Mmmview0:>Zoom,Show active areas,Search...,Open home directory
ICON:This is the RiscDisc icon.|m\Sopen the home page.|mClick MENU to search for a particular subject.
IHELP0:\Rshow information about this application.
IHELP1:\Sto open the main title page.
MHELP2/IHELP2:\Ssearch for particular subjects of interest.
IHELP3:\Squit RiscDisc.
MHELP0:\Rchange the zoom in and out of the display.
MHELP1:\Sshow the bounding boxes of the hot spots on this page.
MHELP3:\Sopen the main directory associated with this page.
Mlist:This area shows the results of the last search.|m\Sturn on a page name to turn to that page.|m\Akeep the search \w open.|mHold down shift to open a new page rather than updating the current page.
Mmagnifier:Use this \w to change the scale at which the page is shown.
Mproginfo:This \w shows information about this application.
Msearch:This is the Search \w. Use it to get a list of pages that reference the given subjects.
Msearch1:Enter the subject to search for into this field.
Msearch2:\Sstart the search.
Msearch3:\Scancel the search and close the \w.
Msearch4:\Sclear the search field.
Msprdisp:This is a page. Click on an arrow icon to turn to other pages index or on an application icon to turn to a description page.