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- ******************************************************************************
- SUPER N.E.S. EDITOR Version 4.5
- ******************************************************************************
- 4.5 Release date 31/08/94
- --------------------------
- 1. New command 'I' (Info toggle) toggles between note names (useful with
- music) and note value (more useful with effects).
- 2. 'Play' indicator now in hex as well as decimal.
- 3. Filename for load/save no longer corrupted after a 'Find'.
- 4. All downloads to console now verified. Single byte edits are still sent to
- the console immediately, but any block edits (C/R/A/ALT A/ALT C/ALT E) are
- only updated on the PC. When the next 'Play' command is sent, the console is
- updated and the new data verified. This ensures:
- a) On-screen editing is always as quick as possible.
- b) The data is only sent and verified when next needed. If your ESYS has any
- problems downloading you will know straight away (normally you can just try
- downloading straight away unless a hardware problem has occurred).
- 6. Keyboard repeat speed forced to maximum for quick movement while editing.
- 4.4 Release date 22/02/94
- --------------------------
- 1. 'ALT X' added to convert SNES format .SND file to MEGADRIVE format.
- Procedure is:a) Alt L to load in SNES file b) Alt X to convert c)Alt S to Save
- (use NEW filename to avoid writing over SNES file).
- 4.3 Release date 20/12/93
- -------------------------
- 1. Editor 'ch0 tmp glb' display
- 2. Append shows error if no SUB or TRK end found to append to.
- 3. Malibu bug fix.
- 4. Digit checks for time signature/ banks etc. e.g. previous entry of 4/4 time
- was 0004/0004, new entry can be 4/4 or 04/04.
- 5. 'ALT F' FIND added /'ALT N' NEXT added. These commands work with either 1 or
- 2 byte entries e.g. 80 will find all voice commands/ 8005 will find all VOICE
- 05 occurrences (Previous ALT F - Full size command changed removed).
- 6. 'CTRL HOME' and 'CTRL END' added to move to start/end of current column
- data.
- 4.2 Release date 10/11/93
- -------------------------
- 1. 'END' keyboard command added to move instantly to end of current column.
- 2. Maximum expanded size of SUBs and TRKs increased to 128 bytes for more
- flexibility.
- 3. Globoffset for individual channels reset to 0 with each new call.
- 4. Detune now works properly with BEND.
- 5. External clock now also indicates status of music (stopped/started).
- 6. Info_Mode command added for programmers to test status of each channel.
- 7. Fixed special ($80) added to voices. When on this ignores GLOBOFFSET and
- CHANOFFSET, and is very useful when transposing sections of music - set it on
- all drum voices and they will stay at the correct pitch whilst the tonal
- voices transpose correctly.
- 8. Start of Musicdata moved from $1200 to $1300 to make room for new features.
- 9. BEND replaces previous bend commands for clarity. Bend is now only for the
- duration of a single note - it no longer needs a BEND OFF after each note.
- 10. CHANFADE is now cancelled by a subsequent CHANVOL.
- 11. TRACK LINK added to tracks. Example 'FD,01' at the end of a track will
- link to track 1. This can be used to link modules of music, or automatically
- return to a main piece of music after a jingle.
- 12. CALL LINK added to tracks. Example 'FC,01' at the end of a track will
- start call 1. This can be used to write music in self-contained sections, each
- calling the next.
- 13. TRK0call can be read by programmers externally. The currently playing CALL
- in channel 0 can be used with CALL LINK so that the current section of music
- can be read by the programmer - this can be used as an intelligent pause mode
- - read the current section before stopping the music and then use this CALL
- number to restart the music from the beginning of the same section.
- 14. GLB FADE replaces FADE ALL. This now allows a fade in multiple channels
- without affecting sound effect volumes in other channels.
- 15. Channel MUTE added in editor on keys F1 to F8.
- 4.1 Release date 26/08/93
- -------------------------
- 1. Global clock added for realtime readout from SNES
- 2. Global Offset readout in editor
- 4.0 Release date 18/05/93
- 1. SETPAN CANCELS AUTOPAN (previously a new SETPAN was ignored with AUTOPAN
- on).
- reads all addresses from inside the data file, so that no changes ever
- need to be made to the driver source code (D-SNES27.ASM identical for each
- project).
- 3. A NEW SUB RESETS RANDOFFSET AND RAND DUR (previously these always had to
- be cancelled by hand).
- 4. NEW OPCODE GLB VOL ($9D) ADDED. Enables easy master volume changes for
- all selected channels. This was introduced primarily for the setup SUB
- used at the start of a piece of music, to aid level balancing of all music
- channels against effects.
- 5. PLAY LIMITS CHECKED AGAINST CALL. Using '[' and ']' now only allows
- settings within the current range of CALL. Using 'P' to play is very
- useful when trying out two different calls - set up P to play the first
- and use Return in the normal way for the second.
- 6. ALT M (MASK) REMOVED. This is no longer needed now that masks (.SND,.IFF)
- are automatically provided by the editor.
- 8. NEW VOICENUM RESETS LEGATO (previously this needed to be reset by hand,but
- it is most likely that any different voice setting will need LEGATO to be
- cancelled).
- 9. WARNING IF ALTERED DATA BEFORE NEW LOAD OR ESCape (this reduces the risk of
- losing new data by loading something else over the top before saving it).
- 10. COMPRESSION CHECKS FOR BLANK SUB. A warning box will appear if any SUB is
- found during compression which is completely blank. Normally compression
- stops at this point and discards any higher SUBS, assuming that the
- highest SUB has already been found, but in many cases this may not be true
- - you have the safer option of including the blank SUB (answer 'Y'), or
- finishing at this point and discarding all higher SUBs (answer 'N').
- 11. COMPRESSION CHECKS FOR EXTRA DATA IN TRKs. A warning box will appear if
- any TRK is found with additional non-zero bytes after the end ($FF or $FE)
- is found. This might be temporary alternate arrangements which you wish to
- keep for the time being. You have the option of inluding the extra data
- (answer 'Y') or stripping it off the final version when no longer needed
- (answer 'N').
- 12. LOOP TIMER DOUBLED TO 4mS - This cures 'slowing' of fast bends when many
- channels are in operation simultaneously.
- 13. OVER-RUN CHECKS FOR MUSIC DATA. A check is made every time the music data
- grows in size to make sure it doesn't corrupt BANK1 samples. If corruption
- would occur, Download is automatically switched off and the user alerted.
- This avoids having to exit the editor and re-send the corrupted samples.
- 15. GENERAL SCREEN UPDATES - real time clock added, better on-screen layout &
- colours.
- 16. CALLclock ADDED - An internal tick timer which can be read externally
- using the $85 command. It keeps a running total of ticks at the current
- global tempo whenever there is any channel active.
- 3.3 Release date 10/03/93
- -------------------------
- Occasional restart clicks removed.
- LEGATO opcode ($84) added for extra long sounds.
- RAND_DUR moved to opcode $9C.
- Bug with $FF duration sounds over 2 seconds cured.
- All edit functions downloaded, including Expand (ALT E) and Add (ALT A).
- (Edited data is now ALWAYS the same as SONY data unless download is off).
- 3.2 Release date 09/03/93
- -------------------------
- Anti Crash built-in if you try to use non-existing opcodes.
- RAND DUR and RANDNOTE opcodes added.
- $80 and $40 bits of PAN set inverted phase for left and right channels.
- New pan values $00=left/$0C=centre/$18=right
- Feedback from SONY running on PC screen.
- Global TEMPO readout on PC screen.
- Priority with $80 bit set calls SUB directly.
- New CALL editor reads out TRK or SUB depending on priority settings.
- Current column limits checked for every Load, and zeroed if invalid.
- 3.1 Release date 26/02/93
- -------------------------
- Bug only loading maximum of 10,000 bytes of .IFF sample cured.
- Alt O switches download On/Off for extensive editing.
- Alt F expands all SUB/TRKs to Full size.
- 3.0 Release date 19/02/93
- -------------------------
- The current SONY end address is constantly updated.
- Up/down cursor limits are checked for all lengths of SUB and TRK.
- Compression now has extra checks and aborts with an error if the data is
- strange e.g. SUB 00 is blank.
- File size is shown at bottom right of screen in decimal bytes.
- Alt C can now be used as many times as needed to re-compress a file.
- Alt I is the changed command for IFF format conversion.
- Alt A now adds a column at the cursor position.
- Alt E now expands a compressed SUB or TRK column to full size (96 steps).
- SONY headers added to musicdata by Editor (SNMUSIC.ASM is now redundant).
- Backspace and Escape now work in filename entry.
- 2.1 Release date 11/02/93
- -------------------------
- Up to 128 samples allowed (see VOICENUM for details)
- More reliable PC edit downloads.
- 2.0 Release date 09/02/93
- -------------------------
- $83 downbyte sound call added.
- Interactive PC editor and crash-free download fully functional.
- SETGATE added to opcodes.
- '80' bit no longer needed for voice atkdec ($8F/$E0 can be $0F/$E0).
- Sample end duration added.
- Key Off clicks removed (this gives an 8mS response time to new calls).
- 1.5 Release date 05/02/93
- -------------------------
- Maximum Conversion error reduced from 6% to 3%.
- Maximum size of IFF samples now decreased to 24000 bytes.
- Rest added/opcodes reorganised.
- Hanging notes bug cured.
- Hardware reset bug removed.
- Voice detune added (added to current channel DETUNE).
- Two Filter coefficients only.
- Modified sample format (use .SNS extender instead of .NES).
- Editor will compress any file size.
- Shuffled driver.
- 1.4 Release date 22/01/93
- -------------------------
- Mastervol now defaults to $A0 and is reset with every sound call.
- Channels now stop singly without stopping everything.
- Bug if Track loops at beginning cured.
- SNES 'Y' button now fades sound calls.
- 'Shift -' now works in editor.
- All 'Off' commands now need a second zero byte e.g. TREMOFF,0
- Verify removed from SNES download for greatly increased speed.
- AUTOPAN has new format and AUTPANOF has been removed.
- Bug in SUB calls over $7F cured.
- SUB loop and stop removed.
- 1.3 Release date 21/01/93
- -------------------------
- SUB limit increased to 160.
- Maximum size of IFF samples now decreased to 15000 bytes.
- SUB commands with 3 parameters now decode correctly with no rogue notes.
- Insert,Delete,Append,Play no longer send data to the SNES causing a crash.
- 1.2 Release date 20/01/93
- -------------------------
- File Compression routine implemented.
- Track looping added.
- 1.1 Release date 20/01/93
- -------------------------
- Basic Download to SNES added.
- Maximum size of IFF samples now increased to 17000 bytes.
- 1.0 Release date 18/12/92
- -------------------------
- Initial release for IFF sample file conversion only.
- ESC Escape from disk operation or editor
- Alt A Add a column at the cursor position
- Alt B Bank Address (1 then 2)
- Alt C Compress a music file
- Alt D Download current music file
- Alt E Expand a compressed column to full size
- Alt F Find a hex byte
- Alt I IFF format conversion to SNES format
- Alt L Load a music file
- Alt N find Next matching hex byte
- Alt O Download ON/OFF
- Alt S Save a music file
- Alt T Time signature (e.g. 0006/0008 for 6/8)
- Alt X convert SNES to MEGADRIVE .SND format
- F1-F8 Toggle channel Mute
- Return/Enter Play current music track
- Spacebar Stop all music/effects
- F Fade music
- I Info switch (toggle between note number/ value display
- K Keymode (toggle between sharps and flats)
- Home Move cursor to top of column
- Ctrl Home Move cursor to beginning of column data
- End Move cursor to bottom of column
- Ctrl End Move cursor to end of column data
- Right & Left Change edit column
- Up & Page Up Move cursor up
- Down & Page Down Move cursor down
- + & Shift + Channel up
- - & Shift - Channel down
- [ & ] Play up/down
- P Play (using setting above)
- < & > Up/Down current parameter
- Keypad * Zero current parameter
- D Down 1 octave for current parameter
- U Up 1 octave for current parameter
- 1/2/4/8 Bitflip current parameter
- Insert Insert a byte at current cursor position
- Delete Delete a byte at current cursor position
- C Copy current column into buffer
- R Replace current column with buffer
- A Append buffer to current column
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- To help test the music files, a file named 'SNESMUS.ROM' may be supplied.
- You can download this to the SNES for a demo of the music and effets.
- The joypad keys to use are as follows:
- UP/DOWN Increment/Decrement current call number.
- SELECT Stop all sound calls.
- START Start music/effect.
- Y Fades all sound calls.
- atkdec Decay=$00 (1.2S) to $70 (37mS)
- Attack=$00 (4.1S) to $0F (0mS)
- e.g. $0F = Use ADSR with Attack=0mS/Decay=1.2S
- susrel Sustain=$00,$20,$40,$60,$80,$A0,$C0,$E0 (1/8 to Full)
- Release=$00 (Infinite) to $1F (18mS)
- e.g. $F5 = Sustain full (100%)/Release 14S
- level $00-$FF balancing level for this voice
- sample $00 uses a preset 1 cycle sinewave loop
- $01-$3F use the sounds from BANK1.ASM
- $40-$7F use the sounds from BANK2.ASM
- $80-$9F use the inbuilt SNES noise with freq. $00-$1F
- offset signed Offset to note (e.g. $0C=up 1 octave/$FF=down 1 note)
- detune $00-$FF ($00=no detune/$FF=1 semitone up default=$00)
- specls $80 Fixed (unaffected by global offsets e.g. for drums)
- vspeed Vibrato speed.
- vdepth Vibrato depth.
- vdelay Vibrato delay $00-$FF (in frames)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- note $00-$6B ,duration ($00-$7F or $FF)
- $3C = C3 = middle C
- duration = $FF waits for the sample to end (non-looping only)
- A duration value of $FF will wait for the end of the sample
- before continuing to the next step of a subroutine. This is
- extremely useful with single-shot sound effects, since it
- avoids having to experiment with a duration dependent on
- pitch. However, since a normal 'note off' must take place to
- end the sound, there will be an 8mS delay before the next
- sound can start.
- VOICENUM $80 ,number
- The number is:
- $00-$3F (BANK1 samples)
- $40-$7F (BANK2 samples)
- $80-$9F (NOISE freq $00-$1F)
- REST $81 ,duration ($00-$7F)
- CHNTEMPO $82 ,tempo ($01-$FF default=$FF)
- GLBTEMPO $83 ,channelbits,tempo,dummy ($01-$FF default=$FF)
- Sets the channel tempo of all associated channels. This is
- the value shown as TEMPO on the PC screen.
- LEGATO $84 ,switch (Off=$00/On=$01 default=OFF)
- Defaults to OFF whenever a new CALL is started. The first
- note following a LEGATO ON will start normally, but it will
- not be gated off at the end. Subsequent notes will continue
- without a new envelope being triggered. This mode continues
- until a LEGATO OFF command is issued.
- SETGATE $85 ,notelength (default=$FF)
- At the end of the gated duration a note off is sent. This
- allows staccato notes to be produced. The default value of
- $FF is reset at the beginning of each new subroutine.
- SETPAN $86 ,position (default=$0C)
- $00 = Left
- $0C = Centre
- $18 = Right
- $80 = Inverted Left phase
- $40 = Inverted Right phase
- Sets the position of the sound in the current channel between
- the two speakers. All Pan positions default to $0C (centre)
- whenever a new call is started. Pan is altered by SETPAN,
- PANSLIDE and AUTOPAN only, so only 1 SETPAN need be issued
- for each channel - new subroutines will continue with the
- existing value. SETPAN cancels AUTOPAN.
- PANSLIDE $87 ,speed,final position,dummy
- Moves the position of the sound in the current channel
- between the current position and the desired final position
- at the desired speed.
- AUTO PAN $88 ,switch (Off=$00/On=$01 default=OFF)
- Sets a random position between the speakers for each
- subsequent note when the switch = 1. A value of 0 cancels
- AUTO PAN. The final pan position is maintained for all
- subsequent notes until a new SETPAN or AUTO PAN command is
- encountered. AUTO PAN is cancelled by SETPAN.
- DETUNE $89 ,value
- All following notes in the channel have a fractional pitch
- added to anyvoice detune.$00 is no detune/$FF is the maximum
- setting of 1 full semitone up.
- CHNOFFST $8A ,transpose
- Acts similarly to the GLOBOFFS command, but on the current
- channel only. Channel offsets are independent, and
- can be used in tandem with a global offset.
- GLBOFFST $8B ,channelbits,transpose,dummy (default=$00)
- Adds ($00-$7F) or subtracts ($FF-$80) the transpose setting
- to all subsequent notes in all associated channels. It is
- reset to zero on starting any new piece of music, or by
- resetting the sound driver using the external command INIT
- (See SNES.DOC).
- CHANVOL $8C ,volume ($00-$FF default=$FF)
- CHANVOL defaults to $FF when a new call is started, and
- affects all subsequent notes until another CHANVOL command
- is issued.
- TREMOLO $8D ,speed,depth,delay
- TREMOFF $8E ,dummy
- VIBRATO $8F ,speed,depth,delay
- Starts a vibrato with the desired settings in the current
- channel, replacing any existing values set by VOICENUM. All
- subsequent notes will have these settings until another
- VOICENUM, VIBRATO or VIBOFF command is issued.
- VIBSWELL $90 ,spread
- After the Vibrato delay, this sets the time during which
- the vibrato amplitude builds up gradually to its setting.
- VIBOFF $91 ,dummy
- BEND $92 ,speed,to interval,delay
- Starting from the next note, the pitch will bend up (interval
- $00-$7F) or down (interval $FF-$80) from the note value to
- the interval.
- BEND OFF $94 ,dummy
- All Bend settings are cancelled.
- ECHOTYPE $95 ,delay($00-$0C),filter ($00-$01),feedback($00-$7F)
- This sets the 'sound' of echo. The echo system uses a portion
- of sound memory as a buffer. The amount used depends on the
- delay setting as detailed below:
- Setting Time Memory Used Address
- 0 0mS 4 bytes $FF00-$FF03
- 1 16mS 2K $F700-$FEFF
- 2 32mS 4K $EF00 "
- 3 48mS 6K $E700
- 4 64mS 8K $DF00
- 5 80mS 10K $D700
- 6 96mS 12K $CF00
- 7 112mS 14K $C700
- 8 128mS 16K $BF00
- 9 144mS 18K $B700
- A 160mS 20K $AF00
- B 176mS 22K $A700
- C 192mS 24K $9F00
- D 208mS 26K $9700
- E 224mS 28K $8F00
- F 240mS 30K $8700 maximum allowable
- The feedback setting determines the amount of delayed sound
- returned to the input, and hence the decay time. $FF is 100%
- feedback which will continue indefinitely. Filter sets the
- equalisation of the feedback path. There are currently two
- preset settings ($00-$01) which are:
- 0 No EQ (flat)
- 1 Low Pass Filter
- ECHOCHAN $96 ,channelbits,Rlevel,Llevel ($00-$7F)
- 'channelbits' determines which of the 8 channels will have
- echo. The second and third parameters set the master echo
- volumes for each speaker.
- ECHO OFF $97 ,0 (default=off)
- The volumes of both left and right Echo channels are reset
- to zero.
- ECHOFADE $98 ,speed,vol_L,vol_R ($00-$7F)
- This works similarly to CHANFADE, but controls the volume
- of both echo channels (left & right) simultaneously.
- CHANFADE $99 ,speed,final volume,dummy
- GLB FADE $9A ,channelbits,speed,final volume
- Starts a fade of CHANVOL in all specified channels.
- RANDNOTE $9B ,and mask ($00-$FF default=$00=Off)
- All following note pairs will have a random offset added to
- the normal note with a value set by the and mask. The default
- value of $00 is reset at the beginning of each new
- subroutine.
- RAND DUR $9C ,and mask ($00-$FF default=$00=Off)
- All following note pairs will have a random duration added to
- the normal duration with a value set by the and mask.
- e.g. mask=$07 random added = 0,1,2,3,4,5,6 or 7
- mask=$04 random added = 0 or 4 ('4' bit randomly set)
- The defualt value of $00 is reset at the start of each new
- subroutine.
- GLB VOL $9D ,channelbits,volume,dummy ($00-$FF default=$FF)
- Sets a master volume for each associated channel, from $FF
- (full) to $00 (off). This is useful for balancing music
- levels against effects without altering the music balance.
- Indicates the final byte of a subroutine.
- 00-3F no. of times 00-7F sequence no. normal subroutine pair
- 40 loop end - use only after loop start
- 41-7F loop start - e.g. 46 = loop 6 times
- FC call 00-FE call no. start this call next
- FD link 00-7F track no. link to this track next
- FE end 00 (dummy) end in this channel
- FF loop channel 00-7F loop point loop channel to any step
- e.g. FF/02=loop to step 02
- prior priority setting $00 (highest) to $7F (lowest)
- bit 7 set ($80) forces direct call to SUB
- 0-7 TRK used in this channel (prior less than $80)
- SUB used by this channel (prior greater than $80)
- Semibreve 30h 48h 54h 20h
- Minim 18h 24h 2Ah 10h
- Crotchet 0Ch 12h 15h 08h
- Quaver 06h 09h - 04h
- Semiquaver 03h - - 02h
- Demisemiquaver 2/2/1/1 - - 01h