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110 lines
;** Locale constructor V40.43 ViNCEd system part **
;** **
;** This is a constructor/shell script for CreateCatalog. Please read **
;** the instructions below carefully.
; This file has two purposes:
; First it acts as a shell script that must be "execute"d to
; build the catalog with one command
; Second, it tells CreateCatalog how to build the
; catalog. Thus, this file gets a) executed by the shell
; and b) is parsed by CreateCatalog. This is possible due to
; the special syntax of CreateCatalog.
; All lines starting with a semicolon or a blank space are comments
; for CreateCatalog. Thus these lines and the lines that act as
; a shell script are ignored by the catalog builder: The former
; because they have the semicolon, the later because I added a
; blank space at the beginning.
; Shell script part of the catalog builder:
vl:bin/PhxAss vl:sys1.asm to ram:sys1 ;create menu layout: This one gets assembled
; You don't need to modify the lines above. They just call the
; assembler to build intermediate files. For translation, you'll
; have to edit the file "sys1.asm". It, too, come
; with some comments, so please read them....
; The next line starts the catalog builder:
; The arguments are: This file (instructions how to build)
; the output file (will be put to RAM:)
; the language: Please change "deutsch" to
; your language, i.e. "italiano" or "français".
; and the version/revision of the catalog.
; Here version 40.43 (40 is internal for release 3)
;************************* EDIT THE LINE BELOW ONLY *************************
vl:bin/CreateCatalog vl:sys.construct ram:VNC.sys.catalog deutsch 40 43
; Quit the shell part of this script
; This is now the CreateCatalog part of the script: It gets parsed
; by the builder utility, which ignores the shell lines above.
; Here we've just four instructions: Take the object module,
; locate the strings and put them into a catalog.
; Include the menu. See sys1.asm for the strings.
; The next strings specify language specific strings for the requesters.
; Please note that the reverse apostrophe ` is needed, not the
; usual version ' !
; Please note that you MUST surround these strings with an additional pair
; of double quotes if you want to include leading/following blank spaces.
; The usual C style syntax is used for special charaters, like
; \r for carriage return \n for newline
; \t for TAB \b for backspace
; \\ for the backslash itself. It is the same syntax that is used in the
; ViNCEd macros, so propably read this section of the guide.
; Since this is taken from the german localization, I put the original
; english strings ON TOP of the german ones, plus some information
; when this string gets printed/displayed.
; This one is empty! Leave it alone, it's not yet needed!
;The title of the TAB requester
;Please select file...
`Bitte Datei auswählen...
;What's printed if a background process gets suspended. The name of the
;process itself is printed first, in double quotes, followed by this text
;suspended. [ViNCed output]\n\r
`unterbunden. [ViNCEd Ausgabe]\n\r
;The body of the close requester. Only "\n" is valid here, for separation
;of the lines.
;More than one process has\naccess to this window.\nDo you really want to\nshut down this stream?
`Mehr als ein Prozeß greift\nauf dieses Fenster zu.\nWollen sie wirklich diesen\nIO-Kanal schließen?
;The gadget texts of the requester. First the positive answer (shut down)
;The negative answer (do not):
;This one gets printed in the menu title as result of %F if the last
;command returned no failure,i.e. worked fine.
;no error
`Kein Fehler
;Thats all folks!