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- ******************************************************************************
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- 3.1 Release date 31/10/94
- --------------------------
- 1. Bug in track plot cured.
- 2. Bug causing clock to start after ALT L cured.
- 3. 'ALT X' added to convert GAMEBOY format .SND file to GAMEGEAR format.
- Procedure is:a) Alt L to load in GAMEBOY file b) Alt X to convert c)Alt S to
- Save (use NEW filename to avoid writing over GAMEBOY file).
- 4. Auto parallel port detection of comms. board (allows you to use any of LPT1
- 2 or 3). If comms. board is found the port number is displayed on screen.
- 5. Bug causing editor screen to appear blank if entered from Windows in
- windowed mode cured.
- 3.0 Release date 22/08/94
- --------------------------
- 1. New command 'I' (Info toggle) toggles between note names and note values.
- 2. New pan/note length display.
- 3. Keyboard repeat speed forced to maximum for quick movement while editing.
- 4. 'END', 'CTRL HOME' and 'CTRL END' added to move to start/end of current
- column data.
- 5. New tiny format adopted - new commands are ALT A (Add column), ALT E
- (expand column). ALT C (Compress file) can now be used at any time.
- 6. New max limits:
- 256 effects ($00-$FF)
- 256 tables ($00-$FF)
- 256 voices ($00-$FF)
- 256 subs ($00-$FF)
- 128 tracks ($00-$7F)
- 7. Info box added, showing: current file size, Comms board & Download status.
- 8. ALT V toggles verify of download (this takes more time, but is useful if
- you think there may be problems with your ESYS unit)
- 9. Drumbend voice special added ($40). Note1 value gives amount & direction.
- 10. ALT F/ ALT N Find & find Next added.
- 11. All downloads to console now verified. Single byte edits are still sent to
- the console immediately, but any block edits (C/R/A/ALT A/ALT C/ALT E) are
- only updated on the PC. When the next 'Play' command is sent, the console is
- updated and the new data verified. This ensures:
- a) On-screen editing is always as quick as possible.
- b) The data is only sent and verified when next needed. If your ESYS has any
- problems downloading you will know straight away (normally you can just try
- downloading straight away unless a hardware problem has occurred).
- 2.3 Release date ??/05/93
- -------------------------
- 1. General updates for file management and screen layout.
- 2. Global Offset added for key changes.
- 3. 'Instant' screen updates bypassing BIOS.
- 2.2 Internal Release Only
- -------------------------
- 1. Spidersoft bugs removed in ESYS routines after bug report on 11/12/92.
- 2.1 Release date 30/11/92
- -------------------------
- 1. Directory re-shown after saves.
- 2. Effect & Fxtable limits both increased to 80.
- 3. Bug removed when compressing subroutines grester than 60h.
- 4. Master limit increased to 24.
- 5. Improved override of effects over music.
- 6. Voice atklvl special added.
- 7. Bug ignoring subroutines over 80h cured.
- 8. Complex Lo effect special added.
- 9. Automatic file limits calculated for each load/compression.
- 10.Voice limit increased to 64.
- 11.Arpeggio voice special added.
- 2.0 Release date 25/09/1992
- ----------------------------
- 1. Default tempo not reset to 125bpm on playing a new master.
- 2. Swap nibbles effect special added.
- 3. Waver effect special improved.
- 4. Mask input for directory.
- 5. Directory allows multiple columns to display up to 100 filenames.
- 6. Sub-directories filtered out from directory listing.
- 7. Music file compression added.
- 8. Sound effect table call with priority settings.
- 9. New editor layout to include table column and effect readout.
- 10.New format music files to accommodate effect table (old files no longer
- work).
- 1.4 Internal release only
- -------------------------
- Gate reset to FF at the start of each new subroutine.
- Stereo display on editor screen.
- Offset parameter added to music voices for instant transpose.
- Stereo effects/stereo noise added.
- Lowest Gameboy note (24h=C1=65Hz) limit now plotted correctly.
- Error beeps rationalised (on error or any unknown key)
- Shadow on directory listing.
- 1.3 Release date 03/09/1992
- ---------------------------
- Gate subroutine parameter added to allow staccato phrasing.
- Tied note subroutine parameter added for legato phrasing.
- Directory shown on load/save.
- More accurate realtime clock.
- Stereo placement (left/centre/right) for each music voice.
- New notetable - MIDI notes from 24h (C1 65Hz) to 7Fh (F#8 11839Hz).
- New noise frequency table - smoother sweeps.
- 1.2 Internal release only
- -------------------------
- Selectable pulse width waves in all 3 channels.
- Uses 'No' option from ESC to re-initialise and show version number.
- Current filename remembered correctly after re-initialisation.
- Limits properly enabled in Gameboy driver for up to 64 effects/ 32 voices.
- Bug causing crash when copying track cured.
- All ESYS error crashes trapped.
- 1.1 Release date 18/08/1992
- ---------------------------
- Version number on top right of PC screen.
- ESYS crashes greatly reduced.
- Garbage error on PC screen cured.
- Tempo values calculated on PC top line display when music is running.
- With no tempo commands, music now defaults to 125bpm.
- 1.0 Release date 15/08/1992
- ---------------------------
- Initial release with ESYS bugs.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ESC Escape from editor ('no' option re-initialises ESYS)
- Alt A Add a column at the cursor position
- Alt C Compress a music file
- Alt D Download current music file
- Alt E Expand a compressed column to full size
- Alt F Find 1 or 2 hex bytes
- Alt L Load a music file
- Alt N find Next matching hex byte
- Alt O download On/Off
- Alt S Save a music file
- Alt T Time signature (e.g. 0006/0008 for 6/8)
- Alt X convert GameBoy to GameGear .SND format
- Return/Enter Play current music track
- Spacebar Stop all music/effects
- F Fade music (uses value 84h)
- I Info switch (toggle between note name/ note value display
- K Keymode (toggle between sharps and flats)
- S Play current SFX effect (use when editing a single sound)
- T play current TAB effect (for channel allocated sounds)
- Home Move cursor to top of column
- Ctrl Home Move cursor to beginning of column data
- End Move cursor to bottom of column
- Ctrl End Move cursor to end of column data
- Right & Left Change edit column
- Up & Page Up Move cursor up
- Down & Page Down Move cursor down
- + & Shift + Channel up
- - & Shift - Channel down
- [ & ] Play up/down
- P Play (using setting above)
- < & > Up/Down current parameter
- Keypad * Zero current parameter
- D Down 1 octave for current parameter
- U Up 1 octave for current parameter
- 1/2/4/8 Bitflip current parameter
- Insert Insert a byte at current cursor position
- Delete Delete a byte at current cursor position
- C Copy current column into buffer
- R Replace current column with buffer
- A Append buffer to current column
- To help test the music files, several keys have been set up on the Gameboy,
- as follows:
- UP/DOWN Increment/Decrement current call number.
- A Select Music call.
- B Select Effect call.
- SELECT Stop music/effects.
- START Start music/effect.
- atkdec Attack 00-0F/ Decay 00-0F
- susrel Sustain 00-0F/ Release 00-0F
- atkcnt length of atkdec portion
- endcnt length of susrel portion (FF=continuous)
- wve ad A/D wave (see waveform table)
- wve sr S/R wave (see waveform table)
- freqhi High byte of start frequency (00-FF only 00-07 used)
- freqlo Low byte of start frequency (00-FF)
- bend Bend type 00-09 (see below)
- bendhi High byte of bend
- bendlo Low byte of bend
- stereo Stereo placement (10=left/11=centre/01=right)
- specls Specials (see below)
- newcnt Extra counter used by specials (see below)
- newfhi Extra freqhi used by specials (see below)
- newflo Extra freqlo used by specials (see below)
- 01 Swap bytes (freqhi/freqlo swapped every frame)
- 02 Complex Hi (freqhi - bendhi/ eor with newfhi)
- 04 Waver (adds small random to freqlo every frame)
- 08 Reload (freqhi reloaded with newfhi after each newcnt)
- 10 Swap nibbles (freqlo nibbles swapped every frame)
- 20 Complex Lo (freqlo - bendlo/ eor with newflo)
- 00 No bend
- 01 Up
- 02 Down
- 03 Up start (only during atkcnt)
- 04 Down start
- 05 Up/down (up during atkcnt/down during endcnt)
- 06 Down/up
- 07 Up release (only during endcnt)
- 08 Down release
- 09 Up/down cycle (changes direction every newcnt)
- prior priority 0 (highest) to FF (lowest)
- chan0 sfx to be called in channel 0 (FF=unused)
- chan1 sfx to be called in channel 1 (FF=unused)
- chan2 sfx to be called in channel 2 (FF=unused)
- atkdec Attack time 00-0F/ Decay time 00-0F
- susrel Sustain level 00-0F/ Release time 00-0F
- wvefrm Waveform (see waveform table)
- specls Specials (see waveform table)
- stereo Stereo placement (10=left/11=centre/01=right)
- offset signed Offset to note (e.g. 0C=up 1 octave/FF=down 1 note)
- atklvl Attack peak level 00-0F (can be used to set overall volume)
- atkcnt Attack count 00-03
- atkwve Attack wave (see waveform table)
- note 1/2/3/4 Used by chord/atkwave/atknote specials
- trills Used by trill special
- vibrto Vibrato presets 00-12h (0=off)
- vdelay Vibrato delay 00-FF (in frames)
- 01 Arpeggio (uses Note 1/2/3/4 values at half chord speed)
- 02 Trill note (alternating with normal note)
- 24-7F/80-FF Normally used with drum sounds.
- 04 Drum (wave alternates with voice/freq bend down)
- 08 Chord (uses Note 1/2/3/4 values)
- 10 Atk wave (Used instead of Wavfrm during Atkcnt)
- Normally used with 81h value for noise 'chiff' attack.
- 20 Atk note (used instead of normal note during Atkcnt)
- 40 DrumBend (note1 sets amount & direction)
- 80 Fixed (unaffected by global offsets e.g. for drums)
- NOTE 1/2/3/4 VALUES
- 24-7F fixed notes (e.g. 3C = C3 = middle C)
- 80-BF offsets higher (e.g. 8C = 12 up = 1 octave higher)
- C0-FF offsets lower (e.g. C7 = 7 down = perfect 5th lower)
- 01 gate on
- 40 pulse width 12.5%
- 50 pulse width 25%
- 60 pulse width 50% (square)
- 70 pulse width 75% (sounds identical to 25%)
- 80 noise
- N.B. Noise & pulse waves may be used simultaneously.
- 24-7F NOTE 00-7F duration normal note pair
- 80 VOICE 00-1F voice number change to new voice
- 81 REST 00-7F duration ADSR is set to release
- 82 BEND 00-7F bend up reset to 0 with next note
- 80-FF bend down (use '8' to set up/down)
- 83 TEMPO 01-FF value global tempo (default is 6C = 125bpm)
- 84 TIED 0 (dummy) the following note pair is legato
- 85 GATE 00-FF length notes gated off (released) at length
- 86 GLBOF 00-FF signed offset global key change
- FF END - End of subroutine
- N.B. When using frequency effects in combination, please note that the Trill
- and Chord specials override all vibrato and bend settings. For minimum Gameboy
- processor usage set Vibrto=0/ Vdelay=FF when using these specials.
- 00-3F no. of times 00-BF sequence no. normal subroutine pair
- 40 loop end - use only after loop start
- 41-7F loop start - e.g. 46 = loop 6 times
- FD fade 00-FF time start fade in all channels
- FE end 00 (dummy) end in all channels
- FF loop channel 00-5F loop point loop channel to any step
- e.g. FF/02=loop to step 02
- Semibreve 30h 48h 54h 20h
- Minim 18h 24h 2Ah 10h
- Crotchet 0Ch 12h 15h 08h
- Quaver 06h 09h - 04h
- Semiquaver 03h - - 02h
- Demisemiquaver 2/2/1/1 - - 01h
- 1. Compressing music files is a simple matter of a keypress, but to get the
- most efficient compression the following should be noted:
- a) Effects, Table and Voices are each scanned from the highest to the lowest
- for the first non-zero entry.
- b) Subroutines are each scanned from the lowest to the highest existing for
- any non-zero bytes.
- c) Masters are scanned from 00 to the current highest, stopping at the first
- non-zero step 00 in channel 0. You can use this fact to allow temporary edit
- masters used for perfecting later sections of music - either leave a blank
- master before your temporary ones, or temporarily insert a 00 byte at step
- 00/ channel 00 of the first undesired master before compressing the file.
- 1. The easiest way to set up a project is to add the path of the Gameboy
- Editor to your AUTOEXEC.BAT file. You can then create a directory for each
- new project. Move to this directory and then use the 'M' command. The driver
- and editor will then be loaded, but only the project files will show when
- using Load and Save, making it far easier to manage filenames.
- 2. Always leave SFX 00 as silence, and leave TAB 00 as 00/00/00/00. This will
- ensure that effect call 00 = kill all sound effects. Similarly, leave priority
- 00 for this call only, and give the highest priority effect a value of 01.
- 3. Always make subroutine 00 a bar's rest - the quickest way to declare this
- is 81 30 FF for a 4/4 time signature. Empty masters will then be read as
- silence, which lets you hear individual channels. In the same way, by
- temporarily inserting two 00 bytes at the start of a master channel you can
- mute that channel (useful when tracking down rogue notes).
- 4. Use higher unused masters for writing a later section of music. Once
- perfected, use COPY and APPEND with each channel in turn to add the completed
- section to the main piece.
- 5. To abort a Load or Save, press Return with a blank filename. This is also
- useful for viewing the directory only.
- 6. To transfer a single voice, subroutine or master from another music file,
- save your current file, load in the other file and use 'C' (copy) in the
- desired place. Then re-load your current file and use 'R' (replace) to
- transfer.
- 7. Often, improvements to percussion sounds involve changing the note value.
- By setting all percussion notes to 3C (middle C) the actual pitch of each
- sound can be universally set using offset, making global changes to the sound
- far easier.
- 8. Alt D (Download) is a useful command if you ever get a stray ESYS error.
- Assuming this is a single misread, and no further errors occur, by downloading
- the complete music file again it ensures that the Gameboy holds exactly the
- same information as the PC music file.
- 9. The default tempo is set to 125bpm when the Gameboy is first initialised.
- This is a global setting, and any music played will use the current value
- (shown on the top line of the editor). Using a tempo command changes the
- global setting permanently until another tempo command is found. This is
- useful when working with many sections from one piece of music - as long as
- the main piece sets the tempo initially, every test master will use this
- global setting, removing the need to add extraneous tempo bytes just to try
- out all the sections at the correct tempo.
- 10. Do ensure that each finished tune has its own tempo command as the first
- command in one of the channels. Don't rely on the first piece setting it for
- any others - it may not be the first piece to be played!
- 11. Chord specials - By setting the 80 offset bit of each note you can produce
- a chord 'shape' which can then be used universally e.g. set 80 84 87 8C for a
- root position major chord. Then in a subroutine , a C3 plays C major, a D3
- plays D major etc. By doing this, you should find that you need far less
- chord voices. By setting both the 80 and 40 bits an offset down is set. This
- is useful for retaining the correct subroutine note value when inversions are
- used e.g. C5 80 83 87 plays G/C/E/G or C minor, 2nd inversion. The advantage
- of this is that the correct subroutine note is retained, so that in a
- subroutine a 'C' will always indicate some sort of 'C' chord.
- 12. The battery backup supply in the ESYS unit will retain the driver and
- latest music data for years if left undisturbed. It is quite unnecessary to
- download the driver every time you want to use the editor. However, one
- precaution needs to be taken. The PC will initialise its parallel port
- whenever you switch it on - this unfortunately corrupts the ESYS data if the
- Gameboy is not switched on at the time. However, if you switch on the Gameboy
- before the PC, it will safely retain its data. When actively working on a
- project, it is far easier just to load the editor each time.
- 13. The Arpeggio voice special is a half speed version of the Chord special.
- Since the chord 'note speed' is a high 64Hz, it can sound distorted,
- particularly with low notes - the Arpeggio will often improve the overall
- sound.
- 14. If you accidentally set the tempo to 000, the notes will never get updated,
- and resetting the tempo to a higher value will now work. To recover from this
- condition press 'B' on the gameboy to Re-Initialise the sound driver (this will
- reset the global tempo to 125bpm.
- 15. Echo effects in music can be achieved by the following method. Play the
- first note using the desired voice, and then copy this voice to a vacant slot.
- Give the new voice an envelope like 0C/0C, and change the wvefrm setting from
- gate on to gate off e.g. from 61h to 60h. The following notes using this new
- voice will contine this envelope as it fades away. The same effect can also be
- achieved by using the existing voice but making all subsequent notes tied, but
- this often produces much longer subroutines and degrades readability.