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C/C++ Source or Header
509 lines
* contour.c
* Author: Tim Feldman
* Island Graphics Corporation
* Vectorizes the outline of an elevation contour in a set of sampled
* data. Uses Freeman chain encoding.
* Include files
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <malloc.h>
* Constants
/*** these are the coordinates of the edges of the
rectangular array of sample points ***/
#define X_MIN 0
#define X_MAX 7
#define Y_MIN 0
#define Y_MAX 7
* Structure definitions
/*** a Vector is one link in a simple chain that follows
the edge of a contour from sample point to sample point ***/
struct vector
short dir;
struct vector * next;
typedef struct vector Vector;
/*** these are the 'dir' values in a Vector:
0 right
1 right and up
2 up
3 left and up
4 left
5 left and down
6 down
7 right and down ***/
* Global data
/*** this points to the first member in the Freeman chain of vectors ***/
Vector * chain;
/*** these are the coordinates of the starting point
of the Freeman chain, in the array of sample points ***/
int start_x;
int start_y;
/*** this is the elevation of the contour to be outlined
in the array of sample points ***/
int elev;
/*** this is the array of elevation samples for this example ***/
int sample[8][8] =
100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 0,
100, 100, 200, 200, 200, 200, 100, 100,
100, 200, 200, 250, 255, 200, 100, 100,
100, 200, 200, 250, 200, 200, 100, 100,
100, 200, 200, 250, 200, 200, 100, 100,
100, 200, 100, 200, 100, 200, 200, 100,
100, 200, 100, 100, 100, 200, 200, 200,
100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 200
* Procedures
* in_cont(x, y)
* Determines whether the sample point at 'x, y' is within the contour
* being outlined. Points outside of the array of samples are not
* in the contour.
* Returns 0 if the point is not in the contour.
* Returns 1 if the point is in the contour.
in_cont(x, y)
int x;
int y;
if ( (x < X_MIN) || (x > X_MAX) || (y < Y_MIN) || (y > Y_MAX) )
if (sample[x][y] == elev)
* probe(x, y, dir, new_x, new_y)
* Checks a sample neighboring 'x, y' to see if it is in the contour
* being outlined. 'dir' specifies which neighboring sample to check.
* 'new_x, new_y' always get the coordinates of the neighbor.
* Returns 0 if the neighbor is not in the contour.
* Returns 1 if the neighbor is in the contour.
probe(x, y, dir, new_x, new_y)
int x;
int y;
int dir;
int * new_x;
int * new_y;
/*** figure out coordinates of neighbor ***/
if ( (dir < 2) || (dir > 6) )
if ( (dir > 2) && (dir < 6) )
if ( (dir > 0) && (dir < 4) )
if (dir > 4)
/*** always return the new coordinates ***/
*new_x = x;
*new_y = y;
/*** determine if the new sample point is in the contour ***/
return(in_cont(x, y));
* neighbor(x, y, last_dir, new_x, new_y)
* Finds a neighbor of the sample at 'x, y' that is in the same
* contour. Always follows the contour in a clockwise direction.
* 'last_dir' is the direction that was used to get to 'x, y'
* when it was found. 'new_x, new_y' always get the coordinates
* of the neighbor.
* This procedure should only be called for a sample that has at
* least one neighbor in the same contour.
* Returns the direction to the neighbor.
neighbor(x, y, last_dir, new_x, new_y)
int x;
int y;
int last_dir;
int * new_x;
int * new_y;
int n;
int new_dir;
/*** figure out where to start looking for a neighbor --
always look ahead and to the left of the last direction
if the last vector was 0
then start looking at 1
if the last vector was 1
then start looking at 3
if the last vector was 2
then start looking at 3
if the last vector was 3
then start looking at 5
if the last vector was 4
then start looking at 5
if the last vector was 5
then start looking at 7
if the last vector was 6
then start looking at 7
if the last vector was 7
then start looking at 1 ***/
if (last_dir & 0x01)
/*** last dir is odd --
add 2 to it ***/
new_dir = last_dir + 2;
/*** last dir is even --
add 1 to it ***/
new_dir = last_dir + 1;
/*** keep new_dir in the range 0 through 7 ***/
if (new_dir > 7)
new_dir -= 8;
/*** probe the neighbors, looking for one on the edge ***/
for (n = 0; n < 8; n++)
if (probe(x, y, new_dir, new_x, new_y))
/*** found the next clockwise edge neighbor --
its coordinates have already been
stuffed into new_x, new_y ***/
/*** check the next clockwise neighbor ***/
if (--new_dir < 0)
new_dir += 8;
/*** should never exit routine by this way! ***/
* build()
* Builds a Freeman chain of vectors describing the edge of the
* contour with elevation 'elev'. Always follows the contour
* in a clockwise direction. Uses 'start_x, start_y' as tentative
* starting point; modifies them to hold coordinates of first point
* in chain.
* Returns 0 if unsuccessful.
* Returns 1 if successful.
int x;
int y;
int new_x;
int new_y;
int dir;
int last_dir;
Vector * new;
Vector * prev;
/*** go left in the starting row until out of the contour ***/
while (in_cont(start_x, start_y))
/*** move back right one point, to the leftmost edge
in the contour, in that row ***/
/*** create the head of the chain ***/
chain = (Vector *)NULL;
prev = (Vector *)NULL;
/*** check if the starting point
has no neighbors in the contour --
the starting direction to check is arbitrary ***/
x = start_x;
y = start_y;
dir = 0;
for ( ; ; )
if (probe(x, y, dir, &new_x, &new_y))
/*** found a neighbor in that direction
(its coordinates are in new_x, new_y
but we don't use them here) ***/
/*** try next direction ***/
if (++dir == 8)
/*** starting point has no neighbors --
make the chain one vector long ***/
/*** allocate storage for the vector ***/
if ( (chain = (Vector *)malloc(sizeof(Vector))) == NULL)
printf("Insufficient memory available.\n");
/*** fill in the vector --
the direction is arbitrary,
since the point is isolated ***/
chain->dir = 0;
chain->next = (Vector *)NULL;
/*** get ready to follow the edge --
since we are at the left edge,
force initial probe to be to upper left
by initializing last_dir to 1 ***/
last_dir = 1;
/*** follow the edge clockwise, building a Freeman chain ***/
for ( ; ; )
/*** get the next point on the edge
and the vector to it ***/
dir = neighbor(x, y, last_dir, &new_x, &new_y);
/*** allocate storage for the new vector ***/
if ( (new = (Vector *)malloc(sizeof(Vector))) == NULL)
printf("Insufficient memory available.\n");
/*** fill in the new vector ***/
new->dir = dir;
new->next = (Vector *)NULL;
if (prev)
/*** add it to the existing chain ***/
prev->next = new;
/*** it is the first vector in the chain ***/
chain = new;
/*** maybe done with contour ***/
if ( (new_x == start_x) && (new_y == start_y) )
/*** else get ready to continue following the edge ***/
prev = new;
x = new_x;
y = new_y;
last_dir = dir;
* report()
* Follows the Freeman chain of vectors describing the edge of the
* contour with elevation 'elev'. Reports the elevation, start point,
* direction vectors, and the number of vectors in the chain.
Vector * p;
int n;
printf("Elevation = %d\n", elev);
printf("Start point (x, y) = %d, %d\n", start_x, start_y);
p = chain;
n = 0;
while (p)
printf("%d\n", p->dir);
p = p->next;
if (n > 1)
printf("%d vectors in the chain.\n", n);
printf("1 vector in the chain.\n");
* main()
* Describes the outline of an elevation contour in the sampled data.
* Returns 0 if successful.
* Returns -1 if unsuccessful.
/*** get the elevation of the contour to follow
and get a starting point within the contour --
they are given explicitly in this example, but
in a real application the user would provide them,
or they would be found algorithmically ***/
elev = 200;
start_x = 3;
start_y = 2;
/*** follow the edge of the contour,
building a Freeman chain of vectors ***/
if (build())
/*** report the results ***/
/*** failed ***/