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- * a sample GEM program supplied with DevpacST version 2
- * Source code Copyright (C) 1988 HiSoft. All rights reserved.
- * No part of this source may be reproduced, transmitted,
- * transcribed, or stored in a retrieval system, or translated
- * in any form or by any means without the prior written
- * permission of HiSoft.
- * HiSoft makes no representations or warranties with respect
- * to the contents hereof and specifically disclaims any
- * implied warranties or merchantability or fitness for any
- * particular purpose.
- * feel free to use any or all of the object code
- * If you cannot assemble this exactly as supplied, tell us.
- * If the object doesn't run after you have made any changes,
- * please do not tell us, as you're on your own once you
- * start messing with it!
- * this is mainly to show the calling sequence for GEM
- * from assembler - the program itself doesn't do much
- * last changed:31.5.88
- opt x+ dump long labels for debugging
- opt a+ automatic PC mode to save bytes
- include gemmacro.s
- * the program proper
- start move.l 4(a7),a3 base page
- move.l #mystack,a7
- move.l $c(a3),d0 text len
- add.l $14(a3),d0 data len
- add.l $1c(a3),d0 BSS len
- add.l #$100,d0 basepage
- move.l d0,-(sp)
- move.l a3,-(sp)
- clr.w -(sp)
- move.w #$4a,-(sp)
- trap #1 shrink memory
- lea 12(sp),sp
- appl_init
- move.w d0,ap_id store the application id
- graf_handle
- move.w d0,current_handle Desktop's VDI handle
- * start by opening a virtual workstation
- lea intin,a0
- moveq #10-1,d0 -1 for DBF
- .fill move.w #1,(a0)+ most params are 1
- dbf d0,.fill
- move.w #2,(a0)+ use RC system
- v_opnvwk open it
- * set the mouse to an arrow
- graf_mouse #0 arrow please
- * we want to open a window, so find the usable size of the screen
- wind_get #0,#4 work area of Desktop
- * the type of the window
- wtype equ %000000101111 title, close, full, move, size
- * the size lies in int_out(1..4), so calculate the window size
- movem.w int_out+2,d0-d3
- wind_calc #wtype,#1,d0,d1,d2,d3 want work area
- * now remember its offsets
- move.w int_out+2,xstart
- move.w int_out+4,ystart
- move.w int_out+6,xwidth
- move.w int_out+8,ywidth
- * and create the window
- movem.w int_out+2,d0-d3
- wind_create #wtype,d0,d1,d2,d3
- move.w d0,w_handle save the handle (error checks?)
- * now set its title
- move.l #windowname,int_in+4
- wind_set w_handle,#2 title string
- * now actually show it by opening
- movem.w xstart,d0-d3
- add.w #10,d0 x start
- add.w #10,d1 y start
- sub.w #20,d2 width
- sub.w #20,d3 height
- wind_open w_handle,d0,d1,d2,d3
- bsr recalcwindow
- bsr setupmode
- * the main loop of the application
- * the only interesting events are messages
- waitforevent
- evnt_mesag #messagebuf
- lea messagebuf,a0
- move.w (a0),d0 message type
- cmp.w #20,d0
- beq updateit if Redraw
- cmp.w #22,d0
- beq quit if Close button
- cmp.w #23,d0
- beq fullit if Full button
- cmp.w #27,d0
- beq sizeit if re-size required
- cmp.w #28,d0
- beq moveit if window moved
- * nothing I'm interested in so try again
- bra waitforevent
- * move the window around the screen
- moveit move.w 6(a0),d0
- cmp.w w_handle,d0
- bne waitforevent if not my window then don't
- changedwindow
- move.w 8(a0),int_in+4 new x pos
- move.w 10(a0),int_in+6 new y pos
- move.w 12(a0),d0
- cmp.w #40,d0
- bcc.s .wok
- moveq #40,d0 can't be too narrow
- .wok move.w d0,int_in+8 width
- move.w 14(a0),d0
- cmp.w #50,d0
- bcc.s .hok
- moveq #50,d0 can't be too thin either
- .hok move.w d0,int_in+10 height
- wind_set w_handle,#5
- movem.w xwidth,d4-d5 old size
- bsr recalcwindow
- cmp.w xwidth,d4
- bcs waitforevent
- cmp.w ywidth,d5
- bcs waitforevent
- bne.s forceupdate
- cmp.w xwidth,d4
- beq waitforevent not if exactly the same
- * if the new size is smaller in both dimensions than the old size
- * then an update event will not be posted, so the re-draw will
- * have to be done manually
- forceupdate
- bsr drawwindow draw it
- bra waitforevent and carry on
- * re-size the window
- sizeit move.w 6(a0),d0
- cmp.w w_handle,d0
- bne waitforevent if not my window
- bra changedwindow
- * there's an update
- updateit
- move.w 6(a0),d0
- cmp.w w_handle,d0
- bne waitforevent if not my window
- * there are two ways of doing updates:
- * (a) to support overlapping windows
- * this takes a lot of code, and is very slow and tricky
- * (b) to ignore the possibility of overlapping windows
- * this takes little code and is easy
- * Here method (b) is used! (method (a) is needed if you have a Desk
- * menu or multi-windows in your program - this doesn't have either
- * -that's my excuse and I'm sticking to it!)
- * start by clipping the rectangle
- movem.w 8(a0),d0-d3 the rectangle
- add.w d0,d2
- add.w d1,d3
- vs_clip #1,d0,d1,d2,d3 clipping on
- bsr drawwindow draw the window
- bra waitforevent
- * the full button has been clicked
- * this puts up an alert box
- fullit form_alert #1,#myalert
- bra waitforevent
- * to go away various things have to be tidied up
- * starting with closing the window
- quit wind_close w_handle close it
- wind_delete w_handle and delete it
- * then closing the virtual workstation
- v_clsvwk close it
- appl_exit tell GEM I've finished
- * now quit to the desktop
- clr.w -(a7) status code
- move.w #$4c,-(a7) P_TERM
- trap #1 and go away
- * calculate the work area of the window
- recalcwindow
- wind_get w_handle,#4 get work area
- movem.w int_out+2,d0-d3
- movem.w d0-d3,xstart
- rts
- * this draws the picture in the window
- * which is an oval on top of a rectangle
- * before drawing anywhere you have to hide the mouse
- drawwindow
- v_hide_c hide the mouse
- vsf_interior #2 pattern
- movem.w xstart,d0-d3 AES rectangle
- add.w d0,d2
- subq.w #1,d2
- add.w d1,d3
- subq.w #1,d3 convert to VDI
- vr_recfl d0,d1,d2,d3 filled rectangle
- * the oval has to be drawn in the user defined pattern
- vsf_interior #4
- movem.w xstart,d0-d3
- asr.w #1,d2 half width
- asr.w #1,d3 half height
- add.w d2,d0 x centre
- add.w d3,d1 y centre
- v_ellipse d0,d1,d2,d3
- * we have finished drawing so get the mouse back
- v_show_c #0 show the mouse
- rts
- * this prepares the drawing mode etc
- setupmode
- move.l #intin,a0
- move.w #%0000100101000000,(a0)+
- move.w #%0000100101000000,(a0)+
- move.w #%0000111101000000,(a0)+
- move.w #%0000100101000000,(a0)+
- move.w #%0000100101000000,(a0)+
- move.w #%0000000000000000,(a0)+
- move.w #%0110010011011100,(a0)+
- move.w #%1000101010001000,(a0)+
- move.w #%1100101011001000,(a0)+
- move.w #%0010101010001000,(a0)+
- move.w #%1100010010001000,(a0)+
- REPT 16-11
- clr.w (a0)+
- move.w #16,contrl3 single plane
- vsf_updat set user defined fill style
- vsf_color #1
- rts
- * all C strings must end in a null
- windowname dc.b ' An Example GEM Program by HiSoft ',0
- myalert dc.b "[1][This is written in 68000|assembler using HiSoft's|"
- dc.b 'DevpacST Version 2][ OK ]',0
- * global constants
- * these have to remain together
- xstart ds.w 1
- ystart ds.w 1
- xwidth ds.w 1
- ywidth ds.w 1
- w_handle ds.w 1
- ws_handle ds.w 1
- ap_id ds.w 1
- messagebuf ds.b 16
- ds.l 100 stack space
- mystack ds.w 1 (stacks go backwards)
- * if not linking then include the run-times
- include aeslib.s
- include vdilib.s