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125 lines
Russell C.H. Cheng, University of Wales, Cardiff 21 Jan 1992
The renderer assumes true 24-bit color with a linear memory frame-buffer
of 4-byte integers, lowest byte is r, then g, then b, with the top byte
not used.
The renderer precalculates and stores the merged 24-bit rgb x-offsets.
This avoids a separate interpolation for each of the r, g and b variables
for every pixel.
For clarity the required input variables are passed to the renderer
as arguments, Details of each variable are given in the listing. In a
general program it will be more compact to hold these variables in a
structure and pass a pointer to this.
The renderer outputs directly to the designated frame-buffer.
#define HRES 768 /* horizontal resolution, adjust this as necessary */
#define VRES 512 /* vertical resolution, adjust this as necessary */
void FastLinearRend( xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax, xleft,xright, r0,g0,b0,z0, x0,y0,
dr_by_dx, dr_by_dy, dg_by_dx, dg_by_dy, db_by_dx, db_by_dy,
dz_by_dx, dz_by_dy, screen_buffer_ptr, z_buffer_ptr)
int xmin, /* The extent of the polygon being rendered: */
xmax, /* xmin and xmax give the x-values of the leftmost and */
ymin, /* rightmost pixels of the polygon, and ymin and ymax the */
ymax; /* largest and smallest y-values encountered in the polygon */
int * xleft, /* Pointers to arrays holding the x-value of the leftmost */
* xright; /* and rightmost pixel occupied by the polygon on each */
/* scanline. The values xleft[ymin],..., xleft[ymax], and */
/* xright[ymin],..., xright[ymax] should all be set on entry */
/* The arrays themselves in the main program should be each */
/* of size VRES */
float r0,g0,b0; /* Base rgb values of the polygon at the pixel position */
/* x0, y0; each in the range 0.0 - 255.0 */
float z0; /* Base z-distance of the polygon at pixel position x0, y0 */
int x0,y0; /* Position of base pixel, this need not be a pixel of the */
/* polygon, but is typically a vertex or the origin (0,0) */
float dr_by_dx, dr_by_dy, /* r, g, b color and */
dg_by_dx, dg_by_dy, /* z-distance increments */
db_by_dx, db_by_dy, /* in the x and y */
dz_by_dx, dz_by_dy; /* directions */
int * screen_buffer_ptr; /* Pointer to the frame buffer base address */
/* The frame buffer is assumed to be linear */
/* memory, comprising VRES horizontal lines */
/* with HRES pixels per line */
float * z_buffer_ptr; /* Pointer to the z-buffer base address */
/* The buffer-size is HRES*VRES */
float r,g,b,z, /* current r g b z values */
r1,g1,b1,z1; /* r g b z values at position x0, y */
float dx,dy; /* offsets of current pixel position */
/* from that of base pixel */
int x,y; /* current pixel position */
int * screen_buffer; /* pointer to current frame-buffer position */
float * z_buffer; /* pointer to current z-buffer position */
int col; /* This holds the 24-bit rgb color of the */
/* leftmost pixel of the current scanline */
int rgboffset[HRES]; /* This array holds the merged */
/* 24-bit rgb x-direction offsets */
/* find r1, g1, b1, z1, the rgbz value at (x0,ymin) */
dy = (ymin - y0);
r1 = r0 + dr_by_dy * dy;
g1 = g0 + dg_by_dy * dy;
b1 = b0 + db_by_dy * dy;
z1 = z0 + dz_by_dy * dy;
/* find the merged 24-bit rgb x-offset values along a scanline */
for (x = xmin; x <= xmax; x++) {
dx = (x - x0);
r = dr_by_dx * dx;
g = dg_by_dx * dx;
b = db_by_dx * dx;
rgboffset[x] = ((int)r) + (((int)g)<<8) + (((int)b)<<16);
/* now go through each scanline */
for (y = ymin; y<= ymax; y++) {
/* for each scanline, find the 24-bit color value at (x0,y) */
col = ((int)r1) + (((int)g1)<<8) + (((int)b1)<<16);
/* and find the z value at (xleft[y],y) */
dx = xleft[y] - x0;
z = z1 + dz_by_dx * dx;
/* then render the scanline */
screen_buffer = screen_buffer_ptr + y*HRES;
z_buffer = z_buffer_ptr + y*HRES;
for (x = xleft[y]; x<=xright[y]; x++) {
if ( z < z_buffer[x] ) {
screen_buffer[x] = col + rgboffset[x];
z_buffer[x] = z;
z += dz_by_dx;
/* and increment the r1 g1 b1 z1 value ready for the next y */
r1 += dr_by_dy;
g1 += dg_by_dy;
b1 += db_by_dy;
z1 += dz_by_dy;