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- * a sample GEM program supplied with DevpacST version 2
- * Menu test program using the AES, VDI not required
- * last changed:19.4.88
- opt x+ dump long labels for debugging
- include gemmacro.s
- MN_SELECTED equ 10
- * the program proper
- start move.l 4(a7),a3 base page
- move.l #mystack,a7
- move.l $c(a3),d0 text len
- add.l $14(a3),d0 data len
- add.l $1c(a3),d0 BSS len
- add.l #$100,d0 basepage
- move.l d0,-(sp)
- move.l a3,-(sp)
- clr.w -(sp)
- move.w #$4a,-(sp)
- trap #1 shrink memory
- lea 12(sp),sp
- appl_init
- move.w d0,ap_id store the application id
- * set the mouse to an arrow
- graf_mouse #0 arrow please
- bsr load_resources
- menu_bar #menu_start,#1 display it
- clr.w check_state
- * the main loop of the application
- * the only interesting events are messages
- waitforevent
- evnt_mesag #messagebuf
- move.l #messagebuf,a0
- move.w (a0),d0 message type
- cmp.w #MN_SELECTED,d0
- beq handle_menu
- * nothing I'm interested in so try again
- bra waitforevent
- * to go away various things have to be tidied up
- quit
- menu_bar #menu_start,#0
- appl_exit tell GEM I've finished
- * now quit to the desktop
- clr.w -(a7) status code
- move.w #$4c,-(a7) P_TERM
- trap #1 and go away
- * menu handling after one has been clicked on
- handle_menu
- move.w messagebuf+8,d4 menu item
- bsr.s do_menu act on it
- * now unlight the menu title
- menu_tnormal #menu_start,messagebuf+6,#1
- bra waitforevent and try again
- * given a menu click (d4) work out what it is and act on it
- do_menu cmp.w #m_about,d4
- beq.s do_about
- cmp.w #m_hello,d4
- beq.s do_hello
- cmp.w #m_quit,d4
- beq quit
- cmp.w #m_check,d4
- beq.s do_check
- cmp.w #m_dialog,d4
- beq.s do_dialog
- rts
- do_about
- form_alert #1,#about_alert
- rts
- do_hello
- form_alert #1,#hello_alert
- rts
- do_check
- eor.w #1,check_state
- menu_icheck #menu_start,#m_check,check_state
- rts
- do_dialog
- form_center #my_dialog
- movem.w int_out+2,d3-d6 d3-d6 are dialog co-ords
- form_dial #0,d3,d4,d5,d6,d3,d4,d5,d6
- objc_draw #my_dialog,#0,#2,d3,d4,d5,d6
- form_do #my_dialog,#0
- mulu #ob_sizeof,d0
- move.l #my_dialog,a0
- bclr #0,ob_state+1(a0,d0.w) un-select button
- form_dial #3,d3,d4,d5,d6,d3,d4,d5,d6
- rts
- *************************
- *************************
- * done the hard way......
- ob_flags equ 8
- ob_state equ 10
- ob_sizeof equ 24
- G_BOX equ 20
- G_STRING equ 28
- G_BUTTON equ 26
- NONE equ 0
- DEFAULT equ 2
- EXIT equ 4
- LASTOB equ $20
- NORMAL equ 0
- OUTLINED equ $10
- nextobj set 1
- object macro next,head,tail,type,flags,state
- dc.w \1,\2,\3
- dc.w G_\4,\5,\6
- nextobj set nextobj+1
- endm
- * doesn't actually load a resource file as we don't have one, but
- * instead converts the built-in resources co-ordinates
- load_resources
- lea menu_start(pc),a3
- bsr.s convert_resource
- lea my_dialog(pc),a3
- bsr.s convert_resource
- rts
- * given an object tree at a3, fixup its co-ordinates
- convert_resource
- moveq #0,d3
- move.l a3,a0
- .loop move.l a0,-(sp)
- rsrc_obfix a3,d3
- move.l (sp)+,a0
- btst #5,ob_flags+1(a0)
- bne.s .done
- addq.w #1,d3
- add.w #ob_sizeof,a0
- bra.s .loop until LASTOB
- .done rts
- * once a menu is stabilised it is best to Insert the file
- menu_start
- include menutest.mnu
- even
- nextobj set 1
- my_dialog
- object 0,nextobj,nextobj+1,BOX,NONE,NORMAL
- dc.l 2<<16+$1181
- dc.w 0,0,35,10
- object nextobj,-1,-1,STRING,NONE,OUTLINED
- dc.l titletx
- dc.w 5,2,25,2
- dc.l buttontx
- dc.w 12,7,12,2
- * menu numbers are best calculated using the RS directive
- rsset 4
- * titles first
- rs.b 1 File title
- rs.b 1 Test title
- * other titles
- rs.b 2
- * now the items
- m_about rs.b 1 About item
- rs.b 6+1 other items under Desk
- rs.b 1 skip File title
- m_hello rs.b 1
- m_quit rs.b 1
- rs.b 1 skip Test item
- m_check rs.b 1
- rs.b 1
- m_dialog rs.b 1
- about_alert dc.b '[1][A test program written|'
- dc.b 'with DevpacST Version 2][ Great ]',0
- hello_alert dc.b '[3][ ][ Hello! ]',0
- titletx dc.b ' A Hand-Made Dialog Box!',0
- buttontx dc.b 'Click me',0
- * global variables
- ws_handle ds.w 1
- ap_id ds.w 1
- messagebuf ds.b 16
- check_state ds.w 1
- ds.l 100 stack space
- mystack ds.w 1 (stacks go backwards)
- * if not linking then include the run-times
- include aeslib.s
- * VDI not needed!!