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- ;**************************************************************************
- ; *
- ; *
- ;**************************************************************************
- ;
- ; note ..this driver does not run the ADLIB FX..as they do not use
- ; Midi data files......see ADFX DIRECTORY on disk for the adlib fx driver
- ; --------------------------------
- ; The variables :boardflg: and :mode_flag: must be set before calling
- ; any of the following procedures
- public do_music ;call to start music playing
- public load_files ;call to load Midi files from current dir.
- public terminate ;call to kill boards
- public fx_mode_on ;call to initiliase driver for ROLAND FX
- ;sets up the timer etc.
- public trigger_fx ;call to start fx.(see list)with number in al
- public boardflg ;byte variable 0 = ROLAND/1 = ADLib
- public mode_flag ;byte variable 0 = MUSIC(both boards)/1 = ROLAND FX
- ; examples....
- ; if boardflg =1 and mode_flag = 0 then the driver will run MUSIC on ADLIB
- ; if boardflg =0 and mode_flag = 1 then driver will run FX on ROLAND
- ; if boardflg =0 and mode_flag = 0 then driver will run MUSIC on ROLAND
- ; see fx_table or included list for sound fx numbers
- ; --------------------------------
- csongseg1 segment para 'DATA'
- MIDIPlayBuffer1 db 17000 dup (?)
- csongseg1 ends
- csongseg2 segment para 'DATA'
- MIDIPlayBuffer2 db 10 dup (?)
- csongseg2 ends
- fx_segment segment para 'DATA'
- fxd:
- starspel db 1008 dup (?)
- dragroar db 619 dup (?)
- exp db 75 dup (?)
- fstep2 db 74 dup (?)
- fstep1 db 74 dup (?)
- sparkles db 75 dup (?)
- lfail db 230 dup (?)
- fail db 338 dup (?)
- lsuccess db 185 dup (?)
- success db 109 dup (?)
- shotbm db 266 dup (?)
- dragbf db 610 dup (?)
- findred db 241 dup (?)
- findgold db 196 dup (?)
- bsound4 db 78 dup (?)
- bsound3 db 78 dup (?)
- bsound2 db 78 dup (?)
- bsound1 db 80 dup (?)
- bobhit db 79 dup (?)
- ehit db 74 dup (?)
- firemusk db 78 dup (?)
- suzb db 10 dup (?)
- fx_segment ends
- ;______________________________________________________________________
- dseg segment para 'DATA'
- ; messages used for testing /debugging etc...can be deleted
- load_mess db 'loading files...Please Wait',13,10,'$'
- board_mess db 'select which board..R/A',13,10,'$'
- mode_mess db 'Music or FX ???? M/F',13,10,'$'
- fin_mess db '1 for DOS/2 to RESELECT',13,10,'$'
- fx_mess db 13,10,' *********************** KEYS A-Y for fx 1 to 13 ***********************',13,10,13,10,'$'
- roland_mess db 13,10,' *********************** PLAYING ROLAND PANDEMONIUM MUSIC **********************',13,10,13,10,'$'
- adlib_mess db 13,10,' *********************** PLAYING ADLIB PANDEMONIUM MUSIC **********************',13,10,13,10,'$'
- select_tune_mess db 13,10,' SELECT TUNES A TO D ',13,10,'$'
- ch1mess db '1 ','$'
- ch2mess db '2 ','$'
- ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- ; offsets into midi fx file
- fx_table dw starspel-fxd,10
- dw dragroar-fxd,10
- dw exp-fxd,10
- dw fstep2-fxd,10
- dw fstep1-fxd,10
- dw sparkles-fxd,10
- dw lfail-fxd,2
- dw fail-fxd,2
- dw lsuccess-fxd,2
- dw success-fxd,2
- dw shotbm-fxd,10
- dw dragbf-fxd,10
- dw findred-fxd,10
- dw findgold-fxd,10
- dw bsound4-fxd,10
- dw bsound2-fxd,10
- dw bsound3-fxd,2
- dw bsound1-fxd,10
- dw bobhit-fxd,10
- dw ehit-fxd,10
- dw firemusk-fxd,10
- ;---------------------------------------------------------------
- include rolvars.asm
- include advars.asm
- include nwsongs.asm
- dseg ends
- ;--------------------------
- CStack segment para stack 'STACK' ;for stand alone assembly
- db 128 dup(?)
- CStack ends
- ;--------------------------
- cseg segment para public 'CODE'
- assume cs:cseg,ds:dseg
- ;************************************************************************
- ; TEST CONTROL SECTION to allow stand alone testing
- ; can be deleted when not required
- Start proc near
- mov dx,ds
- mov si,2
- mov bx,[si]
- mov ax,dseg
- mov ds,ax
- cld ;default direction flag
- call resetall
- ;-------------------------------
- board_select:
- mov dx,offset board_mess
- call print
- GBrd: call GetKey ;Roland or Adlib?
- cmp al,'a'
- jne checkROL ;Adlib
- jmp play_ad_board
- checkROL:
- cmp al,'r'
- jne GBrd ;CHANGED
- mov BoardFlg,0
- mov dx,offset roland_mess
- call print
- jmp choose_mode
- play_ad_board:
- mov boardFlg,1
- mov mode_flag,0 ;music only on adlib
- mov dx,offset adlib_mess
- call print
- jmp adj1
- ;---------------------------------
- ; test wait for key loop
- choose_mode:
- ; test for fx or music here
- mov dx,offset mode_mess
- call print
- call getkey
- ;choose music or fx
- cmp al,'m'
- jne check_fx
- mov dx,offset roland_mess
- call print
- ;-----------------------------
- mov mode_flag,0 ;music mode
- mov dx,offset select_tune_mess
- call print
- call getkey
- newr: sub al,97
- mov [Rsong_number],al
- call far ptr load_files ; get em in
- call far ptr do_music
- jmp test_loop
- ;********************************************************
- adj1: mov mode_flag,0 ; music mode
- mov dx,offset select_tune_mess
- call print
- call getkey
- newa: sub al,82 ;15 roland files first
- mov [Asong_number],al
- call far ptr load_files ; get em in
- call far ptr do_music
- jmp test_loop
- ;***********************************************************
- check_fx:
- cmp al,'f'
- jne choose_mode ;error
- mov mode_flag,1
- set_fx_mode:
- call far ptr fx_mode_on ;ROLAND FX MODE SET UP
- mov dx,offset fx_mess
- call print
- ;--------------------------------------------
- ; interrupts play music
- test_loop:
- ; test only
- ;jmp testrun
- mov dx,offset fin_mess
- call print
- call CheckKey
- jz test_loop1
- call GetKey
- cmp al,'1' ; quit altogether
- je back_to_dos
- cmp al,'2' ; reset to choose mode
- je reset
- ; must be key to trigger fx
- cmp al,126
- jae test_loop1
- cmp al,96
- jbe test_loop1
- sub al,96
- xor ah,ah
- call far ptr trigger_fx
- jmp test_loop1
- ;------------------------
- back_to_dos:
- call resetall
- call far ptr terminate
- mov ah,4ch
- int 21h
- ret
- reset:
- push ax
- call resetall
- call far ptr terminate
- ;mov al,[boardflg]
- ;cmp al,0
- ;jne reseta
- ;pop ax
- jmp start
- reseta:
- pop ax
- jmp start
- start endp
- ;---------------------------------
- print proc near
- ; input dx points to message
- push ax
- mov ah,9
- int 21h
- pop ax
- ret
- print endp
- ;************************************************************************
- ;************************************************************************
- ;************************************************************************
- ;************************************************************************
- ; call here to start music
- ; boardflg must be set 0= ROLAND 1 = ADLIB
- ;----------------------------------------------
- do_music proc far
- mov dx,ds
- mov si,2
- mov bx,[si]
- mov ax,dseg
- mov ds,ax
- cld ;default direction flag
- mov [tickspq],96 ;standard seq
- ; choose which music and set it running
- cmp boardFlg,0
- jne playad
- call resetall
- mov al,[Rsong_number]
- xor ah,ah
- call makesound ;al = tune to play on ROLAND
- ret
- playad:
- mov al,[Asong_number]
- xor ah,ah
- nocorr: call playsad
- ret
- do_music endp
- ;*************************************
- load_files proc far
- ; call here to load required MIDI files
- ; The files must be in the current directory
- ; and the boardflg must be set
- mov dx,ds
- mov si,2
- mov bx,[si]
- mov ax,dseg
- mov ds,ax
- cld ;default direction flag
- ret
- load_files endp
- ;************************************
- terminate proc far
- ; call here to stop sound on both boards
- ; boardflg must be set.
- mov dx,ds
- mov si,2
- mov bx,[si]
- mov ax,dseg
- mov ds,ax
- cld ;default direction flag
- cmp boardflg,0
- jne stop_ad
- mov ch1_flag,0
- mov ch2_flag,0 ;clear fx flags
- call rcc10
- call rcc2
- call ano2
- call ano10
- call stopMusicR
- ret
- stop_ad:
- call stopmidiplayadlib
- ret
- terminate endp
- ;-------------------------------------------------------
- fx_mode_on proc far
- ; play fx
- ;-------------------------------
- ;;load midi fx file for ROLAND
- mov bx,4 ;5 name in list
- shl bx,1
- mov dx,SongNames[bx]
- mov di,offset fxd
- mov ax,fx_segment
- push ds
- call LoadSegFile
- pop ds
- ;---------------------------------
- ;board to reset status
- mov dx,ds
- mov si,2
- mov bx,[si]
- mov ax,dseg
- mov ds,ax
- cld ;default direction flag
- ; call resetall ;not implemented
- mov fx_flag,1 ;set flag for interrupt routine
- mov DonePlay,0
- mov recordflg,0
- mov timeover,0
- ; reset fx vars
- mov ch1_pattp,0
- mov ch2_pattp,0
- mov ch1_flag,0
- mov ch2_flag,0
- mov ch1_intc,0
- mov ch2_intc,0
- call installTimer
- mov tickspq,96 ;ticks per quarter beat
- mov ax,60 ; tempo to give 76 hz
- mov tempo,ax
- call setTimerTempo
- call switchlapc1touart
- call rcc2
- call ano2
- call rcc10
- SnLA setvol
- mov cs:eventdelay,1 ;run interrupt routine on next 50th
- mov musicPlayFlg,-1 ;to allow event routine to run
- ret
- fx_mode_on endp
- ;*************************************************
- trigger_fx proc far
- push ax ;fx number
- mov dx,ds
- mov si,2
- mov bx,[si]
- mov ax,dseg
- mov ds,ax
- cld ;default direction flag
- pop ax
- ;mov dx,offset ch1mess
- ;call print
- ; sort fx offset from fx list
- dec al
- add al,al ;*2
- add al,al ;*4 ;double word table
- mov bl,al
- xor bh,bh
- mov ax,fx_table[bx]
- add ax,59 ;header
- push ax ; offset
- inc bx
- inc bx
- mov ax,fx_table[bx]
- cmp ax,10
- jne use2
- ; use driver channel 1
- use1:
- pop ax
- mov ch1_pattp,ax
- mov int_flag,1 ;disable interrupt routine
- mov ch1_flag,1 ;enable channel 1
- mov ch1_intc,0 ;reset any interrupt count
- mov int_flag,0 ;enable interrupt routine
- call rcc10 ;reset controllers 10
- call ano10
- ret
- use2:
- ; always overwrite on channel 2
- ; always send all notes off mchannel 2
- ;mov dx,offset ch2mess
- ;call print
- ;-----------------------
- ;reset all controllers and notes
- call ano2
- call rcc2
- pop ax
- ;-------------------------
- ; sort fx offset from fx list
- ; use channel 2
- mov ch2_pattp,ax
- mov int_flag,1 ;disable interrupt routine
- mov ch2_flag,1 ;enable channel 1
- mov ch2_intc,0 ;reset any interrupt count
- mov int_flag,0 ;enable interrupt routine
- ret
- trigger_fx endp
- ;------------------------------------------------
- ; controller subroutines
- rcc2: ;reset cont. ch2
- mov al,0B1h
- call TXLAData
- mov al,79h
- call TXLAData
- mov al,0
- call TXLAData
- ret
- ano2: ; all notes off two
- mov al,0B1h ;all notes off ch2
- call TxLAData
- mov al,07Bh
- call TxLAData
- ret
- rcc10: ;reset all controllers
- mov al,0B9h
- call TXLAData
- mov al,79h
- call TXLAData
- mov al,0
- call TXLAData
- ret
- ano10: ; all notes off 10
- mov al,0B9h ;all notes off ch10
- call TxLAData
- mov al,07Bh
- call TxLAData
- mov al,0
- call Txladata
- ret
- resetall:
- mov al,0B0h
- dorlooc:
- push ax
- call TxLAData
- mov al,079h
- call TxLAData
- mov al,0
- call Txladata
- pop ax
- inc al
- cmp al,0Bah
- jne dorlooc
- mov al,0B0h
- dorloop:
- push ax
- call TxLAData
- mov al,07Bh
- call TxLAData
- mov al,0
- call Txladata
- pop ax
- inc al
- cmp al,0Bah
- jne dorloop
- ret
- ;*************************************************
- rol_fx_driver proc near
- cmp int_flag,1 ;fx being set up/miss one
- je fin_fx_call
- mov ax,fx_segment
- mov es,ax
- ;- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- ; test for fx playing on channel 1
- cmp ch1_flag,0
- je ch2 ; should go next chann
- ; channel 1 playing
- mov run1,1 ;which channel flag
- mov si,ch1_pattp
- cmp ch1_intc,0
- jne ch1_wait
- ; check for end of current fx
- next_event_now1:
- mov al,es:[si]
- cmp al,255
- je ch1_off
- call process_data ;next event ready to process
- call getvarlength
- cmp ax,0
- je next_event_now1
- mov ch1_pattp,si ;store offset
- mov ch1_intc,ax
- ch1_wait:
- mov ax,ch1_intc
- dec ax
- mov ch1_intc,ax
- ;**********
- ch2:
- ; test for fx playing on channel 2
- cmp ch2_flag,0
- je fin_fx_call
- ; channel 2 playing
- mov run1,0 ;which channel 0 =2
- mov si,ch2_pattp
- cmp ch2_intc,0
- jne ch2_wait
- ; check for end of current fx
- next_event_now2:
- mov al,es:[si]
- cmp al,255
- je ch2_off
- call process_data ;next event ready to process
- call getvarlength
- cmp ax,0
- je next_event_now2
- mov ch2_pattp,si ;store offset
- mov ch2_intc,ax
- ch2_wait:
- mov ax,ch2_intc
- dec ax
- mov ch2_intc,ax
- ;**********
- fin_fx_call:
- mov ax,1 ; next delay
- ret
- ;--------------------------------------------
- ch1_off:
- call rcc10
- mov ch1_flag,0
- jmp ch2
- ch2_off:
- call rcc2
- mov ch2_flag,0
- jmp fin_fx_call
- ;****************************************
- process_data:
- ;input si with event offset pointer
- ;output ax = no of event delays to next event
- ;first check for end of fx
- call send_next_event
- ; now store frame delay + pointer
- ret
- ;----------------------------------
- send_next_event:
- ;input si holding current event offset
- mov al,es:[si]
- ; test for new status byte
- test al,128
- jz old_status
- ; only here if new status byte
- cmp run1,0
- jne running1
- mov csb2,al ;store status+channel for 2
- jmp running2
- running1:
- mov csb1,al ;store status+channel for 1
- running2:
- xor ah,ah
- mov bl,al
- xor bh,bh
- mov cl,4
- shr bx,cl
- mov cl,MIDIDataSizes[bx] ;value -1
- inc cl
- xor ch,ch
- mov MIDIDataSiz,cx
- cmp cx,0
- je event_fin
- cmp run1,0
- jne save_len1
- mov cel2,cx ;store event len
- jmp output_event
- save_len1:
- mov cel1,cx ;store event len
- jmp output_event ;new
- ;-------------------------------------
- old_status:
- cmp run1,0
- jne get1
- mov al,csb2
- mov cx,cel2
- jmp old_event_entry
- get1:
- mov al,csb1
- mov cx,cel1
- jmp old_event_entry
- ;------------------------------------
- output_event:
- mov al,es:[si] ;status from file
- inc si
- old_event_entry:
- call TxLAData
- loop output_event
- event_fin:
- ret
- rol_fx_driver endp
- ;***************************************************
- StopMusicR:
- call StopMIDIPlayLAPC1
- ret
- ;play song on AdLib
- PlaySAd:
- call PlaySongAdLib
- ret
- ;------------------------------Start endp
- GetKey proc near
- mov ah,0 ;do DOS getkey
- int 16h ;ASCII in al
- ret
- GetKey endp
- CheckKey proc near
- mov ah,1 ;do DOS checkkey
- int 16h
- ret
- CheckKey endp
- ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ;LoadSegFile
- ;
- ;loads a file into a specified segment
- ;
- ;inputs:
- ;
- ;ax: load segment
- ;dx: pointer to filename
- ;di: load offset
- ;
- ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- LoadSegFile proc near
- push ax
- mov al,0
- mov ah,3Dh ;open file
- int 21h
- jc LSFError
- pop ds
- jmp LFOpen
- LSFError:
- pop ax
- ret
- LoadSegFile endp
- LoadFile proc near
- mov al,0
- mov ah,3Dh
- int 21h ;open file
- jnc LFOpen
- jmp LFError
- LFOpen:
- mov bx,ax
- mov cx,0
- mov dx,0
- mov ax,4202h
- int 21h
- push ax ;find size
- mov cx,0
- mov dx,0
- mov ax,4200h
- int 21h
- pop cx
- push cx
- mov dx,di ;buffer
- push di
- mov ah,3Fh
- int 21h
- mov ah,3Eh
- int 21h ;close
- pop di
- pop bx
- LFSafe:
- mov ax,0
- ret
- LFError:
- mov ax,-1
- ret
- LoadFile endp
- ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- include roland.asm
- ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- include adlib.asm
- ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- include adtimer.asm
- ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- EndCode:
- cseg ends
- end Start