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C/C++ Source or Header
117 lines
This is the header file for a C++ class for fast n-dimensional extent
overlap checking. An instance of the class is initialized with a
call to the constructor.
ExtHit(size) - where size is the maximum number of extents that
can be held (and hence tested against each other) in the ExtHit
class instance.
There are three other methods in the ExtHit class:
~ExtHit () - the ExtHit class destructor frees the memory allocated for
the class instance's internal tables, and destroys the class instance.
BOOL add( Extent &extent, Ptr obj ) - This method adds an extent to
the ExtHit class instance. The extent argument is a structure containing
the values for the extent, and the obj argument is a pointer to the
the object for the new extent.
void test (void (*func)(Ptr d, Ptr e1, Ptr e2), Ptr data) - This method
peforms the actual extent overlap checking. The func argument is a
pointer to a function to be called for each pair of objects whose
extents overlap. The data argument allows user specified data to be
passed to func. Func is called with three arguments; the user supplied
data d, and pointers to the overlapping objects (the pointer passed
as the obj argument in the add method).
#ifndef _EXTHIT_H
#define _EXTHIT_H
#ifndef NULL
#define NULL 0
#ifndef TRUE
#define FALSE 0
#define TRUE 1
#ifndef MIN
#define MIN(a,b) (((a)<(b))?(a):(b))
#define MAX(a,b) (((a)>(b))?(a):(b))
typedef void* Ptr;
typedef short BOOL;
// The number of dimensions to be used in extent checking
// This constant should be changed to reflect the number
// of dimensions being checked.
const int num_dimensions=4;
typedef struct tagExtent {
int min [num_dimensions];
int max [num_dimensions];
} Extent;
typedef struct tagCollideRecord CollideRecord;
typedef struct tagMinMaxRecord
CollideRecord *ptr; // The parent CollideRecord for this MMR
int value; // The extent dimension value for this MMR
} MinMaxRecord;
typedef MinMaxRecord *MinMaxRecordPtr;
typedef struct tagCollideRecord
int index; // The index number of the extent represented
Ptr obj; // A pointer to the extent's parent geometry
CollideRecord *nextOpen; // The next element on the open list
CollideRecord *prevOpen; // The previous element on the open list
CollideRecord *nextActive; // The next element on the active list
CollideRecord *prevActive; // The previous element on the active list
MinMaxRecord min [num_dimensions]; // MMR's for the minimum extent values
MinMaxRecord max [num_dimensions]; // MMR's for the maximum extent values
BOOL active; // Flag specifying CR overlapped with another CR
BOOL open; // Flag specifying CR is currently on the open list
} CollideRecord;
Definition for the ExtHit class
class ExtHit
ExtHit (int size); // Class constructor
~ExtHit (); // Class destructor
BOOL add( Extent &extent, Ptr obj ); // Adds an extent to the collideList
void test (void (*func)(Ptr d, Ptr e1, Ptr e2), Ptr data);
// Perform extent overlap testing
int maxSize; // Maximum number of extents that can be held
int numColRecs; // Number of CollideRecords in the CollideList
int numOverlaps; // Number of MMRs in the overlapList
MinMaxRecord **overlapList; // Extent values for a single dimension
BOOL *overlapTable; // Table specifying which extents overlapped
CollideRecord *collideList; // Array holding the extent information
CollideRecord *activeList; // The head of the list of active extents
void subtest ( int dim, int oLstSize, void (*func)(Ptr d, Ptr p1, Ptr p2),
Ptr data);
int minMaxCompare( const void* rec1, const void* rec2);
End of exthit.h