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- * file examples/freemem2.s - Workbench version
- * a sample Intuition program to display a window constantly showing
- * the free memory figure, until it's closed
- * this source code (C) HiSoft 1987 All Rights Reserved
- * both source and binary are FreeWare and may be distributed free of charge
- * so long as copyright messages are not removed
- * revision history:
- * 7th June 86 written
- * 22nd Sept 86 changed includes
- * 18th Dec 86 uses easystart for workbench version
- * ensure case dependent and debug
- opt c+,d+
- * firstly get the required constants and macros
- incdir ":include/"
- include intuition/intuition.i
- include intuition/intuition_lib.i
- include exec/exec_lib.i
- include graphics/graphics_lib.i
- include exec/memory.i
- include libraries/dos_lib.i
- include libraries/dos.i
- include misc/easystart.i
- * constant for frequency of re-display
- timeout equ 25 in 50ths of a second
- * firstly open the intuition library
- lea intname(pc),a1
- moveq #0,d0 dont care which version
- CALLEXEC OpenLibrary
- tst.l d0
- beq goawayfast if didnt open
- move.l d0,_IntuitionBase store lib pointer
- * and open the graphics library
- lea grafname(pc),a1
- moveq #0,d0
- CALLEXEC OpenLibrary
- tst.l d0
- beq goawaycloseint
- move.l d0,_GfxBase
- * and open a DOS library
- lea dosname(pc),a1
- moveq #0,d0
- CALLEXEC OpenLibrary
- tst.l d0
- beq goawayclosegraf
- move.l d0,_DOSBase
- * open a window next
- lea windowdef(pc),a0
- CALLINT OpenWindow
- tst.l d0
- beq goawaycloseall if no window
- move.l d0,windowptr store the pointer
- move.l #-1,oldfreemem
- * the main loop - display the figure, then wait, then loop
- mainloop
- moveq #MEMF_PUBLIC,d1
- CALLEXEC AvailMem get the figure
- * got free mem, see if changed since last time
- cmp.l oldfreemem,d0
- beq messagetest dont print if the same
- move.l d0,oldfreemem
- * free memory in d0.l, so convert to a hex string
- * converting to decimal is left as an exercise to the reader!
- lea thestring(pc),a0
- bsr hexconvert
- * replace leading zeros with spaces
- lea thestring(pc),a0
- moveq #7-1,d0 max to do
- convspaces
- cmp.b #'0',(a0)
- bne.s noconvspaces
- move.b #' ',(a0)+
- dbf d0,convspaces convert them
- noconvspaces
- * move the cursor to a suitable place
- moveq #4,d0 x posn
- moveq #20,d1 y posn
- move.l windowptr(pc),a1
- move.l wd_RPort(a1),a1 get rastport for window
- * and print the string
- move.l windowptr(pc),a1
- move.l wd_RPort(a1),a1
- lea thestring(pc),a0 string
- moveq #thestringlen,d0 length
- * now see if a message is waiting for me
- messagetest
- move.l windowptr(pc),a0
- move.l wd_UserPort(a0),a0 windows message port
- tst.l d0
- beq.s nomessage
- * there was a message, which in our case must be CLOSEWINDOW,
- * so we should reply then go away
- move.l d0,a1
- bra.s closewindow
- * no messages waiting, so suspend myself for a short while then
- * do it all agaun
- nomessage
- move.l #timeout,d1
- CALLDOS Delay wait a while
- bra mainloop
- * close clicked so close the window
- closewindow
- move.l windowptr(pc),a0
- CALLINT CloseWindow
- * close all the libraries
- goawaycloseall
- move.l _DOSBase,a1
- CALLEXEC CloseLibrary
- * close the graphics library
- goawayclosegraf
- move.l _GfxBase,a1
- CALLEXEC CloseLibrary
- * finished so close Intuition library
- goawaycloseint
- move.l _IntuitionBase,a1
- CALLEXEC CloseLibrary
- goawayfast
- moveq #0,d0
- rts
- * convert d0.l into a string at (a0) onwards in hex
- hexconvert
- moveq #8-1,d1 digit count
- hexclp rol.l #4,d0
- move.l d0,d2 save it
- and.b #$f,d0
- cmp.b #9,d0
- ble.s hexdig
- addq.b #7,d0
- hexdig add.b #'0',d0
- move.b d0,(a0)+ do a digit
- move.l d2,d0 restore long
- dbf d1,hexclp do all of the digits
- rts
- * window definition here
- windowdef dc.w 50,50 x posn, y posn
- dc.w 200,25 width,height
- dc.b -1,-1 default pens
- dc.l CLOSEWINDOW easy IDCMP flag
- dc.l 0 no gadgets
- dc.l 0 no checkmarks
- dc.l windowtitle title of window
- dc.l 0 no screen
- dc.l 0 no bitmap
- dc.w 0,0,0,0 minimum, irrelevant as no sizing gadget
- dc.w WBENCHSCREEN in workbench
- * strings here
- intname INTNAME name of intuition lib
- grafname GRAFNAME name of graphics library
- dosname DOSNAME name of dos library
- windowtitle dc.b ' ',$a9,' HiSoft 1987 ',0
- thestring dc.b '00000000 bytes free'
- thestringlen equ *-thestring
- * variables here
- _IntuitionBase dc.l 0 for int library
- _GfxBase dc.l 0 for graphics library
- _DOSBase dc.l 0 for dos library
- windowptr dc.l 0 for window ptr
- oldfreemem dc.l 0 for freemem