#define E_DAO_TooManyOpenFiles DBDAOERR(3025) //Can't open any more files.
#define E_DAO_DiskFull DBDAOERR(3026) //Not enough space on disk.
#define E_DAO_PermissionDenied DBDAOERR(3027) //Can't update. Database or object is read-only.
#define E_DAO_CannotOpenSystemDb DBDAOERR(3028) //Can't start your application. The system database is missing or opened exclusively by another user.
#define E_DAO_InvalidLogon DBDAOERR(3029) //Not a valid account name or password.
#define E_DAO_InvalidAccountName DBDAOERR(3030) //'|' isn't a valid account name.
#define E_DAO_InvalidPassword DBDAOERR(3031) //Not a valid password.
#define E_DAO_InvalidOperation DBDAOERR(3032) //Can't perform this operation.
#define E_DAO_AccessDenied DBDAOERR(3033) //No permission for '|'.
#define E_DAO_NotInTransaction DBDAOERR(3034) //Commit or Rollback without BeginTrans.
#define E_DAO_OutOfMemory DBDAOERR(3035) //*
#define E_DAO_CantAllocatePage DBDAOERR(3036) //Database has reached maximum size.
#define E_DAO_NoMoreCursors DBDAOERR(3037) //Can't open any more tables or queries.
#define E_DAO_OutOfBuffers DBDAOERR(3038) //*
#define E_DAO_TooManyIndexes DBDAOERR(3039) //Couldn't create index; too many indexes already defined.
#define E_DAO_ReadVerifyFailure DBDAOERR(3040) //Disk I/O error during read.
#define E_DAO_FilesysVersion DBDAOERR(3041) //Can't open a database created with a previous version of your application.
#define E_DAO_NoMoreFiles DBDAOERR(3042) //Out of MS-DOS file handles.
#define E_DAO_DiskError DBDAOERR(3043) //Disk or network error.
#define E_DAO_InvalidPath DBDAOERR(3044) //'|' isn't a valid path.
#define E_DAO_FileShareViolation DBDAOERR(3045) //Couldn't use '|'; file already in use.
#define E_DAO_FileLockViolation DBDAOERR(3046) //Couldn't save; currently locked by another user.
#define E_DAO_RecordTooBig DBDAOERR(3047) //Record is too large.
#define E_DAO_TooManyOpenDatabases DBDAOERR(3048) //Can't open any more databases.
#define E_DAO_InvalidDatabase DBDAOERR(3049) //Can't open database '|'. It may not be a database that your application recognizes, or the file may be corrupt.
#define E_DAO_FileAccessDenied DBDAOERR(3051) //Couldn't open file '|'.
#define E_DAO_SharingBufferExceeded DBDAOERR(3052) //MS-DOS file sharing lock count exceeded. You need to increase the number of locks installed with SHARE.EXE.
#define E_DAO_TaskLimitExceeded DBDAOERR(3053) //Too many client tasks.
#define E_DAO_TooManyLongColumns DBDAOERR(3054) //Too many Memo or OLE object fields.
#define E_DAO_InvalidFilename DBDAOERR(3055) //Not a valid file name.
#define E_DAO_AbortSalvage DBDAOERR(3056) //Couldn't repair this database.
#define E_DAO_LinkNotSupported DBDAOERR(3057) //Operation not supported on attached, or linked, tables.
#define E_DAO_NullKeyDisallowed DBDAOERR(3058) //Index or primary key can't contain a null value.
#define E_DAO_OperationCanceled DBDAOERR(3059) //Operation canceled by user.
#define E_DAO_QueryParmTypeMismatch DBDAOERR(3060) //Wrong data type for parameter '|'.
#define E_DAO_QueryMissingParmsM DBDAOERR(3061) //Too few parameters. Expected |.
#define E_DAO_QueryDuplicateAliasM DBDAOERR(3062) //Duplicate output alias '|'.
#define E_DAO_DatabaseInUse DBDAOERR(3196) //Couldn't use '|'; database already in use.
#define E_DAO_DataHasChanged DBDAOERR(3197) //Data has changed; operation stopped.
#define E_DAO_TooManySessions DBDAOERR(3198) //Couldn't start session. Too many sessions already active.
#define E_DAO_ReferenceNotFound DBDAOERR(3199) //Couldn't find reference.
#define E_DAO_IntegrityViolMasterM DBDAOERR(3200) //Can't delete or change record. Since related records exist in table '|', referential integrity rules would be violated.
#define E_DAO_IntegrityViolSlaveM DBDAOERR(3201) //Can't add or change record. Referential integrity rules require a related record in table '|'.
#define E_DAO_ReadConflict DBDAOERR(3202) //Couldn't save; currently locked by another user.
#define E_DAO_AggregatingHigherLevel DBDAOERR(3203) //Can't specify subquery in expression (|).
#define E_DAO_FeatureNotAvailable DBDAOERR(3251) //Operation is not supported for this type of object.
#define E_DAO_IllegalReentrancy DBDAOERR(3252) //Can't open form whose underlying query contains a user-defined function that attempts to set or get the form's RecordsetClone property.
#define E_DAO_UNUSED DBDAOERR(3253) //*
#define E_DAO_RmtDenyWriteIsInvalid DBDAOERR(3254) //ODBC--Can't lock all records.
#define E_DAO_ODBCParmsChanged DBDAOERR(3255) //*
#define E_DAO_INFIndexNotFound DBDAOERR(3256) //Index file not found.
#define E_DAO_SQLOwnerAccessSyntax DBDAOERR(3257) //Syntax error in WITH OWNERACCESS OPTION declaration.
#define E_DAO_IndexInvalidDef DBDAOERR(3285) //Invalid index definition.
#define E_DAO_WrongMemoFileType DBDAOERR(3286) //Format of memo file doesn't match specified external database format.
#define E_DAO_ColumnCannotIndex DBDAOERR(3287) //Can't create index on the given field.
#define E_DAO_IndexHasNoPrimary DBDAOERR(3288) //Paradox index is not primary.
#define E_DAO_DDLConstraintSyntax DBDAOERR(3289) //Syntax error in CONSTRAINT clause.
#define E_DAO_DDLCreateTableSyntax DBDAOERR(3290) //Syntax error in CREATE TABLE statement.
#define E_DAO_DDLCreateIndexSyntax DBDAOERR(3291) //Syntax error in CREATE INDEX statement.
#define E_DAO_DDLColumnDefSyntax DBDAOERR(3292) //Syntax error in field definition.
#define E_DAO_DDLAlterTableSyntax DBDAOERR(3293) //Syntax error in ALTER TABLE statement.
#define E_DAO_DDLDropIndexSyntax DBDAOERR(3294) //Syntax error in DROP INDEX statement.
#define E_DAO_DDLDropSyntax DBDAOERR(3295) //Syntax error in DROP TABLE or DROP INDEX.
#define E_DAO_V11NotSupported DBDAOERR(3296) //Join expression not supported.
#define E_DAO_ImexNothingToImport DBDAOERR(3297) //Couldn't import table or query. No records found, or all records contain errors.
#define E_DAO_RmtTableAmbiguous DBDAOERR(3298) //There are several tables with that name. Please specify owner in the format 'owner.table'.
#define E_DAO_JetODBCConformanceError DBDAOERR(3299) //ODBC Specification Conformance Error (|). This error should be reported to the ODBC driver vendor.
#define E_DAO_IllegalRelationship DBDAOERR(3300) //Can't create a relationship.
#define E_DAO_DBVerFeatureNotAvailable DBDAOERR(3301) //Can't perform this operation; features in this version are not available in databases with older formats.
#define E_DAO_RulesLoaded DBDAOERR(3302) //Can't change a rule while the rules for this table are in use.
#define E_DAO_ColumnInRelationship DBDAOERR(3303) //Can't delete this field. It's part of one or more relationships.
#define E_DAO_InvalidPin DBDAOERR(3304) //You must enter a personal identifier (PID) consisting of at least four and no more than 20 characters and digits.
#define E_DAO_RmtBogusConnStr DBDAOERR(3305) //Invalid connection string in pass-through query.
#define E_DAO_SingleColumnExpected DBDAOERR(3306) //At most one field can be returned from a subquery that doesn't use the EXISTS keyword.
#define E_DAO_ColumnCountMismatch DBDAOERR(3307) //The number of columns in the two selected tables or queries of a union query don't match.
#define E_DAO_InvalidTopArgumentM DBDAOERR(3308) //Invalid TOP argument in select query.
#define E_DAO_PropertyTooLarge DBDAOERR(3309) //Property setting can't be larger than 2 KB.
#define E_DAO_JPMInvalidForV1x DBDAOERR(3310) //This property isn't supported for external data sources or for databases created in a previous version.
#define E_DAO_SingleRecordExpected DBDAOERR(3354) //At most one record can be returned by this subquery.
#define E_DAO_DefaultExprSyntax DBDAOERR(3355) //Syntax error in default value.
#define E_DAO_ExclusiveDBConflict DBDAOERR(3356) //The database is opened by user '|2' on machine '|1'.
#define E_DAO_QueryIsNotDDL DBDAOERR(3357) //This query is not a properly formed data-definition query.
#define E_DAO_SysDatabaseOpenError DBDAOERR(3358) //Can't open Microsoft Jet engine system database.
#define E_DAO_SQLInvalidSPT DBDAOERR(3359) //Pass-through query must contain at least one character.
#define E_DAO_QueryTooComplex DBDAOERR(3360) //Query is too complex.
#define E_DAO_SetOpInvalidInSubquery DBDAOERR(3361) //Unions not allowed in a subquery.
#define E_DAO_RmtMultiRowUpdate DBDAOERR(3362) //Single-row update/delete affected more than one row of an attached (linked) table. Unique index contains duplicate values.
#define E_DAO_QueryNoJoinedRecord DBDAOERR(3363) //Record(s) can't be added; no corresponding record on the 'one' side.
#define E_DAO_QueryLVInSetOp DBDAOERR(3364) //Can't use Memo or OLE object field '|' in SELECT clause of a union query.
#define E_DAO_VtoInvalidOnRemote DBDAOERR(3365) //Property value not valid for REMOTE objects.
#define E_DAO_VtoNoFieldsRel DBDAOERR(3366) //Can't append a relation with no fields defined.
#define E_DAO_VtoObjectInCollection DBDAOERR(3367) //Can't append. Object already in collection.
#define E_DAO_DDLDiffNumRelCols DBDAOERR(3368) //Relationship must be on the same number of fields with the same data types.
#define E_DAO_DDLIndexColNotFound DBDAOERR(3369) //Can't find field in index definition.
#define E_DAO_DDLPermissionDenied DBDAOERR(3370) //Can't modify the design of table '|'. It's in a read-only database.
#define E_DAO_DDLObjectNotFound DBDAOERR(3371) //Can't find table or constraint.
#define E_DAO_DDLIndexNotFound DBDAOERR(3372) //No such index '|2' on table '|1'.
#define E_DAO_DDLNoPkeyOnRefdTable DBDAOERR(3373) //Can't create relationship. Referenced table '|' doesn't have a primary key.
#define E_DAO_DDLColumnsNotUnique DBDAOERR(3374) //The specified fields are not uniquely indexed in table '|'.
#define E_DAO_DDLIndexDuplicate DBDAOERR(3375) //Table '|1' already has an index named '|2'
#define E_DAO_DDLRelNotFound DBDAOERR(3377) //No such relationship '|2' on table '|1'.
#define E_DAO_DDLRelDuplicate DBDAOERR(3378) //There is already a relationship named '|' in the current database.
#define E_DAO_DDLIntegrityViolation DBDAOERR(3379) //Can't create relationships to enforce referential integrity. Existing data in table '|2' violates referential integrity rules with related table '|1'.
#define E_DAO_DDLColumnDuplicate DBDAOERR(3380) //Field '|2' already exists in table '|1'.
#define E_DAO_DDLColumnNotFound DBDAOERR(3381) //There is no field named '|2' in table '|1'.
#define E_DAO_DDLColumnTooBig DBDAOERR(3382) //The size of field '|' is too long.
#define E_DAO_DDLColumnInRel DBDAOERR(3383) //Can't delete field '|'. It's part of one or more relationships.
#define E_DAO_VtoCantDeleteBuiltIn DBDAOERR(3384) //Can't delete a built-in property.
#define E_DAO_VtoUDPsDontSupportNull DBDAOERR(3385) //User-defined properties don't support a Null value.
#define E_DAO_VtoMissingRequiredParm DBDAOERR(3386) //Property '|' must be set before using this method.
#define E_DAO_TLVExprUnknownFunctionM DBDAOERR(3388) //Unknown function '|2' in validation expression or default value on '|1'.
#define E_DAO_QueryNotSupported DBDAOERR(3389) //Query support unavailable.
#define E_DAO_AccountDuplicate DBDAOERR(3390) //Account name already exists.
#define E_DAO_JetwrnPropCouldNotSave DBDAOERR(3391) //An error has occurred. Properties were not saved.
#define E_DAO_RelNoPrimaryIndexM DBDAOERR(3392) //There is no primary key in table '|'.
#define E_DAO_QueryKeyTooBig DBDAOERR(3393) //Can't perform join, group, sort, or indexed restriction. A value being searched or sorted on is too long.
#define E_DAO_PropMustBeDDL DBDAOERR(3394) //Can't save property; property is a schema property.
#define E_DAO_RIViolationMasterCM DBDAOERR(3396) //Can't perform cascading operation. Since related records exist in table '|', referential integrity rules would be violated.
#define E_DAO_RIViolationSlaveCM DBDAOERR(3397) //Can't perform cascading operation. There must be a related record in table '|'.
#define E_DAO_RIKeyNullDisallowedCM DBDAOERR(3398) //Can't perform cascading operation. It would result in a null key in table '|'.
#define E_DAO_RIKeyDuplicateCM DBDAOERR(3399) //Can't perform cascading operation. It would result in a duplicate key in table '|'.
#define E_DAO_RIUpdateTwiceCM DBDAOERR(3400) //Can't perform cascading operation. It would result in two updates on field '|2' in table '|1'.
#define E_DAO_RITLVNoNullCM DBDAOERR(3401) //Can't perform cascading operation. It would cause field '|' to become null, which is not allowed.
#define E_DAO_RITLVNoBlankCM DBDAOERR(3402) //Can't perform cascading operation. It would cause field '|' to become a zero-length string, which is not allowed.
#define E_DAO_RITLVRuleVioCNoMessage DBDAOERR(3404) //Can't perform cascading operation. The value entered is prohibited by the validation rule '|2' set for '|1'.
#define E_DAO_TLVRuleEvalEBESErr DBDAOERR(3405) //Error '|' in validation rule.
#define E_DAO_TLVDefaultEvalEBESErr DBDAOERR(3406) //Error '|' in default value.
#define E_DAO_BadMSysConf DBDAOERR(3407) //The server's MSysConf table exists, but is in an incorrect format. Contact your system administrator.
#define E_DAO_TooManyFindSessions DBDAOERR(3408) //Too many FastFind Sessions were invoked.
#define E_DAO_InvalidColumnM DBDAOERR(3409) //Invalid field name '|' in definition of index or relationship.
#define E_DAO_REPReadOnly DBDAOERR(3410) //*
#define E_DAO_RIInvalidBufferSizeCM DBDAOERR(3411) //Invalid entry. Can't perform cascading operation specified in table '|1' because value entered is too big for field '|2'.
#define E_DAO_JetSpecialRIWriteConflictCM DBDAOERR(3413) //Can't perform cascading update on table '|1' because it is currently in use by user '|3' on machine '|2'.
#define E_DAO_RISessWriteConflictCM DBDAOERR(3414) //Can't perform cascading update on table '|' because it is currently in use.
#define E_DAO_NoBlank DBDAOERR(3415) //Zero-length string is valid only in a text or Memo field.
#define E_DAO_FutureError DBDAOERR(3416) //|
#define E_DAO_QueryInvalidBulkInput DBDAOERR(3417) //An action query cannot be used as a row source.
#define E_DAO_NetCtrlMismatch DBDAOERR(3418) //Can't open '|'. Another user has the table open using a different network control file or locking style.
#define E_DAO_4xTableWith3xLocking DBDAOERR(3419) //Can't open this Paradox 4.x or Paradox 5.x table because ParadoxNetStyle is set to 3.x in the initialization setting.
#define E_DAO_VtoObjectNotSet DBDAOERR(3420) //Object is invalid or not set.
#define E_DAO_VtoDataConvError DBDAOERR(3421) //Data type conversion error.
#define E_DAO_TableNotLocked DBDAOERR(3422) //Can't modify table structure. Another user has the table open
#define E_DAO_RmtDriverNotSupported DBDAOERR(3423) //You cannot use ODBC to attach an external Microsoft Access or ISAM database table to your database
#define E_DAO_VtoInvalidOpDuringCallback DBDAOERR(3425) //This method or property is not currently available on this Recordset
#define E_DAO_VtoActionCancelled DBDAOERR(3426) //The action was cancelled by an associated object
#define E_DAO_VtoOleAutoFailed DBDAOERR(3427) //Error in DAO automation
#define E_DAO_DatabaseCorrupted_Cmpct DBDAOERR(3428) //The Jet database engine has encountered a problem in your database. To correct the problem, you must repair and compact the database
#define E_DAO_IncompatibleIIsam DBDAOERR(3429) //Incompatible installable ISAM version
#define E_DAO_OLEInitializeFailure DBDAOERR(3430) //While loading the Excel installable ISAM, OLE was unable to initialize
#define E_DAO_OLENotCompoundFile DBDAOERR(3431) //This is not an Excel 5 file
#define E_DAO_OLEFailure DBDAOERR(3432) //Error opening an Excel 5 file
#define E_DAO_IllegalIisamIniOption DBDAOERR(3433) //Invalid parameter in [Excel ISAM] section of the initialization file
#define E_DAO_TableFull DBDAOERR(3434) //Can't expand named range
#define E_DAO_REPCantGetDBPath DBDAOERR(3499) //Can't retrieve the full path information for a member of the replica set.
#define E_DAO_REPCantSetExchange DBDAOERR(3500) //You cannot specify two different Synchronizers to manage the same replica.
#define E_DAO_REPNotUpdated DBDAOERR(3501) //*
#define E_DAO_REPNotManaged DBDAOERR(3502) //The Design Master or replica is not being managed by a Synchronizer.
#define E_DAO_ValueNotSet DBDAOERR(3503) //The Synchronizer's Registry has no value set for the key you queried.
#define E_DAO_REPInvalidTID DBDAOERR(3504) //The Synchronizer ID does not match an existing ID in the MSysTranspAddress table.
#define E_DAO_REPFilterNotFound DBDAOERR(3505) //You attempted to delete or get information about a partial filter that does not exist in MSysFilters.
#define E_DAO_OpenLog DBDAOERR(3506) //The Synchronizer is unable to open the Synchronizer log.
#define E_DAO_WriteLog DBDAOERR(3507) //Failure writing to the Synchronizer log.
#define E_DAO_NoTransport DBDAOERR(3508) //There is no active transport for the Synchronizer.
#define E_DAO_TransportNotFound DBDAOERR(3509) //Could not find a valid transport for this Synchronizer.
#define E_DAO_ReplicaAlreadyLocked DBDAOERR(3510) //The member of the replica set you are attempting to synchronize is currently being used in another synchronization.
#define E_DAO_DBAccess DBDAOERR(3511) //*
#define E_DAO_TransportReadFailure DBDAOERR(3512) //Failed to read the dropbox folder.
#define E_DAO_TransportWriteFailure DBDAOERR(3513) //Failed to write to the dropbox folder.
#define E_DAO_NoExchange DBDAOERR(3514) //Synchronizer could not find any scheduled or on-demand synchronizations to process.
#define E_DAO_SysClock DBDAOERR(3515) //The Microsoft Jet database engine could not read the system clock on your computer.
#define E_DAO_NoTransportAddress DBDAOERR(3516) //Destination synchronizer is not configured to support indirect synchronronization, and the destination replica is unavailable for direct synchronization
#define E_DAO_NoMessage DBDAOERR(3517) //Synchronizer could not find any messages to process.
#define E_DAO_TransporterNotFound DBDAOERR(3518) //Could not find Synchronizer in the MSysTranspAddress table.
#define E_DAO_TransportSendFailure DBDAOERR(3519) //Failed to send a message.
#define E_DAO_ReplicaNotFound DBDAOERR(3520) //The replica name or ID does not match a currently managed member of the replica set.
#define E_DAO_OutOfSynch DBDAOERR(3521) //Two members of the replica set cannot be synchronized because there is no common point to start the synchronization.
#define E_DAO_ExchangeNotFound DBDAOERR(3522) //Synchronizer cannot find the record of a specific synchronization in the MSysExchangeLog table.
#define E_DAO_SchemaNotFound DBDAOERR(3523) //Synchronizer cannot find a specific version number in the MSysSchChange table.
#define E_DAO_SchemaHistMismatch DBDAOERR(3524) //The history of design changes in the replica does not match the history in the Design Master.
#define E_DAO_MessageDBAccess DBDAOERR(3525) //Synchronizer could not access the message database.
#define E_DAO_ObjectAlreadyExists DBDAOERR(3526) //The name selected for the system object is already in use.
#define E_DAO_ObjectDoesntExist DBDAOERR(3527) //The Synchronizer or Replication Manager could not find the system object.
#define E_DAO_NoNewData DBDAOERR(3528) //There is no new data in shared memory for the Synchronizer or Replication Manager to read.
#define E_DAO_PrevDataNotRead DBDAOERR(3529) //The Synchronizer or Replication Manager found unread data in the shared memory. The existing data will be overwritten.
#define E_DAO_ClientAlreadyExists DBDAOERR(3530) //The Synchronizer is already serving a client.
#define E_DAO_WaitTimeout DBDAOERR(3531) //The wait period for an event has timed out.
#define E_DAO_ServerInitialization DBDAOERR(3532) //Synchronizer could not be initialized.
#define E_DAO_ObjectAbandoned DBDAOERR(3533) //The system object used by a process still exists after the process has stopped.
#define E_DAO_NoEvent DBDAOERR(3534) //Synchronizer looked for a system event but did not find one to report to the client.
#define E_DAO_ClientSentTerm DBDAOERR(3535) //Client has asked the Synchronizer to terminate operation.
#define E_DAO_InvalidMessage DBDAOERR(3536) //Synchronizer received an invalid message for a member of the replica set that it manages.
#define E_DAO_NoClient DBDAOERR(3537) //The Synchronizer's client is no longer present and cannot be notified.
#define E_DAO_TooManyTasks DBDAOERR(3538) //Cannot initialize Synchronizer because there are too many applications running.
#define E_DAO_SysDiskIO DBDAOERR(3539) //A system error has occurred or your swap file has reached its limit.
#define E_DAO_PageFile DBDAOERR(3540) //Your swap file has reached its limit or is corrupted.
#define E_DAO_ProcessStillActive DBDAOERR(3541) //Synchronizer could not be shut down properly and is still active.
#define E_DAO_ProcessAborted DBDAOERR(3542) //Process stopped when attempting to terminate Synchronizer client.
#define E_DAO_TransporterNotSetup DBDAOERR(3543) //Synchronizer has not been set up.
#define E_DAO_ServerAlreadyRunning DBDAOERR(3544) //Synchronizer is already running.
#define E_DAO_DiffReplicaSet DBDAOERR(3545) //The two replicas you are attempting to synchronize are from different replica sets.
#define E_DAO_BadExchangeType DBDAOERR(3546) //The type of synchronization you are attempting is not valid.
#define E_DAO_NoReplica DBDAOERR(3547) //Synchronizer could not find a replica from the correct set to complete the synchronization.
#define E_DAO_GuidMismatch DBDAOERR(3548) //GUIDs do not match or the requested GUID could not be found.
#define E_DAO_FilenameTooLong DBDAOERR(3549) //The file name you provided is too long.
#define E_DAO_NoGuidIndex DBDAOERR(3550) //There is no index on the GUID column.
#define E_DAO_UnableToDeleteParam DBDAOERR(3551) //Unable to delete the specified Registry parameter for the Synchronizer.
#define E_DAO_ValueTooBig DBDAOERR(3552) //The size of the Registry parameter exceeds the maximum allowed.
#define E_DAO_REPGuidCreateFailure DBDAOERR(3553) //The GUID could not be created.
#define E_DAO_REPDBMovedCopied DBDAOERR(3554) //*
#define E_DAO_REPNoValidNick DBDAOERR(3555) //All valid nicknames for replicas are already in use.
#define E_DAO_TransportDestInvalidPath DBDAOERR(3556) //Invalid path for destination dropbox folder.
#define E_DAO_TransDestInvalidAddress DBDAOERR(3557) //Invalid address for destination dropbox folder.
#define E_DAO_TransportDestDiskIO DBDAOERR(3558) //Disk I/O error at destination dropbox folder.
#define E_DAO_TransportDestDiskFull DBDAOERR(3559) //Failure to write because destination disk is full.
#define E_DAO_REPSameReplicaID DBDAOERR(3560) //The two members of the replica set you are attempting to synchronize have the same ReplicaID.
#define E_DAO_REPBothMasters DBDAOERR(3561) //The two members of the replica set you are attempting to synchronize are both Design Masters.
#define E_DAO_TransDestAccessDenied DBDAOERR(3562) //Access denied at destination dropbox folder.
#define E_DAO_TransportSrcAccess DBDAOERR(3563) //Fatal error accessing a local dropbox folder.
#define E_DAO_TransportSrcFileNotFound DBDAOERR(3564) //Synchronizer can't find the source file for messages.
#define E_DAO_TransSrcSharingViolation DBDAOERR(3565) //There is a sharing violation in the source dropbox folder because the message database is open in another application.
#define E_DAO_LimitedUpdateM DBDAOERR(3590) //Violates the rules for partial replicas.
#define E_DAO_LogInvalidPathM DBDAOERR(3591) //Log file path '|1' is invalid.
#define E_DAO_REPPasswdNotAllowed DBDAOERR(3592) //You can't replicate a password-protected database or set password protection on a replicated database.
#define E_DAO_BadSingleMasterAttrib DBDAOERR(3593) //You can't change the data master attribute for the replica set.
#define E_DAO_BadMultiMasterAttrib DBDAOERR(3594) //You can't change the data master attribute for the replica set. It allows data changes only at the Design Master.
#define E_DAO_REPCantRepair DBDAOERR(3595) //The system tables in your replica are no longer reliable and the replica should not be used.
#define E_DAO_REPDbNotReplicableM DBDAOERR(3605) //Synchronizing with a non-replicated database is not allowed. The '|' database is not a Design Master or replica.
#define E_DAO_DaemonDied DBDAOERR(3606) //*
#define E_DAO_REPCantDelete DBDAOERR(3607) //The replication property you are attempting to delete is read-only and cannot be removed.
#define E_DAO_IndexCantBuild DBDAOERR(3608) //Record length is too long for an indexed Paradox table.
#define E_DAO_RelNoPrimaryIndex DBDAOERR(3609) //No unique index found for the referenced field of the primary table.
#define E_DAO_QuerySameSrcDestTableM DBDAOERR(3610) //Same table '|' referenced as both the source and destination in make-table query.
#define E_DAO_InvalidDDLObject DBDAOERR(3611) //Can't execute data definition statements on linked data sources.
#define E_DAO_QueryMGBWithSubquery DBDAOERR(3612) //Multi-level GROUP BY clause is not allowed in a subquery.
#define E_DAO_SQLLinkNotSupported DBDAOERR(3613) //Can't create a relationship on linked ODBC tables.
#define E_DAO_InvalidFindOnGUID DBDAOERR(3614) //GUID not allowed in Find method criteria expression.
#define E_DAO_QueryJoinExprInComp DBDAOERR(3615) //Type mismatch in JOIN expression.
#define E_DAO_UpdateNotAvailable DBDAOERR(3616) //Updating data in a linked table is not supported by this ISAM.
#define E_DAO_DeleteNotAvailable DBDAOERR(3617) //Deleting data in a linked table is not supported by this ISAM.
#define E_DAO_ExceptTableCreateFail DBDAOERR(3618) //Exceptions table could not be created on import/export.
#define E_DAO_ExceptTableWriteFail DBDAOERR(3619) //Records could not be added to exceptions table.
#define E_DAO_ExcelOLEConnectLost DBDAOERR(3620) //The connection for viewing your linked Microsoft Excel worksheet was lost.
#define E_DAO_CantChangeDbPwdOnShared DBDAOERR(3621) //Can't change password on a shared open database.
#define E_DAO_RmtMustCheckTimeStamp DBDAOERR(3622) //You must use the dbSeeChanges option with OpenRecordset when accessing a SQL Server table that has an IDENTITY column.
#define E_DAO_CommitConflict DBDAOERR(3624) //Couldn't read the record; currently locked by another user.
#define E_DAO_NoSuchSpecM DBDAOERR(3625) //The text file specification '|' does not exist. You can't import, export, or link using the specification.
#define E_DAO_TooManyIndexesM DBDAOERR(3626) //The operation failed. There are too many indexes on table '|'. Delete some of the indexes on the table and try the operation again.
#define E_DAO_TransExeNotFound DBDAOERR(3627) //Cannot find the executable file for the Synchronizer (mstran35.exe).
#define E_DAO_RemRepNotManaged DBDAOERR(3628) //Partner replica is not managed by a Synchronizer.
#define E_DAO_FSDropboxShared DBDAOERR(3629) //Synchronizer '|1' is also using the same File System dropbox '|2'.
#define E_DAO_FSDropboxSharedM DBDAOERR(3630) //Synchronizer '|1' is also using the same File System dropbox '|2'.
#define E_DAO_RepInvalidTableInFilter DBDAOERR(3631) //Invalid Table Name In Filter
#define E_DAO_InetNotEnabled DBDAOERR(3632) //Internet Transport not enabled on the remote Synchronizer.
#define E_DAO_REPDBIsPartial DBDAOERR(3634) //Cannot create a replica using a partial replica.
#define E_DAO_CantCreatePartialSys DBDAOERR(3635) //Cannot create partial replica of a system database.
#define E_DAO_CantPopulateWithErrors DBDAOERR(3636) //Cannot populate the replica or change the replica's filter because the replica has conflicts or data errors.
#define E_DAO_QueryEmbeddedVarTab DBDAOERR(3637) //Cannot use the crosstab of a non-fixed column as a subquery.
#define E_DAO_SrcCntrlDB DBDAOERR(3638) //A Source Controlled database cannot be made replicable.
#define E_DAO_CantCreateSysReplica DBDAOERR(3639) //Cannot create a replica of a System database.
#define E_DAO_VtoFetchBuffTooSmall DBDAOERR(3640) //The fetch buffer was too small for the amount of data you requested.
#define E_DAO_VtoEOFDuringFetch DBDAOERR(3641) //There are fewer records remaining in the recordset than you requested.
#define E_DAO_VtoSilentCancel DBDAOERR(3642) //A cancel was performed on the operation.
#define E_DAO_VtoRecordDeleted DBDAOERR(3643) //One of the records in the recordset was deleted by another process.
#define E_DAO_3644 DBDAOERR(3644) //*
#define E_DAO_VtoBadBindInfo DBDAOERR(3645) //One of the binding parameters is incorrect.
#define E_DAO_VtoRowLenTooSmall DBDAOERR(3646) //The specified row length is shorter than the sum of the column lengths.
#define E_DAO_VtoColumnMissing DBDAOERR(3647) //A column requested is not being returned to the recordset.
#define E_DAO_BothPartials DBDAOERR(3648) //Cannot synchronize a partial replica with another partial replica.
#define E_DAO_InvalidCodePage DBDAOERR(3649) //The language-specific code page was not specified or could not be found.
#define E_DAO_InetTooSlow DBDAOERR(3650) //Either the Internet is very slow OR there is some problem in the replication manager setup on the internet server machine.
#define E_DAO_InetInvalidAddress DBDAOERR(3651) //Invalid internet address.
#define E_DAO_VtoNeedDiffCursorLibrary DBDAOERR(3663) //This operation requires a different cursor library.
#define E_DAO_VtoStillConnecting DBDAOERR(3664) //An asynchronous OpenConnection call is not yet complete, and you cannot yet reference the returned Connection object until it is complete.
#define E_DAO_AccessDeniedRepl DBDAOERR(3665) //You cannot modify the replication system object '1'
#define E_DAO_AccessDeniedReplM DBDAOERR(3666) //You cannot modify the replication system object '1'
#define E_DAO_VtoOtherOperBlocking DBDAOERR(3667) //A different operation is preventing this operation from being executed.
#define E_DAO_VtoNoActiveConnection DBDAOERR(3668) //Can not perform this operation because there is no active connection.