# See also the file "Messages", which includes the messages which are
# essential for AudioWorks to run. (This file is only loaded if needed)
# You can replace these textual messages with alternatives of reasonable
# length, to customise for a particular language or environment.
C.Here:Click here to
C.Icon:Click this icon to
See.Man:(See the Manual for details)
T.Opt:This option
Point.More:Point at other areas for more information.
New.Samp:This shows the name of the sample currently being used/affected. Click Menu here to select a different sample from those which are loaded.
Alter.Click: <C.Here> display/edit the
Alter.Inter: Changes the sample interpretation to
Alter.0:<C.Here> make the window go away
Alter.2:This shows the playspeed this sample was set to when the Alter window was opened
Alter.3:This shows the sample type of this sample when the Alter window was opened
Alter.8:Type a new speed here, or drag the slider bar, to adjust the playback speed.
Alter.9:<C.Here> select a different format for setting speed
Alter.11:Drag this bar to alter the playspeed
Alter.14:This shows the current interpretation of the samples in this document. Click Menu here to choose a new interpretation
Alter.18:Click here to cancel your new settings and revert to the settings as they were before you chose this sample
Alter.*:This window allows you to alter the parameters (playspeed, sample type) of the sample named across the top. <Point.More>
Bar.Icon:This is the AudioWorks digital sound editor icon.|MClick Menu on this icon for the main menu.|MClick Select to create a new (blank) sample.|MClick Adjust to open the preferences window.
Create.0:Click here when you are ready to create the new sample.
Create.1:<C.Here> abort this sample-creation operation.
Create.2:Enter the name of your new sample here.
Create.3:Click MENU over this icon to set the sample type.
Create.5:Enter the desired sampling/replay rate here, in terms of the units shown in the box to the right.
Create.6:Click MENU over this icon to change the way in which the speed is entered.
Create.8:Enter the time in seconds you want the new sample to play for here.
Create.9:This shows the rough size (in kilobytes) of the sample if you were to create it now.
Create.16:Click this button on if you want a stereo sample (this will double its size)
Create.18:Click here to create the sample and then show the recording dialogue (as if you had clicked 'OK' here and then clicked the record button in the new sample window)
Create.*:This window lets you create a new (blank) sample. <Point.More>
Env.2:Enter a short name for your envelope here to help you remember its shape. <Env.3>
Env.3:Click Menu here if you wish to: create a new envelope, delete or save the envelope, or swap to a different envelope.
Env.4:<C.Here> apply this envelope to the sample (as displayed to the left). It may be applied as an amplitude envelope, stereo position effect, or as a pitch bend
Env.*:This window is used for editing envelopes.|MUse Select to add a new point. Select or Adjust can be used to move existing points. To delete a point, use SHIFT-Select or drag it onto another one.
EnvApply.0:<C.Here> apply the current envelope to the currently selected sample in the way indicated by the settings in this window.
EnvApply.1:<C.Here> apply the envelope as an amplitude (volume) envelope.
EnvApply.2:<C.Here> apply the envelope as a stereo position effect.
EnvApply.3:<C.Here> apply the envelope as a pitch bend.
EnvApply.*:This option is used to set the number of times you wish to apply this amplitude envelope. Turn on the '/sec' button to apply it a number of times per second.
Info.3:This is the icon of the samples original file
Info.4:This is the RISC OS file leaf-name of the sample
Info.5:This shows the file format that the sample was stored in when it was first loaded into AudioWorks
Info.6:This shows the sample format of this file (possible values: mono/stereo, 8/12/16 bits per sample, and Logarithmic/LinSigned/LinUnsigned/µLaw)
Info.7:This shows the number of samples per channel in this file
Info.8:This shows how long it will take to play the entire sample at the current speed (in seconds), and what that speed is (in kilohertz and microseconds-delay)
Info.9:This shows the number of samples per channel in the selected region of this sample
Info.10:This shows how long it will take to play the selection at the current speed (in seconds), and what that speed is (in kilohertz and microseconds-delay)
Info.11:This shows the comment string for this sample. You can type a new comment in here, and it will be saved along with the sample data (if you save the sample in AudioWorks format)
Info.*:This window displays various information about the sample. <Point.More>
Kbd.51:<C.Here> set the normal playback speed of the sample to the speed/pitch last played on the keyboard.
Kbd.*:Press keys on the computer keyboard, or click on the piano keyboard display to play the current sample at different pitches.
PasteOpt.2:Overwrites (replaces) the selection with the clipboard.
PasteOpt.3:Mixes the two sounds by adding individual samples together. This can result in distortion sometimes but gives a louder result (see the next option)
PasteOpt.4:Mixes the two sounds by averaging individual samples together. This can never result in distortion, but gives a softer result (see the previous option)
PasteOpt.*:Select the appropriate paste overwrite option and click OK to set, or click Cancel to abort the operation. This will affect all future pasting operations on selections. <See.Man>
p.OK:<C.Here> use the current settings as your new <p.0>.
p.Canc:<C.Here> to revert to the <p.0> as they stood before you opened this window.
Re.Run:You must then SAVE the <p.0>, as this option will only take effect the next time you run AudioWorks.
Pref.Wind:This window allows you to set your personal <p.0>. <Point.More>
PrefA.3:Drag this slider to increase or decrease the play volume.|MIt has an immediate effect so you can hear the volume change while samples are playing, but remember to click OK to set it permanently.
PrefA.8:This percentage controls how far to the left and right stereo channels are played. 0% indicates play back in mono, while 100% means full stereo effect.
PrefA.11:<C.Here> choose the default playback device
PrefA.14:<C.Here> choose the default sampling device
PrefB.Set:Sets the default sample display to
PrefB.2:<PrefB.Set> "dots"|M<See.Man>
PrefB.3:<PrefB.Set> "lines"|M<See.Man>
PrefB.4:<PrefB.Set> "bars"|M<See.Man>
PrefB.5:<PrefB.Set> "outline"|M<See.Man>
PrefB.Font:<C.Here> set the display font to
PrefB.6:<PrefB.Font> the System font. <Re.Run>
PrefB.7:<PrefB.Font> outline fonts. <Re.Run>
PrefC.*:To set one of the four default display colours, choose the appropriate name from the list, and then choose a colour.
PrefD.2:Enter a time in centiseconds (recommended: between 5 and 20) here. This is the amount of time AudioWorks will take for each multitasking time-slice <See.Man>
PrefD.5:Click Menu here to choose a new country/language setting. <Re.Run>
PrefD.9:This specifies whether or not stereo channels are linked together by default
PrefM.0:<C.Here> save the current <p.0> as your new defaults
PrefM.1:<C.Here> restore your default <p.0> in place of the current settings
PrefM.2:<C.Here> edit device <p.0>
PrefM.3:<C.Here> edit general display <p.0>
PrefM.4:<C.Here> edit sample display colour <p.0>
PrefM.5:<C.Here> edit miscellaneous <p.0>
Save.0:Click here (or press RETURN) to save the file in the place indicated by the text in the writable icon.
Save.2:Enter a RISC OS filename here (you may use spaces in the name if you wish)
Save.3:Drag this icon, and drop it into a filer (directory) window to save the file there.
Save.4:Turn this option button on if you wish to save the selection ONLY. Turn it off if you want to save the entire sample. (This button will not be available when there is no selection)
STVoice.*:Click (once) the name of any Tracker sample you wish to load. Click with adjust to play the sample as it is loaded. Close the window when finished loading.
Tool.0:<C.Icon> stop playback of/recording into this sample.
Tool.1:<C.Icon> pause/unpause playback of this sample.
Tool.2:Click Select on this icon to play the (selected area of the) sample
Tool.3:<C.Icon> start recording over this sample (only available if sampling hardware fitted).
Tool.4:This area is used to display progress reports while editing processes are running, and during selection dragging.
Tool.6:<C.Icon> toggle repeat loop playing on or off. This switch only takes effect from the next time you start playing the sample.
Tool.*:This is an AudioWorks digital sound editor window.
Zoom.8:<C.Here> set the scale factor to 100%
Zoom.9:<C.Here> set the scale factor to 200%
Zoom.10:<C.Here> set the scale factor to 400%
Zoom.11:<C.Here> "zoom in" on the selected region
Zoom.12:<C.Here> scale the sample to the maximum level
Zoom.*:Enter the scale factor to adjust the scale at which the sample is displayed. The buttons and slider provide a quick means of setting the desired value. Click OK when done.
srt.0:of the sample being played/recorded. |MClick on the full-size icon (top right corner) to change between small (faster) and large (slower) modes.
Spectrum.*:This shows a real-time spectrum analysis <srt.0>
RTSample.*:This shows a real-time "oscilloscope" display <srt.0>
edit.0:This effect
Amplify.*:<edit.0> allows you to amplify a sample. You can amplify by a percentage, or let AudioWorks pick the largest amplification that will not degrade quality.
Centre.*:<edit.0> moves the sample up/down in the window. You can center the sample on the marker or the average position, or add a value in the range -1.0 to +1.0 to each sample.
Echo.*:<edit.0> applies an echo to the sample. Each echo follows the last by (delay) seconds, and is softer than the last by (attenuation) percent.
Extend.*:<edit.0> allows you to extend the sample to give yourself more room to work. The amount to extend by can be entered in terms of samples or seconds playtime.
Filter.*:<edit.0> applies either a high pass or low pass digital filter to the sample, which can help to remove noise artifacts.
Ramp.*:<edit.0> fades the sample in or out. The top row of options are fade-ins, while the bottom row are fade-outs.|M(Note: "envelope" gives more control over such amplitude effects)
Resample.*:<edit.0> allows you to resample the current sample so that it will sound the same when played at a different speed (e.g. to reduce the size of the file by lowering the sampling rate)
Reverse.*:<edit.0> reverses the sample data.
Sampler.2:<C.Here> choose any sampler from those available
Sampler.4:<C.Here> choose a sampling rate from those which the current sampler supports
Sampler.6:This shows an estimate of how many seconds recording time are available if 'maximum memory' is used at the current sampling rate.
Sampler.7:If this is on, recording will not stop at the end of the sample, but will start again immediately at the beginning of the sample.
Sampler.8:When off: Recording will occur in the background|MWhen on: Recording takes over the entire machine, improving quality on some samplers. (Press Escape to abort in this mode)
Sampler.9:If recording into a mono sample with a stereo sampler, these icons allow you to choose which channel is recorded.
Sampler.11:If this is on, as much memory as is available will be used for sampling. NOTE that this may incur a delay between pressing 'record' and actual recording occurring.
Sampler.12:Enter a trigger value between 0.0 and 1.0 here. Recording into your sample will not actually start until amplitudes greater than this trigger value are detected.
Sampler.*:Choose appropriate sampler settings, and then click 'Record' to start recording. <Point.More>
RecToDisc.6:Type in a filename here, and drag the icon above to set the destination file
RecTD.7:Drag this icon into a filer window to set the destination file
RecTD.8:<C.Here> choose from the available sampling devices
RecTD.10:<C.Here> choose a sample type from those available
RecTD.12:<C.Here> choose a sampling rate from those available
RecTD.14:Enter the time (in seconds) that you wish to sample for here
RecTD.*:Choose appropriate sampler settings, drag the file icon to set the destination file, and then click 'Record' to start recording. <Point.More>
AudioWorks.Credits:AudioWorks was written by Jason Williams
AudioManager.Credits:AudioManager was written by Alex Bligh and Jason Williams