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396 lines
* hot.c - Scan an image for pixels with RGB values that will give
* "unsafe" values of chrominance signal or composite signal
* amplitude when encoded into an NTSC or PAL colour signal.
* (This happens for certain high-intensity high-saturation colours
* that are rare in real scenes, but can easily be present
* in synthetic images.)
* Such pixels can be flagged so the user may then choose other
* colours. Or, the offending pixels can be made "safe"
* in a manner that preserves hue.
* There are two reasonable ways to make a pixel "safe":
* We can reduce its intensity (luminance) while leaving
* hue and saturation the same. Or, we can reduce saturation
* while leaving hue and luminance the same. A #define selects
* which strategy to use.
* Note to the user: You must add your own read_pixel() and write_pixel()
* routines. You may have to modify pix_decode() and pix_encode().
* MAXPIX, WID, and HGT are likely to need modification.
* Originally written as "ikNTSC.c" by Alan Wm Paeth,
* University of Waterloo, August, 1985
* Updated by Dave Martindale, Imax Systems Corp., December 1990
* Compile-time options.
* Define either NTSC or PAL as 1 to select the colour system.
* Define the other one as zero, or leave it undefined.
* Define FLAG_HOT as 1 if you want "hot" pixels set to black
* to identify them. Otherwise they will be made safe.
* Define REDUCE_SAT as 1 if you want hot pixels to be repaired by
* reducing their saturation. By default, luminance is reduced.
* CHROMA_LIM is the limit (in IRE units) of the overall
* chrominance amplitude; it should be 50 or perhaps
* very slightly higher.
* COMPOS_LIM is the maximum amplitude (in IRE units) allowed for
* the composite signal. A value of 100 is the maximum
* monochrome white, and is always safe. 120 is the absolute
* limit for NTSC broadcasting, since the transmitter's carrier
* goes to zero with 120 IRE input signal. Generally, 110
* is a good compromise - it allows somewhat brighter colours
* than 100, while staying safely away from the hard limit.
#define NTSC 1
#define PAL 0
#define FLAG_HOT 0
#define REDUCE_SAT 0
#define CHROMA_LIM 50.0 /* chroma amplitude limit */
#define COMPOS_LIM 110.0 /* max IRE amplitude */
#if NTSC
* RGB to YIQ encoding matrix.
double code_matrix[3][3] = {
0.2989, 0.5866, 0.1144,
0.5959, -0.2741, -0.3218,
0.2113, -0.5227, 0.3113,
#define PEDESTAL 7.5 /* 7.5 IRE black pedestal */
#define GAMMA 2.2
#endif /* NTSC */
#if PAL
* RGB to YUV encoding matrix.
double code_matrix[3][3] = {
0.2989, 0.5866, 0.1144,
-0.1473, -0.2891, 0.4364,
0.6149, -0.5145, -0.1004,
#define PEDESTAL 0.0 /* no pedestal in PAL */
#define GAMMA 2.8
#endif /* PAL */
#define SCALE 8192 /* scale factor: do floats with int math */
#define MAXPIX 255 /* white value */
#define WID 1024 /* FB dimensions */
#define HGT 768
typedef struct {
unsigned char r, g, b;
} Pixel;
int tab[3][3][MAXPIX+1]; /* multiply lookup table */
double chroma_lim; /* chroma limit */
double compos_lim; /* composite amplitude limit */
long ichroma_lim2; /* chroma limit squared (scaled integer) */
int icompos_lim; /* composite amplitude limit (scaled integer) */
double pix_decode(), gc(), inv_gc();
int pix_encode(), hot();
Pixel p;
int row, col;
for (col=0; col<WID; col++) {
for(row=0; row<HGT; row++) {
read_pixel(row, col, &p);
if (hot(&p)) {
write_pixel(row, col, &p);
* build_tab: Build multiply lookup table.
* For each possible pixel value, decode value into floating-point
* intensity. Then do gamma correction required by the video
* standard. Scale the result by our fixed-point scale factor.
* Then calculate 9 lookup table entries for this pixel value.
* We also calculate floating-point and scaled integer versions
* of our limits here. This prevents evaluating expressions every pixel
* when the compiler is too stupid to evaluate constant-valued
* floating-point expressions at compile time.
* For convenience, the limits are #defined using IRE units.
* We must convert them here into the units in which YIQ
* are measured. The conversion from IRE to internal units
* depends on the pedestal level in use, since as Y goes from
* 0 to 1, the signal goes from the pedestal level to 100 IRE.
* Chroma is always scaled to remain consistent with Y.
register double f;
register int pv;
for (pv = 0; pv <= MAXPIX; pv++) {
f = SCALE * gc(pix_decode(pv));
tab[0][0][pv] = (int)(f * code_matrix[0][0] + 0.5);
tab[0][1][pv] = (int)(f * code_matrix[0][1] + 0.5);
tab[0][2][pv] = (int)(f * code_matrix[0][2] + 0.5);
tab[1][0][pv] = (int)(f * code_matrix[1][0] + 0.5);
tab[1][1][pv] = (int)(f * code_matrix[1][1] + 0.5);
tab[1][2][pv] = (int)(f * code_matrix[1][2] + 0.5);
tab[2][0][pv] = (int)(f * code_matrix[2][0] + 0.5);
tab[2][1][pv] = (int)(f * code_matrix[2][1] + 0.5);
tab[2][2][pv] = (int)(f * code_matrix[2][2] + 0.5);
chroma_lim = (double)CHROMA_LIM / (100.0 - PEDESTAL);
compos_lim = ((double)COMPOS_LIM - PEDESTAL) / (100.0 - PEDESTAL);
ichroma_lim2 = (int)(chroma_lim * SCALE + 0.5);
ichroma_lim2 *= ichroma_lim2;
icompos_lim = (int)(compos_lim * SCALE + 0.5);
Pixel *p;
register int r, g, b;
register int y, i, q;
register long y2, c2;
double pr, pg, pb;
double py;
register double fy, fc, t, scale;
static int prev_r = 0, prev_g = 0, prev_b = 0;
static int new_r, new_g, new_b;
extern double pow(), hypot();
r = p->r;
g = p->g;
b = p->b;
* Pixel decoding, gamma correction, and matrix multiplication
* all done by lookup table.
* "i" and "q" are the two chrominance components;
* they are I and Q for NTSC.
* For PAL, "i" is U (scaled B-Y) and "q" is V (scaled R-Y).
* Since we only care about the length of the chroma vector,
* not its angle, we don't care which is which.
y = tab[0][0][r] + tab[0][1][g] + tab[0][2][b];
i = tab[1][0][r] + tab[1][1][g] + tab[1][2][b];
q = tab[2][0][r] + tab[2][1][g] + tab[2][2][b];
* Check to see if the chrominance vector is too long or the
* composite waveform amplitude is too large.
* Chrominance is too large if
* sqrt(i^2, q^2) > chroma_lim.
* The composite signal amplitude is too large if
* y + sqrt(i^2, q^2) > compos_lim.
* We avoid doing the sqrt by checking
* i^2 + q^2 > chroma_lim^2
* and
* y + sqrt(i^2 + q^2) > compos_lim
* sqrt(i^2 + q^2) > compos_lim - y
* i^2 + q^2 > (compos_lim - y)^2
c2 = (long)i * i + (long)q * q;
y2 = (long)icompos_lim - y;
y2 *= y2;
if (c2 <= ichroma_lim2 && c2 <= y2) /* no problems */
return 0;
* Pixel is hot, choose desired (compilation time controlled) strategy
* Set the hot pixel to black to identify it.
p->r = p->g = p->b = 0;
#else /* FLAG_HOT */
* Optimization: cache the last-computed hot pixel.
if (r == prev_r && g == prev_g && b == prev_b) {
p->r = new_r;
p->g = new_g;
p->b = new_b;
return 1;
prev_r = r;
prev_g = g;
prev_b = b;
* Get Y and chroma amplitudes in floating point.
* If your C library doesn't have hypot(), just use
* hypot(a,b) = sqrt(a*a, b*b);
* Then extract linear (un-gamma-corrected) floating-point
* pixel RGB values.
fy = (double)y / SCALE;
fc = hypot((double)i / SCALE, (double)q / SCALE);
pr = pix_decode(r);
pg = pix_decode(g);
pb = pix_decode(b);
* Reducing overall pixel intensity by scaling
* R, G, and B reduces Y, I, and Q by the same factor.
* This changes luminance but not saturation, since saturation
* is determined by the chroma/luminance ratio.
* On the other hand, by linearly interpolating between the
* original pixel value and a grey pixel with the same
* luminance (R=G=B=Y), we change saturation without
* affecting luminance.
* Calculate a scale factor that will bring the pixel
* within both chroma and composite limits, if we scale
* luminance and chroma simultaneously.
* The calculated chrominance reduction applies to the
* gamma-corrected RGB values that are the input to
* the RGB-to-YIQ operation. Multiplying the
* original un-gamma-corrected pixel values by
* the scaling factor raised to the "gamma" power
* is equivalent, and avoids calling gc() and inv_gc()
* three times each.
scale = chroma_lim / fc;
t = compos_lim / (fy + fc);
if (t < scale)
scale = t;
scale = pow(scale, GAMMA);
r = pix_encode(scale * pr);
g = pix_encode(scale * pg);
b = pix_encode(scale * pb);
#else /* REDUCE_SAT */
* Calculate a scale factor that will bring the pixel
* within both chroma and composite limits, if we scale
* chroma while leaving luminance unchanged.
* We have to interpolate gamma-corrected RGB values,
* so we must convert from linear to gamma-corrected
* before interpolation and then back to linear afterwards.
scale = chroma_lim / fc;
t = (compos_lim - fy) / fc;
if (t < scale)
scale = t;
pr = gc(pr);
pg = gc(pg);
pb = gc(pb);
py = pr * code_matrix[0][0] + pg * code_matrix[0][1]
+ pb * code_matrix[0][2];
r = pix_encode(inv_gc(py + scale * (pr - py)));
g = pix_encode(inv_gc(py + scale * (pg - py)));
b = pix_encode(inv_gc(py + scale * (pb - py)));
#endif /* REDUCE_SAT */
p->r = new_r = r;
p->g = new_g = g;
p->b = new_b = b;
#endif /* FLAG_HOT */
return 1;
* gc: apply the gamma correction specified for this video standard.
* inv_gc: inverse function of gc.
* These are generally just a call to pow(), but be careful!
* Future standards may use more complex functions.
* (e.g. SMPTE 240M's "electro-optic transfer characteristic").
double x;
extern double pow();
return pow(x, 1.0 / GAMMA);
double x;
extern double pow();
return pow(x, GAMMA);
* pix_decode: decode an integer pixel value into a floating-point
* intensity in the range [0, 1].
* pix_encode: encode a floating-point intensity into an integer
* pixel value.
* The code given here assumes simple linear encoding; you must change
* these routines if you use a different pixel encoding technique.
int v;
return (double)v / MAXPIX;
double v;
return (int)(v * MAXPIX + 0.5);