursortasten vertauschen
;Underline cursor
;instead of a block cursor
;Blinking cursor
;make the cursor blink. Speed is setup in the timing page
'Blinkender Cursor
;ViNCEd Edit Page 3 (of 5) :
'ViNCEd Editor Seite 3 (von 5) :
;4th Page »
'4. Seite »
;XTerm cursor mode
;The cursor gets frozen and does not move if you scroll the window or
;mark a block
'Cursorbewegung wie in XTerm
;The next two are new in 40.30:
;Disable middle mouse button
;Use the MMB for other programs, not for unix like clipboard control
;The replacement Ctrl+Left works, however
'Mittlere Maustaste ignorieren
;Disable BS at start of line
;Do not join lines if BS is pressed at the start of the line. Ignore
;it instead!
'Backspace am Zeilenanfang ausschalten
;Extensions made to 40.33:
;ANSI colors as default
;Use the ANSI coloring sheme by default. Can be enabled by hand with the
;CSI >?8h sequence, see the guide for more on that.
'ANSI-Farben als Voreinstellung
;Don't scroll into the border
;Enable hard window scroll borders. Prevent the cursor from goining into
;"blank" lines and stop scrolling at these boundaries.
'Nicht in den Rand scrollen
;There's also a fourth editor page which has been added later on. It is
;for that reason below in this file...
;Buttons in the shell page
;These pages setup functions related to the shell mode of ViNCEd
;like TAB expansion and requesters
;Please note that in 40.30 a fourth one was added to the shell pages,
;so the titles changed a bit...
;A fifth page was added to 40.41...
;ViNCEd Shell Page 1 (of 5) :
'ViNCEd Shell Seite 1 (von 5) :
;2nd Page »
'2. Seite »
;Call macro to close window
;Like "Smart Close" in the menu
'Makro zum Fensterschließen aufrufen
;Prevent accidental window closing
;Like "Safer Close" in the menu: Do not close if more than one process
;posesses the window
'Versehendliches Fensterschließen verhindern
;Don't send EOF until everybody waits
;A very technical setting, determinates what should happen if more than
;one process is in the window and the user closes the window
'EOF nur senden, falls alle Prozesse warten
;Don't add close gadget by default
;If turned on, you must explicitly ask for a CLOSE gadget in the path to
;get one. By default (since 1.00), ViNCEd windows come always with a
;close gadget.
'Close-Gadget nur auf Anfrage erzeugen
;Don't add iconify gadget by default
;If turned on, you must ask for a iconify gadget. The default is that all
;windows that appear on the workbench or that have the FALLBACK option
;turned on will get an iconifier.
'Iconifizierungs-Gadget nur auf Anfrage
;ViNCEd Shell Page 2 (of 5) :
'ViNCEd Shell Seite 2 (von 5) :
;3rd Page »
'3. Seite »
;TAB filename expansion
;Use TAB instead of Ctrl+TAB in the SHELL mode for file name expansion
'Filenamen-Erweiterung mit TAB
;Double TAB requester
;Display a requester if TAB is pressed twice within the double
;click interval
'Doppel-TAB Dateirequester
;First TAB expands fully
;If not turned on, ViNCEd will try a partial expansion first.
'Erstes TAB ergänzt vollständig
;Requester if expansion is ambigious
;If turned on, ViNCEd will display a requester if more than one expansion
;is possible
'Requester, falls Ergänzung nicht eindeutig
;Show ViNCEd matches, not directories
;Don't use a directory requester for the matches, but show the list
;that ViNCEd generated interally. Additional entries in this list (that
;can't be shown by a standard requester) are devices, assigns and resident
;modules. However, you can't go into a directory with this requester
'ViNCEd Ergänzungen in den Requester
;ViNCEd Shell Page 3 (of 5) :
'ViNCEd Shell Seite 3 (von 5) :
;4th Page »
'4. Seite »
;Use shell mode by default
;Turn on shell mode even if the SHELL keyword is missing in the PATH
'Shell-Modus als Voreinstellung
;The next ones are new to 40.30:
;Search commands in currernt and C: only
;Speed up TAB expansion of commands by searching them in the
;current directory and C: only.
'Nur in C: und im aktuellen Pfad suchen
;Show matching directories first
;When expanding by hand, the directories are sorted in prior to
;the devices. THIS DOES NOT change the sorting of the strings
;in the requester, since this is up to reqtools/asl - only the
;manual list is sorted differently.
'Directories zu Beginn einsortieren
;Enable close requester
;Turn on the requester warning if the user wants to close a shell
;with more than one process running in it.
;REMARK: The "safer close" setting must be turned on as well, to
;see this requester.
'Close-Requester einschalten
;Devices don't match implicitly
;Don't sort devices into the ViNCEd requester unless the user asked for
;devices explicitly by giving a ":" as the last part of the search pattern.
'Devices nicht implizit einsortieren
; The forth & fifth shell page, new to 40.30 is located AT THE END of this
; file...
;Buttons in the window page
;This page is used to setup the size of various buffers for ViNCEd,
;namely the command history and the visual history, upper and lower part.
;More is here in 40.30, and a second and third page is available as well
;The third page was added in 40.33, so please check out to change the titles!
;ViNCEd Window Page 1 (of 3) :
'ViNCEd Fenster Seite 1 (von 3) :
;History lines :
;The size of the command history in lines
'Größe der History :
;Upper Display size :
;The number of lines that are kept above the visual window, i.e. maximal
;number of lines scrolled off the window.
'Obere Zeilen :
;Lower Display size :
;The number of lines kept in the opposide direction, including the lines
;actually visible plus the lines kept below the visible window.
'Untere Zeilen :
;2nd Page »
;located at an usual place since I added this later
'2. Seite »
;The name of the screen mode button
;The contents of the font selection button
;The second and third window page is at the end of this file!
;Buttons in the timing page
;Various timing rates are setup with this page
;ViNCEd Timing Page :
'ViNCEd Timing Seite :
;Cursor blink speed :
;Setup the blink interval. Units are milliseconds (1 ms = 1 thousands of a second)
'Cursor-Blinkzeit (in ms) :
;Vertical scroll threshold :
;If vertical scrolling is slower than this, ViNCEd will delay the refresh
;to speedup scrolling. Again measured in ms.
'Schranke für Scrollzeit :
;Rebuild delay :
;If this time has passed, ViNCEd will refresh the window. Again in ms.
'Zeit bis Wiederaufbau :
;Intuition delay (1.3 only):
;Only used with kickstart 1.3 and below. This should be setup to the
;usual time needed for intuition to do a window operation, i.e. resize.
;Usually the interval of the input device, i.e. 1/10th of a second.
;Allow delayed window refresh
;A checkmark. Must be turned on to allow a delayed refresh and to make use
;of the settings above.
'Verzögerter Wiederaufbau
;Buttons in the system pages
;The four system pages setup internal ViNCEd stuff that does not fit
;into the other categories.
;ViNCEd System Page 1 (of 4) :
'ViNCEd System Seite 1 (von 4) :
;2nd Page »
'2. Seite »
;ViNCEd Guide Path :
;This gadget is used to setup the path of the VNC.guide.
'ViNCED Hilfe-Datei :
;Chunky pixel graphics
;If set, ViNCEd does not use the bitplane mask to scroll only used
;bitplanes. Useful for gfx cards.
'Chunky Pixel Graphik
;Line break at right border
;Break DOS output at the right window border. This line break operation
;is a bit different from what CON: does, since it is permanently. Lines
;won't get reorganized if the window gets resized.
;This one shouldn't be turned on!
'Zeilenumbruch am Fensterrand
;Inhibit horiz. scrolling by DOS output
;Do not scroll the window by DOS output. This avoids some flicker, but
;may move the cursor to invisible areas.
;This one shouldn't be turned on!
'Keine horizontales Scrolling durch das DOS
;VT-220 compatibility mode
;Some control sequences are interpretated differently if this is turned on.
;Also not useful if you want to run a shell in this window.
'VT-220 Kompatibilitätsmodus
;ViNCEd System Page 2 (of 4 ) :
'ViNCEd System Seite 2 (von 4) :
;3rd Page »
'3. Seite »
;Destructive DEL and BS
;Usually a printed backspace moves the cursor backwards and does nothing else.
;If turned on, it will erase characters. The DEL is usually printed as a
;smear symbol. If turned on, it will erase characters.
;Not useful for the shell!
'DEL und BS löschen beim Ausdruck
;Insertion mode for DOS output
;If turned on, DOS output will be inserted into the window data instead of
;overwriting it. Since this is never done by CON:, leave this flag
;off for the shell.
'Einfügemodus für DOS Ausgaben
;Notify DOS about paste
;Do not paste if the user asks to do so, instead send a paste request
;to the reading program. THIS IS NOT USEFUL FOR THE SHELL.
'Paste Kommando an DOS schicken
;Disable full screen edit
;Totally forbid cursor movement thru cursor keys AND RETURN! This might
;be useful for programs that read masks, BUT IT IS NOT USEFUL for the
;shell. LEAVE IT OFF.
'Auf Zeilenbasis edieren
;ViNCEd System Page 3 (of 4) :
'ViNCEd System Seite 3 (von 4) :
;4th Page »
'4. Seite »
;Quit shell :
;This is a system macro invoked if the user presses the close window
;gadget in an active shell.
'Beende Shell :
;New Window :
;A system macro expanded by the "New Window" item in the project menu.
'Neues Fenster :
;Get Help :
;A macro that should call the VNC.guide. Usually set to "SetVNC HELP"
'Hilfe aufrufen:
;Edit settings :
;A macro used to invoke the prefs editor. Usually "SetVNC". Called if
;the user select the "Settings" item in the project menu.
'Einstellungen :
;Fork new shell:
;Another macro used to build a new shell on Ctrl-Z. This one is unique
;since it is not expanded as a keyboard sequence, but Execute()-d
;instead (so use \n to terminate it instead of \r). Should be something
;like newcli.
'Shell erzeugen:
;ViNCEd system page 4 (of 4) :
'ViNCEd System Seite 4 (von 4) :
;« 1st Page
'« 1. Seite
;Quit program :
;Another system macro that is called if a running program in a ViNCEd shell
;should be terminated. Called if the close gadget is pressed and a command
;is loaded.
'Beende Progr. :
;Icon path :
;This is the path of the icon that is displayed if a ViNCEd window gets
;iconified. It is a standard workbench icon, without the ".info".
'Iconpfad :
;Icon title :
;The title that is shown under the icon. Defaults to the window title or
;to the title that is set by some XTerm control sequence.
'Icontitel :
;The second window page, located here since I added it later
;ViNCEd Window page 2 (of 3):
'ViNCEd Fenster Seite 2 (von 3) :
;3rd Page »
'3. Seite »
;Sample color
;Title of the box with the sample of the new color you can choose with
;the sliders for custom screens
;Color :%2ld
;The current pen to be edited. The cryptic "%2ld" gets expanded to a
;number between 0 and 15, i.e. the actual pen number.
'Farbe :%2ld
;Custom Screen Colors:
;Title on top of the red,green,blue sliders
;This string is no longer printed because there's no room left....
;Red :
;The title in front of the slider for the red component
'Rot :
;Green :
;Same for the green slider
'Grün :
;Blue :
;Same for the blue slider.
'Blau :
;The next ones display a percent value, namely the contribution of
;red,green and blue, respectively, to the current color.
;There's usually no need to change them...
;%% is expanded into a single percent sign, by the way.
;%-3ld results in a three digit decimal number.
;Load this register
;A checkmark, used to indicate if the current pen should be set by
;ViNCEd. The sliders are unaccessable unless this one is checked.
'Dieses Register setzen
;« Prev
;Move to the previous pen
'« Zurück
;Next »
;Edit the next pen
'Vorwärts »
;Set ANSI mapping
;A checkmark added to the 40.15 release of ViNCEd. If set, this color
;defines not an hardware register, but the software ANSI mapping, i.e.
;the ANSI pen of the same color index.
'ANSI Farbe definieren
;The fourth shell page, also added for 40.30
;ViNCEd Shell Page 5 (of 5) :
'ViNCEd Shell Seite 5 (von 5) :
;« 1st Page
'« 1. Seite
;Name only qualifier
;Setup the qualifier for icon-drop, used to indicate that the user wants
;to insert the name of the dropped icon only.
'Nur Namen einfügen
;Path only qualifier
;The same, but for the path-only icon drop modifier
'Nur Pfad einfügen
;The names of the keys. Shouldn't change until they are labeled
;differently at your local keyboard. All are present twice, once for
;the name only and once for path only. Please change both if you
;have to change them at all.
;The left amiga key
;The fourth edit page, also added later on
;ViNCEd Edit page 4 (of 5) :
'ViNCEd Editor Seite 4 (von 5) :
;5th page »
'5. Seite »
;Invisible type ahead
;Enable the type ahead. Typing while no input is requested won't go into
;the window, it is instead buffered and displayed as soon as some
;program wants to read keyboard input.
'Asynchroner Tastaturbuffer
;Enable scrollers in RAW mode
;Allow scroller usage, even in RAW mode. The scrollers are usually
;ghosted (disabled), but when this flag is turned on you MAY scroll
;in the window. This works like an implicit XTerm mode for RAW windows.
'Scroller im RAW Modus verwendbar
;Inverse ANSI coloring
;Swap the meaning of ANSI black and white for better readability. Does
;work ONLY in the ANSI mode.
'Inverse ANSI-Farben
;Numeric keypad cursor control
;Use the numeric keypad for cursor and history movement, not for number
;input. 8 and 2 replace ALT+cursor, 4 and 6 the left and right cursor keys
;7 and 1 scroll to the top / end of the buffer, 9 and 3 scroll upwards and
;downwards one page. 5 moves to the end of the line, and 0 toggles
;overwrite/insert mode
'Cursorsteuerung durch Ziffernblock
;The third window page
;Some miscellaneous window control flags have been added here. This page
;is new to 40.33
;ViNCEd window page 3 (of 3):
'ViNCEd Fenster Seite 3 (von 3) :
;« 1st Page
'« 1. Seite
;Disable horizontal scroller
;Prevents ViNCEd from adding a horizontal scroller by default.
;The scroller can be requested with a PROPX in the window open path
'Keinen horizontalen Scroller
;Disable vertical scroller
;Same for the vertical scroll bar.
'Keinen vertikalen Scroller
;The fifth edit page, new to 40.15
;ViNCEd Edit page 5 (of 5) :
'ViNCEd Editor Seite 5 (von 5) :
;« 1st page
'« 1. Seite
;Exchange A+BS/Del with S+A+BS/Del
;Swap the keyboard layout of these two delete-related settings.
;If checked, Alt+Del and Alt+Bs erase the end/beginning of the line
;Delete user input and delete word are mapped to the same keys with
;Shift as additional qualifier
'Vertausche A+BS/Del mit S+A+BS/Del
;Keep bottom of window adjusted
;The bottom line of the window will be scrolled down to the bottom border
;of the window on resize, giving the old CON: behaiviour.
'Unterste Zeile am Rand ausrichten
;The fourth shell page, new to 40.15
;This page was inserted between the third and forth shell page in 40.15.
;The former forth page is now the fifth page and defined above...
;ViNCEd Shell page 4 (of 5) :
'ViNCEd Shell Seite 4 (von 5) :
;5th page »
'5. Seite »
;Icon files don't match implicitly
;Don't add ".info" files to the TAB expansion list unless the user asks
;for them by giving a pattern ending with .info
'".info" Dateien nicht implizit einsortieren
;Shorter command search paths
;Truncate the search path for commands even more. If this is enabled,
;the "Partial Path" C: and CurrentDir() is used with the
;"Search commands in current and C: only" disabled, and only the current
;dir is used if both flags are enabled.
'Noch kürzere Suchpfade für Kommandos
;That's all folks!