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- F_NUM equ 655 ; constant for 0.25 Khz
- YAMBLOCK equ 3
- DELAY_COUNT equ (1193*2) ; 1/4 cycle of 250Hz count ( 1193180 / 1000)
- ; *2 because timer count down by 2
- SPRAMLEN equ 67
- ;hardware equates
- TIMERDATA0 equ 040h
- TIMER0 equ 40H ; 8253 timer I/O addr
- P8255 equ 061h
- TIMERDATA2 equ 042h
- CNTR0 equ 000h
- CNTR1 equ 040h
- CNTR2 equ 080h
- RBC equ 0C0h
- CLATCHC equ 000h
- RWLSB equ 010h
- RWMSB equ 020h
- RWLSBMSB equ 030h
- MODE0 equ 000h
- MODE1 equ 002h
- MODE2 equ 004h
- MODE3 equ 006h
- MODE4 equ 008h
- MODE5 equ 00Ah
- BINARY equ 000h
- BCD equ 001h
- HWGATE2BIT equ 001h
- HWSPKRBIT equ 002h
- HWSPKROUT equ 020h
- ADLIBREGS equ 0388h
- ADLIBDATA equ 0389h
- MAXSOUND equ 0ffh
- MAXSOUND2 equ 0FFh
- MAXRTN equ 070h
- JETSOUND equ 001h
- ;*** sound control block structure one per channel
- sysAttn equ 0 ;0 ac signed attn
- nonvolatile1 equ 1 ;1
- nonvolatile2 equ 2 ;2
- StrPointer equ 3 ;3,4 string pointer
- Duration equ 5 ;5 duration
- LupCounter equ 6 ;6 loop counter
- OctaveOfst equ 7 ;7 octave offset
- Priority equ 8 ;8 priority
- StackPointer equ 9 ;9 stack pointer
- Stack0 equ 10 ;10,11 stack space
- stack1 equ 12 ;12,13 stack space
- stack2 equ 14 ;14,15 stack space
- stack3 equ 16 ;16,17 stack space
- NoteOfst equ 18 ;18 note offset
- PdeltPre equ 19 ;19 pitch delta prescaler
- PdeltCount equ 20 ;20 pitch delta counter
- Pdelt equ 21 ;21,22 pitch delta counter
- Vibstep equ 23 ;23,24 step size
- Vibshift equ 25 ;25 shift count
- VibNewCount equ 26 ;26 excursion counter
- Vibcount equ 27 ;27 excursion count
- Vibdelay equ 28 ;28 vibrato delay
- Vibpre equ 29 ;29 prescaler value
- Vibprecount equ 30 ;30 prescaler counter
- Vibdelaycount equ 31 ;31 prescaler counter
- AccentAttn equ 32 ;32 9e channel attenuation
- PercentDuration equ 33 ;33 note length percentage value
- PercentCount equ 34 ;34 note length percentage counter
- FracPitchHigh equ 35 ;35 fractional pitch high byte
- FracPitchLow equ 36 ;36 fractional pitch low byte
- Tempo equ 37 ;37 channel tempo
- TempoCount equ 38 ;38 channel running counter
- FreqLow equ 39 ;39 yamah freq low reg
- Block equ 40 ;40 yamah block reg
- PVector1 equ 41 ;41,42 process vector 1
- PVector2 equ 43 ;43,44 process vector 2
- NotePercentVal equ 45 ;45 Note percent
- PatchAttn1 equ 46 ;46 patch atten value and ksl
- PatchAttn2 equ 47 ;47 patch atten value and ksl
- ChannelAttn equ 48 ;48 ab channel attn
- Algorithm equ 49 ;49 patch algorithm used for attn
- Op1Velocity equ 50 ;50 op1 velocity shift factor
- Op2Velocity equ 51 ;51 op2 velocity shift factor
- Velocity equ 52 ;52 velocity from note data
- GateThreshold equ 53 ;53 duration at which to shut down gate
- RndDurMask equ 54 ;54 mask for Random durations
- RndPchOff equ 55 ;55,56 mask for Rnd Pitch offsets
- TpPre equ 57 ;57 timer prescaler amount
- TpTmr equ 58 ;58 timer for prescaler
- tmlen equ 59 ;59 current table length
- tmoff equ 60 ;60 current table offset
- TpOp equ 61 ;61 which operator to mess with
- tmbase equ 62 ;62,63 table base address
- autotempo equ 64 ;64 pick up global tempo automatically
- NoteVal equ 65 ;65 current note shadow
- BendValue equ 66 ;66 current bend value
- ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- GETNEXTOP macro ; returns next opcode in al (next byte)
- lodsb
- endm