Cutting-Edge 3D Game Programming with C++
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// File name: Point3D.HPP
// Description: The header file a 3D point class
// Author: John De Goes
// Project: Cutting Edge 3D Game Programming
#ifndef POINT3DHPP
#define POINT3DHPP
#include <Math.H>
#include <Stdio.H>
// The 3-dimensional point class:
class Point3D {
float Lx, Ly, Lz; // The local X, Y and Z
float Wx, Wy, Wz; // The world X, Y and Z
Point3D () { Lx = Ly = Lz = 0.0F; }
// The equality operator:
inline int operator == ( Point3D &V );
// The inequality operator:
inline int operator != ( Point3D &V );
// The subtraction operator:
inline Point3D operator - ( Point3D &V );
// The addition operator:
inline Point3D operator + ( Point3D &V );
// The multiplication operator:
inline Point3D operator * ( Point3D &V );
// The division operator:
inline Point3D operator / ( Point3D &V );
// The subtraction/assignment operator:
inline Point3D &operator -= ( Point3D &V );
// The addition/assignment operator:
inline Point3D &operator += ( Point3D &V );
// The multiplication/assignment operator:
inline Point3D &operator *= ( Point3D &V );
// The division/assignment operator:
inline Point3D &operator /= ( Point3D &V );
inline Point3D operator - ( double V );
// The addition operator:
inline Point3D operator + ( double V );
// The multiplication operator:
inline Point3D operator * ( double V );
// The division operator:
inline Point3D operator / ( double V );
// The subtraction/assignment operator:
inline Point3D &operator -= ( double V );
// The addition/assignment operator:
inline Point3D &operator += ( double V );
// The multiplication/assignment operator:
inline Point3D &operator *= ( double V );
// The division/assignment operator:
inline Point3D &operator /= ( double V );
inline float Mag (); // Returns the magnitute of the 3D point
inline float DotUnit ( Point3D &V );
inline float DotNonUnit ( Point3D &V );
void Read ( FILE *File );
void Write ( FILE *File );
int UniqueVert ( Point3D &V, Point3D *List, int Range );
unsigned int GetVertIndex ( Point3D &V, Point3D *List, unsigned int Range );
// Function section:
int Point3D::operator == ( Point3D &V )
int RValue = 0;
if ( V.Lx == Lx )
if ( V.Ly == Ly )
if ( V.Lz == Lz )
RValue = 1;
return RValue;
// The inequality operator:
int Point3D::operator != ( Point3D &V )
int RValue = 0;
if ( ( V.Lx != Lx ) || ( V.Ly != Ly ) || ( V.Lz != Lz ) )
RValue = 1;
return RValue;
// The subtraction operator:
Point3D Point3D::operator - ( Point3D &V )
Point3D Temp;
Temp.Lx = Lx - V.Lx;
Temp.Ly = Ly - V.Ly;
Temp.Lz = Lz - V.Lz;
return Temp;
// The addition operator:
Point3D Point3D::operator + ( Point3D &V )
Point3D Temp;
Temp.Lx = Lx + V.Lx;
Temp.Ly = Ly + V.Ly;
Temp.Lz = Lz + V.Lz;
return Temp;
// The multiplication operator:
Point3D Point3D::operator * ( Point3D &V )
Point3D Temp;
Temp.Lx = Lx * V.Lx;
Temp.Ly = Ly * V.Ly;
Temp.Lz = Lz * V.Lz;
return Temp;
// The division operator:
Point3D Point3D::operator / ( Point3D &V )
Point3D Temp;
Temp.Lx = Lx / V.Lx;
Temp.Ly = Ly / V.Ly;
Temp.Lz = Lz / V.Lz;
return Temp;
// The subtraction/assignment operator:
Point3D &Point3D::operator -= ( Point3D &V )
Lx -= V.Lx;
Ly -= V.Ly;
Lz -= V.Lz;
return *this;
// The addition/assignment operator:
Point3D &Point3D::operator += ( Point3D &V )
Lx += V.Lx;
Ly += V.Ly;
Lz += V.Lz;
return *this;
// The multiplication/assignment operator:
Point3D &Point3D::operator *= ( Point3D &V )
Lx *= V.Lx;
Ly *= V.Ly;
Lz *= V.Lz;
return *this;
// The division/assignment operator:
Point3D &Point3D::operator /= ( Point3D &V )
Lx /= V.Lx;
Ly /= V.Ly;
Lz /= V.Lz;
return *this;
// Subtraction operator:
Point3D Point3D::operator - ( double V )
Point3D Temp;
Temp.Lx = Lx - V;
Temp.Ly = Ly - V;
Temp.Lz = Lz - V;
return Temp;
// The addition operator:
Point3D Point3D::operator + ( double V )
Point3D Temp;
Temp.Lx = Lx + V;
Temp.Ly = Ly + V;
Temp.Lz = Lz + V;
return Temp;
// The multiplication operator:
Point3D Point3D::operator * ( double V )
Point3D Temp;
Temp.Lx = Lx * V;
Temp.Ly = Ly * V;
Temp.Lz = Lz * V;
return Temp;
// The division operator:
Point3D Point3D::operator / ( double V )
Point3D Temp;
Temp.Lx = Lx / V;
Temp.Ly = Ly / V;
Temp.Lz = Lz / V;
return Temp;
// The subtraction/assignment operator:
Point3D &Point3D::operator -= ( double V )
Lx -= V;
Ly -= V;
Lz -= V;
return *this;
// The addition/assignment operator:
Point3D &Point3D::operator += ( double V )
Lx += V;
Ly += V;
Lz += V;
return *this;
// The multiplication/assignment operator:
Point3D &Point3D::operator *= ( double V )
Lx *= V;
Ly *= V;
Lz *= V;
return *this;
// The division/assignment operator:
Point3D &Point3D::operator /= ( double V )
Lx /= V;
Ly /= V;
Lz /= V;
return *this;
float Point3D::Mag ()
return sqrt ( Lx * Lx + Ly * Ly + Lz * Lz );
float Point3D::DotUnit ( Point3D &V )
return ( Lx * V.Lx + Ly * V.Ly + Lz * V.Lz );
float Point3D::DotNonUnit ( Point3D &V )
float Dot = ( Lx * V.Lx +
Ly * V.Ly +
Lz * V.Lz ) / ( Mag () * V.Mag () );
return Dot;
void Point3D::Read ( FILE *File )
fread ( &Lx, sizeof Lx, 1, File );
fread ( &Ly, sizeof Ly, 1, File );
fread ( &Lz, sizeof Lz, 1, File );
void Point3D::Write ( FILE *File )
fwrite ( &Lx, sizeof Lx, 1, File );
fwrite ( &Ly, sizeof Ly, 1, File );
fwrite ( &Lz, sizeof Lz, 1, File );