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- This contains information to supplement that in the manual.
- This is DevpacST Version 2.08
- The HiSoft File Selector can be found in the FSEL folder. The .TXT file
- contains its documentation.
- Assembler 2.08
- ==============
- The new directives TEXT, DATA and BSS are supported for increased
- compatibility. They are the same as specifying SECTION xxx.
- IMPORTANT: The DCB directive (page 52) now works as described. Previously
- the order of the parameters were reversed, so existing code which relied
- on the bug will no longer work. Similarly the optimising numbers in the
- OPT O directive (page 48) are now implemented as described. Previously
- you had to use one less than the documented numbers.
- The LIST + and - directives (page 53) now work exactly as described.
- Incorrect divide-by-zero errors on pass 1 no longer occur.
- The destination of a MOVE is not allowed to be (PC) relative.
- Register equates are allowed in ADDX/SUBX/ABCD/SBCD.
- It was possible to crash the editor if a block was deleted and the
- cursor was within the block.
- The .TTP version now returns a GEMDOS return code to indicate the success
- or otherwise of the assembly. Values are:
- 100 main file not found
- 20 fatal error
- 10 error(s)
- 5 warning(s)
- 0 OK
- The AESLIB.S file has been updated.
- Debugger 2.02
- =============
- The Follow Traps option works on Line A op-codes.
- Disassembling with Long-sized data areas works.
- The Effective Address display in the register window correctly shows memory
- around the stack when in supervisor mode.
- Assembler 2.07
- ==============
- A problem with GST sections has been corrected. The editor Delete File
- function has been fixed (it was broken in 2.06 only).
- Assembler 2.06
- ==============
- The following bugs have been fixed:
- type checks on PC-relative with index; FORMAT; IFND/IFD with SET labels.
- In addition a new form of local label is supported, denoted with decimal
- digits ending with a $ sign, e.g. 1234$. This is to improve compatibility.
- The AESLIB.S file has been updated.
- Assembler 2.04
- ==============
- The following bugs have been fixed:
- GEMDOS MALLOC problem; the optimiser being memory hungry; assembling DRI
- code to no-where; low-memory GST output; mixing macros and repeat loops;
- INCBIN and odd-length files; INCBIN and ORG together.
- INCBIN is now forced to start on an even boundary and is padded with a null
- byte if the file is odd in length.
- Editor 2.02
- ===========
- There is a new option under Preferences, called End of Line. When
- Wrap is selected the cursor behaves differently when you or past
- the ends of a line. Try it and see if you like it.
- Assembler 2.02
- ==============
- There is a new option, OPT A+, which enables automatic-PC mode where
- possible. For example the line MOVE.L int_in,d0 would get assembled
- as MOVE.L int_in(pc),d0. Note that this does not guarantee position-
- independent code, but does reduce program size and execution times.
- It is used in the GEMTEST program to good effect. This may have to
- be overidden (when reading absolute memory for example) and this may be
- done by using the (expression).L form, similar to that detailed on page
- 43 for short word addressing.
- There is a new option determining the speed of the assembler, available
- in the assembly options dialog box. Under normal circumstances leave the
- Fast button selected, but only if the assembler runs out of memory should
- you select Slow. This forces the assembler to use as little memory as
- possible which slows down disk accesses. It can slow down to a little
- faster than GenST Version 1 (which isn't actually that slow!). The .TTP
- version may be set to slow mode using the command line option -M.
- The assembler can now generate code suitable for linking with OSS Personal
- Pascal (Pascal Plus in Germany). For further details please quote your
- DevpacST and, if a UK customer, your Pascal serial numbers.
- Bugs fixed include the ORG, CNOP, ENDC and REPT directives.
- Debugger 2.01
- =============
- The debugger can now save its Preferences in a MONST2.INF file.
- There is a new command, Ctrl-S, that skips the current instruction.
- It is equivalent to setting the PC to be x words further on, ideal
- for not executing instructions you know are going to produce nasty
- results.
- The machine may be reset by pressing the combination
- Ctrl-Alt-NumericDot when in the debugger. No warning is given.
- Linker 2.01
- ===========
- A bug to do with large library files has been corrected.
- Source Files 2.01
- ==================
- The GEMTEST, AESLIB, VDILIB and GEMMACRO files have been updated.
- Editor 2.00
- ===========
- Not a new feature at all really, we've just never documented it before.
- To search and/or replace Tab characters press Ctrl-I in the dialog box
- They will be echoed as clock face characters. Ctrl-M must *not* be used
- as a substitute for CR. Strange characters, like and may be
- entered by typing a special character, say ?, then using
- the Find dialog box to replace it with the required Ctrl- characters.
- When using Run Other to run a program you may pass the name of the file
- you are currently editing by including a % in the command line, which
- will be expanded. A true % may be specified using %%
- Assembler 2.00
- ==============
- The default for option M, macro expansions, is OPT M-.
- The directive OPT U+ changes local labels start with underlines (_) instead
- of periods, to allow code to be generated for the Prospero range of
- languages.
- In the .TTP version the tab size used when listing may be specified using
- the option -Txx, for example -T10.
- Debugger 2.00
- =============
- The command Ctrl-E forces all exceptions to be re-installed. This can be
- useful when dealing with compiled programs whose run-times use the
- exceptions themselves.
- If you enter AMONST2 during the boot sequence you may abort its
- installation by quitting with Ctrl-R instead of Ctrl-C.
- Please note decimal numbers are now denoted with \, not # as in version 1.
- Linker 2.00
- ===========
- An additional directive is allowed in control files:
- This truncates all symbols to 8 characters, sometimes required to link
- assembly language with long labels to compiled code with short labels.
- Lattice C Users
- ===============
- Now supplied is a replacement C.LNK file for use with Lattice C 3.04.
- Using it with LINKST will reduce your link times and also reduce your
- output file size by using a true BSS-type section.
- If you use the -n option of the compiler (page 132) you will be able
- to specify HiSoft Extended Debug when linking, allowing longer and more
- meaningful symbols when debugging with MonST2.
- Manual Corrections
- ==================
- Page 65, the macro expansion at the bottom of the page should show the
- binary number as %0110.
- Page 156, addr_out consists of longwords, not words.
- Page 158, the parameter list to evnt_multi has two missing:
- evnt_multi flags,clicks,mask,bstate,m1flags,m1x,m1y,m1w,m1h,
- & m2flags,m2x,m2y,m2w,m2h,messagebuf.L,count.L
- Page 94, under Lock Window it should read 'disassembly and memory
- windows'
- Page 161, under fsel_input, should read 'If D0.W is *zero* on return
- then it means'
- Page 164, Clear Workstation is v_clrwk, not v_clrwrk
- Developer Version
- =================
- Please note that the Developer version described on Page 180 is not
- yet available. If you are interested in it please write to us and your
- details will be put on file, you will be then contacted when it is
- available.
- Last changed: 2nd October 1988