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- ------------------------------------------
- 1oo Percent CNet Anscii Design
- Textract v1.o by dRm!
- - -- 1. Short Description ]----.
- - -- --- --------------------------'
- Program: Textract v1.o
- Function: Extracts/adds File_ID.diz from/to Textfiles
- Decent replacement for TxtExtract, no trashing of
- Textfiles when adding Diz!
- Author: Dreamer/Abyss/1oo%
- Releasedate: Fri 02-Feb-1996 00:00
- - -- 2. Copyright and Disclaimer ]----.
- - -- --- ---------------------------------'
- This package is freely distributable. That means: you are allowed to re-
- distribute this package, as long as you respect these regulations:
- a. Everything in this package is regarded as freeware, which means
- that the author holds full copyright, but its free to use for
- you. But please: 'free' does NOT include any support in any way,
- though I will try to help, provided I got enough spare time...
- b. This package may be freely distributed via BBSs, InterNet/UseNet,
- software libraries such as Fred Fish's and Aminet CD-ROM, and
- other similar electronic channels. Only the complete package
- without modifications may be redistributed.
- c. It IS allowed to include the contents of this package to related
- software like BBS-packages (even if they are commercial) or
- "Dizzers", provided that the program comes together with this
- documentation without any modifications, and sending me a short
- note about it (see end of this doc for e-mail addresses).
- By using this product, you accept that the author can NOT be held liable
- for any damage or loss that might occur through its use or the inability to
- use it. The developer(s) of the software can NOT be held responsible. Use
- entirely at your own risk.
- (Dunno why I have to write such a monster disclaimer... =)
- - -- 3. Introduction ]----.
- - -- --- ---------------------'
- I suppose you know which purpose this program fulfils. I rather want to
- tell you something about the motivation of writing a replacement for a
- program which already exists and is used for quite a long time, namely
- TXTextract by Spy/Mystic/XDesign. This program does its job quite well,
- until the following occurs: you want to add a changed (or new) File_ID.diz
- to a textfile which already contains a description. In most of the cases
- the file gets totally trashed. And as it seems the author of TXTextract
- will never fix that bug, I wrote this small replacement (in C code), which
- is 1oo% compatible regarding the supported functions ('a', 'e', and 'f').
- - -- 4.1. Installation ]----.
- - -- --- -----------------------'
- Just replace your old TxtExtract (sometimes called TxtDescript, too), with
- Textract (by renaming or changing your configurations. I suppose first. =)
- - -- 4.2. Usage ]----.
- - -- --- ----------------'
- USAGE : Textract [options] e <diztination> <source>
- for extracting a file-description
- Textract [options] f <source> <destination> <description>
- to add a new filedescription from a file
- Textract [options] a <description> <source/destination>
- to add a new filedescription from a file
- *NEW* Textract [options] d <source> <destination>
- to delete a filedescription in a file
- *NEW* Textract [options] k <source/destination>
- to kill a filedescription in a file
- Remark: The command 'p' for writing a description directly from stdin is
- not supported, as we think there is no need for it anymore (btw:
- the textfile gets trashed by TxtExtract anyway, if a diz is already
- present). If you are in desperate need of it, mail me, and we'll
- see...
- Options: -xxx = With this option it is possible to set the buffer in KB
- used while extracting or adding. Valid values range from 16
- to 1024 (1 MB Buffer). The value will be rounded up to the
- next multiply of 16. Default value is 128KB. I think you
- only have to set this to a lower value if you are really
- low on memory.
- Additionally, if the length of the file is lower than the
- buffer, only the needed buffers will be allocated.
- (Example: Buffer at 128K (default), Filelength 48K,
- => allocated buffer: 64K)
- -c = Strips <CR>'s from descriptions, useful for PC-Textfiles.
- - -- 4.3 Known Bugs and strange behavior ]----.
- - -- --- -----------------------------------------'
- There are no known bugs at the moment.
- Yet using the f, a, d or k command with a TxtExtract-trashed textfile can
- cause serious trouble (or textfiles with a stand-alone @BEGIN_FILE_ID.DIZ
- somewhere in the textfile in general).
- The following happens: if a textfile gets corrupted by TxtExtract, not
- only parts of the file vanish in NIL:, but it also leaves a stray
- @BEGIN_FILE_ID.DIZ somewhere in the file. If you now try to add a
- File_ID.diz to such a file, the DeleteDiz-Subroutine will be called to
- remove the OLD File_ID.diz first. This searches the text for the @BEGIN..
- marker, then deleting everything until the @END.. marker is found. Now
- imagine what happens to a textfile with a @BEGIN.. somewhere and NO
- correspondig @END. Right, everything from the @BEGIN.. on will be
- deleted. Just test it with a copy of this text: Try to delete the FileID.
- You will see that the text suddenly ends in the middle of this paragraph.
- (Most likly it will end with "textfiles with a stand-alone "[EOF] =)
- Again: This behavior looks strange, but it is NO bug! Blame TxtExtract
- instead. =)
- Btw: Strange crashes occured with the statram.device (e.g. sd0:). Use
- RAM: instead.
- - -- 5. History ]----.
- - -- --- ----------------'
- V1.o - Initial release.
- - -- 6. Escpecially reserved space... ]----.
- - -- --- --------------------------------------'
- ... for MXLPRX, who found most of the bugs during development, and who
- want to especially appear in this doc. So here u are! =)
- ... and for Neurodancer, who didn't find any bugs, but gave some good
- suggestions (The -c option was his idea). And for proof-reading this
- doc, of course!
- Thanx mates!
- - -- 7. How to get in touch ]----.
- - -- --- ----------------------------'
- For suggestions, bugreports and smalltalk drop a mail to
- mics@rummelplatz.uni-mannheim.de
- Fido: 2:2480/520.3
- Warp: 137:15/301.1
- Coco: 99:107/1.3
- http://rummelplatz.uni-mannheim.de/~mics
- For anything regarding 1oo%, mail:
- neurodancer@another.gun.de
- Fido: 2:2480/520
- Warp: 137:15/301
- Coco: 99:107/1
- - -- 8. 1oo% Member/Distribution Sites ]----.
- - -- --- ---------------------------------------'
- GER: The Ambush, +49-8621-64260, 24h, USR 33.6
- GER: Digital Dungeons, +49-6192-910718, 24h, USR 33.6
- GER: Cafe del Mar, +49-6220-private, 24h, USR 33.6
- GER: Confusion, +49-341-private
- USA: Ill Communication, +1-310-329-2283 & 2591, 24h, USR 33.6
- WWW: http://rummelplatz.uni-mannheim.de/~mics/100.html