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- Epic MegaGames Presents
- Created by Allen Pilgrim
- with Dan Froelich, Bryon Neiman, and Samuel Goldstein
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Kiloblaster is a fast-action arcade game reminiscent of Galaxian
- with lots of innovative, high-tech features! This game features digitized
- and ray-traced backgrounds in 256-color VGA which are truly out of this
- world!
- In Kiloblaster, you'll also find an incredible musical sound track and
- digitized sound effects if you have a Sound Blaster card. Kiloblaster also
- features some wild sound effects through the tiny speaker in your PC.
- Each of the three Kiloblaster volumes features 30 unique levels, for
- a total of -90- stages of arcade excitement! Fasten your seatbelt and
- prepare to be warped into another dimension of game playing!
- - Supports 256 color VGA
- - Sound Blaster music card supported (optional)
- - 80286 or faster processor is required
- - Requires at least 512K of memory and DOS 3.0 or later
- - Joystick is optional
- 1. This game requires a lot of free memory -- especially with Sound
- Blaster effects enabled. Please load DOS HIGH (if you have DOS 5.0),
- and remove any TSR's from memory.
- 2. Some mutant screen blankers and memory managers may cause trouble
- with Kiloblaster; this can be solved by booting from a DOS disk
- without any TSR's or memory managers.
- 3. This game is *not* compatible with STACKER and probably other hard-disk
- compression programs. To get it to work properly, please install it on
- a non-compressed drive.
- 4. This game only supports the Sound Blaster and Sound Blaster Pro sound
- cards, not the Adlib.
- 5. If you have trouble running this game from Windows or OS/2, try running
- it straight from the DOS prompt.
- _______
- ____|__ | (R)
- --| | |-------------------
- | ____|__ | Association of
- | | |_| Shareware
- |__| o | Professionals
- -----| | |---------------------
- |___|___| MEMBER
- This program is produced by a member of the Association of Shareware
- Professionals (ASP). ASP wants to make sure that the shareware principal
- works for you. If you are unable to resolve a shareware-related problem
- with an ASP member by contacting the member directly, ASP may be able to
- help. The ASP Ombudsman can help you resolve a dispute with an ASP member,
- but does not provide technical support for members' products. Please write
- to the ASP Ombudsman at 545 Grover Road, Muskogeon, MI 49442-9427 or send
- a Compuserve message via CompuServe Mail to ASP Ombudsman 70007,3536.
- To play the game simply type "KILO" and press <enter>. You will
- be asked a series of questions to configure the game.
- To select something from the main menu simply move the cursor
- to the item and press <enter> or the space bar. You can also press
- the first letter to achieve the same results.
- PLAY NEW GAME: This option starts you at level 1 with full
- shields, bombs, ships and no points.
- LOAD SAVED GAME: This is used to LOAD a game that you saved at
- an earlier time. Simply move the cursor to the saved game you wish
- to play and press ENTER. It will immediately take you to the proper
- level and restore your points, weapons, ships and shields.
- WARP TO LEVEL: This feature allows you to WARP to a level of
- your choosing. If you want to see what a certain level looks like
- use this feature. You will start with full shields, bombs, ships
- and no points. There are 30 levels but you can only WARP up to
- level 20.
- STORY: You can read about why you are here and what your
- mission is. Bonuses and enemies are displayed here.
- INSTRUCTIONS: This tells you how to control the ship, fire
- missiles and use the other features.
- HIGH SCORES: A list of the best fighters in the galaxy.
- DEMO: This game comes with a self-running demo that will start
- automatically if you don't touch the keyboard for awhile.
- ORDERING INFO: Gives you information on how to order the other
- 2 volumes in the Kiloblaster trilogy. By ordering all 3 games you
- will get several bonuses including a hint sheet and cheat code.
- CREDITS: Find out the names of all the people who brought you
- this quality game. At EPIC we have a MegaTeam!
- QUIT: Use this command to return to the real world of spreadsheets, word
- processors, and life.
- FIRE: To fire the ship's main gun use either the SPACE bar or the SHIFT key.
- BOMBS: The ALT key is used to fire the bombs/missiles.
- MOVEMENT: Use the arrow keys to control the movement of your ship.
- PAUSE: Press the letter 'P' to PAUSE the game.
- SAVE: Press the letter 'S' to SAVE the current game. When the
- window pops up move the cursor to the line where you want to SAVE
- the game and press ENTER. You will be prompted to give a name for
- your saved game that will help you remember what it is. All the
- attributes will be set to what they were at the beginning of the
- current level. So if you are almost totally wiped out just SAVE the
- game and then LOAD it again. This will give you many chances to get
- through a level.
- LOAD: This is used to LOAD a game that you saved earlier.
- HELP: If you can't remember what the keys are just press F1
- for an instant HELP window. (note: not all features are listed).
- EXPERT MODE: Press F2 to enable the EXPERT mode. The game will
- go so fast most people will not be able to keep up. For the bold
- and adventurous; use with extreme caution! (note: this can also be
- used to SPEED up the game on a slower computer).
- GRANNY MODE: Press F3 to slow the game down. This a great
- feature for beginners or younger players.
- SOUND TOGGLE: If you want to turn off the sound effects press
- the letter 'S' while holding down the CTRL key. Do the same to turn
- them back on again.
- EXIT: To exit the game press ESC or 'Q' and you will be
- prompted to verify that you wish to exit. Press the letter 'Y' to
- exit, or any other key to return to the game.
- Created by: Allen W. Pilgrim
- Sound Blaster music by: Dan Froelich
- Animated sequences by: Bryon Nieman
- Ray-Traced art by: Samuel Goldstein
- Still stuck on level 29: Tim Sweeney
- We here at Epic MegaGames are committed to providing the very
- best games possible. Our customers are our top priority, so if you have any
- questions or comments please write or call us at:
- Epic Megagames
- 10406 Holbrook Drive
- Potomac, MD 20854
- Customer Service: Ordering:
- 1-301-299-3841 1-800-972-7434
- Thanks for playing Kiloblaster!