| The following defines that the action on double clicking a binder file
| should be to load the binder into the browser system.
| If you wish binders to load into the author system, comment out the
| following line, and the similar line in the !Boot file, then edit
| the !Boot and !Run files for !Magpie.
| Commented out since default is load into author.
| set Magpie$Default Browse
if "<Magpie$Default>"="Browse" then set Alias$@RunType_C99 /<MagpieBrowse$Dir>.!run -B%%*0
if "<Magpie$Default>"="Browse" then set Alias$@PrintType_C99 /<MagpieBrowse$Dir>.!run -p -B%%*0
| Define the interface language, and any startup processing for the language
set Magpie$Language English
if "<Magpie$Language>"="Welsh" then run <MagpieBrowse$Dir>.wywy { > null: }
| Ensure that !System has been run so that we can load any global resources not
| currently loaded.
if "<System$Path>" = "" then Error 0 System resources cannot be found, (try running !System).
| Ensure that an old version of the shared C library is not installed - overwriting
| it would crash any current applications using it.
set clib$flag 0
RMensure SharedClibrary 3.75 set clib$flag 1
RMensure SharedClibrary 0 set clib$flag 0
if "<clib$flag>"="1" then Error !!! Old shared C library !!! An old version of the shared C library (clib) is resident in memory - please refer to your Magpie user guide.