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Professional Diz Adder v2.3 - © 1997 Henrik Lundquist (Boz/5Byte^Software)
The Professional Diz Adder v2.3 (PDA) is a tool that generates file_id.diz's
for packed files (lha, lzx, dms) and also some other filetypes (gif, jpg, txt)
If you have ever had a lot of files without any description, and you don't
like to make diz after diz and add to your archives, this is the perfect tool
for you.
With about 40 fileheaders, you are able to generate nice looking diz's, with-
out putting too much effort in to it, by using this software.
There are two different versions of the program. One unregistered and one
registered. The unregistered have certain limitations such as:
· Only 8 fileheaders in the default list (explained later) - The registered
version can have as many as you can monitor on your screen! (About 40 using
Pal:Hires, more if you have a higher resolution.)
· No ad-stripping in packed archives.
· An irritating reminder popping up everytime you are about to add/view a diz
to/in a file.
If you are interested in getting registered, contact the author (look at the
last lines in this textfile). It's cheap (only 50 SKR (about $9 or £4)) so
it's affordable for everyone.
Use the installprogram that's included (PDA_Install.exe) - or if you want to
do it by hand, copy the files in the 'C/' drawer to C:, the files in the 'S/'
drawer to S: and the files in 'Header/' to a directory of your own choice.
Then you MUST assign the Header drawer - open your 'S:User-Startup' file with
an appropriate texteditor and add the following at the end of it:
Assign Header: <here you write the path to the drawer>
After that, open a shellwindow and do the same assign there.
Then you'll need to get your hands on lha, lzx and dmsdescript from somewhere.
I recommend you to call a BBS in your surroundings.
You'll need the following programs to make PDA work properly:
LHA - Copyright © Stefan Boberg
LZX - Copyright © Data Compression Technologies
DMS - Copyright © PanCom Software
DMSDESCRIPT - Copyright © Remo(Mystic/X-DeSign)
You use PDA through a dos-shell or by using it in a dos-compatible environment
(for example the NiKom BBS-System).
Syntax: PDA <file> <fileheader>
As you can see above, PDA accepts two parameters. But what will happen if you
forget one of them or even both?
An example where both parameters have been left out. Only a syntax is shown.
Professional Diz Adder (PDA) v2.3 - ©`1997 Boz/5Byte^Software
Supports: DMS, LHA, LZH, LZX, GIF, JPG and TXT.
How 2 use: PDA <file> <fileheader>
Registered to: UNREGISTERED!!! Only 50 SKR to register!
And like this it'll look like if you leave out the fileheader - a default
file_id.diz header list will appear - an easy and comfortable way to add your
diz's! And above all - EXCELLENT when used as a file_id.diz viewer/adder in a
BBS-system! (Remember that only the 8 first will show if you have an un-
registered version!)
No file_id.diz-header parameter given. File: PDA_Test.txt
[ 1] 3D-stuff [18] Freehand_graphics
[ 2] About_cracking [19] Game
[ 3] AmigaE [20] Hacking
[ 4] Amiga_Unspecific [21] Internet_Related
[ 5] AmiXpress [22] Mpeg
[ 6] Anarchy [23] Music_related
[ 7] Anim5 [24] NiKom
[ 8] Animation [25] NTPro
[ 9] Arexx [26] Phreaking
[10] Ascii_Art [27] Picture_undefined
[11] Assembler [28] Pornographic_picture
[12] BBS_Övrigt [29] Raytrace_graphics
[13] C [30] Source
[14] Carding [31] Undefinable
[15] Daydream [32] Utility_file
[16] Demo_Intro [33] Virus_tools_and_sources
[17] Drugs [34] WBsnap
After that you'll be asked for the file's description. You have up to three
rows to describe the file. If you can't come up with a description, just press
ENTER and the descripion in your S:PDA.DEF will be used. When you've entered
your description, a file_id.ad will be added, and your file_id.diz is finished!
Archive Contents
These files should be included in the PDA archive:
The Header Drawer - Here your default headers reside.
S/PDA.CFG - A configuration file. Here you decide whether or not to have ad-
stripping on by giving the correct command.
STRIPARCHIVES=NO Tells PDA not to strip ads.
STRIPARCHIVES=YES Here PDA will strip the ads that it has been
told to strip (see S/PDA.STRIP).
S/PDA.STRIP - In this file you enter the ad-files to strip from archives (see
S/PDA.CFG dor further information).
S/PDA.DEF - The PDA.DEF file contains a default file_id description if there
is no description available when making a diz.
S/PDA.AD - This is a file where you put your own file_id.diz ad in. The first
line should ALWAYS be there, after that you can write how long a
file_id-ad you want.
<----44 chars. Don't delete this line!!---->
This file came from Paranoia BBS!
Example of what a diz will look like:
______ _____ ___ _____ _____ ______
¡_) __ ¡_) Y ¡_)____¡_) ___)_¡_) __ ¡
|\ ' |\ ! |\ |\ \___ |\ ' |
| T | ¡ ¡ | | ' | T |
A pretty cool example-diz generated using
the unregistered version of PDA v2.3!
Over 40 diz's available in the registered!
This file came from Paranoia BBS!
S/PDA.HED - In this file there should be a list of your headers in the header:
drawer. One name on each row - always 'bind' your filenames
together like 'PDA_v2.3' not 'PDA v2.3' (the difference is the '_')
, so the header identifier will find it. It's important that you
write down you headernames EXACTLY as they are named in your Header:
archive. The file are full of examples you can look at using an
ordinary texteditor (such as CygnusEd Professional).
C/PDA - This is the program itself. Only 32760 bytes large and still as power-
ful as you need.
-> v2.2 - Fixing bugs, lots and lots of new functions... And so on :)
v2.3 - Fixing ALOT of bugs (though NONE! given by E-Mail and so on.
Added REPLACE mode for the file_id.diz's in .txt files.
Improved the engine itself, rewrote several sections of badly
written code :)...
Known bugs
There are only one known bug in PDA. The program doesn't accept certain letters
(The Swedish letters å,ä,ö for instance) in the parameters sent to it while
starting the program. This causes the program into not recognising the file in
Since this program is written in Pascal, it may have something to do with that.
If someone knows how to fix it (or finds any other nasty bugs) please contact
the author.
The author takes NO responsibility whatsoever of problems due to the program.
If your monitor blows up or your harddrive crashes, fine, but don't blame it on
me. You use this program at your own risk.
Contact the author (for registrations and comments):
Henrik Lundquist - Boz/5Byte^Software
Voice Number: +46-(0)13-15 40 85
Paranoia BBS: +46-(0)13-15 28 74 (Swedish speaking only!)
E-mail: b0z.5Byte-Software@linkoping.mail.telia.com
The Professional Diz Adder (PDA) is Copyright © 1997 Henrik Lundquist. It may
not be resold, hired or in any other way handed to a third part. PDA is labeled
under the Shareware etiquette. NiKom, DMS, Dmsdescript, Lha, Lzx, GIF, JPG and
CygnusED Professional are Copyright © their respective owners.
ALL the Ascii in the archive is also © 1997 Henrik Lundquist, and if you wish
to use them in something other than PDA and file_id.diz's generated by PDA, you
MUST contact the author and ask for a permission.