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- * Information To Help You Get The *
- * Most From Our Midi File Library *
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- * *
- * Copyright 1996: Hands On Midi Software Ltd. *
- * *
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- OUR MIDI FILES come in two main flavours, Type Zero - where
- all the data for all midi channels is stored on a single track,
- and Type One - where all the instruments are on individual tracks
- for easy editing. On Type One files we have a separate track for
- Program Changes - so that people who don't have GM equipment can
- erase them without damaging any other data, and also a separate
- track for Systems Exclusive Data - again so that it can be easily
- discarded or edited by Non-GM people.
- In the first bar of each track we have placed setup codes which
- should cope with almost any synth or sound module they meet out
- there in Midi land. These codes are there for your protection, so
- don't delete them unless you need to, they will stop other
- people's duff sequences from upsetting your gear and making it
- sound peculiar. For those of you who are technically minded, here
- is an explanation of what each of the codes do, in the order that
- you will find them on each track, in the first bar of the song:
- ------------------------------------------------------------------
- Controller 120 : Value 0 : Channel nn
- This controller message means "all notes off" and is there to make
- sure that there are no droning notes still sounding from the last
- sequence you played. Although you may think you would hear them,
- it is possible for notes to be "on" but with the volume almost
- zero, and they will steal polyphony if left unchecked.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------
- Controller 121 : Value 0 : Channel nn
- This controller simply resets most of the commonly used
- controllers to their default values, i.e. Pitch Bend to Centre,
- Modulation to Zero, Aftertouch to Zero etc. This is there in case
- the last sequence played through your equipment left the pitch
- bend set at 6 Octaves, or some other strange setting. The nn just
- stands for whatever Midi Channel you are looking at.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------
- Controller 1 (Modulation) : Value 0 : Channel nn
- We recently introduced this message into our files to help those
- of you who are using Non-GM equipment which doesn't respond to the
- GM/GS reset command in the system exclusive track, and simply sets
- the modulation to zero or "off".
- Pitch-Bend : Value 0 64 : Channel nn
- Again, recently introduced as above. Pitch bend has a very fine
- resolution, achieved by using a Coarse (the zero) and Fine (the 64)
- control in the one message, and this setting makes sure that your
- equipment is centred on normal pitch, i.e. no bend taking place.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------
- Controller 64 (Damper Pedal) : Value 0 : Channel nn
- Another recent addition for you Non-GM'ers, this message sets the
- damper pedal to off.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------
- Controller 7 : Value 100 : Channel nn (Main Volume)
- Midi controller no.7 is called "Main Volume", and is the
- equivalent to the master volume on your guitar or keyboard
- amplifier. We usually set the master level on the instruments to
- value 100. (but sometimes the lead vocal cue track will have a
- higher setting so that it is easily heard over the other tracks).
- This setting of 100 allows you to turn the level of any track
- UP or DOWN a little if you need more bass or less drums etc.
- Again, one of these per channel is used.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------
- Controller 11 : Value 127 : Channel nn (Expression)
- This controller works the same way as Main Volume, in that it
- controls the level of the instrument on the relevant channel, but
- if used correctly it should control the "expressive" part of the
- performance such as swells and fades. Think of this as being like
- the volume control on your guitar or keyboard itself; you would
- usually set your master volume at the Amp (Main Volume) and then
- use the knob on the instrument itself (Expression) to change
- levels during the performance. At the start of the song we always
- set this to 127 (flat out, or "11" if you're a guitarist) so that
- all instruments can be heard, but during the performance there may
- be lots of these messages to create volume changes. e.g. Fades.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------
- Pan : Value ??? : Channel nn
- The Pan controller is used to "place" the various instruments in
- the stereo mix. A Value below 64 places the instrument on the left
- hand side, and a value above 64 places it to the right. There will
- be one of these messages on each track/channel. Drums will always
- be placed centrally (Pan 64) because the individual instruments
- have their own set position in the mix.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------
- Controller 93 : Value ??? : Channel nn
- Controller 93 is used for Chorus Depth/Level. On the Roland SC-55
- one of the best features is the Chorus which is adjustable for
- each midi channel. Controller 93 will set the level of Chorus on
- the relevant Midi Channel. For example Cntl 93 : Val 50 : Chan 2
- will set the chorus level on Midi Channel 2 to 50, which we use
- for Bass.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------
- Controller 91 : Value ??? : Channel nn
- Controller 91 is called "External Effect Depth", and under General
- Midi it is used for Reverb Level on each individual channel of
- your multi-timbral synth or sound module. Replace the question
- marks with the Reverb Level desired, and nn with the Midi Channel.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------
- Controller 101 : Value 0
- Controller 100 : Value 0
- Data Entry : Value 12 (Sometimes set to Value 2 or 6)
- These three controllers together set the pitch bend range for your
- synth - we usually use 12 semitones for our work, but sometimes
- it's set to 2 semitones for subtle work. The first two tell your
- gear that the next Data Entry message is to be the Pitch-Bend
- range for that channel, and the Data Entry value is obvious.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------
- Controller 101 : Value 127
- Controller 100 : Value 127
- This pair of controllers look suspiciously like the ones for Pitch
- Bend setup, that's because they "Lock" the setting where it is
- after we've changed it with the previous three. There are two main
- reasons for this - firstly, if you own a DX-7, the slider on the
- front panel is set to transmit Data Entry at all times, so if you
- knock it at a gig you could accidentally change the Pitch Bend
- setting on your synth to sixty squillion! - secondly, some types
- of midi equipment transmit Data Entry for their own reasons, so
- you are protected from them as well.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------
- Program Change Track
- On each Midi Channel we use the following group of messages to
- control SC-55 type equipment:
- Controller 0 : Value ? : Channel nn
- Controller 32 : Value ? : Channel nn
- Program Change : Value ??? : Channel nn
- This group of messages works together to select not only which
- Sound (or Patch) your equipment will play on any given channel,
- but also which Bank it will select it from (if your unit supports
- more than one Bbank of Sounds).
- It's a bitlike decimal currency, where the Program Change is like
- "Units", Controller 0 is like "Tens" and Controller 32 is like
- "Hundreds".
- If your equipment does not have more than one bank of sounds then
- it is possible to delete the Controllers and keep the Program
- Change, but if you change equipment you may need them later, so
- always work on a backup copy.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------
- System Exclusive Track
- During the first bar of the song at the very start, we send out
- several pieces of GM/GS Systems Exclusive. We reset the machine to
- factory spec, setup the partial reserves (amount of notes per
- channel) setup the Master Reverb and Master Chorus settings and
- also make sure that if your synth / module is capable of
- responding to GS codes, it will do so. We also make double sure
- that using our sequences won't leave you with a headache, by
- sending reset codes at the very end of the song, so that any
- "black magic" we've used to tweak the sequence will be undone.
- We won't go into detail about the SysEx codes here, since you
- would normally either use them as they are or delete them if they
- don't apply. However, if you need further information about the
- SysEx codes because you want to change them, just call me (Dave Clackett)
- at Hands On.
- Midi Song Files are one of many helpful ( and cheap ! ) things
- available from "Hands On" Midi Software Ltd.
- Also Available:
- ZERO GEN: Software for any Atari St or IBM pc computer.
- Converts Type 1 Midi Files to Type 0 Midi Files.
- Adds almost instant compatibility with the Roland
- Sound Brush or Yamaha MDF2 to any ST Sequencer.
- PRO24 GEN: Software for any Atari St computer.
- Converts Midi Files into Pro24 Song Files.
- 16+ CARTRIDGE: Extra 16 Midi Channels for Atari ST. Works with
- Cubase/Cubeat, Notator/Creator, On Stage,
- Trackman, Master Tracks Pro, etc.
- ON STAGE : Converts your Atari ST into a Midi File playback
- system - no monitor needed !
- SOUND CANVAS EDITOR: For Atari ST. Allows editing of parameters
- which are not easily availabe from the front panel
- of the SC-55. The edits can be saved as a Standard
- Midi File and imported into your sequencer at the
- start of a song !
- YAMAHA TG-100 EDITOR: As above, but for the Yamaha TG-100.
- SOUND CANVAS SCREEN EDITOR: Allows the use of Systems Exclusive
- messages to display text/graphics on the SC-55
- display LCD. For Atari ST only.
- For more information on our programs or large selection of MIDI
- Song Files, write or telephone to:
- "Hands On" Midi Software Ltd.
- 11 Warfield Road
- Waterlooville
- Portsmouth
- Hants
- PO7 7JN
- Tel: 0705 783100
- Fax: 0705 783200
- BBS: 0705 783400
- Thank you for using our products.
- Dave Clackett