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- mCAD Version 1.2.2 3/6/87 Tim Mooney
- This disk is freely distributable. Give it (do NOT sell it)
- to someone you like.
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
- This is version 1.2.2 of mCAD, a shareware object-oriented drawing
- program. If you use this program, I'd like you to send a donation of
- $20 to (me):
- Tim Mooney
- 120 Purefoy Rd.
- Chapel Hill NC 27514
- Sending the donation renders you a registered user and entitles you to
- the source code, updates, and support. If you want me to send the source,
- the latest version, or anything else that requires mailing you a disk,
- please send either a blank disk or an additional $5.
- If you use mCAD and DON'T send a donation, you can discharge your
- moral obligation to me by writing/creating something USEFUL on the Amiga and
- releasing it into the public domain. If you can't do either of these things
- then I feel pretty bad for you and hope your situation improves.
- Sincerely,
- Tim Mooney 3/11/87
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Contents of this disk:
- mCAD - the executable
- mCAD.doc - documentation
- mCAD.rgb - the color map read by mCAD at startup. This file is
- over-written by mCAD when the user selects "Save Colors"
- from the "Color" menu.
- mCAD.txt - the text font used by mCAD. This is not an Amiga font;
- it is not a bit-mapped font, but a line-drawn one.
- OptoDAC.cad - a sample mCAD file.
- part - a subdirectory of mCAD files useable as parts (or as
- drawings.)
- readme - this file.
- sendplt - a script file to be "Execute"ed. This is used to send
- plotter files to a plotter. This file only works for
- single-pen plotter files (files created in response to a
- "..1 Pen" selection from the "Project" menu.) For
- multi-pen plotter files, simply copy the file to ser:.
- stage.cad - a sample mCAD file.
- voltage_to_frequency.cad
- - a large sample mCAD file. This file is near the limit
- of what a 512K Amiga (running the current version of mCAD
- and nothing else) can handle.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Since the demo version of mCAD was distributed, I have modified two
- programs, which I had previously placed into the public domain, so that they
- can write mCAD input files. The programs are:
- mp - A program which extracts data from a text file and plots it
- on a hires screen. This is a pretty capable plotting
- program which allows for line and point plots with error
- bars. Also the program is good at telling the difference
- between text and data; you can, for example, plot the
- content of tables of data in a report.
- tdp - A program which makes 3-D plots of data with hidden-line
- removal, user-defined view point, etc.
- The above two programs are still in the public domain, of course.
- mCAD Version 1.2.2 3/6/87 Tim Mooney
- mCAD is an object-oriented drawing program. It has a small set of
- graphics primitives (like "line", "box", and "text") and a small set of
- editing functions (like "move", "size", and "rotate"). While drawing and
- editing, the user can call on other functions to modify the display -- to
- zoom in, slide around, superimpose a grid, etc.
- The one powerful feature of mCAD is that primitives can be grouped and
- ungrouped; the editing functions operate on groups of (one or more)
- primitives. In these instructions, "group" and "object" will mean either a
- single primitive or a group of primitives.
- Most (surely all!) Amiga users know how to use the mouse to draw pictures.
- In mCAD, the mouse does mostly what you're accustomed to from programs like
- GraphiCraft. There are three differences:
- 1) In mCAD, you are called on to SELECT objects for treatment with one of
- the editing tools. Since mCAD can't know for which of two or more
- overlapping objects your SELECT click was intended, it runs through a list of
- all the possibilities, highlighting each in turn. In this context, the MENU
- button means "No, not that one", the SELECT button means "Yes, the
- highlighted object is the one I want".
- 2) While drawing a primitive (exception: text) or editing a group
- (exception: coloring), mCAD gives you a chance to abort the whole operation.
- In this context, the MENU button means "Abort", the SELECT button means "The
- highlighted object is drawn as I want it, make it permanent."
- 3) Certain editing functions, "Size" for example, require additional
- information and indicate this by drawing a highlighted object. You are asked
- to click on (SELECT button) e. g., one corner of a box.
- So, generally, when the mouse buttons don't have their Intuition meanings,
- the SELECT button means "Yes/ok/do it...", and the MENU button means
- "No/abort/get me out of this". This follows the accepted Amiga convention
- that "left" breaks new ground while "right" is conservative and safe. If you
- get lost in -- or called away in the middle of -- a sequence of mouse clicks,
- a couple of MENU button clicks will get you out of it.
- *********************************************************************
- THE COMMAND LINE: to call up the program
- *****************
- mCAD ? Help
- mCAD filename Create/Edit a drawing named "filename". You need not type
- the filename if you intend to load the file from within mCAD.
- *********************************************************************
- THE MENU: menu items that don't work or aren't yet implemented are
- described by "*"
- *********
- *************
- New Erases the current drawing.
- Open Opens a drawing which exists on disk for viewing and/or editing.
- MicroSmith's file requester is used to specify the file name.
- Save Saves the drawing to disk using the current drawing name. The
- current drawing name is either the name that occurred on the
- command line, or the name of the file most recently "Open"ed.
- The default drawing name is "mCAD.out".
- SaveAS Saves the drawing to disk. MicroSmith's file requester is used
- to specify the file name.
- Plot Saves the (entire) drawing as a plot file in the Hewlett Packard
- Graphics Language. Instructions are included in the file to
- enable XON/XOFF handshaking with the plotter. To actually make
- the plot, copy the plot file to SER: The plot file name has the
- same root as the current drawing name, and the extension ".plt"
- Quit Quits mCAD. If you have made any changes to the current drawing,
- you will be asked if you want to save it.
- *************
- mCAD expects the current directory to contain a sub-directory called "part".
- MicroSmith's file requester will let you change directories, however.
- Open Includes an mCAD drawing, which was previously saved to disk, in
- the current drawing. You will use MicroSmith's file requester to
- specify the part name.
- Save Saves a group to disk using the current part name. Select the
- group you want to save with the mouse as described above.
- SaveAs Saves a group to disk by name. Select the group with the mouse.
- Group Groups objects together for treatment with an editing tool or to
- be saved as a "part". Draw a box completely enclosing the
- objects you want treated as a group. An object can only be in
- one group at a time. If an enclosed object is already part of a
- group, it will be extracted from that group. If an entire group
- is enclosed, that group will merge into the new group.
- UnGroup Select a group by clicking on any of its members. On the
- confirming SELECT click, the group will be dismembered.
- *************
- Replot Redraws the screen. The options "Axes" and "Grid" do not cause a
- replot automatically because redrawing can take a long time, and
- because you may want to make another display selection before
- redrawing.
- Zoom 1) Draw a box around the region you want to see up close. mCAD
- will zoom in to the biggest region consistent with both the box
- you drew and the aspect ratio of the drawing. Note: in this
- version the aspect ratio cannot be changed by any command.
- 2) Click twice in the same spot. mCAD will zoom out by a
- factor of two.
- Slide Draw a line. On your second SELECT click mCAD redraws the
- picture as if your first click had grabbed a hold of the page.
- (mCAD is too slow to move the whole picture along with the mouse
- and memory is too precious to spend on a scrollable screen.)
- FullPlot Zooms out to show the whole drawing.
- Axes This is a toggle switch that puts axes on the display.
- See Replot.
- Grid This is a toggle switch that puts a grid over the display.
- See Replot.
- X-Hair This is a toggle switch. The mouse pointer is replaced by a
- crosshair. (Notice what happens when you press the MENU button
- and move the mouse.)
- GridSnap This is a toggle switch. Primitives (exceptions: text, circle,
- arc) drawn with GridSnap enabled will snap to the grid on your
- *final* SELECT click. When enabled, menu item reads "GRIDSNAP".
- DataSnap This is a toggle switch. Primitives (exceptions: text, circle,
- arc) drawn with DataSnap enabled will snap to previously drawn
- objects (if they are close enough) on your final SELECT click.
- Points are more "attractive" than lines connecting those points.
- When enabled, menu item reads "DATASNAP"
- nTics*2 Increases the density of tics / grid lines. A maximum is
- enforced. This item causes a replot.
- nTics/2 Decreases the density of tics / grid lines. A minimum is
- enforced. This item causes a replot.
- ShowXY Calls up a numeric readout in the current plot color of the
- pointer position. The readout is in USER coordinates (the
- numbers which are drawn when you select "Axes" are in USER
- coordinates.) The readout consists of the absolute X
- (horizontal) and Y coordinates and the distances from the
- location of the most recent SELECT click.
- *************
- Line Draw a sequence of (one or more) connected lines. Click twice
- on your final point.
- Box Draw a box by clicking on two corners.
- Circle Draw a circle by clicking on the center position, moving the
- mouse to change the size, and clicking again when the size is
- right.
- Arc Draw an arc with three mouse clicks: the first click sets the
- center; the second click sets the radius and starting angle;
- the third click sets the ending angle.
- Measure *
- Clone Select a group by clicking on any of its members. A duplicate
- will follow the mouse pointer until you press either the MENU
- button ("abort") or the SELECT button.
- TextSize Draw a box indicating the size/aspect of the letters you plan
- to type onto the screen.
- Cursor SELECT the location of the text cursor.
- *************
- In every case, you first select a group for treatment.
- Erase SELECT a highlighted group to erase it.
- Size SELECT a highlighted group. mCAD draws the smallest enclosing
- rectangle (possibly a line). You SELECT a corner of the
- rectangle to begin sizing. The group is scaled as the mouse
- moves. Press the SELECT button, when you like what you see, or
- the MENU button to abort.
- Move Select a group by clicking on any of its members. The group
- will follow the mouse pointer until you press either the MENU
- button ("abort") or the SELECT button.
- Rotate The selected object is rotated about its "center". Vary the
- angle by moving the mouse and click SELECT to finish or MENU to
- abort.
- Rot +90 Select a plot. The selected plot will be rotated counter-
- clockwise by 90 degrees.
- Rot -90 Select a plot. The selected plot will be rotated clockwise by
- 90 degrees.
- Point Select a group. When the group you want to modify is
- highlighted, click on the point you would like to move. The
- point and lines connecting it to adjacent points will follow
- the mouse. Click SELECT to finish or MENU to abort.
- Color Select a group. The selected group immediately turns to the
- current plot color. (No chance for abort here.)
- *************
- color boxes Your menu selection becomes the current plot color.
- Initially, the current color is #4 (first box in second row
- of the palette).
- Modify Colors Call up Microsmith's Palette tool (a very nice tool written
- by Charlie Heath).
- Save Colors Save current colors to the file "mCAD.rgb" which is read by
- mCAD on startup.
- ************************************************************************
- Version 1.2
- File input and output from within mCAD has been added. Thanks to Charlie
- Heath and MicroSmith's for the file requester and, while I'm at it, for their
- palette tool. This is the hard stuff, folks. If I had had to write these
- tools myself, you can be sure that they wouldn't be such a pleasure to use,
- and that I would be asking for more of a donation than $20.
- Point editing has been added. This feature allows you to move a single
- point of a group without affecting other points.
- A shortcut for rotating by 90 degrees has been added. (The original
- motive for this was to rotate entire drawings before plotting.)
- Several bugs that once caused mCAD to crash have been fixed. mCAD now
- realizes that mouse clicks are being queued up "behind its back" and that
- disabling them doesn't erase queued messages.
- Groups work right. In previous versions, the result of grouping objects
- that were already in different groups depended on the order in which those
- groups had been formed.
- mCAD can now read a file and add the objects in that file to its linked
- list of objects. In other words, the "Parts" menu is fully implemented. It
- may be useful to know that there is no difference, to mCAD, between a "part"
- file and a "cad" file. You can treat a whole drawing as a part and
- vice-versa. You can also use the outputs of the programs "mp" and "tdp" as
- parts or as drawings.
- Tab, backspace, and carriage return now do what they say they do.
- Backspace does not erase, however. Also, see "BUGS/WARNINGS...".
- ************************************************************************
- mCAD's input file format is very simple. You can make an mCAD file by
- hand or with a simple program in "c", Basic, etc. In fact, this file can
- be used as input to mCAD. The only lines mCAD will pay attention to are
- the following: --------------------------
- 100 100 This is a box..
- 100 200 Note: if you use this file as input to mCAD, DO NOT SAVE!
- 200 200 mCAD will cheerfully erase this file, leaving in its place
- 200 100 a file consisting only of the numbers to the left.
- 100 100
- *> The object above this mark is in a group with the object below it.
- *C 4 This object is in color 4
- 125 150 This is a line..
- 175 150
- *C 5
- --------------------------
- I prefer a "fast" mouse for most programs, but would like a slower one
- for doing fine work with mCAD. I haven't found a way to change the mouse
- speed while in the program (any ideas, Amiga gurus?), but an acceptable
- substitute is using the Amiga-arrow keys. You may have forgotten about this
- keyboard alternative since it is so rarely useful. Also, don't forget about
- Amiga-alt for mouse buttons. (Sometimes, I inadvertently move the mouse
- while clicking a mouse button.)
- Grouping objects:
- Since the only way to indicate which objects you want in your group is to
- draw an enclosing rectangle, you may be having trouble getting just the
- objects you want. You don't have to enclose all the desired objects at once,
- however. Two or more rectangles can be used. If you group objects which
- already are parts of separate groups, the groups will be merged.
- When X-Hair is not selected, the Intuition pointer is supplemented with a
- dot at the current location of the graphics cursor. (You may know that the
- Intuition pointer is implemented in low resolution and therefore cannot, with
- precision, select a point on a high resolution screen. The dot is a remedy
- for this.) To make effective use of the dot -- indeed, too SEE it -- your
- pointer should have its "hot spot" on one of the "transparent" pixels. In
- Preferences, use the "Set Point" option while you "Edit Pointer".
- To keep a constant text size in your drawing through many edits, or from
- drawing to drawing, you might consider making a box of the desired text
- size and saving it as a part called "textsize". When you want to set your
- text size, then: open the "textsize" part; select "TextSize" from the
- "Draw" menu; and draw a box exactly like the "textsize" box.
- ************************************************************************
- You MUST select a text size and cursor location before typing text into
- your drawing. The defaults aren't done right in this version. This means
- that, if you don't specify the size and location before drawing your first
- letter, text will be put any old where in some arbitrary size -- which, in
- turn, means that you can expect a short, one-sided chat with the Guru the
- next time you select "FullPlot".
- Letters, in this version, are REALLY primitives; all points are connected
- together as though drawn with a single "Line" command. This means characters
- like [ ! = ? : ; " Q ] don't look so good. (Ok, they look awful!). Text is
- likely to improve in some future version.
- Occasionally, with both the X-Hair and the dot, trash may be left on the
- screen after editing a group. Use "Replot" for now. (I don't consistently
- "pick up" the dot/crosshair before drawing over it.)
- mCAD doesn't do ANY memory checking. It will crash the system or exit
- without returning allocated memory if it finds that there isn't enough memory
- to do whatever it wants to do. In a multi-tasking system with a ram disk,
- this is bound to happen to you sooner or later. This IS going to be fixed!
- Until it is fixed, I suggest you save your drawing often and keep an eye on
- the amount of ram available.
- Tim Mooney
- 120 Purefoy Rd.
- Chapel Hill, NC 27514
- If you have a modem, you can leave me mail at the following bulletin
- board which I monitor regularly.
- "Deep Thought" (919) 471-6436
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Registered users:
- I plan to move sometime in the fall of '87. When I do, I'll leave a
- forwarding address on the bulletin board mentioned above and with:
- Department of Physics and Astronomy
- Phillips Hall
- University of North Carolina
- Chapel Hill, NC 27514