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The efficiency of the following c-code can be increased by defining macros at
appropriate places. For example, the Leaf() function can be replaced by a
corresponding macros. Another way to increase the code efficiency is by passing
the address of structures instead of the structures themselves.
Supporting Data Structures
#include <stdio.h>
#include "GraphicsGems.h"
typedef struct {
Point3 min, max; /* extent of the primitive */
/* definition for different primitives */
} GeomObj, *GeomObjPtr;
typedef struct {
/* Link list of primitives */
int length; /* Length of the link list */
} GeomObjList;
typedef struct {
Point3 origin; /* ray origin */
Point3 direction; /* unit vector, indicating ray direction */
} Ray;
typedef struct BinNode {
Point3 min, max; /* extent of node */
GeomObjList members; /* list of enclosed primitives */
struct BinNode *child[2]; /* pointers to children nodes, if any */
/* distance to the plane which subdivides the children */
double (*DistanceToDivisionPlane)();
/* children near/far ordering relative to a input point */
void (*GetChildren)();
} BinNode, *BinNodePtr;
typedef struct {
Point3 min, max; /* extent of the entire bin tree */
GeomObjList members; /* list of all of the primitives */
int MaxDepth; /* max allowed depth of the tree */
int MaxListLength; /* max primitive allowed in a leaf node */
BinNodePtr root; /* root of the entire bin tree */
} BinTree;
Data structure for a simple stack. This is necessary for implementing an
efficient linear BSP tree walking. A Stack size of 50 means it is possible
to support a BSP tree of up to depth 49 and NO MORE!!! It should be enough for
the next decade or so.
#define STACKSIZE 50
typedef struct {
BinNodePtr node;
double min, max;
} StackElem;
typedef struct {
int stackPtr;
StackElem stack[STACKSIZE];
} Stack, *StackPtr;
Stack operations.
void InitStack(stack)
StackPtr stack;
stack->stack[0].node = NULL;
stack->stackPtr = 1;
void push(stack, node, min, max)
StackPtr stack;
BinNodePtr node;
double min, max;
stack->stack[stack->stackPtr].node = node;
stack->stack[stack->stackPtr].min = min;
stack->stack[stack->stackPtr].max = max;
void pop(stack, node, min, max)
StackPtr stack;
BinNodePtr *node;
double *min, *max;
*node = stack->stack[stack->stackPtr].node;
*min = stack->stack[stack->stackPtr].min;
*max = stack->stack[stack->stackPtr].max;
Returns the distance between origin and plane, measured along the input
direction. direction is a unit vector.
plane - subdivision plane of current node
origin - origin of the ray
direction - direction of the ray, must be a unit vector
returns the distance between the origin and plane measured along
the direction
there is a function for each of the three subdivision planes
double DistanceToXPlane(plane, ray)
Point3 plane;
Ray ray;
return ( (plane.x - ray.origin.x) / ray.direction.x);
double DistanceToYPlane(plane, ray)
Point3 plane;
Ray ray;
return ( (plane.y - ray.origin.y) / ray.direction.y);
double DistanceToZPlane(plane, ray)
Point3 plane;
Ray ray;
return ( (plane.z - ray.origin.z) / ray.direction.z);
Determines which of the half space of the two children contains origin, return
that child as near, the other as far.
currentNode - node currently working on
origin - origin of the ray
near - node whose half plane contains the origin
far - node whose half plane does not contain the origin
there is a function for each of the three subdivision planes
void GetXChildren(currentNode, origin, near, far)
BinNodePtr currentNode, *near, *far;
Point3 origin;
/* remember that child[0]->max or child[1]->min is the subdivision plane */
if ( currentNode->child[0]->max.x >= origin.x ) {
*near = currentNode->child[0];
*far = currentNode->child[1];
} else {
*far = currentNode->child[0];
*near = currentNode->child[1];
void GetYChildren(currentNode, origin, near, far)
BinNodePtr currentNode, *near, *far;
Point3 origin;
/* remember that child[0]->max or child[1]->min is the subdivision plane */
if ( currentNode->child[0]->max.y >= origin.y ) {
*near = currentNode->child[0];
*far = currentNode->child[1];
} else {
*far = currentNode->child[0];
*near = currentNode->child[1];
void GetZChildren(currentNode, origin, near, far)
BinNodePtr currentNode, *near, *far;
Point3 origin;
/* remember that child[0]->max or child[1]->min is the subdivision plane */
if ( currentNode->child[0]->max.z >= origin.z ) {
*near = currentNode->child[0];
*far = currentNode->child[1];
} else {
*far = currentNode->child[0];
*near = currentNode->child[1];
Some miscellaneous supporting functions.
boolean Leaf(node)
BinNodePtr node;
return (node->child[0] == NULL);
boolean PointInNode(node, pt)
BinNodePtr node;
Point3 pt;
return ((pt.x >= node->min.x ) && (pt.y >= node->min.y ) &&
(pt.z >= node->min.z ) && (pt.x <= node->max.x ) &&
(pt.y <= node->max.y ) && (pt.z <= node->max.z ));
boolean GeomInNode(node, obj)
BinNodePtr node;
GeomObjPtr obj;
if (node->min.x > obj->max.x || node->max.x < obj->min.x) return FALSE;
if (node->min.y > obj->max.y || node->max.y < obj->min.y) return FALSE;
if (node->min.z > obj->max.z || node->max.z < obj->min.z) return FALSE;
return TRUE;
void PointAtDistance(ray, distance, pt)
Ray ray;
double distance;
Point3 *pt;
pt->x = ray.origin.x + distance * ray.direction.x;
pt->y = ray.origin.y + distance * ray.direction.y;
pt->z = ray.origin.z + distance * ray.direction.z;
boolean RayBoxIntersect(ray, min, max, returnMin, returnMax)
Ray ray;
Point3 min, max;
double *returnMin, *returnMax;
This routine intersects the ray with the box
defined by min and max, returns the intersection
status. If ray successfully intersects the box,
then this routine also returns the distances
(from the ray origin) to the two points that the
ray intersects the box on.
For example, refer to Graphics Gems I, pp. 395 (736)
boolean RayObjIntersect(ray, objList, obj, distance)
Ray ray;
GeomObjList objList;
GeomObj *obj;
double *distance;
This routine intersects ray with all of the objects
in the objList and returns the closest intersection
distance and the interesting object, if there is one.
Traverses ray through BSPTree and intersects ray with all of the objects along
the way. Returns the closest intersection distance and the intersecting object
if there is one.
ray - the ray being traced
BSPTree - the BSP tree enclosing the entire environment
obj - the first object that intersects the ray
distance - distance to the intersecting object
boolean RayTreeIntersect(ray, BSPTree, obj, distance)
Ray ray;
BinTree BSPTree;
GeomObj *obj;
double *distance;
StackPtr stack;
BinNodePtr currentNode, nearChild, farChild;
double dist, min, max;
Point3 p;
/* test if the whole BSP tree is missed by the input ray */
if (!RayBoxIntersect(ray, BSPTree.min, BSPTree.max, &min, &max))
return FALSE;
stack = (StackPtr)malloc(sizeof(Stack));
currentNode = BSPTree.root;
while (currentNode != NULL) {
while ( !(Leaf(currentNode)) ) {
dist = currentNode->DistanceToDivisionPlane(
currentNode->child[0]->max, ray);
currentNode, ray.origin, nearChild, farChild);
if ( (dist>max) || (dist<0) ) {
currentNode = nearChild;
} else if (dist<min) {
currentNode = farChild;
} else {
push(stack, farChild, dist, max);
currentNode = nearChild;
max = dist;
if ( RayObjIntersect(ray, currentNode->members, obj, distance) ) {
PointAtDistance(ray, distance, &p);
if (PointInNode(currentNode, p))
return TRUE;
pop(stack, ¤tNode, &min, &max);
return FALSE;
Builds the BSP tree by subdividing along the center of x, y, or z bounds, one
each time this function is called. This function calls itself recursively until
either the tree is deeper than MaxDepth or all of the tree leaves contains less
than MaxListLength of objects.
node - node currently working on
depth - current tree depth
MaxDepth - Max allowed tree depth
MaxListLength - Max allowed object list length of a leave node
axis - subdivision axis for the children of node
(0-x, 1-y, 2-z)
void Subdivide(node, depth, MaxDepth, MaxListLength, axis)
BinNodePtr node;
int depth, /* current tree depth */
MaxDepth, /* the specified max allowed depth */
MaxListLength, /* the specified max allowed list length */
axis; /* current subdivision plane, 1-x, 2-y, 3-z */
int i, nextAxis;
GeomObjPtr ObjPtr;
node->child[0] = node->child[1] = NULL;
if ((node->members.length > MaxListLength) && (depth < MaxDepth)) {
for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
node->child[i] = (BinNodePtr)malloc(sizeof(BinNode));
node->child[i]->min.x = node->min.x;
node->child[i]->min.y = node->min.y;
node->child[i]->min.z = node->min.z;
node->child[i]->max.x = node->max.x;
node->child[i]->max.y = node->max.y;
node->child[i]->max.z = node->max.z;
if (axis == 1) {
/* current subdivision plane is x */
node->child[i]->min.x =
node->min.x + 0.5 * i * (node->max.x - node->min.x);
node->child[i]->max.x =
node->min.x + 0.5 * (i+1) * (node->max.x - node->min.x);
/* child subdivision plane will be y */
nextAxis = 2;
node->child[i]->DistanceToDivisionPlane = DistanceToYPlane;
node->child[i]->GetChildren = GetYChildren;
} else if (axis == 2) {
/* current subdivision plane is y */
node->child[i]->min.y =
node->min.y + 0.5 * i * (node->max.y - node->min.y);
node->child[i]->max.y =
node->min.y + 0.5 * (i+1) * (node->max.y - node->min.y);
/* child subdivision plane will be z */
nextAxis = 3;
node->child[i]->DistanceToDivisionPlane = DistanceToZPlane;
node->child[i]->GetChildren = GetZChildren;
} else {
/* current subdivision plane is z */
node->child[i]->min.z =
node->min.z + 0.5 * i * (node->max.z - node->min.z);
node->child[i]->max.z =
node->min.z + 0.5 * (i+1) * (node->max.z - node->min.z);
/* child subdivision plane will be x */
nextAxis = 1;
node->child[i]->DistanceToDivisionPlane = DistanceToXPlane;
node->child[i]->GetChildren = GetXChildren;
ObjPtr = FirstOfLinkList(node->members);
while (ObjPtr != NULL) {
if (GeomInNode(node->child[i], ObjPtr))
AddToLinkList(node->child[i]->members, ObjPtr);
ObjPtr = NextOfLinkList(node->members);
Subdivide(node->child[i], depth+1, MaxDepth, MaxListLength, nextAxis);
Initialize and start the building of BSPTree.
BSPTree - The BSPTree enclosing the entire scene
void InitBinTree(BSPTree)
BinTree *BSPTree;
CalculateTheExtentOfTheBinTree(&(BSPTree->min), &(BSPTree->max));
/* BSPTree->members = ObjectsWithinTheExtent(BSPTree->min, BSPTree->max);*/
BSPTree->MaxDepth = GetMaxAllowedDepth();
BSPTree->MaxListLength = GetMaxAllowedListLength();
/* Start building the BSPTree by subdividing along the x axis first */
BSPTree->root = (BinNodePtr)malloc(sizeof(BinNode));
BSPTree->root->min = BSPTree->min;
BSPTree->root->max = BSPTree->max;
BSPTree->root->DistanceToDivisionPlane = DistanceToXPlane;
BSPTree->root->GetChildren = GetXChildren;
DuplicateLinkList(BSPTree->root->members, BSPTree->members);
Subdivide(BSPTree->root, 0, BSPTree->MaxDepth, BSPTree->MaxListLength, 1);